The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 146 Table of contents

* * *

On the day of the engagement ceremony, Luna woke up at dawn, hurriedly put on the dress she had prepared, and did her makeup to greet the guests.

Truthfully, a part of her felt that she shouldn’t have been this nervous as she hadn’t invited that many people. However, seeing so many people busier than herself, the bride-to-be, she held her tongue and refrained from saying anything.

Just like right now.

“You look much more beautiful than during the last check…!”

“Rosemary, stop fussing and bring that tiara over.”

“Oh! I’ll get it for you, Marchioness!”

“Thank you, Laura. Now, Lady Luna, don’t move your head and stay still.”

While Luna held her breath and kept her head stiff, the Marchioness placed the tiara delicately on Luna’s elegantly styled hair. Sparkling eyes watched the process.

“Now, check it out.”

“Miss! You look so beautiful!”

“The late Lady should have seen this…”

“It’s a waste for only a few people to see the beautiful Miss Luna. We must capture this in a painting and hang it in the palace!”

Such overreactions were beyond belief. Everyone was utterly drunk in adoration.

Not only Vincent’s mother and daughter, Laura and Emma, but also the servants who couldn’t join in the conversation, unanimously treated Luna as if she were an angel descended from heaven.

‘I appreciate their admiration, but it’s burdensome and uncomfortable…’

She wasn’t worth such lavish praise. Feeling embarrassed, Luna checked her reflection in the mirror.

‘Well… it’s not bad.’

It wasn’t just okay; it was probably the best she had ever looked.

Luna, with her flushed cheeks, kept glancing at her reflection in the mirror. Watching her, the Marchioness softly remarked:

“I wonder if Antes has finished getting ready.”

Her tone indicated she was curious about Antes in his formal attire.

Under normal circumstances, the Marchioness, his mother, should have helped Antes get dressed, but unfortunately, she wasn’t in a position to approach him yet.

Luna, seeing an opportunity to mend things, stood up with a clear smile.

“Why not go and see? I’ve been worried because he’s only been attended to by the servants.”


“You have the most experience with ceremonies here. It’d be great if you could give a final check.”


The unexpected proposal made the Marchioness widen her eyes. Holding the hand of the Marchioness who couldn’t even peek because of her son’s engagement, Luna led her towards the room where Antes was preparing.

“L-Lady Luna…?”

“I’ll wait outside since I want to see the finished look. Could you please check if everything is alright?”

Seeing the Marchioness’s startled expression, Luna gently hinted that Antes needed her help.

Following the two, Rosemary chimed in.

“Regardless of what he wears, today he’ll be standing beside Lady Luna all the time. So, it’s best to check.”

Implying she would forcefully push if needed.

She meant she would go to great lengths if it’s for the sake of the two people she loved the most.

With such strong backing, Luna felt reassured. To anyone else, Rosemary might have been just another person, but she was one of the few who could make Antes give in.

“Well, I’ll go check on my father. Please take care here.”

Luna led the two to Antes’s room and then headed to her father’s room with Laura and Emma.

She felt it was best to keep an eye from afar on this joyous day, just in case harsh words were exchanged.

Soon, she picked up her pace, thinking of Antes, who might feel cornered by her family.

The Marchioness, a bit tense after Luna left, hesitated to knock on the door.

Rosemary stepped forward and knocked.

Knock, knock-

“Brother, are you ready? I was worried you might have put your coat on your feet.”

It was hard to tell if she was joking or serious. A moment later, the door opened, revealing Antes with a tie around his neck.

“Unfortunately, it’s not time for the coat yet. I’d expect you to be busy helping with Luna’s makeup; what brings you here?”

His gaze shifted from Rosemary to the Marchioness. Recognizing the Marchioness’s cautious gaze and Rosemary’s teasing, he realized why they were there.

‘She wouldn’t have come forward like this on her own.’

Luna must have suggested it. She often created such opportunities.

Knowing this, he couldn’t coldly turn them away. Of course, this didn’t mean all past issues had vanished, but he had no intention of staying distant forever.

“…Come in. I was about to tie my tie. I’m not used to it since I rarely wear one.”

Antes made a poor excuse and turned back inside, pretending to struggle with his tie.

Obviously, there were two servants nearby who could help, but he didn’t ask for it, and they didn’t offer.

“It’s amazing how he’s lived alone so far. Sigh, come in, mother. Before brother wraps the tie around his head.”

It was an obvious act to the eye, but Rosemary scolded him for no reason and dragged the Marchioness by the arm. The Marchioness, who hadn’t expected to be let in so easily, entered with eyes moistened with emotion.

Then she silently started to carefully touch the loosened tie of Antes.

It had been about ten years since she last adjusted his attire. Until just last year, she couldn’t even have imagined it. No, she felt so sorry she couldn’t even fathom the idea.

