Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 71 Table of contents

The mage Selvier of the Crimson Tower was leading a fulfilling life at the academy. Despite the concern of not keeping up with lectures, thanks to the innate talent, he could absorb the teachings of the professors like a sponge.


In “Elemental Basics,” he could deepen his understanding of each attribute, and in “Everything About Close Combat,” he learned about approaching battles as a mage.


Though he had some bruises from practicing with the quarterstaff, they were proud wounds. The more he struggled at the academy, the lower the probability of losing his life outside, so it was worth it.


He even received feedback from Professor Alexon: “You’re doing well, but sometimes you miss crucial points. Whenever possible, avoid battlefields with many variables, and focus on firepower.” He took note of the advice; if the professor mentioned it, there had to be a reason. He kept it in his mind.


Surprisingly, the most challenging lecture was the “Illusion Magic Response” by the eccentric anonymous mage. Escaping from the illusion maze, whether it was a succession of answers or whatever it was, was incredibly difficult.


Among the students who took that class, there is still someone who expresses fear of opening doors, fearing an attack from a giant frog when opening the bathroom door.


Nevertheless, his skills undoubtedly improved rapidly. He could try and master various ways to deal with likely trapped areas. In all those lectures, his roommate Neore stood out.


Eyes that could read even the tiniest details unseen by others. His innate talent shone in various aspects, be it in close combat or escaping mazes. If there was a flaw, it was the hardware not keeping up with his eyes.


Lack of basic specifications and the absence of decisive attack power.


Although he could read the trajectory of an attack, he had no power to avoid or block it. Even if he could see through the exit of a maze, he lacked the strength to break through traps and advance.


That’s why Selvier formed a team with Neore. Selvier lacked insight, and Neore lacked firepower, making them a perfectly complementary team.


Thanks to that, he quickly became close friends with Neore.


She was pure-hearted, with a good nature. She was willing to help others, not hesitating to throw herself into danger. She had many worries but enjoyed receiving compliments.


Every day, she was diligent enough not to neglect her training, and consideration for others was ingrained in her. She was a good person that anyone would come to like.


Above all, her eyes were beautiful.


Her eyes always sparkled with pure sincerity. They conveyed a clear way of living and a driving force that moved forward without hesitation. Straightforward eyes.




“Come in, how was the lecture… What’s wrong?”




Selvia couldn’t help but notice Nior’s transformation.


Her eyes, which had sparkled like stars in the night sky, had turned pitch black like a dead fish.




At most, it was only three hours.


In just three hours, a person completely changed. Certainty faded away, and it wavered like a candle in the wind. Lips dried up and stuck together, and the person trembled as if being chased by something.


Was there a major incident?


“What on earth happened… No, no. For now… Sit here.”


Selvia took a deep breath to calm her confusion. She couldn’t afford to be flustered. First, she gently took Nior’s hand, which felt like a limp paper doll, and led her to sit on the bed.


And she recalled a long-forgotten memory. In that memory, there was a textbook worth referring to.


When she lived in a rural village, when she would argue with her parents and cry alone. Her childhood friend, a boy, would come from somewhere and make her drink warm tea. Because the body and mind were closely connected, if something warm entered, her mood would improve.


And he would kindly ask what happened, and listen to Selvia’s story until the end. He would guide her with words so she could find her own direction.


She couldn’t do it as skillfully as that boy, but…


Knowing how comforting it was for someone to listen to her story, Selvia decided to invest her time in helping Nior. She could postpone today’s magical training a bit.


Selvia went down to the dormitory kitchen and made a cup of warm cocoa. Then, she handed Nior a mug and asked cautiously.


“If you have concerns, would you like to share them with me? I want to be of help to you, Neo.”




After finishing her words, Selvierre sat down next to him, calmly waiting.


Neo felt the warmth of the mug in his hands. It was at a perfect temperature, suitable for drinking right away. Perhaps Selvierre had taken care to ensure it wouldn’t burn her tongue. A small detail, but it oozed with consideration.




Neo didn’t feel like eating anything, but for the sake of Selvierre’s feelings, he took a sip of cocoa. It was better than expected. It felt like warmth spreading throughout his entire body.


Neo carefully wrote down his thoughts.


[I wanted to help people.]


“You’ve always been like that, Neo…”


[I believe it’s the right thing to do. If someone needs help, you should lend a hand. Even if someone calls you foolish, helping others brought me joy, and I thought it made the world a better place. But…]


In the attempt to save others, Abraham died. If he had not reached out at that moment, if he had gone back to the mansion with Abraham. The old man who counted the stars would have lived.


