Seoul Object Story
Chapter 40 Table of contents

A Secret Room Deep in the Laboratory's Underground.

In that sealed, narrow room, a man was gasping for breath.

“Haa, haa…”

For some reason, the man was extremely tense, his entire body drenched in cold sweat.

In fact, the man’s state seemed somewhat strange.

The only things in the room with him were a desk with a notebook and a pen lying on it.

“If I just… write a name in this notebook, you’ll let me go, right?”

The man asked with a trembling voice, but there was no response.

Slowly, the man approached the desk and opened the notebook.

Inside the notebook was a photograph of a well-known Object.

It was a photo of the “Cute Dog.”

Underneath the photo, there was a blank space labeled "Object Name: __________" in a plain notebook.

“Huff, huff.”

The man, gasping for breath, grabbed the pen and, with trembling hands, began to fill in the blank.

He wrote “Object Name: Dog__” and then threw the pen aside, crying out in despair.

“I can’t do it!”

Immediately, a loud buzzer sounded in the room, followed by the start of a countdown.

The man clutched his head, agonizing over his decision.

He picked up the pen, put it down again, sat down, and stood up repeatedly.

His behavior suggested he was deeply terrified of something.

As the countdown neared its end, the man shut his eyes tightly and hastily finished writing in the notebook.

“Object Name: Dog47.”


When nothing happened after a while, the man opened his eyes and let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Ha, ha ha ha. I’m alive. I survived!”

The man laughed loudly, overjoyed.

“I survived!”

He stood up, stretched his arms towards the sky, and looked genuinely happy, but his happiness was short-lived.

“What… what is that?!”

A monstrous creature was staring at the man through the window.


As the creature swung its hand, the metal wall caved in and dented.

The transparent window turned white, and the LED lights flickered weakly under the impact.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The creature’s punches grew faster, and its size began to increase.

The man, hiding under the desk, curled up and hugged his head.

He kept repeating to himself like a mantra, “I’ll survive this. I’ll survive this.”

When the sound of metal tearing came from the outer wall of the room, the creature’s pounding stopped.

When the man, who had his eyes closed, opened them slightly, the creature was gone.


The man exhaled deeply, believing he was safe.

But when he stood up and blinked, the creature was right in front of him.

So close that he could feel its breath.

The man recoiled in shock, screaming.


The creature’s sharp claws first severed his vocal cords, silencing the screams.

Next, it sliced off the hands that had written the name.

Then, it severed the legs that had been sitting in the chair.

Finally, it grabbed the head that had thought of the name and crushed it between its hands.

As if venting its anger, the creature ripped apart and mutilated the man’s body.

In the now-dark room, with the LED lights broken, the only thing spreading was the pool of blood.

The notebook, soaked in blood, was also marked with deep scratches from the creature’s claws.

The part with the Object’s name was shredded beyond recognition.

The Director Smirked as He Looked at the Blood-Soaked Room.

The special metal and glass walls of the room had failed to contain the Object.

“Another failure. It’s this difficult to obtain the freedom to name an Object, huh?”

There is one Object that must be listed on the first page of any official Object report issued by the government.

The most influential Object in the world.

And yet, an Object that most people don’t even remember.

The director opened the report issued by the Korean government.

<This report is an official publication of the Object Management Association.> <Do not scribble or write in this report.> <Do not change the names of the Objects in this report.> <Do not erase or add any text in this report.> <This report was prepared by a ‘qualified individual.’>

Object Name: None Object Danger Level: Top-Class

<Manageability – Difficulty (High)> <Management Method – This report must be shown to all humans who can read. Even those who cannot read must be made aware of its contents.>

<Rules* – Do not give this Object a unique name. Do not attach numbers to the Object’s name. When naming the Object, only use ‘verified expressions.’> <‘Verified expressions’ can be found in the attached document.>

<Caution 1 – If the rules* are broken, ‘No Name’ will attack wherever you are on Earth. So far, there is no known way to survive such an attack. Both documents and videos are also subject to attack.>

