Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 42 Table of contents

I hit the witch’s face with my mace again, which was sprawled on the floor and making a strange noise.


As I was wiping off the blood from the mace, Joy and Jacob, who had been far away, came toward me.


“Are you okay?”


“Foolish Young Lady, you idiot. Do you think I’d lose to such a weakling?”


“But you’re hurt.”


Even though I had learned the witch’s patterns perfectly, there was clearly a difference in specs between the witch and me.


But I’m okay.


This isn’t even close to being a wound to me.


I’d gotten more hurt sparring with Possell than this.


I smiled at Joy, who was looking at me with concern.


‘I’m okay.’


“I’m not weak enough to have you worry about me, you idiot.”


“… Ha, I get it.”


I felt like I was being too rude to worry about, but it was probably just my feelings.


I took the two of them and moved inside.


In just a few minutes, a white stone statue that didn’t match this lab was standing in the middle of the room.


It was a sign indicating a safe zone.


“This is the safe zone.”


“So, do we just have to wait for rescue here?”


“Yes, let’s wait for the slow and sloppy Academy rescue team.”


I put down my shield and mace and leaned my back against the wall.


Since I was in charge of this party right now, I thought that if I showed myself comfortable, the other two would feel at ease.


At first, Joy and Jacob seemed to be contemplating whether or not they could rest, but soon they thought that recovering their stamina was more important than being nervous, and they leaned against the wall like me.




It’s been quite some time since we entered the dungeon, but why is it taking so long for rescue?


I want to escape this gloomy place as soon as possible.






I flinched for a moment at the voice of the old man calling me.


Since I fell into this dungeon, whenever the old man called me, it was only because something bad had happened.


I know that since we’ve reached the safe zone, we’re pretty much guaranteed safety, so there’s no need to worry.


But there were too many things going on today to feel completely at ease.


<There’s someone watching this place from outside.>




As I turned my gaze according to Grandpa’s words, I saw an Argos standing outside the safe zone.


It was strange.


An Argos is a guard.


It doesn’t stay still in one place, but steadily moves around a designated area to detect intruders.


Why would such a guy just stand there and watch us?


While I was thinking about it, another Argos walked over from far away and took a seat next to him.


The moment I saw him, I quickly grabbed my mace and shield and got up.


This was a variable.


A variable that didn’t appear in the game.


“Young Lady Lucy!”


“It’s okay. What are you worried about? Can’t you see those idiots can’t come in? It’s okay.”


I told Joy and Jacob to be at ease, as they were trembling with anxiety.


I knew this wasn’t normal, but I had to tell them it was okay.


Otherwise, the fear in their hearts would grow bigger and turn into panic in an instant.


While we were on guard, the number of monsters surrounding the safe zone continued to increase.


One became two, then two became four.


When I came to my senses, the area around the safe zone was completely filled with Argos’.


Escape was impossible.


We were like rats in a trap.


But we were still safe.


Because we were inside the safe zone.


Because we were staying in a place they couldn’t invade.


So why am I so anxious?


I chewed my lips and looked around, having never seen this ominous intuition turn out to be wrong since I entered this world.


<Get ready, something is coming.>


Soon I could see something huge approaching from afar, destroying the Argos group.


Gray, worn-out, tattered rags and rotting skin visible between the cracks.


Legs that seemed to drag and a disgusting staff supporting its massive body.


A disturbing aura scattered around it and red eyes shining through the cloth covering its face.


The first thought that came to my mind the moment I saw him was disgusting.


My stomach churned.


I couldn’t bear to simply make eye contact with him, physiologically.


Something that shouldn’t exist was right before my eyes.


Something that I doubted was even allowed to stay in this world was right in front of me.




We have to run.




Where should I go?


<You have to come to your senses.>


Where can I run when Argos is surrounding me?


That’s impossible.


Then, in order to run away…






Overcoming Fear triggered and brought me back to reality.


<Are you okay?!>


The passive skill of the ‘Alchemist’.


Was mental contamination really this dangerous?!


In the game, it was just a skill that could be endured if you had a proper mental resistance skill!




I turned my head to the back at the sound of vomiting.


I saw Jacob holding his neck with both hands and Joy sitting on the floor vomiting out her guts.




This is fucked up.


Unlike me, these two, who didn’t have any mental resistance skills, couldn’t deal with the mental contamination of the Alchemist.


If I leave it like this, they’ll end up losing their lives by their own hands.


<Knock them out.>




<It’s better to faint than to go crazy and die.>


The old man was right.


As soon as I finished my judgement, I slammed Jacob’s head with my shield and blew him away.


I made sure to properly knock him out in one shot.


Then I hit Joy on the back of the head to put her to sleep and looked forward.


<A madman who threw himself into such a taboo. Why is such a dangerous thing here?>


Of course, that’s because it’s the boss of this dungeon.


