The Male Lead? I Don’t Want Him
Chapter 158 Table of contents

“What? That’s impossible! Why? Then where does everyone buy their clothes? Do they call designers to their mansions?”

Although Rosemary was born and lived as a noble, she had never heard of ordinary commoners calling designers to their homes for custom-made clothing.

This wasn’t because she was condescending and looked down on the commoners, but because the cost of custom-made clothing was too much for commoners to handle.

Could it be that everyone here is rich because they’re in a Duchy?

There weren’t many people walking around, but considering how clean and neat the city itself was, Rosemary wondered if it was a possibility.

The servant, who hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and replied:

“…No. We’re all poor. We don’t have that kind of extra money.”

“Poor? Everyone?”


“Everyone living here? Is that even possible?”

It wasn’t criticism, but the servant felt ashamed for having to acknowledge their poverty.

She had a pitiable face, one you’d want to console. But more than that, Luna blinked in surprise, indicating her confusion to the servant.

“How did it come to this? Even if they’re commoners, isn’t it strange that everyone is poor?”

While they might not live as opulently as the nobility, with good business acumen or prudent management of inherited wealth, even a commoner could amass some fortune.

“The taxes… they’re too high…”

She explained that they paid 50% of their earnings in income tax, and on top of that, they paid additional taxes under the pretext of housing, security, and city management.

After being taxed so heavily, what was left in their hands was barely enough to survive. They didn’t have money for luxuries. Finding reasonably fitting clothes was good enough.

The servant talked continuously. Feeling that standing and talking wasn’t suitable, Luna suggested they move to a place where they could sit and converse.

“It doesn’t seem like there’s a suitable place for you two… would that be okay?”

The servant asked apologetically.

“No suitable place? Doesn’t matter to me,” Luna replied nonchalantly.

“Alright. There’s a place nearby that serves as both a restaurant and inn. I’ll take you there.”

Following the servant, Luna soon realized why he had been so hesitant to bring them here.

Although called a restaurant, it was merely a dilapidated building with a few tables. However, it was relatively clean inside, indicating it was maintained as much as possible.

Seeing drunken men inside even before nightfall, Rosemary seemed uneasy.

“Should… we find another place?”

The servant asked cautiously, to which Rosemary shook her head.

“…Is this one of the better places?”

“Isn’t it?”


“Then we have no choice.”

They couldn’t discuss things standing outside, so, leaning back in her chair, Rosemary crossed her arms, indicating they should finish the conversation quickly.

Meanwhile, Luna, who was observing the place, turned her attention back to the servant.

“So everyone, except the Duke, lived paying enormous taxes? Every single one of them?”

“There are a few commoners with financial stability, but… those are just a few who had close ties with the Duke, and even they have recently moved their assets outside the territory.”

Moving to another territory wasn’t easy, and many couldn’t even afford it. Thus, they had no choice but to pay high taxes and continue living here.

While they were talking, a young child, probably around ten, brought some drinks and snacks.

Luna’s eyes widened as she saw small hands busily arranging food.

“Here, even very young children work for long hours. Everyone must earn their own keep; it’s the rule of this place.”

“Oh my god.”

What had they just heard? Rosemary gasped, and Luna was left speechless.

No wonder the expressions of the citizens they saw through the window weren’t good. They all had it tough.

Ever since he tried to forcibly take someone else’s mine, it was unbelievable. It seems the previous Duke was obsessed with money.

Despite such circumstances, the reason there were no criminals was not only because the previous Duke ruled with strict punishment, but also because there was no one who had enough money to risk theft.

The peace that was achieved by strangling to the point of suffocation was not real peace.

Ironically, the previous Duke, who made everyone unhappy with massive taxes, lived a more comfortable and wealthy life than anyone else.

Really, he was an unforgivable person. Luna gritted her teeth and cursed the previous Duke again, and Rosemary, who seemed to share the same sentiment, was furious.

“Is he crazy? How could this happen? No, what has the imperial family done? If he taxed this much and tormented the residents, there should have been some sanctions!”

“He probably hid it by manipulating the books. He’s very capable of that.”

Considering his track record, he undoubtedly deceived the imperial family by manipulating the accounts and documents in some strange way.

While they were having this conversation, a mocking voice from the next table reached their ears.

“What a joke.”

It was a drunken man. The other men at the same table also seemed incredulous.

“Why deceive the ledger? We’re squeezed this much for the huge taxes, if they like it, they just like it.”

“How can you say such a thing…! And even if that’s true, the Duke has now changed, hasn’t he? The previous Duke even received punishment!”

Rosemary was a bit late, but she argued that the previous Duke received the deserved punishment. It’s bound to get better from now on.

“A change in lordship? They’re all the same! As long as they eat well and live well, they don’t care if a few people die from below!”

“Right! They’re all the same!”

“Bad guys!”

“The new Duke will also want to squeeze us until we all die!”

“No, no…!”

“What do you mean no! Why do you keep taking the lord’s side?!”

However, the men’s thoughts were different. And it wasn’t just them.

Since the voices grew louder, naturally everyone in the restaurant listened to their conversation and collectively resented the imperial family, the previous Duke, and the newly appointed Duke, Antes.

With the intense momentum, the contemplative Rosemary unknowingly grabbed Luna’s sleeve beside her. At that moment, Luna, who had been observing the situation, stood up and opened her mouth to be heard by everyone.

“There won’t be such problems anymore.”

“Really, it’s not even funny. How can you assert that?! We’ve lived like this for so long?!”

But again, criticism fell. Someone even banged the table with anger saying it’s outrageous to hear such nonsense.

Despite the violent atmosphere, Luna felt pity. It was sad to see them looking so hopeless without dreams or aspirations.

“I’ll personally convey that. Moreover, the new Duke is going to have a very wealthy wife, so there’s no need to wring taxes out of you.”

Suddenly everyone looked bewildered as if they were hearing nonsense. Anyway, having a conversation here was of no use.

So, Luna, suggesting to Rosemary to leave, gave her last greeting to the restaurant owner.

“I think everyone here is upset because of us, so I’ll pay for today’s food.”

No one had ever paid for someone else’s meal before, so the restaurant owner looked puzzled.

Luna whispered something to her servant, and soon after, the restaurant owner received ten gold coins.

Watching this, everyone looked stunned. Following Luna out of the restaurant, Rosemary felt the need to say something.

“I don’t like saying this, but even though he has a flawed personality, the new Duke is not as bad as the previous one. It will really be better from now on!”

Of course, still scared from the aggressive behavior of the men, she quickly fled the restaurant after speaking.

Out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue but in gold coins. After Luna’s group left, a man in the silent, stunned restaurant cautiously raised his hand and spoke.

“…I’m not sure what’s going on, but can I get another beer?”

Still looking stunned, the restaurant owner nodded mechanically, like a broken doll.

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