Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 23 Table of contents

“The Amethyst Tower is a gathering place for eccentrics.”


It took three years to deny this proposition, three years of hesitation, and three years of acceptance to understand it was an unquestionable truth. It was a profound realization that came after more than nine years of service.


The proof that the proposition was true was unfolding right before his eyes. Could he see the state of the Amethyst Tower’s magicians, lost in their madness, screaming at the top of their lungs?


“My junior’s theory is invincible, and my panty modeling is divine!!”


“Enchantment magic isn’t learned for replicating ladies’ underwear, damn it!!”


“If I ever develop an incredible illusion magic, our junior promised to make the shorts of my shota butler shorter for me!”


“I’ve developed an illusion magic that feels like I have five hands—any volunteers to try? In return, you’ll get an adorable recording of the tower lord whining about hating bean sprouts!”


“This isn’t the right curve. Today again, I’ve failed to capture the true beauty of the bosom… I must find the ultimate bosom… and yet, I’ve failed…”


Amethyst Tower’s illusionist Lorei sighed deeply today as well, looking at the beloved troublemakers of the tower.


In retrospect, the tower didn’t always seem to be this unhinged. What were those early days like when he had just joined the Amethyst Tower? Back then, it was filled with grim and somber seekers of magic.


If one seeks riches, they should search for the Gold Tower. If one seeks simple revenge, the Red Tower is the place. If one seeks research, head to the Blue Tower. However, only those somewhat sinister and twisted come to the Amethyst Tower.


Not just for wealth, but for those desiring things that do not exist in this world.


Not just for revenge, but for those wishing to inflict terrible pain that has never been seen before.


Not just for research, but for those who want to uncover and peer behind the curtains hiding the world’s secrets.


Though they sought something twisted instead of conventional worldly values,


Consider that man right there.


“Everything the junior says is right. He got the budget, hence, whoever brings the budget is a god, and a god’s words are always right, so everything the junior says is correct.”


That person, who is engrossedly researching how much transparency to add to a part of underwear in adoration of the junior, is, surprisingly, a magician who has studied at the Amethyst Tower for 15 years. He is a man who has lived through the era of the ‘Former Amethyst Tower Lord.’


Before his brain was contaminated with the junior’s twisted philosophy, he was researching a ‘curse to turn pleasure into pain.’ With the burning desire for revenge against a noble who shattered his life, he was the man who tirelessly pursued his research with bloodshot eyes, vowing to strip all happiness from his life.


After mingling with the junior a few times, he ended up like that.


For some reason, due to the Amethyst Tower’s unique characteristic of having all young blood in its membership, having 15 years of service makes one a respected senior—comparable, with a bit of an exaggeration, to an elder of another tower… (That’s a relative statement. If a real elder from another tower showed up, they’d have to bow their heads).


“The upstream water should be clear for the downstream water to be clear. If the upstream water is murky, the downstream water becomes murky too.


The woman meticulously sketching the shot of a housekeeper on paper, her glasses thick, has been on the force for six years. When her childhood friend, who had promised to marry her, ran away with a mercenary who stopped by the village, she had been researching ‘mental destruction’ and ‘temptation’ to somehow win him back.


“There’s… a person inside the paper…”


Ever since she got mixed up with the alarming housekeeping corps of her juniors, she had changed. Now her goal was to craft a boyfriend who fit her perfectly using illusion magic.


It was all because of that junior… Who was not only a strong candidate for a high sorcerer but also a genius sorcerer who created the “Living Fantasy of the Self” magic. With raven hair and fiery red eyes, she had eyes of an unmatched sinister color and was in a relationship with the lord tower that raised suspicions.


Everyone respectfully calls her ‘junior’ for fear of her, a notorious illusion sorcerer.


“Ack, the ‘recognition disorder’ is on her name again…”


It was surely the work of a madman to lock their name.




The one in charge of the Purple Tower is, of course, the Purple Tower Lord.


From Noble mtl dot com


Despite being cute and clumsy, no one dares to disrespect the Tower Lord. Even the dirtiest, lewdest fellows kneel in obedience before the Tower Lord.


As if peeling off a traveler’s outer clothing under the warm sun, has the cuteness of the Tower Lord even disciplined the mages who have a flawed humanity?


No chance.


Everyone was cautious because they had each suffered from the Tower Lord’s low kick.


There is a perfect example. It’s the case of a fresh-faced newbie who’s been on duty for three years.


“After three months… I’ve finally done it! “Melberton’s accuracy field reduction”! My own artifact that makes you miss the point when you look at the engraved pattern, making it impossible to hit! With this, I can take revenge on the guy who burnt down my hometown…”


“Mmm… a new toy, that is?”


“Master Tower, thi-this is not good!!”


Crush. Bang.


“Sorry… I didn’t think this would break with a mere tap… But… the name seems a bit pretentious, what about “Melberton’s sugar coat” …?”


“Ah, sob sob sob…!!”


When what you’ve vigorously researched to create gets crushed in a minute, your head instinctively bows. Just as in the world, the Purple Tower was also governed by the law of the stronger party.


The Tower Master isn’t really going around destroying magics for fun. Once illusion magic enters the field of battle, it becomes really lame. That Melberton whatever would have been stabbed in the flank in actual combat.


Sorcerers who have only been conducting research inside the tower don’t know this. Why the Purple Tower is so unpopular, why everyone says that illusion magic is so awful.


Everyone has to see it for themselves in the field of battle.


I also experienced it. I thought it would work until I got hit in real combat. I got a valuable lesson, but at the cost of a large scar on my face. Of course, I also paid with my left eye as tuition fee.


