Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 14 Table of contents

“The pursuit is hard, who’s chasing us?”


“It’s the mechanized army. They’re assisted by cogwheel technology, they don’t tire. We must shake them off… Where’s Irid?”


“Our destination this time is that way. What is it?”


“Are you running at full speed right now…?”


“In such a dire situation, I’m not arrogant enough to dawdle.”


Each time he vaulted over a wall, Irid’s breaths grew more unstable. They had been pursued for ten minutes now. Irid was already soaked in sweat.


On Centra’s face, not a drop of perspiration was visible.


“Um…. Irid, may I carry you?”




“We are about to get caught. I can run faster!”


For a moment, Irid’s expression was filled with contemplation.


Useless pride wouldn’t help in this crisis. But, but…


Would he h


As Ilyd was about to suggest, “Let’s jump onto a passing carriage and hide,”


Centra shot a grappling hook gun toward the building on the opposite side.


Whoosh! Click!


The roped hook lodged itself atop a spire on the opposite building. Centra pulled the rope twice to ensure it was securely fixed, then looked at Ilyd with a smile.




“…Are we crossing over like this? To the building on the other side?”


“Of course!”


“I’m ready.”


“You don’t look ready. You’ll have to hold on to me if we’re going together.”


Centra patted their waist lightly.


Ilyd realized that they would have to cast themselves into heaven and hell once more.




Ilyd awkwardly wrapped their arms around Centra’s waist, as unfamiliar as it was—the first time they ever did such a thing. They were so close that Ilyd seriously wondered if Centra could hear their heart pounding.


“Closer. Hold on tighter.”


From Noble mtl dot com


Centra pulled Ilyd closer with one arm, their embrace nearly indistinguishable from a hug. The scent of rosemary fleetingly grazed Ilyd’s nose, their head spinning.


Centra whispered in Ilyd’s ear, soft and low.


“Do you have acrophobia?”




“Then… how about experiencing the feeling of flying? It’s really exhilarating!”




“Look at the sky, really focus. Feel the wind brushing against your skin… and a bit of a thrill!”


With that, Centra lightly leaped forward. Suddenly, they were airborne, their bodies drawing a neat arc into the sky. The wind brushed them. Their ears rang, and hair flew about.


Ilyd’s blond hair was uncovered as their headscarf flew off in the wind, but it was no time to worry about such things. The sky was a brilliant blue, the rope action was dizzying, and Centra’s laughing face was beautiful.


I’ll never forget this moment in my lifetime.


Ilyd thought this and smiled. For that moment, they forgot all the worries that pained their mind. They were truly free, albeit briefly.


And just like that, the short flight was over.




The two hid themselves in an old, rundown stable, intending to pass the time until their pursuers gave up and turned back.


“How was it?”


“…Quite interesting. I should have accepted the offer from the Golden Magic Tower Master to try out flying magic.”


“So you know the Golden Magic Tower Master…?”


“Yes. Though it’s likely not the current one. Maybe the one before, or even the one before that.”




They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Centra’s clear eyes transparently reflected her emotions. Pure curiosity. Watching her, Eirid couldn’t help but smile, as if looking at a curiously playful cat.


“Are you not going to tell me?”


“No, I wasn’t trying to brush it off with a smile. It’s just that I laughed because you’re beautiful.”


“Wha, what?! Ahahahaha, what kind of nonsense are you saying…?”


Centra hit Eirid on the shoulder with a thump.


It hurt as if he had been struck by a wooden sword full swing, but it was bearable. Seeing Centra’s embarrassed expression was soul-satisfying enough. Eirid rubbed his shoulder and said nonchalantly,


“I am Eirid, the Second Prince of the Empire, from 100 years ago.”


“From 100 years ago?!”


“A genius wizard from the Purple Magic Tower has restored dimensional magic. I experienced it as a test. I didn’t expect to travel through time, not just other dimensions… Will you believe me?”


“Of course! I’m surprised, but… I thought you looked familiar, like the portrait!”


“My likeness has survived, I see?”


“After the defeat, the Kingdom Alliance laid Eirid’s portrait on the ground and said they would only spare those who walked over it…”


“No respect for the enemy leader, huh? Tsk.”


