Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 116 Table of contents

Oh Hye-in introduced a new magic female who called herself “Pure Rodeo.”


“Let me introduce you, this is Ruru Kim. As I just said, I am a magic female who cooperated with me to protect the village.”


“Nice to meet you. So… Did you say your name was Oh Dae-su? I watched you introduce it in class. “I thought that name was very strange.”


As if Lulu Kim had forgotten all about her rant just now, she smiled brightly and held out her hand for a handshake. Roderus gave a sharp slap with the back of his hand.


“That’s not your real name. “My name is Roderus.”


“I learned it in English class at school! What… “Are you from America?”




“Or Texas…?”


He is neither intimidated nor bothered by Roderus’ sulky attitude his. Should I describe this as being strong, or should I say that I am full of confidence in myself?


For some reason, I didn’t like it. Roderus frowned and glared steadily at Ruru Kim. Either way, the story progressed.


“Roderus is from another world. Did you see the shooting star that fell last time, Lulu?”


“It fell with terrifying pure energy. I thought it was the appearance of a new mascot, but for some reason this Roderus was there!”


“A female that came down from the sky… That’s unique! I was sleeping at the time so I didn’t know! hehehe.”


Lulu Kim had thick nerve cords that allowed her to sleep comfortably even when a huge movement of magical power occurred.


As she circled around Roderus and observed, she looked at Oh Hye-in as if something had suddenly occurred to her and said.


“But Hye-in, didn’t you fight with Oh Dae-su when he fought? Are you in a bad mood today? “Is it because of that day?”


“Please speak carefully. “It’s embarrassing?!”


“There was an accident. Hyein’s “Transformation Device (Dreaming Mirror)” Is currently in Roderus’s possession! So to speak, it is in a temporary rental state.”


“She could give it up? She did ⋯⋯ because Hyein didn’t like fighting. I don’t know why she hates something so fun, right~?”


Lulu Kim shrugged her eyebrows and nudged Roderus’ side with her elbow. Roderus got fed up with her and pushed Lulu’s head away.


“…Why are you suddenly acting friendly to me?”


“No, that’s right, while fighting just now… “You were smiling so brightly!”




“So, of course I thought you were in the same industry as me. You like bickering, right?!”


Lulu Kim jumped up and down in her place and pumped her fists in the air. Her movements were clumsy, but she looked so excited no matter where she looked.


Seeing Lulu’s expression with her eyes sparkling, Roderus fell into a bit of confusion.


Throwing himself into the struggle clears his mind. The moments away from his worries were refreshing, so of course he thought he liked fighting.


If you ask me if his eyes were sparkling like this or if he felt such joy that his heart fluttered and his feet stamped, I can say for sure that it was not. He felt good about being free from his pain.


Just as a slave suffering from whipping he is truly grateful for the momentary pause in violence.




Roderus shook his head to shake off the idle thoughts. And then he turned his thoughts to another topic. Ruru Kim seemed to really enjoy fighting.


That said, he showed no signs of having learned martial arts.


When he reflected on the shadow boxing just before and the punch that flew into his solar plexus his, there was no skill in Lulu Kim’s movements her her her her. The kids in his village were just randomly shaking their fists without thinking.


“…His movements were very vulgar for him to enjoy fighting. It was like you couldn’t see him with his eyes open.”


From Noble mtl dot com


“It wouldn’t be fun if I, who was already strong, started using tricks like that!”




“The strongest does not use techniques.”


Is she crazy?


Ruru Kim proudly declared that he would fight like a stranger who had not learned anything. When Roderus was frozen in bewilderment, Hyein whispered next to him.


“Well, Lulu is all good and kind, but she has a bit of a peculiar side. Should I say she’s a bit like a caveman?” “Is that something that can be passed off as unusual?”


“Well, now we’ll be doing magic female activities together from now on. Wouldn’t it be better to get along well though?”


“No, I will do it alone. It is enough on my own.”


