The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 153 Table of contents

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“Wait a minute. So you’re saying this is the second quilt that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has embroidered?”

“That’s right. He borrowed someone else’s hands for the first quilt. He was so angry about it, and when he saw the result, he said, ‘What is this mess? Do you find this amusing?’ and was furious again.”

Looking at his dejected expression, Rosemary burst out laughing, saying it felt like a decade’s worth of resentment had been lifted off her shoulders.

It was a refreshing story, but Luna felt torn about whether to laugh or not and slightly smiled in an awkward manner.

“That’s why he hasn’t shown himself lately.”

“Yes, they say a man who cleans well is attractive, so he tidied up the reception room table for no reason. It’s not even funny.”

Despite saying that, Rosemary, looking amused, chomped down on a cookie.

Taking the opportunity, Luna, with a hint of suspicion, asked:

“If you dislike it that much, why not just avoid seeing him?”

If you truly intend to give him a piece of your mind, then not seeing him and letting him suffer should suffice.

Regardless, the two kept meeting.

“You see, if I do that, I can’t scold him. I even made a plan for the next time! Listen, after rejecting about five quilts, I’ll say I don’t need any more, and then-“

Before Luna could respond, the excited Rosemary took out a plan from her bosom and began to explain it to Luna.

Though it was a plan crafted entirely out of spite, they say that with frequent meetings, even enemies grow fond of each other.

‘…She’ll take care of it.’

Luna, initially worried, soon shook off the unnecessary thoughts. Rosemary was wise; she’d handle things.

Besides, Rosemary, an absolute mastermind, might end up tormenting Callion indefinitely.

Even if things went well between them, Rosemary, being the cunning individual she is, was certain to navigate her role as the prince’s consort and the head of the Marquis family expertly.

“-And after that, I’ll conclude with the torment of liking a man who catches fish with his bare hands. What do you think? Nice, right?”

“If everything goes according to plan, we’ll have a very healthy and robust Emperor. “

It seemed like a plan to nurture a superhuman. Luna chuckled, imagining Callion sunburnt and toughened.

“Ah, speaking of which, I’m planning to head to the territory of Rodrian soon.”

“…What?! Already?”

“The engagement was two months ago. Quite some time has passed.”

Rosemary, preoccupied with tormenting Callion, was shocked at how time had flown.

Luna felt a little sad because she had asked Rosemary to travel with her. However, she soon felt better thinking Rosemary found a new friend(?) to replace her.

“What about our trip? I thought we had more time and haven’t even prepared yet! And the wedding? Are you going without having one?”

“Ah, actually, I plan to return after going to Rodrian. I wanted to tell you sooner, but you seemed so busy.”

Due to the time spent apart from Rosemary, Luna hadn’t had the chance to say anything. She thought she’d see Rosemary soon and hadn’t even thought of sending a letter.

Luna, a businesswoman owning a jewelry store and mine, had a mountain of tasks to handle before her trip to the countryside.

Hence, both were so busy they hadn’t met.

On hearing that Luna’s departure was imminent, a disappointed Rosemary had a bright idea.

“How about we both go to the Rodrian territory? It’s Luna’s first time, right? I’ve never been either. Instead of our travel plans, let’s explore together!”

“I’ll talk to the Marquis and Marchioness, and let’s have fun in the Rodrian territory,” said Rosemary, eyes shining.

Luna was sure Antes would hate it, but it wasn’t a bad idea. Luna had plans to explore the territory anyway.

Antes would undoubtedly be busy, so she planned to wander alone. But with Rosemary, it wouldn’t be dull.

“Shall we do that?”

Luna nodded with a smile.

“Oh, when did you say you’re leaving?”

“In a week.”

“My goodness, that’s so soon! If you hadn’t come today, it would’ve been a disaster. I’ll barely have time to get a new dress!”

Rosemary quickly stood up, ready to call her designer. Luna was flustered:

“Wait, wait. What dress are you talking about? I mean.”

“I did look at a wedding dress when choosing the engagement dress.”

It wasn’t a lie; she had seen a dress back then.

But Rosemary wasn’t talking about a wedding dress.

