Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 34 Table of contents

The great hero Ruel’s activities did not end with the history exam.


As a noble and a knight, he had received a long education and showed outstanding wisdom in subjects such as mathematics and Korean.


Thanks to this, I was able to overcome the difficulties of the exams by receiving the grace of the great Ruel until the last two exams.


Unfortunately however, that grace did not reach the subject of magic.


Ruel, a knight, was familiar with the miracles of the gods, but was not good at miracles of humans.


That is why I decided to trust in the grace of the Dice God instead of Ruel when it came to magic.


<Is it okay to help a child like this do well on the exam?>


Grandpa muttered with a sceptical voice as he watched me roll my pen, but I ignored him.


After magic, the last thing that stopped me was the dungeon exam.


When I took this exam, I did not receive any help from Grandpa or Dice God.


I did not need any help.


After all, I knew more about the dungeons in Soul Academy than anyone else.


Who knows dungeons better than I, who has cleared every dungeon in the world with all sorts of strange methods?


In my opinion, the questions on the entrance exam were easy enough that any veteran of Soul Academy could answer them.


<Girl, is that right? It’s quite different from what I know.>


‘Don’t judge me with the old-fashioned ideas from a hundred years ago! This is the most efficient method!”


<Do they use this method these days? Is it because times are passing quickly or am I falling behind?>


After lightly solving the questions based on the knowledge in my head, I submitted my test paper and left the testing room.


I was going to go eat.


Soul Academy’s restaurant boasts excellent quality, as expected from a place prepared for noble children.


However, the food is not provided for free.


After all, the academy’s restaurant is operated for noble children, and they are usually well-off people.


There is no one who cannot afford the prices at this restaurant.


However, students from commoners are different.


Even if they receive scholarships and attend school by collecting their family fortunes, they do not have much money to spend on their own.


From their perspective of having to save every penny, eating at a restaurant is a luxury, so they bring their own lunch boxes.


If there was a commoner who didn’t bring a lunch box today, that child would have to starve all day.


Sitting in the corner of the restaurant, I looked at the scenery I had only seen through the monitor with my own eyes, then turned my gaze to the menu again.


What should I eat today?


I would like to shout, “Give me everything from top to bottom!” but my stomach isn’t that big.


Even when I ate at Tierra Mars yesterday, I was so full that I couldn’t breathe by the end.


Knowing that I could only eat so much and only one plate would be enough, I was careful about choosing a plate.


<How long do you plan on worrying about this?>


‘Just wait a minute. I’m making the most important decision of my life right now.’


<Just eat whatever you want. It’s all the same once it’s in your mouth anyway.>


‘It’s not the same!‘


How can a tender steak made from the meat of a young calf be the same as a succulent salmon delivered directly from the ocean via teleportation magic?


Even though they have the same nutritional benefits, the gap between land and sea is so great!


<Okay, okay. You can worry about it or not.>


‘I’ll do it anyway.’


<But you know. I think you have a guest coming over here?>


A guest?


Everyone in the academy avoids me, so who would come to talk to me?


After hearing the old man’s words, I raised my head and saw Joy walking toward me.


Her dignified yet elegant gait drew the attention of everyone, but at the same time, it prevented anyone from approaching her.


It seemed clear that anyone who approached her rashly and interrupted her steps would be cut by those sharp eyes.


“Young Lady Allen.”


As soon as Joy arrived in front of me, she called my name in an icy voice.


What is it?


Why are you here?


Did you come to talk about yesterday?


I waited for Joy to speak, forcing my pounding heart to slow down.


“Did you do well on the test?”


‘Yes, so-so.’


“Do you really need to ask that? Foolish Young Lady? Of course, I did well.”




And her Mesugaki skill called her Foolish Young Lady.


Damn it.


I should sew my mouth shut with a needle or something.


Joy bit her lips hard after hearing my provocation, crossed her arms, and made her voice even more frozen.


“You’re so confident. Then of course you can win a bet with me, right?”


If you mean a bet, you mean a bet on the title Foolish Young Lady?


If you asked me if I could win there, I would shake my head.


Joy is definitely a young lady who stumbles in important parts, but she has outstanding abilities.


She’s always in the top 10 of the entire school when she takes exams, and her combat skills are so outstanding that she’s rated as an A-S class character in Soul Academy.


My current specs are amazing, so my practical scores might be slightly ahead, but the written test would be an overwhelming difference, so it would be difficult to beat her.


But you know.


Even if I lose the bet, will the Mesugaki Skill call Joy by a title other than Foolish Young Lady?


She’s not the type to obediently listen to a favour.


No matter what title I mention, I’ll definitely call her a Foolish Young Lady.


What should I do then?


Oh no.


I don’t know.


