The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 151 Table of contents

* * *

“If you’re done talking, why don’t you just leave?”

Antes, who quickly finished the conversation first, said this as he entered Luna’s room.

In fact, he had been waiting outside for a while, but the conversation between Luna and Rosemary showed no signs of ending, so he couldn’t bear it any longer and came in to hurry them.

Even if they had an important conversation, all he heard from outside the door were travel stories. Even absurdly suggesting taking Luna away from him for a week.

He couldn’t let them continue such a conversation. Seeing the impatient Antes, Rosemary replied with a smirk:

“I was about to leave anyway.”

Had it been before, it might be different. But now, since they were engaged, she didn’t intend to intrude for long.

“If you are already so possessive and watchful, Lady Luna might just run away. Do moderate it.”

Rosemary grumbled a little at being chased out and soon left after saying her goodbyes.

“…It’s not like I was watching. I just wanted to let you know it was time to go since the conversation was too long.”

Antes tried to justify himself, worried that Luna might find him overly clingy.

Seeing this, Luna smiled gently. It’s kind of cute. It’s nice when someone you like is jealous and shows concern.

Luna responded with a smile:

“It’s okay. Just don’t be like Fersen.”

“I won’t. As long as I’m sane, I won’t be like Fersen.”

Hearing the name that became a benchmark for going too far, Luna laughed quietly.

“Oh, by the way, did you find out something?”

“Not really. Just that Callion likes Rosemary, which is something that can be handled.”

Antes sighed deeply. Although there was more backstory, it seemed like the whole situation arose simply because Callion liked Rosemary.

“Then there’s no need to worry anymore.”

“Yes. So, let’s stop talking about these unnecessary people and discuss something more important.”

“Something important?”

Was there such a topic? Ah, maybe about when they’ll have their wedding?

They planned to have the wedding soon after the engagement.

Even though few guests attended the engagement ceremony, having ceremonies back-to-back might seem a bit odd.

While Luna was thinking this, Antes silently wrapped his arm around her waist.

With their engagement solidified, it was time to progress their relationship.

As he tried to set the mood, Luna suddenly spoke with sparkling eyes.

“I have a great idea for our wedding!”


In this atmosphere?

Luna, who wanted to share her fresh idea, caused Antes to remove his arm awkwardly.

“What is it?”

“How about holding it in the territory of Rodrian? We can also hold a festival to celebrate the new Lord. A good start is half the success.”

It might be a bit costly, but preparing a lot of food and leaving a good impression seemed like a great idea to Luna.

“It’s the place we’ll live for a while. Isn’t it a good idea?”

Yet she seemed worried if it might be too extravagant.

Antes, with a gentle smile, hugged her warmly.

“It’s not just a good idea; it’s legendary.”

“Oh my.”

Nobody flatters like he does. Yet, it wasn’t a refusal. His exaggeration was adorable.

Hugging him back, Luna felt her heart flutter.

Although it all started strange, she felt fortunate to have met such a good man.

* * *

“…What novel?”

“A romance novel. Can you stop asking?”

Has the Crown Prince gone mad? His aide looked shocked and retreated.

Soon after, the aide returned with a popular romance novel from the capital. He hesitated, as if questioning its relevance, before handing it to Callion.

“What are you waiting for? If you’re done, leave.”

Seeing the aide standing there as if something was wrong, Callion, who was flipping through the book with a serious expression, dismissed him.

He might be right. The prince might have lost his mind. The aide, who had always found him odd, shook his head thinking he had finally lost it, bowed, and left the office.

Left alone, Callion continued flipping through the book. However, not long after, his brow furrowed.

‘Do people really like this?’

He clenched and unclenched his fist. If he didn’t, he felt like he’d go mad.

Although Callion liked new, unique, and fun things, for some reason, this book made him break out in cold sweat.

“…If it doesn’t work out, I’ll ditch that Antes guy.”

‘I should work to the bone and flesh.’

With this resolution, Callion focused on the novel again.

* * *

“Miss! We have a guest!”

“A guest? Really?”

Wow! This is great. Rosmary, who had grown bored of going through documents, rushed downstairs excitedly.

‘I hope they bring interesting gossip.’ 

However, she soon regretted not asking who the guest was. That’s because a very unwelcome figure stood at the entrance.

“…What brings Your Highness here?”

Our relationship is already over. Rosemary barely held back her words and instead asked his business.

“I came to give you this.”

Suddenly, Callion handed over a bright bouquet. The petals sparkled as if they were sprinkled with gold powder.

As if one wouldn’t guess he’s a gold-lover, after advising not to wear it on the body, he made a fuss by sprinkling it on the flowers instead.

He really is something, she thought, feeling ridiculous. But then he did something even more chilling.

“No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they’re less than you.”


Ahh! My hands and feet! Rosmary almost threw the bouquet away in surprise.

The one who said it seemed just as taken aback, as Callion abruptly left on his carriage.

“What the hell! Is he insane?”

Rosmary, expressing her genuine feelings, handed the flowers to a servant and brushed her arm vigorously.

“Miss, where shall I put the flowers? In your room?”

“No, put them where I can’t see them. Oh! My brother’s room sounds good.”

“But my lady, that room has been neglected for over ten years. Apart from the cleaning staff, nobody goes there?”

“That’s why I’m saying it’s a good place. I don’t want to see it. Even the servant’s lounge is fine.”

She hurriedly left the place, feeling that staying any longer with the bouquet might inadvertently ruin the innocent flowers.

“But they’re so beautiful… It would be a waste to put them in Mr. Antes’ room, so I’ll put them in the lounge.”

Everyone will love it. The servant, grinning from ear to ear, left humming a tune.

Everyone thought that was the end of Callion’s antics. But the next day, he visited the mansion again.

“What now?”

When Rosmary frowned and asked, Callion pulled something out of his coat.

“I thought this sapphire would suit you.”

It was an exceptionally large sapphire necklace. The intricate craftsmanship implied it must be quite expensive.

“…But why?”

Buy this because it suits you? Why is the Crown Prince acting like a door-to-door salesman all of a sudden?

In disbelief, Rosemary was handed the necklace by Callion, who smirked in satisfaction.

“Take it.”


“It’s a gift.”


“I said it would suit you.”

“But what does that mean? I have many necklaces. If I want one, I can buy it. I have a lot of money.”

As she was about to return it, Callion hastily retreated. It was a bonus that he looked perplexed as to why his actions, seemingly straight from a book, weren’t well-received.


As Rosemary approached, Callion quickly climbed onto his carriage and ordered the driver to leave quickly.

“Wait! Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey!”

Even though she shouted ‘Hey!’, the carriage carrying Callion swiftly left.

“What the hell are you up to?!”

Rosemary, with the unnecessary necklace in hand, yelled towards the receding carriage. But the carriage soon disappeared from view.

“It looks so expensive. It seems he likes you a lot, Miss.”

A servant, who had been watching, commented with a pleased expression.

“I don’t like him. I hate him even more for sending gifts without asking. You take it if you want. I don’t need it.”

“What?! Miss! I mean, the flowers are one thing, but this!”

The necklace was so expensive that even many nobles would hesitate to buy it. The servant followed Rosemary, who was walking away.

“Should we send it back?”

Even if they liked freebies, this was a bit much.

“Do as you please. Just keep it out of my sight.”

Finally relieved, the servant nodded several times and immediately went to find the butler.

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