The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 137 Table of contents

* * *

Rosemary’s declaration not to worry wasn’t empty words. Until the meal began, she clung closely to Luna’s side, glaring at anyone who tried to ask Luna about Antes.

Thanks to that, Luna wasn’t directly questioned, but the indirect glances were distressing. The looks clearly conveyed, ‘There must be something going on.’

Rosemary’s vigilance made even those who had no interest initially curious.

On top of Antes not showing up and feeling down, Luna sighed heavily, feeling like she had become the center of attention.

The one consolation was that the meal started quickly. Seeing Laura and Royer, who entered with flushed faces, Luna applauded warmly, as if she had never been filled with worries or complaints.

“My goodness, Laura is really getting married.”

Watching Laura, Emma shed a tear. She had long thought of Laura as her daughter. Moreover, her adult daughter lived in an area a bit far from the capital, which made it even more emotional.

Luna, feeling overwhelmed, bit her lip as she watched the ceremony.

Laura and Royer, approaching the stage, greeted the guests with faces that radiated happiness. Then, Viscount Peils, with a stern face, began the congratulatory speech.

“On this sunny day, with the blessings of all the guests, we sincerely congratulate the couple.”

Despite sweating profusely, the speech went on more naturally than expected. Some even chuckled, noting the speaker looked as serious as a knight heading to the battlefield.

“Do the groom and bride vow to cherish and love each other for a lifetime?”


Royer’s hearty reply elicited another round of laughter.

Once Laura had responded, the declaration of their union was announced.

Luna felt an odd distance from Laura, whom she had always considered family, and she clapped, trying to hide her discomfort. Moments later, there was an announcement about throwing the bouquet.

“Miss, you’re next, right?”

“Huh? Me?!”

Waiting for this moment, Emma urged Luna to come forward to catch the bouquet.

“Yes, it’s Miss Luna’s turn.”

Rosemary agreed, pushing Luna forward. All the guests seemed to expect Luna to be next.

‘Why? Marry someone who’s not even here…?’

Isn’t everyone being too optimistic? Marriage is not a simple matter.

There are mutual feelings, families, and parental permissions to consider. It’s no use just catching the bouquet and blushing.

Caught in deep thought, Luna suddenly stood up. Drawing the attention of everyone, she took Rosemary’s hand and made her stand.

“Shouldn’t it be Lady Rosemary’s turn?”

“What?! All of a sudden?!”

“You said you’re meeting someone, right?”

“You’re meeting someone?”

Luna’s question was echoed by the Marquis couple. It was the first time they’d heard Rosemary was seeing someone amidst her busy schedule.

“No, it’s not like that!”

Rosemary exclaimed in horror. Just the thought was terrible.

Seeing her so flustered, Luna, the Marquis and Marchioness were taken aback. Just as they were about to inquire further, a latecomer seized the moment.

“If everyone refuses, then I’ll take it.”

It was none other than Antes. There was no time to question what he meant. After a brief nod to Luna, he strode forward to catch the bouquet.

“Ah, Lord Antes…?!”

Laura stuttered. Is this for real? He’s actually going for the bouquet?

Although not strictly traditional, it was customary for women to catch the bouquet. Some even used the bouquet they caught at their  wedding.

Luna had thought of doing the same if she ever married.

That made Antes’s move even more perplexing. He couldn’t possibly use the bouquet if he were to have a wedding.


“Yes, yes?!”

“I apologize for being late to the ceremony. I tried to hurry.”

“Oh, no, no…! I’m just grateful that you came…!”

It was clear he had rushed here. Besides, he wasn’t in a position to apologize to anyone. 

When Laura gestured hastily, he quickly apologized and got straight to the point.

“Generous of you. Alright. Now throw the bouquet.”


Laura looked around in confusion. The eyes of the onlookers also wandered. Royer, who believed he understood Antes well, was also baffled, as was Luna, Antes’s lover.

Is it really okay to throw it? Can I really do this?! Everyone refused, and Antes said he’d catch it, so he’s the right person to receive it, but…

Facing Antes who was signaling her, Laura unknowingly took a step back.

Throwing the bouquet was the last event, and it seemed she might ruin the ceremony at the last moment. Therefore, Luna started to walk towards Antes, but Laura, with her eyes closed tightly, threw the bouquet.

“…Good heavens.”

It was lightning fast. It was so fast that Luna involuntarily covered her mouth, thinking Laura could have been a baseball player.

However, the bouquet didn’t fly far. Antes swiftly caught the fast-moving bouquet with one hand and even lightly waved to the stunned guests.

Luna immediately scolded Antes when he returned to her side.

“W-What on earth was that?!”

Ruining someone else’s  wedding ceremony, what a sudden move! Moreover, it wasn’t someone else’s but a  wedding of Laura, whom she considered like family.

Luna was about to shake Antes in frustration when he gently held her hand and gestured to the guests.

“Everyone refused to catch the bouquet, and Laura looked pitiful. Plus, everyone seems to enjoy it.”

Only then did Luna look around. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the amusing spectacle, laughing and cheerful.

Laura, who showcased her lightning-fast bouquet throw, was also patting her reddened cheeks. Meanwhile, Royer was busy praising Laura for her impressive throw.

