Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 2 Table of contents

As soon as I knocked on the door, a solemn voice came from inside.


“Come in.”


I pushed open the door that seemed to be twice Lucy’s height, and my breathing became ragged.


This monstrous father.


How much must he have exercised for his body to be like this?


After taking a few deep breaths to calm my breathing, I went inside and saw Lucy’s father, Benedict Allen, who had been working on paperwork, raising his head.


Slightly raised eyebrows and expressionless eyes.


A stylish beard covering his mouth and a sharp facial line.


Benedict, who looked more like an orc or troll than a human, made eye contact with me and soon gave a shabby smile that did not match his face at all.


“Lucy. What’s going on?”


Benedict, who was called the Iron-Blooded Knight and was feared by others, was nothing more than a foolish father to Lucy.


There was no reason Lucy could become the tyrant of the mansion otherwise.


Who could possibly scold Lucy when this scary guy keeps asking her to come and go!


‘I just wanted to see you.’ (Attempted speech vs actual)


“Father, you idiot. Why do I need a reason to come see you?”


“I see! Our Lucy doesn’t need a reason to come see me!”




He doesn’t know what to do with himself even after being called an idiot by his daughter.


This guy would definitely be happy even if Lucy said things like “foolish” or “stupid.”


Benedict, who had been smiling faintly, put down his quill and spread his arms wide.


When he first possessed Lucy’s body, he didn’t know what that action meant, but now it’s different. Having been tormented by that idiot troll for the past three days, I know what that troll wants.


I don’t want to do it, and I think it would be better to bite my tongue, but right now I’m in the position of asking Benedict for something.


I have to make that troll feel as good as possible so that he’ll be more likely to grant my request in the future.




This is inevitable.


I have to do it for my life.


Thinking this to myself, I closed my eyes tightly and jumped into the troll’s arms.


I didn’t worry about anything going wrong.


Even if I slammed my body with all my might, I wouldn’t be able to inflict a single scratch on the troll’s body.


Benedict easily caught me and laughed heartily.


“Lucy, no matter what, it’s dangerous to jump in with your eyes closed.”


‘I trusted you.’


“Foolish father.


Are you a slacker who doesn’t have the confidence to accept me?”


“No way.


Who am I?”


Benedict smiled and stroked my hair with a hand larger than Lucy’s face.


He didn’t look delicate at all, but his touch was incredibly gentle.


Even a complete stranger like me could tell that Benedict cared for Lucy.


‘Excuse me.’


“Foolish father.”


“What is it, Lucy?”


“I have a favour to ask.”


“Tell me.”


“In a few months. The academy exams are coming up soon, right?”


I am a cute daughter.


I am this troll’s cute daughter.


Can a troll have a cute daughter?


I don’t know.


Don’t worry about that.


Right now, just think about what Benedict likes.


“I’m worried about that”


Lucy or me is pretty.


Even when I act quite cringey, I looks cute.


For example, when I sit on Benedict’s lap and kick my feet like I’m playing in the water, I really looks like a girl with no worries!




What do you want me to do for you, as your dad?


I’ll do anything I can!”


Benedict, the doting father, fell for me so easily.


He lifted his chin as if he thought I had serious worries and spoke as if he were making a statement.


It’s not my place to say, but can you do this?


It’s not easy to say you’ll do anything!


I don’t mean to stop you, though!




“Of course!


When has this dad ever lied?”


I can’t help it.


I can’t not accept what you give me.


He wants to act cool as a father, so I have to let him feel good.


“Then can I take what I need from the storage?”


“Is there anything you want there?”






Then take whatever you want.”


Benedict smiled as he confirmed, so I laughed along.


You clearly told me to take whatever I want?


Now, no matter how much you take from there, it’s not my fault.


It’s your fault for allowing it.


After getting Benedict’s permission, I tried to cheer him up, but as soon as I left the office, I felt nauseous.


The mental damage was severe.


I never thought that the day would come when I would act cute to a fellow man.


I had decided that I would give up my dignity for survival, but this was a bit mentally damaging.


Just now, I was grateful for the [Mesugaki] skill.


If the skill hadn’t forced my actions, I would have collapsed a long time ago.


Still, I gained a lot.


I could take whatever I wanted from the storage of the Allen family.


It’s time to show off the farming skills of a Soul Academy veteran.


The dog god who put me in this Mesugaki’s body.


Please let me farm righteously today.


I said that, but I don’t plan on sweeping up everything in there.


No matter how much Benedict dotes on Lucy, there must be a limit.


I plan on taking only a few essential items.


I said the necessary items would cost a lot, but Benedict is a big shot, so it’ll be fine.