Feeling so grateful to Luna for this opportunity, and feeling so sorry for Antes for opening up, the Marchioness felt like she might cry, so she bit her lip and moved her hand slowly. Antes, who had been staring at the Marchioness’s expressive face for a while, finally spoke up.

“…Is Luna all ready?”

It was a simple question, almost the first since he had left the house. Partly out of genuine curiosity about Luna and partly to show that he doesn’t dislike his mother as much as he used to, a mix of emotions overwhelmed him.

The Marchioness, momentarily lost for words due to the overwhelming emotion, answered hesitantly.

“Yes, she’s done. She’ll probably be the most beautiful in the Empire.”

“Do you regret inviting so few people?”

“No, in such a situation, fewer is better.”

Antes chuckled at Rosemary’s typical younger-sibling-like blunt response and countered. Although the Marquis wasn’t present and things were still a bit awkward, the cold, brisk atmosphere that was once prevalent was nowhere to be seen.

* * *

Having finished all the preparations, Luna headed to the banquet hall with the Viscount.

It was just a small engagement ceremony, so there was no need to decorate the entire mansion, but the corridor leading to the banquet hall was incredibly vibrant.

‘There was no need to do this.’

She thought, half feeling that way and half moved by how much effort and study the Viscount had put in for her.

Looking around, Luna, with her flushed cheeks, walked down the corridor and finally spoke as if she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Father, if you were going to be this emotional, you should have opposed us from the start.”

This had been the case since she went to check on the Viscount’s outfit in his room. Seeing him, she sighed, thinking anyone would think he was mourning.

The Viscount quickly excused himself:

“I’m not sad. I just regret that I’m the only one seeing you like this.”

It’s just an engagement, how would they handle the actual wedding? Internally sighing, Luna closed her mouth.

By then, they had reached the entrance of the banquet hall. Antes, who seemed to have arrived earlier, neatly combed his hair, was dressed in formal wear, and greeted the Viscount.

“From here on, I’ll take care of it.”

“…Alright, you should.”

Even though it wasn’t the wedding yet, the Viscount hesitated and then went into the banquet hall, swallowing down his words, wondering if it would be alright for him to join in.

Until then, Antes asked Luna, who was looking blankly at him, if there was anything strange.

“No, far from being strange…”

It was beyond her imagination. She thought that a soft and feminine face like his wouldn’t suit pushing his hair back, but she was wrong.

It suited him way too well. Although he was already an adult, he looked even more mature, exuding an otherworldly masculine beauty that assaulted Luna’s heart.

On top of that face, he wore a black tuxedo adorned with silver embroidery.

Even by design alone, she thought it looked very luxurious and sophisticated. But seeing Antes actually wearing it took her breath away.

“Did you fall for me all over again?”

His face was playful, but he clearly wanted to hear a confirmation. Luna nodded honestly.

“It’s more than just being smitten. I feel like my heart is going to burst. From tomorrow on, only wear formal clothes.”

Once the engagement ceremony is over, she’ll order a lot of new suits. It might be bothersome and uncomfortable, but she will ask him to wear suits every day until the end.

Antes, beaming with happiness from his lover’s excessive praise, gave Luna a quick kiss on her cheek.

“I guess you feel the same way I do.”

“…Am I any different from usual?”

She hid her desire for him to say, ‘You look more beautiful than usual!’

I’ve been preparing since dawn! Well, the right answer was expected, so answer quickly!

“Right, you always dazzle. But today, you look even more beautiful.”

Luna, who had momentarily lost her composure, blinked in surprise. This was an unexpected compliment.

Even if she heard this regularly, hearing it from him, who was radiant today, felt as if her heart was exploding.

Without realizing it, Luna hugged Antes’s waist tightly. His charm was so overwhelming that she couldn’t help but embrace him.

‘Is this really my man? So handsome and kind-hearted… Well, not kind to everyone… but especially kind to me.’

As she thought this, she suddenly noticed a figure at the edge of her sight. It was a servant guarding the banquet hall’s door.

Feeling embarrassed, Luna hastily released Antes and coughed awkwardly.

Even if she adored Antes, she didn’t want to act this way in front of a servant she saw every day.

“Oh, by the way, Rosemary seems to be the same as usual. Did you really use some kind of trick?”

Then she asked about the matter Antes had previously mentioned.

Of course, her embarrassment had subsided a bit now, but since he had said he’d handle it, she was curious about what was going on.

Antes, not wanting to dwell on it, offered his hand to Luna.

“You’ll find out once we go in. And isn’t that not the point? Today is our engagement, I wish you wouldn’t pay attention to unimportant people.”

Although Rosemary was somewhat family, Antes, who momentarily dismissed her as unimportant, urged Luna to hold his hand.

It might have been a bit cold, but he had a point. Now, she was dying of embarrassment, but as time went by and they got married, such trivial things would no longer matter.

“That’s true.”

Luna, having made up her mind, took Antes’s hand. At the same moment, the tightly closed doors of the banquet hall swung wide open.

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