Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 30 Table of contents

The hands of the maid fixing my hair felt stronger today.


Usually, she fixes my hair so that I can move around comfortably, but today, she fixes my hair to show off to everyone.


It felt like she was making a work of art with my hair.




“Sloppy maid, why are you showing off your sloppy skills with my hair?”


“I apologize if it offended you, young lady! But this is the academy, isn’t it?”


“So what’s wrong?”


“Because you can’t be looked down on in a place where so many nobles gather.”


If you’re not flashy, you’ll get the glares of other nobles?


Come to think of it, there was a line in the game about how nobles seemed to look down on nobles who couldn’t keep up with trends.


“Is that all the reason you have to do this?”




‘Please do it as usual.’


“Keep it as usual then you sloppy maid.”


Whether or not she does such annoying things, Lucy’s evaluation wouldn’t change.


Glamour helps maintain the evaluation that a person has, but it cannot restore the evaluation that has already fallen to rock bottom.


If you dress frugally, you will be called unsophisticated, and if you dress extravagantly, you will be called flamboyant.


Rather than suffering and hearing bad reviews after this, I would rather be comfortable.


To be honest, if I were to make a fuss like this every morning, it would be better to run at that time.


“But young lady.”


She used to tremble whenever I said something, but now she says everything she wants to say.


I sighed and took off the decorations on my head and placed them on my dressing table.


“It’s an order, put them back the way they were, do you think I’ll fall behind others because I don’t have these cheap decorations?”


The maid stopped for a moment after hearing my words, then bowed behind me.


The words may have been a bit distorted, but the meaning was conveyed anyway, so it’s okay.


I’ve been doing my best to improve my specs for the past two months.


I ran, trained, and raised my proficiency every day.


I prided myself on doing everything I could.


Thanks to that effort, I achieved my goal.


Raising my proficiency to the maximum possible level at level 10.




Mace proficiency.


Shield proficiency.


I had maxed out all three of them, and I was incomparably stronger than before.


Based on the Academy entrance exam before the Soul Academy tutorial, my current abilities were completely over-specced.


Setting a record in the dungeons that appeared in the entrance exam was as easy as provoking a goblin.


So I knew I didn’t have to worry, but for some reason I couldn’t let my guard down.




“Sloppy knight, is it okay for you to wander around like this? Just go back.”


“Miss, you know it’s important to take care of your condition before something important.”


<The knight is right. When something big is coming up, resting is the best preparation.>


I knew that what one person and one mace said was right.


How could I not know that moving my body would not make things better?


However, I couldn’t help feeling anxious when I was spending my time comfortably.


This world is of a game, but it’s not a game.


It’s a world where things I took for granted in games can change at any time.


How many times have I been flustered after trusting my knowledge?


I had considered all the variables that could occur in the dungeons that appear in the Academy exam, but every time I looked back, I was afraid that I might have missed something.


This won’t work.


I’ll have to go back to the dorm and check again.


“Miss! There’s an airship floating over there!”


I raised my head at the maid’s excited voice.


An airship was flying through the sky, cutting through the clouds.


Judging from her reaction like a child seeing it for the first time, it must have been her first time seeing it with her own eyes.


It’s not that bad even if I ride it.


An airship was the most inefficient means of transportation in the game.


Using money is similar to space travel magic, but unlike space travel magic that can arrive at a destination in an instant, this takes days and days to arrive at a destination.


It is the height of luxury that can waste both time and money.


That is why I didn’t even bother with airships when playing the game.


Soul Academy is the same as reality.


I have no intention of riding on trash that only looks good.


The moment I looked up at the sky and lowered my head, I was free from my worries for the first time and looked at the city properly.


Soul Academy is called an academy, but it is not just a place where there is an academy.


This is a place where many noble children gather, and the wealthy spend money like water.


Merchants who smelled the money of the reckless nobles naturally flocked to this area.


Commoners who wanted to get jobs also set foot in Soul Academy.


As a result, Soul Academy took on the appearance of a huge city centred around the academy.


The city scenery that I saw with my own eyes was, in a word, a chorus created by human lives.


The sound of countless people’s footsteps.


The voices of merchants shouting loudly to sell their goods.


The conversations of women chattering in one corner.


The clear sound of birds chirping and laughter coming from somewhere.




My breathing was added to the middle of all those sounds.


At that moment, reality hit me.


I could feel that I had arrived at a place I had only seen through the monitor.


Then, all the worries that had been occupying me until just a moment ago felt meaningless.


Why go back to the dorms?


I came all the way to the main stage of Soul Academy, and I’m going back without seeing anything.