So the Tower Master is showing a bitter experience as prevention.


“Crunch, crunch… hehehe…”




She wouldn’t destroy my work for fun… right?


While there may be some debate on who the second-in-command of the Amethyst Mage Tower is, in my personal opinion, the junior apprentice is the most likely candidate.


Some say it’s because of their potential to become a great archmage, others argue it’s their proficiency with illusion magic, but my view differs.


The second-in-command, after all, is the right hand of the leader. Even if that person were incompetent and dim-witted, if they are utterly adored by the leader, they become the second-in-command. And this is all the more the case if the leader wields absolute power.


“It’s about time we started working on different models…”


“The extras can have their facial features roughly sketched, but we’ll definitely need high-quality models like a ‘Heart.'”


“Hmm… should I give you my personal body data?”


“No, thanks.”




Look at that affectionate demeanor. Although the consensus within the Amethyst Mage Tower is that ‘There seems to be some strange chemistry between them, but it’s probably not like that yet,’ I’m of the opinion that the two are indeed a couple.


And I have decisive evidence of it.


This conversation I happened to overhear one day while under the effect of “Invisibility” was the proof.


“Ah, off to shower again today?”


“Don’t talk as if I never shower!”


“Everyone finds it bothersome. Even the senior mages only manage once a week. Remember the Mage Tower Lord as well?”


“To show that sort of thing…”


What on earth did you show to the Mage Tower Lord, junior?


From the first day the junior joined the tower, they were different. The fact that they showered every day, frequently washing their hands, made me suspect they had obsessive-compulsive disorder.


But then, gradually, even the Mage Tower Lord started showering daily.


It’s not like one dies from showering just once a week. Would you catch a disease from not showering, or would bugs start to fester? Diseases and pests come from polluted air, after all. And the Mage Tower’s air is managed with cleanse magic and holy water.


So the daily showering habits of this pair raise suspicions. What could they possibly be doing that compels them to shower every day? Perhaps to erase some incriminating evidence that they wouldn’t want others to see? And if so, what would this evidence be?


I have several theories about this matter, but I choose not to disclose them.


At any rate, it’s true that the junior has brought a refreshing change to the Mage Tower. Fresh funds as well. Fresh magic too.


The excitement is palpable. The birth of an archmage would greatly elevate the Mage Tower’s standing.


And they’re likely thrilled at the prospect of finally receiving proper ‘guidance.’


The Mage Tower Lord is not adept at teaching. Because of their innate talent, they ‘just’ get things done. The original magic spells of the Mage Tower Lord are so bizarre that no one dares to attempt them.


In contrast, the junior’s magic differs from that of the Mage Tower Lord’s. It only requires an insufferable amount of computational power, but it’s theoretically replicable with sufficient manpower and time. Their teaching skills are also impressively good.


If the junior continues to grow and becomes an archmage, and if they bestow their teachings upon the Amethyst Mage Tower…


Much will undoubtedly change.


While scooping up oatmeal porridge and carving a ring-shaped artifact, my senior colleague Charlie, a panty enthusiast with 15 years of service, started a conversation.


“Lorelei, is everything going well?”


“Well, roughly yes.”


“You are quite peculiar, aren’t you? If an artifact expedition is your longing then… wouldn’t the Golden Tower be the best? It brings a lot of money, and the magic is useful.”


“I always say, my goal is an artifact expedition with my sibling.”


My sibling and I dreamt of being adventurers. We wanted to explore the ruins of continents and uncover the world’s secrets, just like our parents who were wonderful adventurers.


However, our dream was shattered. My sibling lost both legs in a carriage accident. They were hit by a carriage while trying to save me, who was about to be run over because I was distracted by a butterfly.


That’s why I started learning fantasy magic.


“Lorelei’s Possession”.


This is the magic I am studying. Its effect is to forcibly control another person’s body. With this magic, I planned to give my own body as a gift to my sibling.


Although it is still a long way to completion, one day for sure…


While reflecting on my agenda, senior Charlie brought a chair over and sat down.


He seemed to have something to say, so I paused working on the artifact and turned my head.


“What’s the matter?”


“With the grant coming in… also rumors of the Second Prince’s visit spreading, many newbies started to set foot in the tower.”


“It’s quite unexpected. I never thought the day would come when people would flock to the Purple Tower.”


“Back in the times of poverty and barrenness, even thieves didn’t come to the tower because there was nothing to steal. But now it’s different. Obviously, there are those amongst them who will enter with ulterior motives.”


“Well… won’t the Tower Master give them a piece of his mind?”


“Before the Tower Master has to deal with it, we should take care of it. How many years have you been here?”


“Nine years.”


“Ah, I see… No wonder you are unaware.”


Senior Charlie sighed, tapped his forehead, looked around, checked if there was anyone around and then opened his mouth.


“Lorelei, have you ever seen an elderly person in the Purple Tower?”


“No, even the oldest is probably in their 40s, right?”


I hadn’t given it much thought until then, but could the reason behind Charlie’s stern face be such?


“Think carefully about why there are no old mages in the Purple Tower as in other Towers, and why there are those who have only 20 years of study at most are the highest ranked.”




Charlie ended with a final note.


“Don’t take the Tower Master too lightly.”


With these words, Senior Charlie stood up from his place. The shadow on his face and his eyes, seeming to contemplate something. What could have happened? Perhaps the Purple Tower harbors some dark secrets–


“Hey!! They said that she kissed the junior and Magician Matop!”


“What?! We have to go now!”


Senior Charlie ran out recklessly without even fixing his hair.


I murmured in disbelief.


“…Don’t get comfortable…”



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