Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 214 Table of contents

“Mimic, the carriage of His Highness the Second Prince is passing through the entrance of Trumpet Hall.”

“Okay, he finally arrived. I thought I was going to lose my patience.”

I placed my hands on my knees and stood up in one swift motion. I had been waiting a long time. Now that the main actors were stepping onto the stage one by one, my task was to piece together the puzzle.

A grand unification strategy. A terrifying plan to link arms with all factions except the cardinal faction and play Indian poker. At first glance, it seemed like a daunting plan, but it wasn’t.

If the first button is fastened correctly, and the more buttons you fasten, the easier it becomes exponentially.

It’s only natural, if I were to say that I’ve enticed the royal family, the Reformists, and the Duke of the North. Then, if the Red Flavor Duke’s family doesn’t want to be ruined, wouldn’t they pretend to join hands?

The Duke of the North would be the same. If I claim to have a cooperative relationship with the royal family, given his coldly calculating nature, he would undoubtedly accept. No need to even bring out the heart.

So, in the end, it all comes down to one thing. I just need to charm Irid well.

At this point, it’s almost as if I’ve already begun winning. There’s a certain bond between Irid and me, isn’t there? Right?

As I was preparing to meet Irid, Bennett, who had just entered, brought me joyful news.

“The mad sorcerer. It seems the Duke of the North, Julius, has passed through the south gate.”

“They’ve come too? Okay. If I persuade the second prince and convince them as well, a great achievement could be accomplished in just one night!”

“…I don’t know what kind of confidence you have. No matter how you look at it, this will be tough. He’s a bloodline that leads a nation, a power that has ruled the frigid lands. It’s a different case from just recruiting a mere dark sorcerer.”

“Well, just watch, Bennett. I’ll bring down the moon in one night. Heh heh heh…”

What more needs to be said when I hold the first love of those two?

I confidently thumped my chest. The one who governs greetings governs all affairs; a plan that doesn’t fail is just like this.

One day is all it takes. Could anything significant happen in the meantime?


Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud!

It was an impressive procession.

All sorts of troops and attendants surrounding Irid’s carriage filled three blocks. I hadn’t realized it due to their unusually modest appearance, but seeing this made me think that he truly was a prince.

They said this was a scaled-down version to “show respect to the goddess,” but if they were to truly display their might, it would be no small matter. I watched the march among the gaping onlookers.

Step, step, step.

As I did, the crowd parted, and two muscular knights approached me. In a stiff voice, they said, “The prince is looking for you.”

“How did you find me?”

I had been pondering how to make contact.

The knights meticulously checked me for any dangerous items. Being groped by two men was accompanied by an unpleasant discomfort, but I figured they wouldn’t want to be touching a man either.

So, we were in the same boat. They were sad to touch, and I was sad to be touched. I felt sorrow for our pitiful selves.

As the knights were about to bind my wrist with a magical restraint, Irid’s voice came from the carriage.

“Stop. Let him in.”

“Your Highness, we still need to take precautions against magic…”

“It’s a waste of time. I won’t say it twice.”


The knights glared at me with wide eyes, their expressions conveying a warning. If I were to cause any harm, I wouldn’t leave unscathed.

I shrugged and walked on. In front of the carriage stood a tall female knight, with light blonde hair and purple eyes.

He stood at about 176 cm, with an overall refreshing appearance. His beauty was striking, but it was the knightly firmness that resonated more than any praise for his looks.

Above all… I could read Yuna’s lineage from the color of his eyes.

I casually asked,


“Yes. I am Sisel Yurensto. I’ve heard about you from the prince. You are the one who will lead me to victory.”

“Oh, so you’re participating. I’ll make sure to greet you properly in advance.”

“Let’s keep the small talk to a minimum. The prince is waiting.”

Is that so?

As the knight pulled the handle of the carriage, the door slid open without a sound. I jumped into the royal carriage.

Inside, it was quite spacious. It would be more accurate to say it resembled a mobile home rather than a carriage.