I got permission to go into the storage, but I couldn’t go there right away.


The key to the storage wasn’t with Benedict, but the butler of the mansion, so I had to go to him first.


While I was walking down the hallway looking for the butler, I saw a maid cleaning the window and spoke to her.


‘Over there.’


“You, over there.”


As soon as the maid heard my voice, she froze and turned her neck like a robot.


What’s with that expression, as if she had seen a monster?


Do you hate Lucy that much?


I admit it.


If I, were you, I think I would have really hated her.


But you can’t show it on the outside.


If it were the previous Lucy, she would have immediately found fault with her and fired her.


“Do you know where the butler is?”


“Yes! He’s supervising the cleaning of the first-floor lobby!”


‘Thank you.’




“Huh. Is that so?”


I still don’t know how this Mesugaki translation works.


Where did the thank you, part go?


Is expressing gratitude to a maid something that shouldn’t be done in Mesugaki?


I sighed inwardly and headed to the first floor, where I met the butler who was directing the cleaning in the lobby.


Unlike the maid before, he was visibly polite to me.


“What is it, Miss?”


‘To the storage…’


“I want to go into the storage.”


“I’m sorry, Miss.


That requires the Count’s permission.”


‘I have permission.’


“Clumsy butler, do you think I’m being unreasonable without permission?”


“I’m sorry, you have permission.


I didn’t know that.”


Even though a girl who seemed to be about up to his waist was talking to him in a harassing manner, the butler’s expression didn’t waver one bit.


This is…


the dignity of an adult?


The butler gave his maid some instructions and led me toward the warehouse.


The warehouse of the Allen family was quite large, as expected.


I knew this would happen.


In the game, you can get a lot by raiding a count-level family.


Most of them were items with real value, like gold or jewels.


They seemed expensive, but cash was meaningless to me right now.


If I had a lot of money, there was no way to use it.


After all, I could have as many of those things as I wanted later.


What I needed right now was something that could be of immediate use.


I looked around for a while, but it wasn’t easy to find what I wanted in the warehouse where there were so many items lined up.


If this were a game, it wouldn’t matter since I could tell what it was just by looking at it, but when I tried to identify it with my own eyes, I couldn’t tell what it was.


This is why I’ll get an identification skill later or something.


For now, I’ll just ask the butler to find it for me.




“Shoddy butler. where’s the elixir?”


The elixir.


An item that the veterans of Soul Academy were desperately trying to find.


The elixir’s effect is simple.


It permanently increases a specific ability simply by consuming it without any conditions.


In order to quickly raise the physical abilities of the truly shoddy Mesugaki, the elixir was needed.


I did a quick experiment yesterday, but Lucy’s body was currently unable to hold a weapon, let alone run outside.


What’s the point of training when your body is so exhausted that your lungs are about to burst after running for about 20 seconds?


I have to be able to move normally before I train!


So, give me the elixir.


The elixir.


There must be two or three stored in the Count’s warehouse.


“Why are you looking for the elixir?”


The butler answered my question with a question.




“I’m going to drink it.




“…Miss, the elixir will definitely make you stronger, but there is a price to pay.


If you drink it, you will experience the pain of your body twisting.


Are you saying that knowing that?”


The pain of your body twisting?


There was no such description in the game.




Butler, the elixir is such a precious item, so you are trying to scare me into not taking it.


How sinister.


But I’m afraid I would be fooled by that.


I’m a veteran of Soul Academy!


Do you think I don’t know anything about this game?


‘It’s okay.’


“You poor butler.


Just hand it over properly.”


“In that case… I understand.”


The butler hesitated for a moment, then nodded and brought me the elixir.


“This is a potion that increases strength, and this one increases stamina.”


There are two potions that increase stamina that I absolutely need right now.


And one more potion that increases strength.


When I confirmed that, I let out a scream.


I thought it would be nice to have just one potion that increases stamina, but there are two of them!


And the potion that increases strength is also something I absolutely need!


If I were to choose the happiest moment in the three days that have passed since I became Lucy, I would confidently say it is now.


“Which of these would you like to take?”






‘I will take them all.’


“Clumsy butler, are you deaf because you are old? I told you I would take them all.”


The numbers are perfect!


At Soul Academy, you can only take three potions a year.


But the butler happened to have three.


This is a destiny given by the heavens.


So, I have to take them all.


I didn’t feel guilty.


I need these to survive, so what guilt is there!


As an original veteran I have to eat all these things!



TL note: In case it wasn’t noticed ‘This refers to what Lucy is trying to say’ and “this is what is actually said.”

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