Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 133 Table of contents

[Orc of the Moonlit Night: Cleared the 1st floor in 12 hours]


It is said that the moon holds a magical power that drives people mad.


And there is a certain race that is more sensitive to moonlight than other beasts… It is said that on the night of the full moon, they lose their minds and wander the forest.


They dance, their self-awareness lost, bound by the moonlight reflected in the spider webs.


—- —-


Before entering.


Envers recalled his memories of the orcs on the 1st floor. They were taller and more muscular than ordinary orcs, but they were not much different from the orc race as a whole.


Above all else… They were slow.


The huge ax swung from their large bodies was certainly threatening, but the movements from the prelude to the attack were extremely slow.


In other words, the pre-delay was great!


All you had to do was dodge the swinging motion and you’d be fine. Even Envers, who had not received any martial arts training, could easily break through. Even if such a guy were to be strengthened by the moonlight…


How strong could he possibly become?


So, in Envers’ opinion, the difficulty of the 1st floor was to wait until nightfall. That’s why he brought along magazines and novels that carried news from the academy. He would need to kill time.


A pair of eyes watched his every move.




“Ahem, ahem, there are circumstances. I’m not trying to be late on purpose…”


Luna glared at Envers as if she wanted to kill him. She had the ability to hurl insults with her eyes without even opening her mouth.


Envers ran away to the 1st floor of the tower.


—- —-


A large circular space reminiscent of a colosseum. A faint drumbeat echoes.


Thump. Thump.


When the wind blows, the flags flutter, and on the walls surrounding the space, faint human shadows flicker. They made gestures of cheering, but they made no sound.


In the middle of it all, there is a warrior. His green skin and upturned fangs show his wildness, and the traces of chains around his ankles suggest his situation.


Whether in the forest or in the arena, the mission given to the warrior is one: to fight.




[Gladiator Slave Orc]


Health: Low


Mana: Not used


Strength: 3 / 10 (Student middle rank)


Agility: 1 / 10 (Student lower rank)


Intelligence: 1 / 10 (Student lower rank)


※ —————————


The muscular orc was breathing heavily, holding a large ax.


Envers carefully stepped back, not making eye contact with the orc.


“Whew── Whew──.”




The orc did not move.


This is a gimmick that ordinary students without factions have figured out through their strategy. The orcs did not attack those who retreated.


The high-level strategy team could run up and grab the orc by the neck as soon as they started, but since students with low specs couldn’t do that, they discovered this gimmick after trying various other methods.


Since its discovery, the basic tactic has been to ‘have everyone retreat after entering to remove aggro -> deal massive damage with a combined firepower attack to start the battle’.


Envers opened the magazine after widening the distance.


He thought for a moment about what it would be like to train in martial arts, but if the orc recognized it as an ‘attack’ and came running, he would have to play tag for 12 hours.


So he quietly enjoyed his cultural life.


Like that, 12 hours // About 1.2 hours in real time outside the tower.


As time passed, the sky inside the tower gradually changed. The sun that had been in the middle of the sky began to set below the horizon, and the moon rose, turning the night sky blue.


The orc’s skin began to turn slightly black.


Envers drew his sword and pointed it at the orc, shouting with interest.


“Now… Orc, come at me!”






[Gladiator Slave Orc => Half-Orc of the Moonlit Forest]


The latent werewolf blood awakens!


Orc’s status change: Agility 1 => 4 (Student upper-middle rank)




“No, why so fast…”


And he was torn apart in 5 minutes by the orc whose attack speed had quadrupled.


—- —-Ember was diced by the ax baptism that poured down twice per second and was ejected from the tower. Ember, who bounced and rolled on the floor, opened his eyes wide and impressed.


“You were careless, again!”




Luna was about to ask what she had been doing inside that took her an hour, but Ember was one step ahead. He jumped and re-entered the tower.


Another hour later.






An hour later.






An hour later──.