Or at least, he wouldn’t have pressured Bennett and Tara to help others. If he had gone alone. The old man would have lived. If only he had been strong before. Maybe.


So, his guilt is…


[Because I tried to save one person, I couldn’t save others. I still believe saving people is right. But, I regret my choices. Being foolish enough to think I could save everyone by clinging to Bennett and Tara, begging for help even though I had no ability, I hate myself.]


He grasped for power with feeble strength, pulling others into his beliefs.


[I should have just not tried to save. It would have been better to ignore it. I think about it over and over. Thinking like that even makes me resentful. Why did I get kidnapped on that day, at that time? Why did I catch your eye… It’s definitely something I chose, but it’s ironic.]




[I’m sorry to Tara and Bennett. If I hadn’t asked for help, you wouldn’t have had to share my regrets. If I had the wisdom to judge what is important like Bennett. If only…]


Neo still wandered in his regrets. The girl who experienced the trolley dilemma resented herself for not having the power to stop the train.


Treasuring her heart as she delved into magical books was both a punishment she imposed on herself and a fervent desire never to experience such a thing again.


Celvier carefully read Nior’s words, organized his thoughts, and spoke.


“Even now, people are dying on the Eastern Front.”




“In the slums of Crownhold, in nameless villages, in obscure dungeons. People are dying. Should we feel guilty about it?”


[No, that’s not it.]




[… … … … …]


Celvier reached out his arm.


“The reason is simple. It’s impossible to directly help the soldiers on the Eastern Front here. Our reach doesn’t extend that far. People can only solve the problems within their own grasp.”


[…But I could have reached Abraham. And Tara and Bennett could have reached him too. It was me who got in the way.]


“I don’t know the details… but listen to this story. You didn’t know the situation. If it were the Nior I know, in a crisis with two people, you would have divided the group. Tried to save them both at the same time.”


“There were signs that something bad would happen to Abraham. If I had paid more attention, I could have known.”


“The Nior I know is passionate and hardworking in everything. In that moment, you surely did your best. I understand that there is room for regret. I’m not saying not to feel regret. But…”


Celvier grabbed both of Nior’s cheeks and stretched them out.


“Stop thinking that every tragedy in the world is your fault, Nior.”




“And logically, the one to blame should be the one who did something wrong, not the one who tried to save. Wouldn’t everyone think that? Well… saying these words won’t suddenly change your mind, but.”


Celvier tightly embraced Nior. To transmit energy to a friend who was burdened with guilt. People can uplift each other by sharing their hearts.


“At least I don’t think you did anything wrong. You must have gone through a lot… You did well, Nior. It will be okay. You can overcome this. Come on.”


“……Ugh, ugh.”


Celvier decided to ignore the dampness on her shoulders as if she didn’t notice.


While Neo was drowning in regret, she hoped that instead of succumbing to regret and dying, he would overcome it and turn it into a driving force. Still, she had no idea what he had gone through in just three hours…


So, she continued to embrace him for a long time.




Time passed quickly. Regardless of what events the students had experienced, the academic schedule did not wait for them, so the dungeon exploration schedule proceeded smoothly.


They loaded the students listed onto the carriage and headed towards the dungeon, leaving the main road of the academy’s south gate. On the way, inside the carriage.




Bennett inwardly sighed with relief. Tara was still in a hysterical state, but Neo seemed to be quite fine. It was fortunate that at least one person had regained their composure.


After half a day of traveling in the rattling carriage, they arrived at the entrance of the dungeon. The professors arranged for the students to voluntarily form groups and enter the dungeon. They had placed tokens deep inside the dungeon, and if the students brought them back, it meant they passed.


Ten students gathered together to enter, while others entered the dungeon alone. Bennett, Tara, and Neo naturally gathered in one place. After all, they had lived together for six days.


“⋯⋯Is it okay for us to be in the same group again this time? Everyone.”


[If I’m okay with it…]


“Well, are you trying to exclude me from the party…?!”


“No one said that, Tara. No one.”


They naturally took their positions. Neo, whose spells were powerful, took the rearguard. Tara, who could assist the party with holy magic, took the middle. At the forefront was Bennett…


“⋯⋯Can’t you use foreign spells outside?”




