Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 43 Table of contents

"Hmm… Hmm… W-What do you think you’re touching?"

The Dragon Slayer.

"That’s a sensitive area, you know."

A being so ruthless that even her own kin, created from her fragments, weren't spared.

"How dare you touch me there so shamelessly!"

The woman, who always exuded an air of nobility and severity—one who seemed like she wouldn't bleed even if pricked—was now biting her lip, her face completely flushed red.

Because of the scandalous scene unfolding far away!

"What is this… such disgraceful behavior!"

She placed her hand on her forehead as if she had witnessed something she should never have seen.

One of the dragon maids supported her as she swayed.

"Miss, if I may ask, what has disturbed you so? If it's something impure, we will take care of it immediately."

Hearing the question from one of the drakes, the Dragon Slayer slightly parted the hand covering her eyes and began to watch again.

She looked like a curious child peeking through her fingers at something she claimed she didn't want to see.

"This… This is… Yes, these are the children I sent… And they’re trembling under the hands of some man… Ahhh! I can't even describe it!"

The Dragon Slayer waved her hand dismissively, erasing the scene from her sight, and extended her hand toward the maid.

"Here is a new fan."

With a click, she accepted the new fan, replacing the one that had cracked, and used it to cool her blushing cheeks.

"Honestly, what a disgrace."

She was visibly flustered, breathing heavily, and it was clear she hadn’t witnessed anything pleasant.

"Why is that human committing such shameful acts?!"

"Perhaps he is someone who matches the masked man who brought him here, thus deserving of your attention, Miss."

"Indeed, that must be the case."

She closed the now cracked fan and frowned.

"He must be severely punished."

"Huff, huff… How’s that? Here?"

"No, no more…."

"This spot seems to be the most responsive."

"T-That's… Ahh?!"

As I hit her weak spot, she couldn't resist the sensitive sensation, twisting her waist in what appeared to be agony.

Watching her, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction wash over me.

The other drakes had already collapsed, too exhausted to move.

Only this one remained.

So, this is what Leydan Tanton enjoyed, huh?

I could almost understand a part of his feelings now.

It was like dopamine coursing through my veins, almost exploding.


"Alright, this is it."

It was almost time.

So, let’s give her the final blow.



The dragon maid lifted her upper body before sinking back down with a satisfying sound.

"Mmm, that feels so good…."

She looked utterly relieved, a delighted expression on her face as I massaged her.

What’s that? You think something's off?

I’ve never said anything wrong.

I was simply massaging the most knotted areas with my thumbs, releasing the tension.

They’re only collapsed because it feels so good.

I recalled something the Hunter had once said.

Playing with the Watcher looked like a fight from the Hunter’s perspective.

If Super Coward Mode censored ethical fears, wouldn’t hunting be similar?

My touch was an attack on these Outsiders.

As if to confirm that, the drakes, who had been in a state of bliss, gradually faded away until they disappeared completely.

So that’s how it is.

This might be the way Leydan Tanton handled Outsiders, based on what White Mask had inferred about Tanton confronting Outsiders alone.

A method of dealing with them that differed from killing.

The conditions were tough, but even with just a fraction of this power unleashed, the Outsider killing potential was immense….

What kind of power would he wield if he went all out? Leydan Tanton!

For some reason, I felt a sharp gaze from the presence clinging to my back.


I didn’t do anything wrong, legally or ethically.

I merely dispensed justice.

"…Pervert, scum, attempted rapist, Leydan Tanton."


And why did Leydan Tanton fit so naturally into that list?

Sure, the insults were harsher than usual, but still.

This is unfair!

I was just dealing with the Outsiders!

Is this how Tanton felt when he was arrested for attempted rape of an Outsider?

As I pondered this, the sound of grinding teeth grew louder from behind me.

Curious, I turned around and jumped in surprise.

Muyun was trembling, staring at me with wide eyes.


"You didn’t just subdue the dragon… You tortured it…."

"No, it’s not like that…."

"It’s okay… I’ll understand you, even like this, Tanton!"


I expected fear, but this reaction was… odd.

Muyun’s behavior was becoming scarier by the second.


I heard Belle’s voice echoing in my mind.

Right, you're the only one who purely likes me.

"Woo… Instead of the dragon, will you touch me with care?"


That’s something that would land me behind bars the moment I mentioned it to the police.

If I wanted to make Belle faint, I’d need to do something more than just petting her.