“So, should I… address you as Your Highness?”


“You can keep it as is. You can omit any formalities as well; I don’t want to hear them from you.”


“Okay, Eirid. There really are many wonders in this world!”


Centra, who had been sparkling with wonder, shivered as a cold wind blew by. Eirid grabbed a handful of straw and covered Centra with it as if it were a blanket.


“That outfit, are you with the Resistance?”


“…You knew?!”


“One can tell by looking at the papers.”


“Yes, the Resistance… that’s right!”


“How come? It doesn’t seem like your kind of thing.”


“My father was the leader of the Resistance. After he passed away… The other members said, ‘You would be good for the role,’ and entrusted me with the leadership. Well, that’s how it happened.”


A shadow crossed Centra’s face. Perhaps she felt the burden of leading the Resistance.


Centra seemed so happy when she worked at the inn. Her character seemed better suited for everyday joy than for struggle.


“I wonder what will happen at the founding festival?”


The operation “Beer and Song” commenced. It was a strategy that I concocted.”


“To incite a riot with bootlegged alcohol?”


“What, what are you talking about! I believe that fighting and quarreling is somewhat… what’s the word? It’s wrong. So, you see, “Beer and Song” is an operation where we sing alongside those who are intoxicated. It’s a song with ridiculous lyrics that calls for an end to discrimination and persecution.”


“…Did all the members of the resistance agree to this?”


“It was mixed…? The more radical ones didn’t like it. And those who are neutral, I get the feeling they’re just going along with it because I’m the daughter of their leader.”


The resistance that had survived against the Kingdom Alliance to this point were surely not the soft-hearted type. They would have been prepared to see blood. Yet the fact that such a tepid strategy was in motion suggested that Centra’s father must have possessed tremendous charisma…


“I know that nothing will change with a playful event like this.”


“But I know something else too. If we start an armed uprising, most of the people we’ll hurt will be civilians, and it will be the civilians who suffer the losses. For a single group to fight against a nation is like throwing an egg against a rock.”


“At least I wanted to try walking the right path.”


“I wish many people would rethink their beliefs at least once. I hope they’d feel the desire to change from a world where someone is trampled down as a slave, from a world where people are spewing insults and drawing swords against each other.”


“Beer and Song” is the result of that whimsy.”


…or perhaps it was in Centra where the makings of a leader were seen.


She chose the right method, even if it seemed like mere fun and games, over one that was wrong but more likely to succeed. Some might call her a fool…


“I’ll help you.”




“It might seem like a frivolous plan, but… things will be different with my touch. I’m to be the future emperor, after all.”


Even if the future me is to herald the downfall of the empire. But not now. Not when I’m young, healthy, and full of life…


More than ever before, my heart was aflame.


Thud. Thud.


As the sound of passing steps neared the stable, Irid and Centra hid themselves in a heap of hay. It was as if they were alone in the confined, dark space.


“…Are you planning to live out your life here?”


They whispered.


“…No, I have to return on the day of the national founding celebration.”


“That’s a little… disappointing. Will I be able to see you again?”




“Then shall we make a promise? Together.”


Centra’s hand reached out in the darkness and landed on Irid’s thigh. A multitude of hypotheses raced through Irid’s mind about the gesture.


While gropingly searching, Centra finally found her target. Irid’s hand. All of the hypotheses in her head were discarded.


Centra pulled Irid’s hand toward her and hooked their pinkies together.


“After we wrap up ‘Beer and Song,’ after you return, if we happen to meet again someday. Would you call out my name?”


“…Such a strange request.”


“You’ll promise, right?”






“It’s almost time to fire the cannon.”


“…Are you really going to do it? Prince, I thought you were softer-hearted than this…?”


“Didn’t you just see? The 2nd Prince’s determination. If it means being dedicated to TRPG, then… I can’t help but be sincere!”


“Did… did I object?”


Whether the cowardly tower keeper fires or not, my soul is burning fiercely. Everything is merely a preparation for the final happy ending scene.


The preparations are finished. Come, 2nd Prince Ilid!



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