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Neo moved to the front. Perhaps because there was no foreign aid that could lend him strength in this world, the spells he had learned outside had no effect when used outside.


[There are traps here.]


“Confirmed. Tara, don’t go ahead on your own.”


“You haven’t been out in front?!”


The three advanced through the dungeon skillfully. There was no need to worry about the fanatic’s magic, so they felt at ease. Even if they triggered a simple arrow trap, they could block it at the Venet checkpoint, and with Neore there from the start, they could avoid any damage.


[What should we do from now on?]


“First of all… we have to somehow loot the vault. After that…”


They needed to break the magic circle attempting to summon the foreign body. Luckily, being a dark magician, I knew about it. The academy also had a similar structure of magic circles. They hid small magic circles throughout the academy, creating a giant magic circle in this manner.


In the report, didn’t it mention the strange stamps hidden all over the city? In my opinion, if you followed those stamps, the shape of a giant magic circle would be revealed. So erasing or modifying the hidden stamps all over could delay their plans.


There was a desperate reason to prevent their summoning. It seemed the dark magicians were trying to bring the foreign body into this world. I knew because I was a dark magician.




I couldn’t say that.


“After that, just kill the members of the Silver Twilight Sect as conspicuously as possible, right?”


[But it’s too dangerous.]


“There are safety measures. I’m perfectly fine like this.”


[Still, what if you get hit by a mental magic…?]


How should I convey this? If I informed the party of this information, they would surely ask where I got it. Then, would I have to reveal that I’m a dark magician? But that was too risky.


Even if I had thoughts of betraying the dark magicians and turning my back on them, it was a problem. Would they believe the fact? In a situation where even I was hesitating?


There was too much to lose. All connections in the academy would be gone, and even my life would be in danger. But…


But miraculously, perhaps, was there a possibility they would understand? Could they accept the fact that I was a dark magician? If that happened, it would be an ideal situation. With such trust established, it would be easy to betray them.


Venet’s mind became complicated. Someday, a decision had to be made, and now seemed like a quite appropriate time.


Neore seemed likely to accept. Tara, I wasn’t sure. But maybe…


Now, am I seeking affirmation as a dark sorcerer from them?




Beneath thuds Venet’s head against the dungeon wall.


“Well, what’s up? Why the sudden behavior?”


[Perhaps, did you feel a sensation like ants crawling on your eardrums?]


“No, it’s nothing. Hey, I have something important to say.”


Speak. Speak, and if the worst-case scenario unfolds ─ kill here. Disguise it as disappearing inside the dungeon. While repeating such unfelt resolutions, Venet opens his mouth.




Niore drops the whiteboard with a thud. She stares at the dungeon wall as if she had seen the impossible.


“Niore, why are you… Did you perhaps get hit by magic or something?”


“Oh, well…”


Niore points at the wall with her finger. Next to the classic trap where the floor falls when pressed, someone has kindly drawn an arrow indicating ‘trap’ on the wall. She scratches the wall.


It could be someone’s kindness using the dungeon, but…


That wasn’t the important part. Niore urgently writes on the whiteboard.






[It’s like Abraham’s.]


“What… What are you talking about, Niore? That. Explain.”


Venet and Tara also gaze at the scratched wall as if enchanted. They lacked the discernment to distinguish the writing. No matter how hard they glare, they couldn’t be sure.


However, Niore’s reaction, perhaps ─ was embedding those three letters in their minds.


Niero chased after the traces. Sparse ‘trap’ markings were scattered low on the wall. Nearby, there were torn leaves and fragments of metal scattered. She could be certain. It was Abraham’s handiwork.


The place they arrived after their sprint was where the cleaning golem, responsible for managing the dungeon, was stored. As they opened the door and entered, there, a cleaning golem with its internal circuits partially exposed was scraping the wall with metal fragments, writing elegant characters.


What the group hoped to see wasn’t a scene like this.


They expected to see the familiar figure of an old man. Smiling with wrinkled face, as if saying it’s been a while. Expressing surprise, saying how unpredictable life is. They hoped for such a miraculous reunion.


But it wasn’t the pitiful old man’s soul swallowed by the malevolent spirit, stuck in a broken cleaning golem.


Tara murmured with a trembling voice.




Upon that, the cleaning golem moved its arm. Slowly scraping the wall, it engraved characters. The sentence that finally revealed itself shattered even the remaining expectations.


[Who are you?]


It wasn’t even a reunion.



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