An alchemist.


A person who sacrificed his body to a taboo in order to relieve his own interest.


He was sealed because of his sin but was chosen as the dungeon’s master by Agra.


How did that madman, who should be enjoying his research in his own residence, escape?


Of the three of us, there shouldn’t be any test subjects that he would pay attention to.


The alchemist who arrived right in front of the safe compartment looked at my face for a moment and then slowly moved his mouth.


“You don’t go crazy after seeing me.”


Every time his mouth moved; a mind-boggling stench leaked out.


Damn it.


I want to stick a mace in that mouth.


“How strange, it seems you haven’t reached that level yet. Is she really an apostle of Armadi?”




That incompetent god who doesn’t give a shit but only draws aggro, did something again today!




Somehow, whenever I used Armadi’s Mercy, it felt like Argos would appear right away.


The alchemist laughed, perhaps because he found my frowning amusing.


That laughter was as unpleasant as an earthworm crawling on your skin.


“Test subject.”


The alchemist pointed at me with his wrinkled fingers.


“If you come out quietly, I won’t touch the two things behind you.”


“Is it because you’re a mentally rotten idiot? The words coming out of your mouth are as rotten as the stench”


Eat some potatoes.


You crazy bastard.


I’m gradually becoming affected by the Mesugaki skill, but my mind is still sane!


Would you believe the words of a madman who would turn the word honesty into gold using alchemy?!


When I openly provoked him, the alchemist’s eyes lit up.




You’re so scary.


But what if you get angry?


You can’t enter the safe zone anyway!


“You seem to believe in Armadi’s power, but there’s one thing you don’t know. This lab is a dungeon, but at the same time, it’s no different from your own body.”


The moment the alchemist raised his arm and clenched his fist as if to show off, the narrow corridor turned into a large wilderness.


Dungeon manipulation.


One of the patterns this monster uses when it appears as a boss.


What on earth are you trying to do?


This doesn’t change the fact that we’re in a safe zone.


As if answering my question, the alchemist clenched his fist again, and the corridor returned to its original size, and I, no, we were thrown into the middle of the Argos horde.




What is this?


<Girl! Roll forward!>


“If you don’t plan on coming out, I’ll just pull you out.”


I tried to move my body after hearing the scream of Iron Wall, but it was already too late.


I felt a weight being added to my shoulder.


“Don’t think that power will solve everything.”


And then something seeped into my shoulder.


There was no time to think.


No time to resist.


In an instant, my head went blank, and my body leaned forward.


I slammed my face into the stone floor, but I didn’t feel any pain.


It was as if my entire body was paralysed, and I couldn’t move even a single finger.


“I originally planned to take you and feed the other two to the beasts, but I changed my mind. It’s the law that you have to show a child who likes to rebel their future.”


I heard the alchemist shuffling his feet.


As soon as I heard him, I used Armadi’s Mercy on myself.


I had done my best to increase my proficiency until today.


Of course, that included the proficiency of Armadi’s Mercy.


I still hadn’t reached the level where I could remove Agra’s Curse.


In other words, only those effects which weren’t at a godly level could be removed.


As soon as the abnormal status was lifted, I picked up my mace and rushed at the alchemist.


I knew I had no chance of winning.


I knew that I couldn’t deal with the alchemist in my current state.


However, I ran even though I knew that.


To buy time.


Hoping that some miracle would happen.


Hoping that salvation would reach me.


However, the tentacles shot out from under the giant armour worn by the alchemist faster than the miracle happened.


The tentacle shot out at a speed that I couldn’t react to and hit my abdomen, and my body flew away, hitting an Argos who was forming a wall and I fell to the ground.


As I was gagging from the pain that came through my armour, something slippery grabbed my wrists and ankles.


I struggled to get out of there, but escape was impossible.


The alchemist’s tentacles were too tough.


“You’re a kid who doesn’t give up.”


The alchemist’s wrinkled hand grabbed my neck.


How did that rotting arm come out of there?


The alchemist only applied a little strength, but I felt suffocated.


“I like a tenacious girl. They’re more fun to play with than an ordinary girl.”


I felt the oxygen gradually fading away.


My mind was completely blank.


I didn’t even have time to feel the fear of death.


“How can I break your heart?”




You fucking incompetent, sloppy god Armadi.


You’re spying on me, you pervert.


Then help me.


Save the human you blessed before he dies.


This happened because of you.


Take responsibility!


Are you saying that you can’t intervene because the dungeon is Agra’s territory?


In that case, get out and make it yours!


Kill yourself and apologize to the believers who had to die because of your incompetence, you sloppy god!




[You want help?]


I could not help but laugh in vain as I saw the message that popped up before my eyes while my consciousness was fading.


What the heck.


Why are you showing up only now?


Armadi, are you a masochistic pervert who enjoys getting talked down on by the Mesugaki skill?


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