“No, not the wedding dress. I’m talking about dresses to wear when we’re sightseeing! We can’t just wander around in any outfit, especially when we’re on a long-awaited trip.”

Luna, expecting Rosemary to change dresses every hour, tried to interject.

“Wait! That’ll make us stand out too much. It’s better to wear simple travel clothes, right?”

Custom dresses would limit where they could go, like cafes, boutiques, or restaurants where nobles frequent.

That’s why it wasn’t much different from what’s in the capital. Luna wanted to explore the territory more freely than the usual places that anyone could go to.

“I want to create special memories with Miss Rosemary. Not just a dress you can wear anytime, but I want to wear something unique and go to a special place, like a theater for commoners.”

Luna softly explained that it would be a place no other ladies have visited. She encouraged creating unique memories that everyone could boast about.

“My goodness, what a great idea!”

The words ‘different’ and ‘special’ changed Rosemary’s mind instantly. This was all due to Luna’s expertise from knowing her for a long time.

Luna, relieved, gave a hearty laugh, and Rosemary, following her lead, sparkled her eyes.

“Then, instead of a glamorous dress, I should get a simple outfit! Since there’s no catalog for that, I need to quickly request one!”

That didn’t mean she wouldn’t get the outfit tailored. Eager for a new experience, Rosemary became even more enthusiastic.

She simply planned to buy something from a commoner’s boutique, but seeing the passionate Rosemary, Luna took a step back and responded.

“It’s good to tailor, but if it’s too conspicuous, it’s no different from a dress. Just be aware of that.”

“Of course! Trust me on this!”

Confident Rosemary said she had a mountain of tasks and hurried back to the manor. Luna hoped she’d settle for something ordinary as she started planning the trip and left the greenhouse to look for a book about the Rodrian territory.

* * *

The week flew by. Between planning the trip, packing, and sending letters to acquaintances, the day to head to the Rodrian territory arrived.

“My lady, you must come often!”

“Take care! Don’t forget us!”

Although they hadn’t been together for even a year, there was no owner who cared for the servants as much as Luna did.

Those who couldn’t follow her to the Rodrian territory couldn’t hide their sadness.

“Don’t worry. Everyone, take care of your health. If anything happens, remember to send a letter. I don’t plan to stay in the Rodrian territory forever. Think of it as a short break and be at ease, okay?”

Although the servants should’ve been happy to have a break from the watchful eyes of the owner, they frowned at Luna’s words.

After bidding them goodbye, Luna boarded the carriage. Antes, who seemed to be in a great mood, grabbed Luna’s waist and made her sit next to him.

“Finally, we’re getting away from those nuisances. It’s a great decision to set out this early.”

Relieved to not see the most annoying Rosemary anymore, Antes laughed heartily.

“I’ll see her briefly at the wedding, but I’ll return soon, so it’s basically the end,”

-No, she was planning to come down to the Rodrian territory before the wedding to travel together.

The reason she didn’t bid farewell was that she’d see them again soon.

It wasn’t just anyone, but Rosemary, who would become family. Luna froze, unsure of how to proceed.

Antes was extremely pleased, like a decade-old grudge was lifted. Seeing him so happy, Luna wondered about his reaction if she told him now. Not telling him might cause issues later…

While it was unlikely, if he got mad at her, Luna knew how to appease him quickly. But it wasn’t the case with Rosemary.

She didn’t want to leave a bad impression on Rosemary, who had planned this trip.

So, the only option left was to gently tell him and get it off her chest.

She never thought she’d be doing something like this in her life…

Considering she got herself into this situation, there wasn’t much she could do. Feeling already quite uncomfortable, Luna, trying to keep calm, grabbed Antes’s collar.

“That’s right, it’s just the two of us now. We’ll be busy once we reach our destination, so why not play a game while we have this rare moment together?”

“A game?”

Taken aback by the sudden proposal, Antes asked what she meant. Of course, it was rare for Luna to initiate physical contact, so he was already in a good mood.

Although she didn’t explicitly say it, his attitude indicated he’d grant any wish she had. Taking slight comfort in this, Luna swallowed hard and continued:

“Yes, a game where the winner gets their wish granted.”

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