I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 29 Table of contents

Counseling Room.

A space that shouldn't exist within the academy.

I think this space is now well-known among the students.

Since students keep coming by as if they’ve forgotten that this is a counseling room, it's not entirely wrong to say so.

I'm not sure if it’s thanks to successfully persuading Orca in the beginning, but... things have gone much more smoothly than I anticipated.

Orca, Leo, Anastasia, Stella.

I've already made contact with four students.

If I were to describe it in game terms, wouldn't it be fair to say that I've unlocked 80% of the character encyclopedia?

...But, the last student.

That kid is a headache because there’s no way they'll come on their own.

How on earth can I meet them?


"Hah, haha... This time, I’ve finally won! What are you doing, Ophelia? Hurry up and make your next move!"

"Oh, right."

Was it because I was lost in thought for too long? Stella seemed triumphant, mistaking my hesitation to make the next move for pondering my next strategy.

...But that’s not it.

After briefly scanning the board, I moved my piece and spoke.



"Now, it’s your turn, Princess."

Beads of cold sweat had gathered on her forehead.

She must not have anticipated the move I just made. That’s why she was so sure of her victory.

However, as I mentioned last time, I have a manual in my head about the Princess’s playstyle.

There’s no fear of being caught. It’s all safely stored in my mind.

As long as she doesn’t abandon her characteristic playstyle, there’s no way I’ll lose.

I can even let my mind wander while playing, and it won’t be an issue.

"Uh... um..."

...Where was I? Damn it. I forgot.

Once my concentration broke, it felt like a blank slate—I couldn’t remember what I was thinking.

Oh well, it’ll probably come to me later.

"...Tsk. I can’t go on any longer. I’ve lost."

"Good game. Would you like to play again?"

"No, that’s alright. The result will likely be the same."


To see Stella react this way... it seems my chess skills have finally been recognized.

...I should keep it a secret that my skills only work against her.

"Have you had any concerns lately?"

"...What’s with the sudden creepy question?"

"Creepy? I may not look it, but I am a counseling teacher."

"Oh, right. You are."


Too much. Does she see me as nothing more than an opponent to beat in chess?

I asked about her concerns, hoping to hear a bit about how she’s been doing, but her unexpected response hurt a bit.

"Other students tend to have a lot on their minds around this time. I thought if you had any worries, I could listen."

"...Do concerns increase around this time?"

"Yes, well. Isn’t that natural?"

It's been almost two months since I took up my position at the academy.

I started right after the students had just entered, but two months have already passed—time flies...

"Around this time, everyone seems to be very tense. They’re anxious."


"Because it's exam season."


It’s been nearly two months since the students entered the academy.

Around this time, the exam period, which students dread and detest, approaches.

There’s probably only about two weeks left.

Students, stressed out by their studies, keep coming to me.

...I still don’t quite understand why they confide in me. It’s not like I can help them study.

All I can offer is comfort.

Fortunately, the students seem to like that. I’m not sure why they keep clinging to me, though.

"If that’s the case, I’m fine."


"I've already mastered much of the material. Unlike the other students, I have less to study."

"That’s good to hear."

"So, instead of worrying about me, why don’t you worry about those two? They look pretty worn out."

Following the Princess’s gaze, I looked over at the table far off in the distance.

Two nearly lifeless figures slumped over their open books.

Orca and Leo.

Leo, at least, was holding onto his book, but Orca had already shut hers.

A sigh escaped me involuntarily.

As expected, but still...

"Well then, Ophelia. Since I’ll only be in the way, I’ll be leaving first."

"Oh, yes. Goodbye."

"See you next time."

Once Stella left the counseling room, it was filled with silence.

Orca, who had completely abandoned her book, was staring blankly at the ceiling.

Leo was still trying to study, but it didn’t seem to be going well.

Maybe it’s because they’re both so unaccustomed to studying? They looked quite worn out.

"Here, have something to drink."

"...Ah, thank you, Teacher."

"Thank you, Teacher..."

"Are you both alright?"