I meant it.


On the battlefield, a clumsy ally is worse than an enemy. Roderus poked Kim Lulu’s forehead with his finger and threatened her to the fullest.




“Don’t think of getting involved in my fight. I’m going to fight alone, and I don’t want to get help from people like you. Never!!”


To put that threat to shame, the next day the two met in front of the same target.


—- —- —- — —-


The alley in front of the intersection where you can feel the signal of a monster. Oh Dae-su glared harshly at Kim Ruru and grew lowly.


“…I definitely should have warned you not to intervene.”


“Are you stupid? There’s no way I would give up the opportunity to get involved in a fight. “I didn’t even tell you that I would listen to your warning!”


Ruru Kim proudly puffed out his chest in front of Roderus, who gritted his teeth. And she said as she took out the “Transformation Device (Dreaming Mirror).”


“Besides, for a magic female to become stronger, she needs pure energy. When she fights, her pure energy increases! That’s why we can’t just give in.”


“Then let’s play here…”


“And I heard it from Hyein. If two magic women fight together, they get double the pure energy! So there’s no need to fight to monopolize the magic power.”


If that theory was correct, there would certainly be no need to fight, but Roderus did not believe it. That guy could be lying, and if you think about it with common sense, wouldn’t it make no sense?


“What is the exact reason why Pure Energy is doubled?”


“With two people, they are twice as cute and twice as strong, so people who see them will be twice as happy!”




As expected, it would be better to overpower Kim Lulu or something here and monopolize her her energy by myself.


“It’s not wrong.”


When Roderus was trying to take control, a lump that was rolling around on an outdoor unit in the alley intervened.




“Isn’t it a matter of efficiency in the end? Human beings rely a lot on their visual shell.”


“Are you saying you’re considering appearances?”


“It’s funny, but even though she’s a magical female who fights for her, there’s a significant difference in whether she likes her or not.”


Human instinct is honest. Of course, if a collapsing building is saved from an extreme situation that is approaching, you will receive the maximum amount of pure energy (gratitude) regardless of your appearance…


From the perspective of the audience cheering on the battle between the magical female and the monster from afar, it was said that it was more immersive to see a magical female fighting that suited one’s taste.


And the concepts of Oh Dae-su and Kim Ruru are completely opposite.


“So, the situation where you can choose between two flavors, a cool female and a lively female… It’s a great help in collecting pure energy!”


“Don’t talk like that!”


Roderus wrapped his arms around himself and trembled. The thought of people looking at me like that made me dizzy.


Her muzzle flicked her tail from side to side mischievously.


“Didn’t you like efficiency? After all, it’s just a ‘shell’. When you gather all of your pure energy, you’ll return to being a man, so this is… “Just a one-night dream. ”


“…That thing.”


“The magic female Oh Dae-su is not Roderus. “Where on earth is there a reason to be ashamed?”




It made sense. This is definitely true.


This is not my real self. This was not Roderus’ true form. Then there is no reason to be shy or unfamiliar.


Isn’t it literally just a shell?


Roderus took out the 『Transformation Device (Dreaming Mirror)』. The previous orders were emergency orders only.


Even though it was temporary, he was now completely linked to Roderus and had created a formal command with the help of Munggae.


“Huh… ”Roderus looked at his own face reflected in the 『Transformation Device (Dreaming Mirror)』. A beautiful girl with a very tense expression. This is a shell. This is a shell.


She lightly placed her finger on the jewel embedded in the hand mirror, tapped it twice, and stretched out her arm.


“Dreaming Mirror, show me my true form!!”




Beep beep beep♬


Light spread in all directions, and a long, long time of shame passed.


“…Sparkling! A brilliant victory, Pure Knight!”


The transformation was complete, even with the automatic mouth movement of the decisive line. Looking sideways, Kim Lulu had also finished transforming into “Pure Rodeo.”


A costume similar to a red bullfighter. On top of that, it was a custom-made design with various girl decorations. The main weapon is a gauntlet.


