I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 41 Table of contents

...In the end, we arrived at the church.

If it were just Anastasia and me coming here together, I wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable.

I kept anxiously glancing at Orca, trying to gauge her mood.

I couldn’t tell what she was feeling.

Alright, maybe I should just ask her directly.

"Why do you keep sneaking glances at me?"

"...I was just wondering if you might be uncomfortable."

"Hah. Do you even have to ask? Of course, I’m uncomfortable."

"I figured..."

Both she and I knew that being here would make her uncomfortable, and Anastasia knew it too.

It was obvious. After all, she’s possessed by a demon.

Just as demons instinctively feel disgust toward humans, they also feel repulsed by the holy energy wielded by clergypeople.

Of course, there’s a difference between the two.

The disgust demons feel toward humans carries an aggressive desire to erase the source of irritation.

But the disgust they feel toward holy energy is slightly different.

It’s more like the feeling a human gets when seeing a filthy sewer rat.

Even though she’s not a true demon, as a demon-possessed individual, the church is an uncomfortable place for Orca.

I still don’t really understand why she insisted on coming, even though she knew it wouldn’t be pleasant.

"If it’s uncomfortable, maybe we should go back..."


"Ah, okay."

Well, even if I don’t understand, there’s nothing I can do about it.

Even if she’s uncomfortable, she wants to be here. It’s not like it’s a bad thing; she’s offering to help with volunteer work, so there’s no reason to stop her.

"I think it would be better if we turned back."

"I’m not going back."

"I respect your personal decision, but... we’re in the heart of the church. The concentration of holy energy here is different from other places."


"Yes, yes, I understand."

She’s stubborn.

Despite being in a place that should be unpleasant for her as a demon-possessed person, she showed no signs of backing down, as if she had some sense of duty.

"Tch. Why is the Guardian associating with someone like her...?"

"Shh. She might hear you."

"Let her hear. This is a church. Honestly, I’d almost prefer if she caused a scene."


"...Let’s move quickly. The children must be waiting."

The problem wasn’t just the holy energy permeating the area.

This is the place where the Pope resides—the central seat of the church. The clergy here are all deeply devout.

There are some moderates, like Anastasia, who believe that demon-possessed individuals are also victims, but...

Because of their overflowing faith, many of them are strongly hostile toward demon-possessed individuals.

It’s a situation where the two sides find each other unpleasant, so it wouldn’t be surprising if conflict broke out at any moment.

Anastasia quickened her pace, trying to leave the area.

"I’m sorry, Orca. The sisters didn’t mean any harm..."

"I don’t care. I’ve always been someone who’s shunned by others."


"What are you doing? Aren’t we supposed to be moving? This isn’t the orphanage, is it?"

"...No. We’re almost there."

There’s never been a case where a demon-possessed person and a demon got along or where a demon-possessed person defeated a demon in battle.

That’s why everyone here reacts to Orca like she’s a ticking time bomb.

I understand why, but...

Even so, seeing Orca being ostracized like this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"It’s okay, Orca."

"...What is?"

"Soon, you won’t have to deal with people reacting to you like that."

"What are you talking about?"

She doesn’t seem to believe me.

Well, she’s lived her whole life being discriminated against. If I don’t do anything, she’ll continue to live that way.

She’ll likely go on considering the discrimination against her as normal.

That doesn’t sit well with me.

I understand why others are wary of Orca, given that she’s dangerous.

It’s true that if a demon-possessed person goes berserk, it causes significant damage.

Even if I told people not to discriminate against or ostracize demon-possessed individuals, no one would listen.

So I want to help her make friends.

Friends who won’t discriminate against her, who will stand by her when others shun her.

Ideally, I’d like those friends to be the characters I care about.

Right now, the most likely candidate is... Leo.

They’ve spent more time together than with anyone else, so they must have gotten somewhat closer.

...I hope so, anyway.

"We’re here. This is the place."

"So this is..."

"What do you think?"

Have I been lost in thought for too long?