Their actions answered my question without words.

...Yes, I know. You both look completely drained.

"Damn it, why do I have to do this... Practical skills should be enough..."

"Well, this isn’t a military academy, it’s an academy. Basic theory is necessary. ...Orca, you might find it easier, though. If you saw what Leo is studying, you might be shocked."

"What? Let’s see... Whoa, that’s insane."

Just as I expected, Orca gasped after briefly skimming through Leo’s book.

It must be filled with material far more difficult than what she’s studying. No need to even check.

"Orca, you’re not majoring in magic, so it’s easier for you, but Leo has a double major. ...Are you okay?"

"S-save me... I feel like I’m going to die..."

"Oh dear."

"Why did I do this... Why did I do this...!"

A wave of sympathy washed over me.

The final outcome for those trapped in the mire of a double major...

Because their study time increases significantly compared to others, exam periods must be particularly tough.

It’s just like in the game. Whenever a written exam approached while playing with other characters, Leo would be nowhere to be found.

I had always suspected this was the reason, but seeing it in front of my eyes made it all the more poignant.

"I can help you, though."


"What nonsense is that? How could you possibly help? Are you going to write the answers for us? You’ll get caught! Or what, are you going to tutor us? I don’t think that would help much."

Hmm, I expected this kind of reaction.

Leo, who was half out of his mind, grasped at straws and rushed toward me, but Orca looked indifferent.

Well, yeah. If you think about it normally, Orca is right.

The academy strictly monitors against cheating.

If you get caught, it doesn’t just end with getting scolded—you could be expelled.

Didn’t some extra student get expelled for that...?

Tutoring them also has its problems.

It seems they think that, as a counseling teacher, I wouldn’t be much help.

But, more than that, I’m actually the one who should be learning from them.

I still don’t understand why mana exists in the air...

I mean, I just go along with it, but when I think about it, there are so many things I want to argue against.

Is it really believable that mana was created by divine power?

It goes completely against the scientific knowledge I have.

If I didn’t know how to use hypnosis, it might have taken me much longer to accept the concept of mana.

"Well, then, I won’t help Orca."

"W-wait. I never said I didn’t need it."


Just because I can’t tutor them doesn’t mean I can’t help.

I’m more confident than anyone that I can help.

"...So? How exactly are you going to help?"

"It’s simple."


The two of them tilted their heads, as if they couldn’t understand how I planned to help, and I smiled.

I know that feeling when it becomes harder to sit still in your chair, and your head starts to hurt.

I’ve experienced it countless times myself.

Whenever that happened, I always wished...

For a superpower that would make studying easier.

Of course, that desire never helped, and I ended up cramming coffee and sugar while studying.

But now?

I have the very superpower I once dreamed of, one that makes studying easier.


"W-what? Why are you looking at us like that? It’s uncomfortable..."

"Orca, Leo."


"From now on, studying will become fun for you."

I whispered to the two, who were frozen in place, meeting my eyes.

To solve their problem.

"Until the exam period is over, studying will be strangely enjoyable for you. It will feel like you’ve become a genius with extraordinary intelligence."


"Sitting in your chair will no longer be uncomfortable. The material in your textbooks will stick in your mind easily."

A smart Orca.

The thought of her wearing a suit, tucking a file under her arm, and lifting her sharp glasses with one hand made me chuckle.

...Sorry, but that image just doesn’t suit her at all.

After confirming that the hypnosis had taken effect, I clapped my hands loudly to snap them out of their trance.

"Alright, let's start studying again, shall we?"

"Huh, what?!"

"Did you have a good rest? Let's get back to studying."

"Uh? Did we rest...?"

"No excuses! Get back to studying!"

"Ugh, please..."

As I watched them start studying again, I thought to myself.

I wish I’d had this ability when I was a student...

If I had hypnotized myself to find studying and exercising incredibly enjoyable, managing myself would’ve been so much easier.

I’ve gained this dreamlike ability, but it’s a shame that I don’t really have a reason to use it on myself anymore.

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