As I was lost in thought, the Gardener yawned and spoke.

"…I think I should go soon. Staying longer might not be good for you."

She said this as she carefully withdrew the arms wrapped around me.

Why does that make me feel so disappointed?

She had mentioned there were restrictions whenever I used my powers.

"What is it exactly that you take in return?"

"Your life force."


Did I mishear that?

"No, you heard right."

"…Does this mean I’ll die early?"

"…Not your lifespan!"

The Gardener sighed deeply.

"I’m just taking away your vitality for the day. If you overdo it, you might pass out in a few minutes."

"No way, just a few minutes…."

"Tanton! Be careful!"

…No sooner had I dismissed the idea, I stumbled, and if Muyun hadn’t caught me, I would’ve fallen.

What the hell?

Does using this once really do this?

"Don’t worry. You’ll last until the evening."

"…But won’t this make long battles too difficult?"

"Exactly. If you keep pushing past your limit, it might start taking your actual lifespan."

What?! My lifespan?!

Sure, it sounds nice to say it only takes a day's vitality, but that really means my health deteriorates, right?

They say great power comes with a great price….

The Gardener twisted her lips as she spoke.

"That’ll improve as our bond deepens… Wait, are you having weird thoughts again?"


Why is she accusing me out of the blue?

As I smiled sheepishly, I felt a blow to the back of my head.


"…Sigh. Anyway, I’m leaving now. Try not to blow that horn again today."

With those parting words, the sensation of her presence on my shoulder disappeared completely.

Like Belle, she must have vanished naturally.

"Tanton… who were you talking to just now?"

"Oh. That was the Outsider from before."

Muyun began trembling all over, her face a picture of terror, as if suffering from PTSD.

…It was impressive that this fearful girl had managed not to pass out.

Even if she hadn’t manifested her power, this alone was a significant improvement.

"So, should we head back now?"

"Yes. It seems like we just need to climb up, but I can handle myself; I’m not sure if I can carry you too…."

"Why are you deciding to end things on your own?"

Suddenly, a third voice, not belonging to me or Muyun, interrupted.

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, I turned to see Muyun trembling, her eyes wide with fear.

There was only one reason for a reaction like this.

I turned in the direction of the voice and saw a woman standing there.

She had long horns atop her head, neatly tied twin-tails, and yellow eyes.

Most notably, she was dressed like a noble lady straight out of a novel.

This wasn’t the kind of outfit one would wear in a place like this.

Unlike the drakes, she wore what appeared to be an expensive dress, giving off the aura of a noblewoman.

And she had three maids flanking her on either side….

There was only one conclusion.

"…The Dragon Slayer, why is she…?"

Muyun, trembling with fear, began foaming at the mouth.


"Hmph… I didn’t come here to witness the reactions of commoners."

Ignoring Muyun, the Dragon Slayer raised her fan and pointed it at me.

"You there."

Just that gesture alone set off intense alarms in my head, warning me of imminent danger. I grabbed the paralyzed Muyun and dove to the ground.

A pink wind whipped across the cliff.

It felt like my body would be blown away, but thanks to the enhanced strength from the Chef's food, I managed to hold my ground.


"You’re fortunate not to have been swept away."

But the Dragon Slayer wasn’t finished. She extended her arm toward me once more.

"Shameless one."

The three dragon maids at her side murmured among themselves.

"Uhh, what does shameless mean?"

"From what the Miss said, it’s when you touch someone’s body with your hands."

"Hmm… Isn’t that just simple physical contact?"

"If the Miss says so, then it must be true!"

Hearing the maids’ murmuring, the Dragon Slayer blushed and shouted.

"If you’ve done something shameless to my maids, then you deserve a painful death!"

The Gardener had warned me to stop, but there was no other choice now.

I’d have to blow the horn again….

Just as I was about to summon Belle and figure something out, someone grabbed me, lifting me into the air.

Surprised by the sudden turn of events, I turned my head to see someone I was glad to see.

"Who would’ve thought the Dragon Slayer would appear? We’re retreating."

It was White Mask.

The strong wind engulfed us, but we weren’t pushed back.

Instead, White Mask rode the current, swiftly ascending.

"Don’t worry, I can escape that lizard faster than anyone."

White Mask began to scale the wall rapidly, heading upward.

In the distance, I could hear the Dragon Slayer’s voice as she unfurled her wings, trying to catch up.

"W-Wait! Don’t run away like that!!!"

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