Am I not a Soul Academy veteran after all?!




I moved my feet, humming the game’s background music of this street that I had heard so many times that it was completely familiar to my ears.


There were so many places I wanted to see with my eyes.


So many that I was sure I wouldn’t be able to see them all in one day.


I had to go to the restaurant that the blunt heroine had admired.


I had to go to the bakery that she liked.


I have to go to the bridge that gave birth to many famous scenes in the work.


I have to go to the back alley where the main character had a heartbreaking farewell with his friend.


The more I thought about it, the more places I had to go.


When I thought about it, I had to go to the hidden places that I could get to right away.


I don’t have enough time.


If I had known that I would be this short on time, I wouldn’t have spared my sleep and wandered around.


I felt resentful of myself for coming in the carriage last night and throwing myself on the bed, saying I was tired.


Let’s make a plan now.


Where should we go?


Since we didn’t eat breakfast, should we go to a restaurant and have a meal?




‘Maid and Karl…’


“You two slackers, we’re going to have a meal now. I’ll feed you slackers food that will make you gasp as soon as you put it on your tongue, so look forward to it.”


The restaurant is expensive, but that doesn’t matter to me.


After all, I have a lot of gold coins that Benedict gave me.


I smiled at the weight of the gold coins in my pocket, and I recalled Benedict seeing me off when I came to the academy.


The troll’s appearance, wiping his tears with a handkerchief and fussing about being careful, was honestly bizarre.


They say that female hormones are secreted when menopause comes, but has that time come for Benedict already?


Even looking back now, it was an overreaction.


After all, after taking the exam, I’ll have to go back to the estate and wait for the acceptance notice.


How dare he cry as if he won’t see me for years.


It’s scary because I think I’ll really burst into tears when I actually enter Soul Academy.


“Oh my, Young Lady.”


As I imagined Benedict shedding tears and fainting, a woman called my name.


She blocked my path, looked down at me with sharp blue eyes, and smiled.




‘Who are you?’


“What kind of slacker are you to talk to me?”


The woman’s smile hardened at the bratty tone.


Why is this sly skill doing this again today?


I looked around in confusion.


There were two more women behind the woman.


Judging from the quality of their clothes, they seemed to be noble ladies, but what business could they have with me?


“We met at a high-society event last time, right? I’m Meryl, I guess the young lady’s small head has a hard time remembering people’s faces.”


“Ah, that’s right.”


I could guess their intentions thanks to the blatant ill will in their tone.


They came to pick a fight.




There was no need to ask.


The reason was so obvious.


The scene at the high-society hall that Lucy had seen in her nightmare must have been somewhat true.


However, I didn’t know that she would pick a fight so openly.


Aren’t you afraid of Benedict?


Do you think you can handle that old man getting angry?


Do you have any faith?


They don’t seem like such great people.


Well, if they were important characters, I would have remembered their faces.


“Young Lady, you came to take the academy exam, right?”




“But why? I wonder why you are taking the exam when you are going to fail anyway.”


The blue-eyed woman at the front said that, and the people next to her burst into laughter.




They think I’ll fail the exam.


Of course, if they’d only seen Lucy before I possessed her, they would think so.


Then, if I showed outstanding performance in the entrance exam duels or dungeon exploration, wouldn’t that get a pretty funny reaction?


Just like how someone who only did bad things stands out when they do good things.


If an incompetent person suddenly shows competence, they’ll stand out a lot.


That’s good.


I’ll change that criticism into cheers.


“Is that all you have to say? Then I’ll go. I don’t have time to hang out with you little extras.”


I don’t want to waste my time on a worthless extra.


I have so much work to do right now.


The moment I turned my back while saying that the woman let out a fierce voice that seemed to grind her teeth.


“Are you running away?!”




I’m running away.


I’m a coward, so I don’t want to fight.


“You’re so pathetic that you don’t know what’s trending, right?!”




I don’t know what’s trending.


I don’t care though.


“Ha! You’re a disgrace to the Allen family!”


I froze after hearing that.


I never thought I’d hear that in front of me.


I blocked Karl who was about to fly out in anger at the fact that his master was insulted with my hand, then turned around and stood in front of the woman.


“What. What is it?!”


“You’re the one who’s scared, right? ❤ Fucking young lady you’re a brat. Even if you stick your claws out because you’re scared, you’re still cute(weak).”


This bitch.


There are things you can say and things you can’t say.


I was going to laugh it off because I was afraid Lucy’s already poor reputation would hit rock bottom, but I can’t stand this.


Come on, bitches.


I’ll take you down.


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