Luna broke the back of Ember’s head with a mace. Only then did the runaway locomotive Ember stop.


She sat down on Ember’s back, her petite buttocks pressing down on him, in case he showed any sign of weakness and tried to crawl back into the tower.


And she tapped Ember’s nape with her hand. It meant that she had told him that if he came out late, he would be late… Ember made a dazed expression.


“…I’m sorry. I got too high.”


“What is it.”


“But this is a trial that has been handed down to me. I can’t pass it on to an outsider…”


The mace lightly touched and fell from Ember’s crown. It meant that he was late.


Since there was no trial or deal if his head was broken here, Ember obediently confessed. About the journey to the hidden boss of the Tower of Trials.




It was a very interesting story.


The reason Luna Steria cut down the clear time of the Tower of Trials was because it was fun. She was very happy to explore while repeatedly challenging herself.


The feeling that she could move forward made her tremble.


It was also good to enjoy the thrill of being on the brink of life and death. She couldn’t enjoy actual combat because the fear was greater, but there was no death in the Tower of Trials, was there?


So she savored it.


She analyzed and explored every pattern by floor, and overcame the obstacles perfectly. However, the whip witch on the 4th floor was too difficult to play solo, so the siege of the fortress was at a standstill⋯⋯.


I can’t stand new content.


“Let’s do it together.”




“This isn’t a request.”




Luna grabbed Ember by the scruff of his neck and dragged him into the Tower of Trials. She had forcibly increased her party members by one.


—- —-


The two of them often met in front of the Tower of Trials, but this was the first time they had entered the tower together. They didn’t know how each other climbed the tower or what they were fighting for.


So it was the first time Ember had witnessed Luna’s dance.


A storm of iron was raging. A lump of iron that could easily tear apart the flesh of a frail human was being swung at a dizzying speed.


From Noble mtl dot com


She moved freely between them.






Luna moved with minimal movements. One step, then another. With that alone, the orc’s attacks became useless. Not a single piece of her clothes was cut.


“The pattern.”




“Is the same.”




Luna went a step further and dodged the orc by turning her back on it and looking at Ember. She even extended her hands in a V-shape or winked as a performance.


As if she knew what attack would come.


In fact, that was the case. She had seen it all.


Ember thought that her appearance was like that of someone who had reached a certain⋯⋯ climax. He thought it was so cool that he almost cried. And he waited.


Now, based on this perfect evasion, what kind of attack will she show!!






“I, attack, can’t. Attack speed, fast. Hard. Tactics, need to be reorganized… ah.”




Clang, clang.


Luna, who had exhausted all her strength in evasion, was instantly diced and thrown out of the tower.


“…I’ll come back next time. Don’t think this is the end──”




Ember followed suit. This time, it would have been a success if he had lasted about 10 minutes.


Outside the tower.


The two people who had been hit in an instant looked at each other with their mouths agape, and without waiting for the other to speak, they opened their mouths.


“How about learning how to attack?”


“You learn. Evasion.””It seems like it would be faster for you to learn martial arts than for me to master that technique.”


“Just memorize it. It’s possible if you’re not an idiot.”


Luna, who has excellent pattern recognition skills but terrible hardware performance and can’t clear the stage, and Envers, who has better hardware than Luna but can’t analyze patterns.


After arguing for about 30 minutes, the two eventually came to the conclusion that they would fill in each other’s shortcomings.


—- —-


Envers swung his sword from top to bottom. It was a simple motion, but it was a proper one. The balance of his firmly held body showed his effort.


“This is how you cut.”




Luna swung her sword. The blade strangely did not draw a straight line but a zigzag, which looked very crooked to Envers.


“That’s closer to bludgeoning than cutting.”


“Shut up.”


“How is it that someone who can perform such a dance has such a mess of an offense?”




Annoyance filled Luna’s eyes. Envers quietly averted his gaze at the unspoken implication that if he had known that, he would have crushed the orc’s skull long ago.


