Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 49 Table of contents

Everyone gathered in the conference room of Soul Academy was exhausted.


The problem was that the entrance exam had to be stopped due to an accident that occurred during the exam.


From that day on, all the professors of the Academy stayed up day and night for almost two weeks to deal with the accident.


After going through many hardships that could easily become a documentary, the professors of the Academy succeeded in finishing the exam in two weeks.


Now, all that was left was to choose the people who would be selected as the special admission students.


The professors in the conference room, who were bragging about who had the longest dark circles under their eyes, were all anxious to finish the work quickly.


In the middle of them, Judy Alber, the principal of the Academy, coughed in vain and let out a weak voice as if she was dying.


“The next candidate we will discuss is Lucy Allen, the daughter of the Allen family. She is one of the victims of this accident, and I think everyone knows her because she is so famous. Professor Luca. Can I hear why you recommended her?”


“Yes, of course.”


Luca, who had gotten up from his seat, looked around the room with bloodshot eyes and spoke.


“The reason I would like to recommend Lady Lucy Allen as a special admission student is…”


What he was going to say was something everyone had expected.


The story of overwhelming Lady Meryl of the Baines family.


The story of showing outstanding leadership while conquering the dungeon for the entrance exam.


The story of saving all the party members in an emergency situation caused by the curse of Agra.


“If someone who has shown such achievements cannot become a special admission student, who can become a special admission student?”


The other professors did not refute Luca’s passionate speech with a hoarse throat.


They were all thinking the same thing.


It is true that Lucy Allen has committed many evil acts so far, but that is a story of the past.


What she has shown now is enough to place her in the ranks of the top prospects of the continent.


“It is true that Lady Allen has shown enough achievements to become a special admission student, but…”


However, there was someone who was picking on that.


Molly, the vice principal of Soul Academy.


She gave her opinion as if it was nothing special, even though she received Luca’s sharp gaze.


“You should know that the special admission process is a system that allows those who failed the exam but showed excellent performance in the practical exam to pass.”


“I know that too, Vice Principal. So, isn’t Young Lady Allen even more suitable for this?”


It was a well-known fact that Lucy Allen was not good at studying.


According to the person who used to be her tutor, she had no will to study at all.


Even if she reformed, there was no way she could do well on the entrance exam to Soul Academy after studying for a year.


The combat science professors who thought like this nodded in agreement with Luca’s opinion, but the others were different.


The professors who dealt with the theory side all had subtle expressions on their faces.


“No, she had enough grades to pass without special admission.”


Molly resolved the doubts that were slowly rising among the combat science professors.


The unbelievable story that Lucy Allen had excellent grades.




As Luca blinked, the professor in charge of Korean literature raised his hand.


“Lucy Allen’s grade in Korean was 87. It’s definitely a high-ranking grade,” and as if continuing, the history professor spoke up.


“In history, she got 98. She made a mistake in the modern-day event that was a question that everyone else got correct.”


“Magic is relatively poor. It’s 68, barely above average.”


Finally, the dungeon studies professor sighed and spoke.


“The professors are discussing how to give grades for dungeon studies.”




“I think 100 points won’t be enough.”


The dungeon studies professor said that and then told everyone one of the answers Lucy had written on the test.


“First, let me explain the problem. This is a descriptive question about how to deal with a group of undead.”


“The thing to watch out for when dealing with brain-rotten, fucking undead is that they are sloppy but tenacious like insects.”


“Wait. Wait a minute.”


One of the combat science professors cut them off the moment they uttered the first sentence of the answer.


“Is that really what Allen wrote?”


“Yes. I’m reading it as is. Otherwise, why would I say shit and sloppy stuff?”


“… I’m sorry. Please continue.”


The answer delivered through the professor’s mouth was excessively foul language, but aside from that, it was a pretty good answer sheet.


Things to watch out for when dealing with the undead.


About how to deal with variables.


What’s the best combination to conquer a dungeon comprised mainly of the undead?


The answers Lucy Allen wrote down were so accurate that you’d believe them as if they were from someone who was conquering dungeons on the front lines, so it could be called a perfect answer itself.


However, that wasn’t all.


Up until then, there wasn’t anything particularly unusual.


“Now comes the important part.”


“The undead have such poor intelligence that if there’s no commanding force, they’re just shit even if they swarm like locusts. Even the most idiotic dungeon master knows this, so he usually places a commanding entity among the undead hordes…. The commanding entity, the high-ranking undead, doesn’t command based on his own eyes. He places a few of the idiots below him to relay the battlefield situation and receives information through them and gives orders based on that. In other words, if you take care of the idiots who are relaying information first, you can make the commanding entity an idiot who doesn’t know the battle situation. To find this…”


When the dungeon professor finished talking, the conference room was filled with silence.


