Trapped in Paradise (In a Hentai World, as a Trap)
Vol. 1 Ch. 73.1 Table of contents

Ning Chu once again meticulously reviewed the scenes related to him in the hentai story.

The protagonist accidentally entered a bathroom and discovered a woman taking a bath. Surprisingly, the woman didn’t resist much. After a brief moment of shyness, she ended up becoming one of the protagonist’s women.

The book didn’t imply that the woman resisted much at all.

So, does that mean that before this scene, the woman already had feelings for the protagonist?

In reality, this would translate to Ning Chu and Wen Yang having mutual feelings, and after the discovery of the female gender, they would naturally become lovers.

At this thought, Ning Chu introspected.

If he were already a girl and was discovered by Wen Yang while bathing, revealing his gender, would he simply feel shy and then seamlessly start making out with him?

No way!

The answer was clear! Unless Wen Yang forced him, he would never submit!

Wen Yang manhood is simply too big! Taking it could be fatal!

So, there should be some time before that plot happens, right?

The holiday was over, and early in the morning, Ning Chu was gnawing on the beef jerky brought by Wang Jie as breakfast, still looking worried and withdrawn.

Since Wen Yang’s rebellion yesterday, Ning Chu had spoken very little.

There are reasons why he spoke very little.

First, it’s to reduce communication with Wen Yang and create a dislikeable image, preventing Wen Yang from growing fonder of him.

Second, his mood was indeed not good.

There were no signs of his body feminizing!

And there were no signs of punishment either!

This indicated that the plot triggered yesterday hadn’t been completely ruined.

That troublesome girl who played basketball was still gunning for Wen Yang!

“Ah~ It’s time for class already~” Zhang Shaoqing jumped off his bed, squatting down to tease the cat while cursing, “Damn! It’s been so long since we’ve had a proper class, it’s a bit hard to get used to it suddenly!”

Wang Jie curiously asked, “Why did you dye your hair black?”

It was late last night when he returned, and the three of them were already asleep.

“Hah~ I even considered dyeing it green! If the hairdresser hadn’t talked me out of it.”


Apparently, the issue with his childhood sweetheart still left a deep psychological impact on Zhang Shaoqing.

Wang Jie felt something was off with his tone. He turned to Ning Chu and asked, “How’s the beef jerky? It’s over a hundred per pound.”


“Why do you look so down too?” Wang Jie didn’t understand what had happened over the holiday.

He then looked at Wen Yang, who also had a gloomy face.

Wang Jie sighed and walked toward the balcony, muttering, “What’s wrong with everyone today?”

It was just a few days of holiday, but he noticed that his roommates were acting weirder than before.

Ning Chu looked prettier and more alluring, with his chest muscles more pronounced.

Wen Yang seemed preoccupied, but his gaze frequently fell on Ning Chu, as if Ning Chu was his guiding star.

Zhang Shaoqing seemed normal but like a volcano about to erupt.

After the four of them finished washing up and getting ready, they headed to the lecture hall together.

With ten minutes to spare before class, students were filling the paths between the dormitories and the lecture buildings in groups.

“D302, D302… here it is.”

Although it wasn’t their first time in the lecture hall, it still took some effort to find the classroom.

When Ning Chu and the others entered, the back rows were already occupied, leaving only the first three rows with vacant seats.

As expected…

Reluctantly, they sat in the third row, and only then did Ning Chu look up at the teacher on the podium.

A middle-aged male teacher with a large belly and balding head.

Ning Chu suddenly remembered the common trope of creepy fat balding male leads in certain doujinshi… Who knows why those artists like to use such sleazy characters as protagonists; every time Ning Chu saw one of those books, it completely killed his mood.

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