Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 216 Table of contents

“Your Highness the Second Prince, the First Princess is visiting outside──”

In most cases, Princess Elaine is faster than sound. Before Agent C’s warning could reach her, she had already appeared in Irid’s narrow and shabby office.

If there is a difference before and after the mad sorceress therapy, it is that even sound has now vanished. The perfected wind manipulation guarantees extreme stealth.

So it was too late. To activate the thirteen personal protection devices in the office!

“Irid, my brother!”

“I warn you, I am already twenty-one this year. I will no longer tolerate being treated like a child without sufficient mutual respect… Ugh.”

“What’s with the stiffness after such a long time? Come here, Irid.”

The royal centrifuge, accompanied by respiratory pressure, spun thirteen times.


Iride placed a hand on her aching waist and asked grumpily. (To her, it was a cool expression that seemed to radiate coldness, and indeed it was, but to Elaine, it only looked sulky.)

“So, what is it?”

“I thought it was time to report on the situation at the Eastern Front and to start making some preparations behind the scenes. We’ve decided that Iride will become the Emperor, but our vassals are not in agreement, are they?”

As Elaine rested her index finger on her chin and spoke, Iride nodded. Externally, they were not the two siblings who had a bad relationship.

They would act as if they were in opposition, then suddenly push for a surprising unification to make Iride the Emperor. That was their rough plan.

However, not everyone would accept that plan. There would be political turmoil, and the practical staff, who would find themselves suddenly collaborating after growling at each other, would express their mental anguish.

Why would they elevate that charisma-less guy to Emperor vs. Why would they elevate Elaine, who can do nothing but get her hands dirty?

As they tore their hair out fighting like this, wouldn’t it be awkward to suddenly bind them together as a team overnight?

So, a loose buffer was necessary.

At the very least, the closest aides needed to share that fact, and a subtle mood of being able to unite among the aides should be formed. And this was the first step.

“Iride, can you do me a favor?”

“Go ahead.”

“I have a knight I cherish… who wants to participate in the Hero Selection Tournament. I want to accompany him because he’s an unstable child, but I can’t leave the Eastern Front.”

“…That’s a good reason. You have a tendency to care deeply for your knights, so asking me, your adversary, for a favor for your subordinate doesn’t sound strange.”

At those words, Elaine chuckled softly. It was a gentle laugh, but beneath it, one could sense a hint of bitterness.

“I thought it was a convenient reason to use, but it was something I originally intended to ask. As you know… many who reach the realm of legends are unstable.”

“I’ll do my best to accommodate. You just need me to help him win the Hero Selection Tournament, right?”

“Uh, no. What I want to ask is the opposite.”


Elaine pulled out a document detailing the knight’s personal information and slid it toward Iride. There, alongside a portrait of her with light blonde hair, her impressive achievements were listed.

Deputy Commander of the Eastern Front Purification Unit ‘Blue Wind Knights’ under the First Princess, Cissel Yurensto.

Eight independent closures of demonic dimensional gates, 132 deployments in contaminated area purification operations, single-handedly slaying a wave of legendary demons, surviving the defense of the Fire Demon Valley──.

Each achievement was far beyond the ordinary. It was a performance that could not be considered typical for someone who had reached the realm of legends, and she was a strong candidate listed for potential ascension.

Cissel Yurensto’s combat prowess was among the very best in the vast Empire. No, it used to be.

At the end of that brilliant record, Elaine’s finger stopped. There, the phrase “Three-month ban from participation due to chronic illness” clung like damp mold.

The moment she confirmed that phrase, a certain tendency appeared in Iride’s eyes.

Cissel Yurensto’s record was losing its brilliant luster over time. Despite her young age, her achievements had steadily decreased. It was strange.

Unless she was satisfied with her major and was being self-restrained, this was…


The First Princess flipped the document over so it was no longer visible. The back of the brilliant record was a blank white sheet, as if it were empty. Elaine looked down with a sunken gaze and spoke sincerely.

“I wish Sisell would fail the hero selection tournament and retire.”


Clatter clatter, whoosh.