She is not good at fighting together, but in order to gather Pure Energy quickly and return to being a man quickly I have to endure it. Roderus drew his rapier and ran out to the intersection.


—- —-


The intersection where vehicles were busy coming and going was a pandemonium. Traffic was paralyzed due to the sudden appearance of a monster, and people got out of their cars and ran away to a distant place.


In the sky above, a voluptuous woman in a glamorous dress was looking down at the scene. Her hair was pink and she wore glasses.


Judging from the enormous Impure Energy, that guy is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings. A different guy from the frivolous… 『Espoir de Eternal Dark』.


“Is the one who appeared today a different guy?”


“Huh, it’s the first time I’ve seen the Four Heavenly Kings?”


When the magical girls looked up, the new Four Heavenly Kings who revealed their appearance put their hands on their plump chests and introduced themselves.


“I am one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the one in charge of lust in the darkness of humans. I am ‘Yuri Frostlover’, the loyal secretary of the Demon King. You can call me ‘Master’ comfortably.”




When she lifted her glasses, the lenses flashed and shone. Beyond that, yellow eyes shone eerily. Roderus swallowed dry saliva.


“There are no normal kids on either side⋯⋯ Is it a succubus series?”


A voluptuousness that feels dizzy even with a woman’s body. If he had been a man, he might have lost his ability to fight greatly because he had to pay attention to the mental barrier. It was fortunate in misfortune.


How should I fight, Roderus was watching carefully.


“Now, watch! My strength! I, ‘Pure Rodeo’, am going!!”


Kim Lulu suddenly attacked.




That magical girl named Pure Rodeo is also a potential enemy in some ways. You may still be resentful and resentful of the surprise attack on your first meeting.


So, if you find out your combat ability on this occasion, you will be able to prepare for any possible situation that may arise in the future.


And it was caught in exactly 5 seconds.


Roderus looked up at Kim Lulu, who was wrapped in plant vines and hung upside down, and said.


“No, you… What are you doing? Are you a traitor…?”


“Betrayal! I fought hard!!”


Bang bang. The captured Kim Lulu wriggled in anger. However, it was Roderus who had to be angry. She really, really couldn’t fight.


It seemed like I could do it all day if I wanted to point it out. Roderus chose only one of the most serious things and put it in his mouth.


“You fought hard, you threw a sloppy punch that even a child wouldn’t match! If that’s a sincere attack, you really need to learn from the basics again!!”


“Oh, it worked in the old days! This is what I originally ate!”


“If you want to eat this, your magic power must be at least 100 times greater! Think about it, you idiot!”


The colleague was a gap-level.


The Four Heavenly Kings Yuri turned their attention away from the captured Lulu and turned their gaze to Roderus.


“You are the new magical girl ‘Pure Knight’. I will check your skills.”


“I won’t be like that idiot. Humble race.”


“I will accept the apple with tears. Now, come out. The hatred that blossomed in the environmental pollution caused by humans.”


Kugugugugu-!Breaking through the asphalt and pushing up a mound of dirt, a large flower bud rose up from below with a plant stem. It was over 5 meters in size.


“It’s the ‘Beast Eater’.”


“For such a grand name, isn’t it just a plant stem?”




Sachcheonwang Yuri smiled and clapped her hands lightly. Then the end of the plant stem split open and something very strange, disgusting, and unpleasant emerged.


Some of them were dripping with sticky secretions, while others had vibration and rotation functions. I couldn’t guess where or how to use it.




Oh Daesu’s instincts blared an emergency siren. He had a hunch that if he got hit by that, something really, really big would happen.


Should I run away?


“Oh, if you’re scared of a swaying plant stem by a lowly race. I understand. Not all girl mages are brave and manly. Run away because I won’t chase you. Small and precious girl baby.”


“…I’ll cut your throat and go, you bastard!!”


Roderus couldn’t stand the provocation and rushed in.



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