“…Still, the person who catches the bouquet should get married within three years. That was a bit reckless.”

Luna mentioned the superstition that if one doesn’t get married within three years of catching a bouquet, they might never marry.

“Don’t worry about that. I don’t plan to wait three years.”

“What do you…”

Mean by that?! Not waiting for three years? For what? Marriage? With whom?! Could it be me…?!

Luna was flustered, but at the same time, Laura and Royer started to exit. Applause like thunder followed the bride and groom, starting their new journey.

Luna should have clapped and blessed the couple, but she couldn’t move or react because of the mysterious smile from Antes.

* * *

After the  wedding, during the feast, Luna wasn’t sure if she was actually eating or just moving the food around on her plate.

What was that ambiguous statement earlier? When someone speaks, they should be clear about their subject and object!

One good thing was that Antes was no longer bothered by the Marquis and Marchioness.

They didn’t converse warmly, but they managed to make eye contact, so much so that the Marchioness found herself wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

After the meal, a party naturally followed. Everyone enjoyed the party throughout the mansion, including the garden.

A woman, Laura’s friend from her hometown, sang a song, and Royer’s acquaintances showcased traditional dances.

As the party continued and people who were slightly tipsy gathered to dance, Luna, amidst them, was sipping wine with a very serious face.

She was still bothered by what Antes had said earlier.

‘Could it be that while touring his estate, he met his soulmate?'”

Having been apart for two months, it wasn’t strange. Even after reuniting, there was no particular sign of happiness.

Meanwhile, Antes suddenly disappeared without a word, and Luna’s imagination and delusions grew.

‘Is it really…? An affair? Cheating? Another relationship…?!’

Even on a good day, Luna couldn’t hide her gloom and repeatedly sipped wine.

It was somewhat fortunate that it was on a terrace a bit away from the center of the party. No one paid attention to where Luna was.

Just as Luna was sinking into her thoughts, Antes appeared by her side. He, who had briefly disappeared, brought a thin coat and covered Luna’s shoulders, asking:

“Why are you here alone? I’ve been looking for you.”

“What about the bouquet?”

But what was important to Luna wasn’t that. She was curious about the whereabouts of the bouquet that Antes had been holding earlier.

When she asked, he smiled ambiguously and answered:

“Ah… well, I left it in the room because I’ll need it later.”

Later? When? After the party, to meet another woman?

The accumulated disappointment from not seeing Antes for two months, the shocking event earlier in the day, people constantly prying, the missing bouquet, and Antes evading the question — all these overwhelmed Luna who had also consumed alcohol. Biting her lower lip to control her emotions, she calmly said:

“If you want to break up, tell me now.”

“…Why are you saying this all of a sudden?”

Antes frowned. Instead of simply denying it, why did he react so coldly?

Engulfed in negative thoughts, Luna hesitated before asking:

“Aren’t you thinking of breaking up with me?”

“Why would I?”

He responded immediately. It sounded as if he was challenging her to give a reason.

“That… because you found someone else!”

Tears welled in Luna’s eyes out of frustration. Antes, taken aback, quickly embraced her.

“Am I crazy? Why would I leave you for someone else?”

His answer was stern, emphasizing that such a situation would never arise.

However, Luna mentioned the bouquet again, suspecting he was making an excuse.

“You intended to confess with the bouquet you received earlier!”

“Well, yes, but…”

Antes’s reply was drawn out.

I knew it!

Tears threatened to spill from Luna’s eyes again. Antes hurriedly explained:

“…I was going to give it to you.”

“Expected… wait, to me?!”

Luna’s eyes widened in surprise.

“So there’s no one else. Why did you even have such a strange thought?”

“Well, we’ve been apart for so long, and you didn’t seem particularly happy when we met…”

As Luna murmured her grievances, Antes explained in detail.

“That’s why I asked you to come with me. I apologize for not showing my happiness earlier. I was late because I was looking for something on my way here. I thought I should get the bouquet quickly.”

He intended to propose before the bouquet wilted, although it seemed he had been caught prematurely. Luna was stunned by the revelation.

Seeing her reaction, Antes sighed deeply, took her hand, and led her to the back of the mansion where a magnificent carriage was parked.

“…What is this?”

“Open it.”

Guided by Antes, Luna approached and opened the carriage door.


A myriad of colorful flowers filled her vision. After briefly gazing at the flowers filling the carriage, Luna looked back questioningly.

“It’s a specialty of the Rodrian domain. I originally planned to propose with the carriage filled with flowers, but seeing your doubt, I had no choice.”

He then took out a small box, revealing a beautifully crafted diamond ring.

“I haven’t chosen a new last name yet. I hope you’ll consider building a new life with me.”

If she didn’t like the way he proposed, he would prepare and propose again without getting caught. Despite knowing how much Luna loved him, Antes’s face was full of tension.

With the proposal feeling a bit chaotic, Luna was bound to be unsatisfied. With a firm nod, Luna embraced Antes, responding:

“I will do so.”

The ring he held fell to the ground, but Antes, not minding it, smiled brightly and embraced Luna in return.

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