I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I B…
Vol. 11 Ch. 152 Table of contents

"Why did you ...... this?"


A place where Selena's brother, Leon, has almost forcibly taken her. It was a large training ground.


"One floor is used as a training facility, and my Marquis of Halls is the Imperial Gate! Not only boys, but also girls have a decent amount of training! Well, in Serena's case, it went too far."


Saying that, my brother-in-law Mr./Ms. looks a little far. Maybe he's had his fair share of difficulties as an older brother.


"The only sisters who showed up at the salon were younger than Serena, and the older sisters had long since gone to marry to another family or took a son-in-law and moved out of the main house......."

"I see."


I wonder if the children of the imperial aristocracy have a lower age of marriage. No, an adult is about 18 years old? I guess it's common sense to get engaged before you reach adulthood and go to your wife or son-in-law as soon as you become an adult. In that sense, Chris, who captured me early, is following the conventions or common sense.


Let's do it!"

"I don't like it...... I mean, what's the point of having so many people on standby?"

"Of course, I'm going to join hands with you!

"I really hate it...... And it's a sword with a blade, isn't it?"


Sometime ago, when he trained with the knights of the Imperial Guard, he used a safe mock sword equipped with an advanced judgment device, but the Marquis of Halls' training ground does not seem to have such a device.


"You don't like this kind of thing, do you? Since he was a mercenary, I thought he must have a belligerent personality."

"I don't think a man who jumps into danger willingly will live long as a mercenary...... It's a big deal."


I'm so scared! I yes think that challenging a strong enemy without a plan is nothing more than a death flag.


......But you're daredevil enough to be called 'crazy' by two names, aren't you?"

"It's just that the people around you are saying that, it's an exaggeration to ram a single ship into a swarm of crystalline lifeforms."

"No, I don't think it's an exaggeration at all......

"It's hard to understand each other...... Well, I'm reluctant at all, but I can't put mud on my face when my brother-in-law Mr./Ms. has gone out of his way to gather people."


With that said, he moved to a corner of the training ground where many mock swords were placed and looked at a suitable mock sword. The quality is quite good, or rather, if you look closely, it just doesn't have a blade, and the material itself is no different from the single-bladed sword used by the nobility. It's kind of like a practical battle...... I'm spending a lot of money.


"This and this, I'll get you ready for a bit."

We'll get ready!"


Saying that, Leon's brother-in-law Mr./Ms. went to talk to my opponents who were waiting at the training ground, probably all children of nobles. My brother-in-law, Mr./Ms., seems to have a natural leader Thailand or the temperament to lead people. It's forced, but for some reason I don't feel disgusted. Is that what charisma is?

Stretch and lightly swing a mock sword to see how your body feels. The clothes I'm wearing now are pretty chile and easy to wear, but they're flexible enough not to get in the way of combat actions such as swinging a sword. After all, it's originally a military uniform.


"I'm ready for this."


Carrying a mock sword that was almost as long and heavy as the pair of swords of the size and size that he usually used in each hand, he turned to the large training ground. But Erma, Mei, and Serena haven't arrived, so what are they doing?


Oh, your companions and Serena are watching this training ground! Take care of yourself!"

"On the left...... And who are you coming from?"


Somewhere in this training ground, there is probably a camera or something like an optical sensor. So, should I refrain from using my psionic abilities at full throttle? Let's only use it to slow down the time flow by holding your breath.


"Then I'll ask you to deal with me."


Saying this, it was a middle-aged swordsman who stepped forward in front of me. Obviously, he's a couple of years older than me, Leon, and Serena. Isn't he the same age as Mr. Laurenz? He has a sharp eye and seems to be quite a user.


"Suddenly, someone who looks strong has appeared?"

「…… Lauren is my and Serena's sword masters. He serves as the swordsmanship instructor of the Marquis of Halls."



He's definitely strong as a swordsmanship instructor. I'm an amateur who has only been holding a sword for less than half a year.


"What's the signal to start?"

"There is no such thing, you can come anytime."

"Then don't hesitate."


True to my word, I dangled my sword in both hands and casually closed the gap to Mr. Lauren. You can feel the feeling of bewilderment. Maybe it's because they look so vulnerable. But I'm not letting my guard down. With the physical ability of a nobleman, there is no such thing as a gap of twenty steps, let alone ten steps. I'm used to that area because I usually deal with Mei. Mei would be able to close the gap of about 30 paces in the blink of an eye.

Are you coming? Unlike Mei, it's easy to understand because the intention of the attack is conveyed to Bing.





At the same time as closing the gap of more than ten paces in an instant, he parried the sword that was unleashed with the sword in his left hand, and he could not lose the opponent's position. Did you pause in the moment when I parried the sword?


「…… It's funny."

"It's a terrible thing to say."

"I'm going to show you the bottom of you."

"Try it."


Lauren's body seemed to swell up a little, and then he slashed at her at a ridiculous speed. Did he remove the limiter on body enhancement, or was it some kind of swordsmanship mystery? I don't know about it, but it's a tremendous sword speed.

But it's not enough. This doesn't reach me. Mei's sword, which usually beats me up, is faster and heavier than this.




Mr. Lauren, who was slamming his sword at me at a tremendous speed, let out a cry of pain as he distanced himself from me. It's a shame that he doesn't drop his sword.


"My ...... It's a loss."


The hand that held Mr. Lauren's sword, his fingers were broken or shredded by three fingers. Blood dripping from his hands wets the floor of the training ground red.

Mr. Lauren was strong. His sword speed was fast, and his sword fighting was more experienced than any other swordsman I had ever fought.

However, if you know where your opponent is trying to attack and which attack is a feint, it is not difficult to deal with. All you have to do is slow down the flow of time at key points, flip the sword, parry, and put in the yes.


「…… Surprised. Are you going to dismiss Lauren?"

Come on."

"Is it okay to have a real battle format?"

"It's fine, but I won't take responsibility for getting hurt."


When I said that, not only Leon's brother-in-law Mr./Ms., but also the other nobles' children raised their swords.

Come on!


"Why did you ...... this?"


Corpses pile up. I sighed at the sight that was aptly described as such. Some were groaning after their shoulder bones and finger bones were shattered, others were vomiting blood and trembling, others were kicking with one knee on the ground without falling to the ground with a metal sword that had been bladed, and many others were injured. None of the wounded were seriously injured enough to die immediately, but they were not shallow wounds.


"So, it's a good idea, brother-in-law, ......."


Leon's brother-in-law Mr./Ms., who is sweating greasy on one knee, groans. Because there is a good one on the bank, my brother-in-law Mr./Ms.. As expected, there was no room for compromise in a situation where the swords of the children of nobles were flying from all directions. I'm able to stand up, but I'm pretty full. I mean, am I going home in these tattered clothes? I didn't bring a change of clothes.


"By the way."

"What...... what?"

"I haven't really gotten it out yet."

"You're lying...... aren't you?"

"It's true."


Saying this, I telekinesis-grabbed the sword that had spilled out of the hands of the nobleman's disciples and spun it around me. In fact, it opened my eyes to more dangerous uses of power, but I don't need to show it that far.


「…… Is it a psionic ability?!?"



At the same time as releasing the telekinesis, the sword that had been spinning in the air fell to the floor with a rattling sound.


"Let's get this devastation under control for the time being."

"Oh, yes...... Whew."


Perhaps running out of energy, Leon's brother-in-law Mr./Ms. fell to the floor with a thud. It's not like the person in charge sleeps on his own. Wake up, Olaa!


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