<Caution 2 – No name can be given to this Object. It must always be referred to as ‘No Name’ or similar terms.>

Removal Possibility – Not Removable. <No physical attack has any effect. There is no reported Object capable of removing ‘No Name.’>

Containment Possibility – Not Containable. <Can appear anywhere on Earth. Multiple instances of ‘No Name’ have been confirmed in simultaneous appearance experiments. It has been observed to appear even in locations physically inaccessible.>

Exile Possibility – Not Exilable. <It has been confirmed to appear in all observable places when the rules* are broken. It does not distinguish between air, underground, or underwater.>

<Additional Information 1 – If you close this report, you will forget this Object. This is a characteristic of the Object, so do not be alarmed. However, fragments of the memory of reading this report will remain, leading you to avoid naming Objects.>

<Additional Information 2 – If you do not forget, please contact the Object Management Association. You are a ‘qualified individual’ who does not forget. Your ability is essential to this world.>

“Every time I read this, I still don’t know how to deal with this Object.”

The director closed the report again.

“Still, it’s encouraging that steel plates mixed with Golden Horn managed to hold off ‘No Name’s’ intrusion for even a moment. If we can make it sturdier, there might be a chance.”

The director began organizing the next experiment with the researchers.

The idea was simple: If they could give a unique name in a place where ‘No Name’ couldn’t interfere, then ‘No Name’ would be destroyed.

A goal that had never been achieved.

As the Laboratory Bustled with Activity, Yerin Followed Me Around Like a Shadow.

“How about this, Sehee?”

Yerin was holding a deer onesie.

As if things weren’t chaotic enough, Yerin’s odd behavior showed no sign of stopping.

“Alright, alright. Just put that with the props. I’ll let Kim Jungroe know.”

“Wow! Thanks so much, Sehee!”

Yerin beamed a bright smile and quickly returned to her seat.

I couldn’t help but wonder how nice it would be to live as carefree as her.

Rubbing my throbbing temples, I let out a long sigh.

The laboratory had been incredibly busy lately.

And there was only one reason for it.

One order that had come down from the government.

<First Object Expo to Be Held>

The document fluttered in my hand, a paper that barely passed as an official notice.

The content was simple.

<Recently, serious incidents involving Objects have become frequent in Korea.>

<Songpa-gu Sinkhole, Daejeon Human Meat Restaurant, Seoul Forest Pulsation, Central Research Institute Dissolution, etc.>

<To reassure the frightened public, we have decided to hold an event.>

<Each research institute must bring the dangerous Objects they are currently containing.>

<We will widely publicize that these Objects are being safely managed through an expo.>

“Are they out of their minds?”

I couldn’t help but curse at the document.

It was clear that the government wanted to recreate the Central Research Institute disaster.

What if an accident happened while gathering dangerous Objects in one place for a large-scale event?

Objects could break free in succession, turning the expo into a scene of utter chaos.

And the politicians behind this insane plan had issued an even more outrageous directive.

<Sehee Research Institute must bring the top-danger Object, the ‘Gray Reaper.’>

Ugh, they’re completely insane.

This is madness.

Taking the Gray Reaper to a public event that’s supposed to showcase perfectly controlled Objects?

The Reaper would undoubtedly wander around the venue, unable to stay still in a new location.

He’d likely end up touring the expo grounds like a tourist.

Honestly, I’d prefer to leave the Reaper safely in the institute and only take the “Cute Dog” or the “Blue Lizard” to the expo.

But that wasn’t going to happen.

Ignoring the government’s orders would be difficult, and the Reaper would almost certainly follow us anyway.

As my mind drifted through these thoughts, I found myself arriving at the deepest part of Sehee Research Institute.

The innermost isolation room.

A place that always maintained a relaxed atmosphere, unlike the rest of the busy lab.

Inside, the Gray Reaper was lying on the bed, snacking while watching TV.

Watching him roll around, never able to stay still, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding.

How is that the Gray Reaper?

It’s more like a gray cat.

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