The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 141 Table of contents

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Antes suddenly wanted to ask what happened today, but he restrained his curiosity and began talking about himself first.

The story was simple. The Duke’s assets were almost fully appraised, and he would soon start his duties as a Duke.

“I haven’t taken any successor lessons, so I thought it would be a good idea to live in the territory for a while to understand the situation. What do you think?”

Despite its casual appearance, the conversation was sincere and necessary. Luna, who couldn’t yet meet Antes’ eyes, looked at the rose on the table and nodded in agreement.

“That sounds good. It might also leave a good impression on the people of the territory. Maybe even hold a festival. Perhaps start a charity event as a commemoration. A good beginning can pave the way for a smoother future.”

The idea was indeed excellent.

Continuing the discussion, it was suggested to open the castle during the festival for everyone to mingle.

“If you’re going to be in the territory for a while, setting aside regular times to meet and listen to the residents might be a good idea, given the lord hasn’t been around for a long time.”

Whether it was a premeditated thought or a spur-of-the-moment suggestion, all the ideas were helpful.

As Luna laid out various thoughts, Antes, watching her, put down the wine glass he held and asked:

“Let’s do it that way. I wouldn’t want a rebellion as soon as the Duke changes. But are you really okay with it?”

Asking if she was okay with working hard for the territory seemed strange. Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Luna finally met Antes’ eyes.

“…Why? What’s wrong?”

“No, I was asking if you would come with me.”

In truth, what Antes had wanted to ask from the start was whether she could accompany him to the territory.

Luna’s eyes widened as if she hadn’t considered this at all.

She had never gone with her father to the Peils territory, and now with Antes to an unknown territory. Since Luna clearly looked embarrassed, he added that there was no need for her to go with him.

“It’d be great if you could come with me. But if you don’t want to, it’s fine. The capital isn’t far from Rodrian, so we can still see each other often.”

This implied that he would travel between the capital and the territory frequently. Luna quickly raised her hand in denial.

“It’s not that I don’t want to! It’s just… I was surprised because I hadn’t thought about it. I assumed that if I left the capital, I would naturally go to the Peils territory.”

Her tone suggested a willingness to accompany him. Antes, hopeful, sought a clearer response. Luna avoided his gaze and expressed her thoughts.

“Um… So… it’s not that far from the capital, and my business isn’t the kind that requires constant presence. Plus, Rodrian territory is situated between the capital and Peils, making it convenient to visit my father. And…”

She paused, seemingly reaching the heart of the matter. Antes didn’t rush her; he already had a positive response. But he was curious about her sudden agreement to leave the capital.

“And… soon, we will be… hu-hu-hu-husband and wife… It’d be weird to separate right after marriage… And, I mean, we’re getting married because we don’t want to be apart, right?”

Despite avoiding his gaze, Luna covered her blushing face with her hands. Of course, her bright red face had already been seen before that.

Seeing her shyly admitting her feelings, Antes couldn’t merely respond with an, ‘Oh, I see.’

He silently approached Luna, intending to embrace her, but she was startled and screamed.



This startled Antes. Witnessing her reaction as if she had seen a ghost, he tried to assess her condition.


“My, my, my, my hand!”

Luna exclaimed and quickly pushed Antes away, retreating to the far end of the sofa.

Confused by her sudden reaction, Antes blinked in bewilderment. He then recalled her similar reactions earlier when he arrived at the mansion and when he sat beside her at the restaurant.

“…Do you dislike me touching you?”

If not that, her evasion seemed just like that — avoiding someone she didn’t like. At Antes’s question, Luna looked upset and shook her head.

“Then why? You’ve been avoiding me.”

He had tried not to ask until their conversation flowed naturally, but with her overt evasion, he couldn’t hold back.


When asked, Luna couldn’t answer properly and trailed off.

How could she explain the fact that the imagination she started with while looking at a men’s clothing catalog had reached such an unexpected conclusion?

Antes’s expression became colder because she didn’t give a definitive answer.

It seemed it wasn’t because she really hated it, but Luna’s constant avoidance and evasion of answers made it hard for him to hide his feelings.

“Um, so…”

As the situation and mood began to take an odd turn, Luna started to sweat and looked uncomfortable. Even though her behavior was suspicious and questionable, seeing her distressed was the last thing he wanted.

Just as Antes was about to suggest she speak at her own pace, Luna blurted out:

“I’m embarrassed! So embarrassed!”

Luna, unable to withstand the pressure, revealed the reason she’d been hiding. Her expression was almost tearful, as if she wanted to be consoled and embraced.

But there was still a mystery. Why would she suddenly be embarrassed now after they’ve been fine until this moment?

He wondered if he’d made any strange requests or said something inappropriate, but nothing came to mind. In fact, since they met, there hasn’t been any development in their physical intimacy. Their relationship, despite a marriage promise, was quite chaste.

“Suddenly? Why…?”

That was all he could really say. In response to Antes’s reaction, as if he had made a mistake, Luna averted her gaze and answered.

“This morning, I was looking at a men’s clothing catalog… and I found a formal attire that seemed to fit you well. But… it was too… too, how should I put it, tempting and sexy, and I unknowingly…”

She couldn’t continue. Luna buried her face in her hands. Essentially, she was flustered over a mere imagination triggered by seeing an attire.

Is there another being in the world this innocent and adorable? Antes, unable to hide his rising smile, quickly moved next to Luna and hugged her.


Her scream followed, but he wasn’t surprised anymore. Antes gently kissed Luna’s cheek.

“How can we get married like this?”

He playfully teased her, but for Luna, this was soon to be her reality.

And that was the problem. She knew that after marriage, things would go beyond innocent teasing.

Luna looked at Antes as if asking, ‘What should I do now?’

It was then that Antes truly realized Luna’s dilemma. She wasn’t just embarrassed about holding hands or hugging; she was looking far into the future, linking her current reactions to her future actions.

‘I don’t know if I should enjoy this or not…’

He probably should enjoy it. If she’s starting to be conscious of it, then it’s progress. Until now, it was almost child’s play.

But if she now starts to reject even the lightest touch, things would change.

They can’t suddenly cancel the marriage. So, the only thing left was to confront the issue here and now.

“So, will you continue to act like this?”

His tone was gentle, as if he would accept if she wanted to continue this way, but he clearly had no intention of doing so. If she showed even a hint of a negative response, he’d pretend to listen but then convince her otherwise, using any means necessary.

Hiding his cunning intentions, Antes waited for Luna’s answer. To his surprise, Luna, with her head down, gave a desirable answer.


That wasn’t what Luna wanted either. She knew that her reactions were far from ordinary, and she didn’t like it.

However, thinking and reacting were two different things. It was a matter of instinct.

“But even if I think that way, I can’t control my reactions…”

Upon hearing her sincere feelings, Antes’s smile grew deeper, as if he knew a solution.

“Do you have a good method?”

“Yes, first promise to actively cooperate.”

He nodded with a mischievous smile, making Luna feel as if agreeing might not be the best idea. But…

“…As long as it doesn’t kill me.”

She decided she couldn’t go on like this and hesitantly agreed, urging him to quickly reveal his method.

In response, Antes released Luna from his embrace, putting some distance between them. She had asked for a method to cope with intimacy, and he was moving away?

What kind of method is this? Just as Luna was about to show her confusion, Antes pointed to his cheek and slowly spoke, his smile fading.

“For starters, try kissing my cheek. That’s the beginning.”

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