In the inner seat, the second prince, Irid Crown, sat with his legs crossed. Even after a long time, his strikingly handsome appearance was almost irritating. I casually struck up a conversation.

“The knights are quite loyal, aren’t they?”

That meant they were rather strict with their physical examinations.

“Well, you do look rather suspicious, so the knights must have been more sensitive than usual. Understandable.”

It was a suggestion that my looks were the problem. Did I really look that suspicious? Yuna had said I was handsome.

I glanced at the mirror mounted on the wall. Beneath my dark hair, my red eyes gleamed. After accepting the malignancy, there was a strange atmosphere in my gaze that made one feel uneasy if they looked too long.

I understood. With a look like this, I deserved to be examined.

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been well. Things are going smoothly, and thanks to some deranged wizard sweeping away all the dark sorcerers… I’ve found some leisure.”

It didn’t seem like empty words. His complexion was good, and his voice had more strength than before; it seemed he was eating well. I rubbed my palms together like a schemer and subtly said,

“If you’re grateful, how about granting me a reward?”

“Is it not enough that I handed over a Defense Bureau agent without a gag or leash? Just shaking her down would yield a box of confidential documents.”

“The agent, Yuli Lanster, has a sense of loyalty, so she doesn’t share such things with me unless necessary. I don’t pry either.”

“If you need research funds, I’ll consider it.”

Good, I scored a point. This might ease Yuna’s anger a bit. I was no longer in a pitiful position tied down by funding, but still, the more research funds, the better.

Now that the small talk was over, it was time to get to the main point. Irid and I exchanged silent glances. Then we each checked the security status.

We activated the artifact and cast a spell. It thoroughly isolated the inside of the carriage from the outside, ensuring that no information could be leaked or eavesdropped upon.

Once safety was secured, Irid spoke up abruptly.

“What are you scheming this time?”

“This time, regarding the hero, let’s all work together to prevent the cardinal faction from gaining any ground. It would be nice to have a fresh breeze blow through the Goddess Church, wouldn’t it? Refreshingly.”

“Explain who is included in that ‘together.’ How intriguing.”

“First, the Duke of the North and…”

Clatter. The carriage shook.


“What is it?”

Irid opened the carriage window and gestured to the knight who had followed them. He spoke, frozen in place under the gaze of authority.

“Uh, Your Highness, the procession of the Duke of the North has intersected with ours. However, they insolently refuse to yield…!”


So, it seems a quarrel has broken out over who should move first.

Peering out the window, I could indeed see a grand procession approaching from afar. Both sides were substantial enough that neither could budge until one yielded.

While a clash of pride is a common occurrence, with the royal family involved?

As far as I know, the authority of the royal family is considerable… so why hasn’t the Duke of the North backed down? He’s a man who knows that such behavior would yield no benefit. He’s a man who pursues practical gains over pride.

From noble mtl dot come

Did something happen between Irid and him? When I looked at Irid, hoping he might know something, he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“…Tch, is he still lost in delusions?”

“Delusions? The Duke of the North?”

“Yes. You should know better than anyone else, right? Centra, a hundred years ago… that is, when it crossed into the present, acted through Hart to meet me.”


“Uh, yes? Oh, um, yes. That’s right.”

“There was a meeting once regarding the succession rights of the North, and when she saw the portrait of Centra I had kept, she started babbling nonsense. She claimed that Hart and I are connected by soul.”

“Ah… so that’s why.”

“Of course, I denied it. There’s no doubt her heart lies with me. It was merely a brief companionship to earn the cost of staying in this world… Connected by soul? Tch.”

So that’s why they fought…

The Crown Prince and the Duke of the North quarreled over Hart and Centra!

The weight of past karma hit me hard. I felt dizzy.

As my mind went blank, my mouth moved on its own.

“Please don’t fight over me…!”

“…Have you finally lost your mind?”


No, no. Get a grip. The situation isn’t hopeless yet. Emotions are emotions, and practicality is practicality; my proposal to suppress the Cardinal faction clearly benefits both sides.

I could endure a bit of emotional conflict. Right? Right?