It’s not something that can be solved by worrying about it.


Whatever happens, let’s just let it be.


“I thought about the bet on my way home last night, but this bet is structured so that I’m the only one who loses.”






I have nothing to lose, but Joy has something to lose.


However, even though it’s a structure that’s unilaterally advantageous to me, you’re the one who suggested the bet, Foolish Young Lady.


“That’s unfair. So, you’ll have to take the penalty if you lose the bet too.”


“What is it?”


“If I win the bet, I’ll call you Foolish Young Lady!”


Foolish Young Lady.


That title really suits Lucy.


But isn’t that a title that everyone secretly uses?


Even if we don’t bet or anything, if it’s Joy, she can just call me that to my face.


“Do whatever you want, Foolish Young Lady.”


From my perspective, it didn’t feel like a loss, so I nodded, but Joy smiled fiercely as if she were going to kill someone.


“You’re so confident Young Lady Allen! But that’ll only last until today!”


As I watched Joy’s back as she solemnly walked away after finishing what she wanted to say, the old man let out a hollow laugh and spoke.


<I think I know why you call that kid Foolish Young Lady.>




Once you get over the prejudice about appearance and voice, there’s no title that suits her as well.


After finishing the writing, it was time for the practical exam that I had been looking forward to.


The first practical exam was a duel.


This test was conducted in the form of two applicants designated by the academy fighting in front of the interviewers, but the important thing here was not whether they won or lost.


It would be unfair to evaluate these individuals with vastly different upbringings based solely on their wins and losses.


What was important in a duel was not the strength at that moment, but the talent within the examinee.


How much would they be able to blossom through the education of Soul Academy?


The interviewers at the academy only looked at that, Karl said.


I couldn’t tell you how relieved I was to hear that.


There was no way I, who had been recognized for my talent by all the knights of the Allen family, including Possell, would be evaluated lowly by the interviewers at the academy!


After putting on the armour that I could now wear by myself, I returned Ruel’s Mace to its original size.


Finally, I picked up my shield and left the room to head to the training ground.


Everyone in the training ground was familiar to me.


The interviewers were faces I had seen so many times while playing Soul Academy games that it was obvious that I would know them, and as for the opponent for the sparring match, I couldn’t help but know her since she was the one I had a fistfight with yesterday.


The nameless young lady who started a fight with me as soon as I met her.


I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the bruises on her white skin.


In order to make us swing our weapons without hesitation, you set up people who have ill feelings for each other as sparring partners, but is this how it is?


As soon as the nameless young lady (NPC she didn’t remember Meryl) saw my face, her lips hardened, and she put strength into the hand holding her weapon.


Was she using a longsword?


<Judging from the way she holds the sword, it seems like she hasn’t just trained for a year or two.>


‘Can you see that?’


<I can see it. You will naturally learn it later when you gain experience.>


Since the old man’s words cannot be wrong in this regard, that young lady must be someone who doesn’t neglect her sword training.


Besides that, when we fought yesterday, her body movements seemed sloppy.


Maybe it would be different if she held a sword.


Even under the glaring gaze of the young lady, I remained calm.


Compared to the orc who tried to kill me to survive, her gaze was infinitely light, so how could I be scared?


She seemed to be holding back what happened to her yesterday, so if I provoke her a little, she will come over right away.


There is no opponent that is as good to play with as someone who has lost their sense of reason.


“You two, come to the centre of the training ground.”


The interviewer standing in the centre of the training ground called us.


Her eyes filled with energy as we met up close.


I, who found that quite pleasant, answered with a smile.


Then she bit her lip tightly.


I could see blood flowing out of her lips.


“The rules are simple. Fight each other as enemies until the interviewer stops you. Any injuries you suffer during this exam will be treated by the Academy’s healer, so don’t worry.”


As soon as the interviewer stepped back after explaining the rules, she let out a voice full of resentment.


“Young bitch of the Allen family. I didn’t know I would see you again.”


‘I didn’t know I would see you again. To meet such an easy opponent as you.’


“Me too, to bring such a sloppy person as a sparring partner. Do the interviewers have no discerning eye?”


“Me too easy?”


‘You don’t think you’re easy?’


“You still don’t understand the situation after getting beaten like that yesterday? Even your intelligence is like a dog. How pitiful.”


Did she lose her sense of reason at the sound of my laughter?


She swung her longsword without thinking.


Her emotional and straightforward attacks were so obvious compared to what the knights of the Allen family swung.


I didn’t need to listen to what the Iron Wall skill was saying.


I could have blocked that level of attack with just my skill level.


The sword that she swung without thinking collided with my shield and bounced off.


I smiled as I saw her flinching due to my strength.


“Sloppy Girl is that all? Try better.”


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