Envers retraced his memory. However, he knew nothing about Luna Sterry. It was because he had no interest in her.


Luna Sterry was a student who had not been able to stand out until the Tower of Trials appeared. She had always played in the bottom ranks, and it was the same now.


She had not entered any factions or been sociable, so she had not been very noticeable.


Sometimes, when they took the same lecture, only her purple hair passing by would remain faintly in his memory.


Envers had only thought about going up, so he had not looked down.


It was because he thought that he could not gain anything from someone weaker than him.


That’s why he was so surprised. The way she protected her body from the orc’s fierce attack seemed extraordinary, even at a glance. Some would say that anyone can do well if given infinite opportunities, but….


It would not be as easy as it sounds. How can a person handle infinity?


In Envers’ eyes, Luna was an extreme case. She was quick-witted, but her talent for moving her body was close to disastrous.


Then a question arose.


“How did you get to the 4th floor?”


“Follow me.”


Luna showed him the strategy for the 1st floor.


—- —-


Start from the lower right diagonal.


If you stand here, the ax will always fly diagonally. Crouch down and take a step forward. Then the ax will be stuck in the ground. Straighten your back.


Put your foot on the handle. I put my full weight on it here, but I’m not sure exactly how much force it is.


Then the orc will try to pull the ax out of the ground.


At this time, if you press the end of the handle with your hand. The orc will pull the ax out with all its might, and the blade will fly into the orc’s face. Then its head will split in half and it will die.


This is the basic strategy.


The shortened strategy is half luck, so I can’t show you. It took me 3 whole days.


The berserk orc has the same pattern, but its attack speed is faster. So I think I’ll need a different approach. I’ll let you know what attacks come in what situations. And the destruction method.


Pattern A-1.


When the distance is about this far, it’s one of the attacks it uses. You can tell it apart if you listen carefully to the roar. It’s going to swing down with its ax, and there are three ways to dodge it⋯⋯.


—- —-




The two of them learned. They practiced the patterns through normal orcs and planned how to deal with it if this attack became four times faster.


They could not match the berserk orc in strength. They could not keep up with its speed.


Then what was needed was an illusion.


“Sometimes, your movements are stupid. Because your brain is twisted.”


Luna took advantage of the fact that the orc faced with certain movements became confused and created some feint movements.


They were movements that seemed flashy and useless at first glance, but they were mirages that dazzled the eyes and caused misjudgments. It worked on normal orcs, and it also worked on the berserk orc that they tested after waiting 12 hours.


That particular try failed due to proficiency issues, but…!


There was hope. With just a little more proficiency in the patterns, they were confident that they could cook the berserk orc.


Envers looked at Luna and suddenly recalled a word his teacher had told him. Grandmaster.If she had been born with a strong physique and the talent to use her body, perhaps a great martial arts master would have been born.


Around the time she was repeatedly challenging, failing, and growing.


Selvier, who had been practicing magic in the Tower of Trials for the past few days, couldn’t stand it anymore and spoke up.


“Excuse me, it’s good to love each other, but… can you think about the person waiting?”


“What are you talking about?!”




Envers jumped up, and Luna grabbed her mace.


However, Selvier’s misunderstanding had a reason. The two of them entered the Tower of Trials together, but didn’t they just spend an hour on the first floor?


Converted to the time inside the tower, it was well over 10 hours. So it was natural to imagine this. In Selvier’s eyes, this was definitely a love affair.


If a man and a woman enter a closed space and spend 10 hours together, what would happen during that time…


“Oh my.”


Luna explained the situation with gestures and short sentences. Envers heard Luna speak so long for the first time.


After hearing the whole story, Selvier thought deeply.


“Then, why don’t you half-kill the orcs in advance and kill them at 12 o’clock?”






The wizard’s advice was effective.


Cleared the first floor of the Tower of Trials──!!



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