What was written there was a story that broke their common sense.


“Is this really the idea that she came up with?”


Luca’s bloodshot eyes filled with strength.


This was too ground-breaking for an idea that came from a single student.


“Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it is.”


“That’s amazing. If what Young Lady Allen wrote is true, dealing with the undead will be much easier.”


It’s common sense that you should take care of the commanding entity first when dealing with a horde of undead.


The moment the commander disappears, the undead group becomes a rabble.


However, it is extremely difficult to maintain this common sense.


High-ranking undead have intelligence superior to that of average humans.


This means that they know what it means to die.


That is why high-ranking undead never show up on the front lines.


It is practically impossible to attack the commanding entity hidden behind the undead group, so the strategy of dealing with the commanding entity was only theoretically correct.


However, if you use the method suggested by Lucy, it is a different story.


You will have a means to disrupt the command without hunting the commanding entity.


“In addition, there are many things that the Young Lady Allen wrote on the test paper that are too radical for a noble lady who has never cleared a dungeon.”


“This is not the end?!”


“Yes, that is why I said that even 100 points are not enough.”


Molly coughed to stop the noise from gradually growing in the quiet conference room.


“You understand by now, right? Professor Luca, she is not a special admission candidate.”


“I understand.”


Lucy Allen had already achieved a high score in the written test and was not lacking in the practical test, even if it was the top.


She was already practically accepted into Soul Academy.


“At this point, it’s not a matter of passing, but of where everyone ranks overall.”


Luca sat down as he spoke.



“Then let’s begin, young lady.”


“Come on, Sloppy.”


As I took my stance, Karl swung his sword.


The speed was already at a level that I couldn’t keep up with with my eyes, but it was okay.


I have the Iron Wall skill.


As I raised my shield according to what my skill told me, the sword immediately collided with the shield.


I could feel my arm that had blocked the sword tingling.


He’s been so reckless lately.


What if my, his master’s face gets hurt?!


<Young lady, now is the time!>


As I gritted my teeth and took the attack that Karl was shooting at me, the old man spoke up.


As soon as I heard that voice, I recited a prayer in my heart.


‘The Lord who loved Eliot granted a miracle, so the devil’s attack could not reach him.’


Then, the magic power leaking out from within me formed a divine barrier in front of me.


Karl frowned at the sight of it, but the sword that had already been swung could not be returned.


The sword blocked by the barrier bounced off, creating a gap.


Without a moment’s hesitation, I ran over the barrier and swung my mace.


Did he think it was too late to return the sword?


Instead of blocking my attack, the sword chose to deflect it with movement.


I could see his eyes glaring at my movements.


<Now. Shine!>


‘When the world was about to be filled with darkness, all the gods gathered together and cried out for light, and a ray of light poured down from the sky.’


I closed my eyes as I recited the prayer in my mind.


As soon as my eyelids closed, a bright light burst out that could be felt through my skin, and when I opened my eyes again, I saw Karl that had been hit by the flash hesitate and retreat.




After confirming that Karl was hit by the flash, I intentionally moved my feet exaggeratedly.


So that even if Karl was in a state of confusion, he could sense the presence.


So that it was so certain that he could not help but suspect a trap.


My intention worked exactly.


Even though I raised the mace, Karl did not move.


This was my chance.


Finally, my chance to strike the knight who had been harassing his master without knowing the situation!


The moment I swung the mace with all my might, the hand moved its sword.




The mace that I thought I had swung bounced off at the same time as the Iron Wall skill warned me of the danger.


However, it was already too late to respond.


I waited for the attack to come with my eyes wide open.


However, Karl’s sword did not reach me.


As I watched the sword that had stopped in front of me, Karl put his sword away.


“You did well, young lady. I really thought it was dangerous this time.”


‘Don’t lie.’


“Sloppy Knight, do I look like an idiot who would be fooled by empty words?”


“I’m serious, young lady!”


No matter what he said, the knight’s opinion was not trustworthy.


<You idiot. I’ve told you many times to calm down when you have the chance.>


‘I’m sorry!’


<Let’s try again.>




I regained my composure as the old man urged me.


Then, Karl, who was standing on the other side, also raised his sword.




It was then that a maid came running from far away and called my name.


I wondered what was going on, so I lowered my weapon and waited, and the maid handed me a letter.


‘What is this?’


“Clumsy maid. What is this?”


“A letter from Soul Academy!”


Soul Academy?


There’s only one letter that can be sent from there.


A notification that I’ve been accepted or not.


So this letter alone will decide my fate?


I took a deep breath, opened the letter, and checked the contents.


And after reading what was written inside, I froze.


“Miss, what’s written inside?”




I did pass, but… what on earth is this crappy academy thinking in asking me to give the representative freshman speech?


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