Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 41 Table of contents

White Mask, true to his name, always wore a white mask. This alone made it difficult to discern what kind of person he was, and since he rarely stayed in Rondan, he seemed even more shrouded in mystery.

But now, for the first time, he brought up something from his past.

The Dragon Slayer.

The fact that it had a specific title and that White Mask fought it and lost meant that it was definitely an Outsider of considerable power.

Most Outsiders, like the Gardener, didn’t kill people out of pure intent to do so unless they had a specific purpose. Bell just wanted to play with people, and the Chef wanted to feed the dying, though his methods were flawed, leading to unfortunate results. In a way, you could even argue that the Gardener’s actions were a form of self-defense, killing people to protect his friend.

"Play? Are you playing with me? I want to go for a walk!"

Not yet, you little rascal. There are people around, and if you come out now, we’re in big trouble!


No use making that pitiful sound. There’s a time for walks, you know. But later, maybe we can sneak out of Rondan and take a stroll where no one can see us. Maybe even deal with that intruding Candle while we’re at it.


"…So, now that you have a disciple, did you come here to capture it?"

I asked White Mask because, given the circumstances, there didn’t seem to be any other explanation, but he just shook his head.

"What nonsense. I’ve always come here regularly to deal with the drakes it spawns. Today just happens to be the scheduled time."

White Mask pointed somewhere, and I saw the human-like figures I had noticed earlier.

As expected.

To others, it might look like dragons are wreaking havoc.

If these beings were created by an Outsider, they were likely fragments of a Lesser Outsider.

So, each Outsider might have multiple types of fragments. Then whose fragment is the Lesser Outsider? I still need to find out more about that mysterious "she" who keeps being mentioned.

Once this incident is over, I should gather information about the Lesser Outsider. Since all records about Outsiders have been erased, I might have to buy secret information from the market. If the Hunter knows about it, then there’s a chance the market has some information too.

For now, I’ll leave that for later.

The fact that he brought Muyun and me here to what’s essentially a weeding session suggests that the main purpose is training.

Even though my physical abilities have improved somewhat thanks to the Chef’s food, considering how I couldn’t do much when I encountered the twin Outsiders, it’s clear that my body isn’t in top shape yet.

"Why that face? Did you think I’d just throw you into the fray without any explanation?"

White Mask said something unexpected, and I couldn’t help but look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Wasn’t that what you were planning?"

"If you want to, just say so."

"No, that’s not it."

Might as well tell me to commit suicide.

White Mask, who seemed to be joking, let out a small chuckle and then returned to his usual tone.

"From now on, we’ll be training to strengthen the abilities you already have. For you, it’s about building the mental fortitude to control the horn, and for Muyun, it’s about practicing to better control her unique abilities."

White Mask said this while first looking at Muyun. Sensing his gaze, Muyun flinched and looked at White Mask with a frightened expression.

"B-Black Mask, sir?!"

"Muyun, your combat skills are already at a high level. This is thanks to your diligent practice of the training I’ve taught you. But your problem is that it stops there. Conscious combat alone won’t help against the Outsiders that may come in the future.

To overcome this, you must open the next door, as I and the Vice Commander have done. But unique abilities are closely tied to the mind. Without erasing your fears, you won’t even approach that door."

White Mask explained to Muyun in a firm, authoritative tone.

He then assumed a posture, holding his weapon in one hand while bringing his fingers together and closing his eyes, breathing deeply. It looked somewhat like he was meditating.

But as he did this, the wind around him began to swirl, gradually intensifying to the point where it felt like a strong gust.


White Mask then unleashed a sharp hand strike into the air.

The very air seemed to split apart.

The powerful strike was aimed directly at one of the drakes flying through the sky, but it narrowly missed and slammed into the wall.


A thunderous sound echoed, causing the accumulated snow to collapse and change the landscape in an instant.


What did I just witness?

The person who had just performed this feat had a calm expression as if he had simply thrown a casual strike.

"If you can unify your mind and focus your will, you can channel your energy into your actions, both consciously and unconsciously. Not that I expect you to reach what I just demonstrated."

White Mask said, urging Muyun to mimic the meditative stance. Muyun hurriedly followed suit, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to replicate what White Mask had done.

But perhaps because of the circumstances, Muyun soon became discouraged and looked at White Mask with a defeated expression.

"…I can’t do it."

"If it were easy from the start, everyone would be a knight. Your goal for the next month is to master this meditation and grasp the basics of your unique ability, Muyun."

"Yes… wait, what?!"

Muyun gasped, staring at White Mask in shock.

Being told to master such a difficult technique in a month must have felt like a bolt from the blue.

But White Mask had already turned away from her and was approaching me.

"Ah… ah…"

I could see Muyun falling into despair in real-time.

