After the Succubus Became a Fake Young Master Tha…
Chapter 29 Table of contents

Since the program team needed to film preparations for departure at the villa, Chi Yu moved into the new villa in advance.

On the day of filming, only Chi Jing remained in the villa.

Mu Jingshan, along with a new assistant arranged by Extreme Entertainment, arrived at the villa before the program team to help him prepare his luggage.

“Are all your things in the walk-in closet?” Mu Jingshan asked.

“Yes, take a left turn to the second room,” Chi Jing replied, still half-asleep and sitting on the bed in disheveled clothes.

Mu Jingshan, accustomed to his sleepiness, led the assistant to the walk-in closet to pack his clothes.

This season, the program team seemed to be going for a mysterious theme, having not revealed the destination country or city, but they did inform all guests about the clothing they needed to bring.

Mu Jingshan confidently opened the door to the walk-in closet and was stunned to see it packed with clothes in a 20-square-meter space.

“Are all these clothes yours?” He asked, incredulous as he confirmed that all the clothes were indeed Chi Jing’s size.

He didn’t know the exact identity of his biological parents who had visited the other day, but their attire and demeanor suggested they were quite distinguished.

Having worked in the entertainment industry for about a year, he had seen many wealthy individuals, but none with the aura of Tang Zhengqing and Chi Yu.

He speculated that Chi Jing’s biological family must be extremely wealthy.

But he hadn’t expected such extravagance!

The new assistant, a recent graduate who had researched luxury fashion and men’s accessories, exclaimed, “Wow, the value of this closet must be in the seven figures.”

Mu Jingshan nodded gravely.

He opened a drawer containing accessories, intending to find a pair of sunglasses for Chi Jing, and was greeted by a collection of gemstone cufflinks.

He corrected himself, “It might even be eight figures.”

The assistant was stunned.

She nervously began taking clothes from the closet, realizing many were the latest luxury brand releases.

“Mu brother, what’s Chi brother’s background? Why would he work in the entertainment industry if he’s this wealthy?” she asked, astonished by the value of the wardrobe.

Mu Jingshan sighed inwardly, thinking that if Chi Jing had found his biological parents earlier, he might never have entered the entertainment industry.

“That’s not for us to ask,” he said, refocusing on packing the luggage.

Unaware of the happenings in the walk-in closet, Chi Jing eventually accepted that he had to get up early for work today.

He reluctantly got out of bed, washed his face, and headed toward the sounds from the walk-in closet.

Pushing open the door, he found Mu Jingshan and the new assistant examining a row of wristwatches.

“What are you looking at?” He asked.

Mu Jingshan turned around, revealing a collection of brand-new wristwatches.

“Are all these watches real?” He asked, swallowing hard.

“I don’t know; my dad prepared them,” he replied, casually selecting a black and gold watch and fastening it on his wrist.

“It’s pretty nice,” he said.

The assistant, adjusting her glasses, exclaimed, “Of course! That’s a top-tier BLA collectible! It’s a unique global design!”

“So expensive?” Chi Jing said nonchalantly, showing no particular care.

Mu Jingshan suddenly realized how much Chi Jing had endured working under him in the past.

This guy was born to be a young master.

“Alright, let’s finish packing,” Chi Jing said, joining the others in organizing his luggage.

By seven o’clock, he was eating a healthy vegetable salad for breakfast at the table, though he didn’t enjoy it.

He preferred meat but was too tired to protest.

Mechanically chewing the salad, he also had an iced Americano by his side, its bitterness providing a slight wake-up call.

Holding the coffee, he listened to Mu Jingshan’s incessant chatter.

“I got a message from the staff. They will be here in ten minutes to start recording. Do you want us to get a stylist?” He asked.

“No need,” Chi Jing replied with a hoarse voice. “Why are you still here?”

“I’m taking you to the airport,” Mu Jingshan said.

Chi Jing considered this and decided it was best to have him accompany him to the airport, rather than letting the female assistant handle the luggage or doing it himself as he had before.

“Alright then,” he agreed.

Mu Jingshan continued to talk about the possible filming locations based on the temperatures revealed by the program team.

“I’ve narrowed it down to a few countries based on the climate clues,” he said.

“Stop talking, it’s noisy,” Chi Jing said, feeling irritated by the chatter.

Mu Jingshan agreed, realizing there was no need to guess the destination.

Soon, the program team arrived at the villa, including Qin Qiaohan, who was surprised by the luxury of the villa.

“Chi brother, did you move to a new place?” she asked.

Chi Jing, finishing his coffee, nodded.

“Is this your house?” she continued.

“No, it’s a company-arranged dormitory,” he clarified, feeling more awake.

“I see. Looks like Longhuang Entertainment values you a lot,” she said.

He remembered that others still believed he was signed with Longhuang Entertainment.

He decided to drop a hint about his new contract with Extreme Entertainment.

“It’s not Longhuang Entertainment,” Mu Jingshan interjected.

Qin Qiaohan, a recent graduate, naively continued the conversation.

“Are you collaborating with another company?” she asked.

“No, no collaboration,” Chi Jing said, smiling and signaling for her to stop.

“Alright, let’s go. It might get congested if we leave later,” he said, ready to avoid rush hour traffic.

Qin Qiaohan and the others boarded the car. Chi Jing glanced left towards Jiang Yucheng’s villa, recalling their recent cold war.

Just then, another program team vehicle arrived, and Jiang Yucheng stepped out, greeting him with a smile that seemed to hint at their recent tension.

Annoyed, Chi Jing quickly got into the car, avoiding further interaction on camera.

Jiang Yucheng, meanwhile, smoothly took the last seat in the car, leaving Qin Qiaohan to find another ride.

“Thank you, Miss Qin,” he said, settling in.

Chi Jing turned his face to the window, his beautiful reflection showing a restrained anger.

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