While walking absentmindedly, we had arrived at the front of the orphanage, and Anastasia asked for my opinion, looking proud.

I think I understand why she looks so proud.

Despite having lost her family in an instant, the children’s faces were full of smiles as they played with their friends.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine the effort and dedication it took to protect those smiles.

Using the power of hypnosis and my knowledge of the future, I’ve barely been able to help a few students.

But the time and effort required to achieve what she has... It’s beyond anything I can imagine.

"...It’s nice."

"Right? ...Hey, kids! It’s been a while!"

"Oh, Guardian Sister! Hello!"

As Anastasia clapped her hands and cheerfully called out to the children, they stopped playing and rushed over to her.

She’s loved.

That kind of reaction only comes from someone who’s genuinely taken good care of the children.

"Who’s this? She’s so tall!"

"Why is her hair white only here? Is it because she’s old?"

"W-Wait a second..."

"You look scary. Are you mad?"

"I’m not mad!"

"Eek! She’s mad!"

...Orca didn’t seem to be as scary as I thought she would be.

I expected the children to be frightened by her sharp eyes and slouched posture, but...

Maybe it’s because they’re kids—they’re fearless.

They were touching Orca’s body all over, in a way that would make the academy students panic.


"Hmm? What is it?"

"You’re pretty..."


"Oh, I’m sorry. Our kids are just very honest."

What’s with this difference in reactions?

Sure, sometimes I’m startled by how pretty I am when I look in the mirror...

But by that standard, Orca and Anastasia are just as beautiful.

So why am I getting this kind of reaction?

"Kids, don’t bother our guests and gather around for a moment, okay?"


At Anastasia’s call, the children, who had been bothering Orca and me, gathered around her.

Orca, who had been thoroughly teased—her cheeks pinched and her hair pulled—already seemed exhausted.

She’s more vulnerable to kids than I thought.

"Alright, let me introduce them. This is Orca, a friend I made at the academy, and this is Ophilia-sensei, who works at the academy."



"...A friend?"

Orca repeated the word "friend" as if she were in a daze.

Could it be that the word "friend" is that unfamiliar to her?

She was trying not to show it in front of the children, but she looked quite confused.

...Maybe Anastasia will become her friend before Leo does.

I hadn’t considered it because their relationship didn’t seem very good, but...

This feels like an unexpected win.

"The kids said your games seemed like so much fun, and they’re curious about the two of you. Can they join you?"

"Sure! Since you’re the Guardian Sister’s friend, we’ll let you join!"

"Thank you. You’re so sweet."


I had guessed from watching her interact with the kids, but it seems she visits here often.

Otherwise, there’s no way she’d be so good with them.

The children, realizing that we were there to play with them, excitedly crowded around us.

"Hide and seek! Let’s play hide and seek!"

"No way! We played that last time! Today is treasure hunting!"

Wait, hold on.

As the children raised their voices, debating what game to play, a certain word caught my attention, and I quickly turned to look.

Hide and seek and treasure hunting.

There’s someone here who shouldn’t hear those words.

Did she hear it...?



The slight smile that had been on Orca’s face as she watched the children disappeared in an instant.

Damn it. She heard it... I was hoping she wouldn’t.

Because she’s a demon-possessed person, her physical abilities are unnecessarily sharp.


"I’m leaving."

"W-What? But...!"

"Get lost. I’m not in the mood."

The children seemed to sense the change in atmosphere and began to cautiously watch us.

This is a nightmare.

"Alright, alright...! It seems like Orca isn’t feeling well right now! Ophilia-sensei and I will play with you! Should we start with hide and seek?!"

"W-We’ll be here for a while today...! We can play all the games you want! Right?"


Forcing smiles, Anastasia and I hurriedly tried to calm the children down and lift the mood.

But even as we did, I couldn’t take my eyes off Orca’s back as she disappeared down the corridor.

...I completely forgot. I should have known that Orca might react sensitively to playing with the kids.

I should have stopped her from coming, even if I had to force her.

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