Ignoring her, White Mask gestured for me to take out the horn from my pocket.

When I held the horn in one hand, White Mask nodded as if to confirm that I had the right idea.

"You probably think that horn is just a tool to summon Outsiders."

"…Isn’t it?"

White Mask let out a chuckle at my question.

"On a basic level, yes. But if you delve deeper, you’ll see that it’s a bit different."

He paused, seemingly thinking about how to explain it.

Suddenly, I heard Muyun struggling as she practiced the technique White Mask had shown her. Her face turned red, and she began to flap her arms awkwardly.

I mean, is it really that embarrassing?

"Ah, yes. Let me put it this way."

In that brief moment, White Mask had apparently organized his thoughts.

"The horn has the power to summon Outsiders. Depending on the situation, it can also summon parts of an Outsider. For example, it could be a physical part of the Outsider’s body, their thoughts, their language…"

White Mask took a deep breath and continued.

"…or even their abilities."

"You mean I can summon an Outsider’s abilities?!"

White Mask shrugged.

"Well, I haven’t used it myself, so I can’t say for sure. But I can see it. By learning to use the horn efficiently, you’ve opened up countless possibilities."

Despite his mask covering his face, it felt like White Mask was looking at something beyond.

Come to think of it, being able to see through a mask without eyeholes was strange enough.

As soon as the explanation ended, White Mask pointed at my head.

"Sometimes, don’t you hear voices in your head?"


That’s right.

I hear them way too often.

Whether it’s the Gardener giving unsolicited advice during critical moments or Bell whining and trying to break free whenever I mention playing.

White Mask nodded at my response.

"Those voices are probably Outsiders asking you to summon them. It must be terrifying, yet you’re holding up well."


Asking me to summon them, huh?

I guess that’s sort of what they want, but it’s not quite what White Mask is thinking.

Still, her deduction wasn’t entirely wrong.

"It means your body has become a vessel capable of accepting divine power. So, theoretically, you could form a conditional contract to borrow that power temporarily."

Is that even possible?

"…Granting power to a human body, huh? With your current state, it might be possible. It’s a bit different from making a contract, though."

The Gardener responded to White Mask’s words with a mix of agreement and skepticism.

With my current state?

I thought my body had only gotten stronger because of the Chef’s food.

What does he mean by that?

"I smell something good!"

You smell something good?

Does that mean I’m emitting some kind of pheromone that attracts Outsiders?

Is that a good thing?

"Rather than manifesting directly through a portal, it’s more efficient to send power through it. It’s similar to sending fragments to extend influence."

Setting aside the weird implications, the Gardener confirmed that what White Mask said was possible.

White Mask nodded, seeming to understand from my expression that the conversation was over.

"So, do you think it’s possible?"

"Yes… it seems doable."

"In this place, summoning an Outsider wouldn’t cause much damage. But that would just lead to a fight between Outsiders. Instead, try using the horn to summon a part of the Outsider’s power."

Sure, summoning an Outsider to fight would make things quick, but that would leave me reliant on them without growing stronger myself.

This method had its risks, but it was the training I needed.

"If the explanation is over, let’s move on to the practical part."


"No, not that again?"

Muyun seemed to know what was coming, but before we could react, White Mask grabbed us by our collars and threw us off the cliff.


My half-formed curses were lost in the wind as we plummeted.

"Tanton! Grab my hand!"

I expected Muyun to be the most terrified, but she calmly reached out her hand to me.

As we fell, I grabbed her hand, and with her other hand, she pulled out an axe from her back and slammed it into the cliff wall, gradually slowing our descent.

I knew she was strong, but controlling our fall with just her bare hands? What kind of training does the Knights’ Order do?

The ground below, which had seemed endlessly dark, began to come into view, and thanks to Muyun, we landed safely.

But there was no time to be relieved.

"Be careful, Tanton! This is the drakes’ territory! Even though they’re Lesser Outsiders, they’re still borderline threats!"


They’re the apex predators of fantasy worlds, with wings and sharp teeth that tear through enemies.

Thanks to Super Coward Mode’s immunity to darkness, I could see the drakes clearly, despite them being shrouded in clouds.

"This is insane."

"T-Tanton, even you’re scared… I’m so scared. What do we do?"

I couldn’t help but let out an involuntary curse.

But it wasn’t out of fear.

It was a reflex, a reaction to the sight that was too overwhelming to bear without swearing.

"Welcome, Master! Oh, you’re a human? What’s your order? Since you trespassed without prior notice, shall we proceed with a special intruder steak rare course, prepared with piping hot breath?"

A long horn, massive wings, delicate frills, a maid cap, and a human form with all the right curves in all the right places.

…No, seriously, even with Super Coward Mode, isn’t this a bit too much?

In Super Coward Mode, it seems dragons are maids.

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