“If you can persuade that fool of the Northern Duke, I won’t think of interfering. The weakening of the Cardinal faction is something to be welcomed with open arms.”


Iride was essentially convinced. Now we just need to ensure things don’t escalate further. Let’s head straight to the Northern Duke’s carriage. And first, let’s resolve this pride battle with Jagangducheon.

I hurriedly got off Iride’s carriage. And at that moment.


A splitting sound echoed. This was the sound of my plans shattering and breaking apart.

Crack, crack, crack—!!

A fight broke out between Iride’s procession and the Northern Duke’s procession, right in the middle…

If that fight escalates and an irreparable grudge builds up between Iride and the Northern Duke… that would be troublesome. My pride would be in jeopardy!

I had boasted loudly to Bennett on the way out that there was a way to handle it!

“Damn it, no fighting! Stop it──!”

I sprinted towards the center, sweat on the soles of my feet.


I knew there was a difference in levels even among the same fables. I still can’t forget the bloodstorm (血風) raised by the First Princess Elaine with her fist.

How much my head ached calculating the output that could crush giants. Even if I brought a Das from Rodellus, there would be no way to withstand one of Elaine’s storm punches from that time.

She was fully matured. The process of dyeing her soul with emotions – generating colored magical power – and using it to emit abilities was impeccably clean, without a single waste.

If I brought Nangong Cheong-hui, who had just awakened his fable, the gap would widen even more. No matter how many Emperor Sword forms he shot, I doubt he could bring down a giant with that.

Though there are some differences in compatibility among fables.

The difference between someone who has taken the first step into a fable and someone who has reached the end and touched the wall of sublimation is immense.


So the fierce battle unfolding before my eyes was a clash between monsters who had reached the end of their fables—preparatory sublimators.

“I will warn you again. Step aside.”

“We were the ones who entered this street first, you know? Huh?! The scouts of the North stepped on this smooth ground first. Did you get an ice chunk stuck in your ear!!”

Crack, crack—!

The general of the Northern Duke’s side was truly a beast, a woman akin to a wolf. Her disheveled sky-blue hair fluttered, and her vertically slit pupils shimmered. It seemed as if a beauty and a beast had been blended together.

She held a small hand axe in both hands, but the power contained in that axe was anything but small. With a single gesture, a storm of ice surged forth. Surely, winter was contained within her grasp.

“The one who eats first is the master! If you want to pass by while breaking this rule! Go ahead and try to devour me—!!”

With one swing.


Following the trajectory, ice spikes erupted from the ground, bringing winter to a part of summer. A three-story building was caught up in it, freezing completely as if liquid nitrogen had been poured over it.

And what stands against it is iron.

“I will warn you one last time. Step aside before the imperial family.”


As the great sword slices through the air, an overwhelming mass draws the wind into the void it leaves behind. The swing becomes a storm.

The champion of the imperial side was the knight from the Yurensto family I had seen earlier in front of the carriage. She wielded a zweihänder, easily surpassing her own height, cleaving through the raging winter.

As a result, several warriors from the northern side were sent soaring into the sky, and the windows of the buildings caught in their trajectory shattered in an instant.

Two houses had already been blown away, but this was merely a skirmish.

It was a contest to see whose fangs were longer, judged by mere eye. And now, if we reached the point of baring our teeth and biting the nape of our opponent’s neck, the entire area would be left in ruins.

It was a dizzying threat. For the sake of the plan, it would be best to intervene and stop the fight. But my left arm, which had been injured, ached for no reason.

…What if I got hurt, and Yuna ended up sad again?


At that moment, the flutter of butterfly wings brushed past my ear. Though it hadn’t revealed itself yet, it seemed to be watching over me… saying that it was okay.

Right. It was a blessing in disguise. Yuna didn’t seem to be that angry after all!

I was filled with happiness deep in my chest, and with a buoyant heart, I stepped between the two. The fight ends here!

“Hello! Today is truly an amazing day, isn’t it everyone?”

“…You. This is dangerous, step back.”

“What’s this dark thing? A dark sorcerer?”

“Oh, come on now…”

It was time for my tongue to dance.


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