The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 120 Table of contents

* * *

Deborah, having left more than half of her food untouched, hurriedly returned to her room. She had heard a terribly frightening sound and wasn’t in a condition to eat.

What should she do? Anyone else might not know, but it seemed the Duke was targeting Luna.

She couldn’t ignore the kind person who was curing her mother’s illness without asking for anything in return.

She felt obligated to help in some way…


Setting aside the fact that there was no solution, the Duke was too terrifying. Even low-ranking nobles who boasted about their status were terrified of him. And this was the only Duke in the Empire, a man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

‘What should I do…!’

As Deborah was anxiously biting her nails, pondering what to do, there was a knock on her door.

“I’m sorry to intrude so suddenly. There seems to be an unfinished part of the cleaning. May I come in for a moment?”

It was a maid. The room seemed perfectly clean, but Deborah didn’t feel she was in a position to refuse. She allowed her in, but it wasn’t the usual maid who cleaned her room; it was a stranger.

“While I clean, perhaps you can read this.”

The woman nonchalantly handed Deborah a letter and began cleaning. It was neither a book nor was it clear who sent the letter.

It was quite sudden, but seeing that it was addressed to her, Deborah naturally opened it and read its contents.

She was so shocked by what she read that she caught her breath.

[You must return the diamond. Send your schedule and I will decide the location.]

“What, what…!”

A diamond? Completely confused, Deborah stared at the maid. The maid, without even looking at Deborah, was wiping the window frame and said:

“I’ll come back in two days for the reply.”

“But I…!”

Deborah wanted to protest that she didn’t steal any diamond, but seeing the puzzled look on the maid’s face, she closed her mouth. She had seen numerous situations where saying the wrong thing led to complications, and she had a hunch this might be another such situation.

“Do you need more time?”

Pondering the maid’s question, Deborah finally decided. For now, she would return the diamond.

Luna wasn’t a bad person; surely if she explained the misunderstanding, Luna would understand.

She wondered how anyone knew she had the diamond and sent her the letter, but explaining herself was the priority.

Thinking this, she nodded, and the maid, whose cleaning was apparently just an excuse, quietly left the room.

Not long after, Beth came to Deborah’s room.

“I think you should see Mr. Fersen.”


Seeing Deborah’s apprehensive look, Beth patted her shoulder and took out a sedative.

“He has adjusted the scent so there won’t be mistakes like last time. Don’t worry too much, Mr. Fersen is not a bad person.”

Even if something did go wrong like last time, Beth intended to send Deborah to Fersen’s room.

There wasn’t much time. They had to persuade Fersen and get him to help the Duchess.

Deborah knew this well. And now, she really had a reason to see Fersen.

“After… I meet young master Fersen, can I go out to relax…?”

It was because of the letter she received earlier. Since she couldn’t go out without a reason, she needed Fersen’s assistance.

Beth, realizing that Deborah’s last outing hadn’t gone well, briefly showed a sympathetic expression. Then she nodded in agreement.

“I understand. I’ll make sure there’s no repeat of last time.”

Relieved, Deborah prepared and headed again to Fersen’s room. The butler, who had arrived earlier to check on Fersen’s condition, greeted her.

“It’s too much to ask her to sleep with him today. It’s better to build a relationship first. I haven’t even lit incense to help.”

Deborah, swallowing dryly at his blunt words, nodded in agreement.

She then hesitated with the sedative that Beth had given her before slowly entering the room.

It seemed like Fersen had been waiting just for Deborah, because as soon as he spotted her, his eyes sparkled brightly.

“…Fe, Fersen.”

Deborah called Fersen’s name as she had been taught. He then waited for what she was about to say next, as if he would perk up his ears like an animal if he had any.

“Last time… I didn’t get to say… that… I want to make amends.”

Although she didn’t say much, a faint blush appeared on Fersen’s cheeks.

“Are you serious…?”

His speech was slightly slurred as if he had been sniffing something for a long time, but the joy in his eyes was unmistakable.

This made Deborah very uncomfortable. The real Luna Peils probably wouldn’t even think of such things, and she felt suddenly guilty for deceiving him like this.


“You’re not changing your words, right…?! Now, you’re not meeting him anymore, right…?!”

“That’s right. That’s why I’m here…”

What was the need to beat around the bush after everything was over? Before she could even finish her thought, Fersen suddenly jumped from the bed and hugged Deborah.

What?! Didn’t he say he was in pain…?!

Startled, Deborah tried to push Fersen away, but he didn’t budge as if his claim of pain was a lie.

“If you betray me again, I really won’t leave it be.”

She was so taken aback by his words, which sounded like either a warning or a threat, that Deborah was speechless.

“Why aren’t you answering? Don’t tell me you’re going back to him?”

“No, no! I won’t go!”

Pressured, Deborah hastily nodded in agreement.

Deborah felt as if she was on the verge of tears, but a smile appeared on Fersen’s lips.

* * *

“Good morning.”

Antes, who had been coming to work every morning for days, cheerfully greeted Luna. The hand he extended for her to take was a bonus.

Luna, after briefly staring at him, took a deep breath and took his hand.

“Ah, yes. Good morning.”

This had become such a familiar gesture for her that she didn’t even think twice about it.

Still, holding hands with him always sent a peculiar sensation coursing through her.

Yet she tried to remain composed. As they walked, Antes gently laughed and raised their intertwined hands, gently kissing the back of Luna’s hand.


Hey! Just because we’re officially dating, you should at least give a warning! Blinker! Signal!

Luna’s face turned bright red. Then Antes chuckled and explained:

“Ah, sorry. You’re just too cute.”

That explanation made it clear that it wasn’t a mistake but intentional. Yet she couldn’t be mad at him.

“…Please warn me next time. It startles me.”

“I’ll be careful. In that regard, here’s a warning for another one.”

Before she knew it, Antes kissed the back of Luna’s hand again. This surprised her again, making her step back.

Antes, laughing under his breath, wrapped his arm around her waist.

“You told me to warn you, so I did.”

“Well, you did, but…!”

She couldn’t deny his point, but being startled was another matter. And yet, she couldn’t ask him not to do it again.

No, why can’t she? She could just ask him! Why can’t she say it? Just say it! Still, it was just a surprise, and if she had to choose between liking or disliking it, it was more on the liking side…!

Laura, who had been watching the two descend the stairs, chuckled as she thought about their interaction.

“My goodness.”

She had been with them the whole time but now felt invisible. It was strange how, after half a year of dating, they suddenly advanced their relationship so much, but it was a good development.

They were a perfect couple, and watching their relationship progress, maybe even to marriage and taking care of their children together, would be delightful.

As Laura laughingly followed Luna and Antes, Royer, who seemed to have been out somewhere early in the morning, entered the mansion and greeted Luna and Antes.

“Ah, I was just about to go see you. Good timing.”

Then he took something out of his pocket and handed it to Luna.

“Here’s the reply you were waiting for.”


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