The sound of a horse lightly trotting echoed, and a small carriage came to a stop in front of the inn, “Beer and Song.” Then, a tall woman emerged from within the carriage.

With long legs and a height of 176 cm.

Her well-defined eyebrows and the purple eyes that held a knightly firmness were so perfect they seemed to have sprung from a fairy tale.

Since “Beer and Song” served as a disguise base, it was suspicious for a fully armed knight to come and go. Thus, Sisell wore casual clothes instead of armor, yet still.

The strength emanating from her trained physique and demeanor made her appear as a knight.

Though they shared the same bloodline, she had a completely different aura from the grand sorceress of the maternal line. It was reminiscent of the sun and shadow.

Her breastplate was on the slim side, but what need would a mass of flesh have for a slaughter expert showcasing the art of war? Such things would only be a hindrance.

It was remarkable that the First Princess could achieve results even with such hindrances. Not because of her impressive chest.

Sisell Yurensto gazed up at the shabby inn and let out a solitary remark.

“This is the residence of the Second Prince. Quite humble. The practicality that values substance over appearance is very much like the First Princess. They say blood never lies…”

Elaine also lived among the knights in a shabby barracks, leading the charge into the blood-soaked battlefield with her noble lineage. Where else could one find such a ruler? That is why one can serve with all their heart.

Does Irid possess such qualities as well? If so, the future of the Empire is exceedingly bright.

“Thank you for your hard work. You may leave now.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The coachman nodded.

Clatter clatter.

The carriage that had set Sisell down quietly moved away. She took a deep breath for a moment and walked into the inn…


It feels oddly empty.

What could it be? What is making me feel so hollow? Is it the absence of Lady Elaine that has left a hole in my heart?

Or perhaps, having temporarily left the familiar Eastern Front, I am worried about the comrades waiting for me, which is causing this emptiness?

Or is it just that my hands and shoulders feel so bare…?


I may have taken off my armor, but of course, I made sure to bring it. I stacked it neatly in a wooden box inside the carriage. Along with my personal belongings and my beloved weapon.

And just now, Sisell herself had sent the coachman away without unloading her gear.


My Zweihänder. My armor.

With a jolt of realization, Cissel Yurensto began to run in the direction the carriage had disappeared, tears welling in his eyes.

“Wait, just a moment! Coachman, wait! I forgot to get down…!!”

In the end, it took Cissel about 30 minutes to catch up to the carriage and retrieve his belongings.

Iride, having received reports that the knight had arrived at the inn, thought, ‘Is he daring to challenge me by stalling for 30 minutes?’

If the mad wizard had seen that scene, he would have said, “Blood doesn’t go anywhere.”


“Victory on the Eastern Front! I am Cissel Yurensto, Deputy Commander of the ‘Blue Wind Knights.’ It is an honor to meet one of the noblest bloodlines in the Empire and a worthy candidate for the Dragon’s Heart.”

“From now on, let’s keep it brief. I dislike wasting time.”

What I mean is, I dislike wasting time, so why were you 30 minutes late?

“Yes, understood.”

“Quick responses are good.”

What I mean is, your responses are quick, but why were you slow?

Iride tried to insert an invisible deal according to the traditional etiquette of the noble social circle, but Cissel Yurensto maintained the demeanor of a steadfast knight. He seemed oblivious to the subtle cues.

It could be one of two things: either he was a true warrior completely disconnected from the social scene, or he was skilled enough to play the ‘I know nothing’ card despite being fully aware.

Iride casually threw out a comment.

“I heard witness accounts of you chasing after the carriage.”

“…Well, there was a slight mistake.”


With his steadfast knightly facade, his face turned into that of a boiled octopus. The purple mage was someone who struggled to control his complexion. Was it genetic?

If he couldn’t even manage this level of emotional control, it must have been a simple mistake rather than a power struggle. If it wasn’t intentional, that’s fine. Iride forgave him in his heart.

“Do you understand why you are here? Do you grasp the situation?”

“Ah, yes. I believe Lady Elaine has been accommodating. Many strong contenders will gather for the Hero Selection Tournament, and there will be many aspects to consider beyond just combat, so it would be difficult to manage alone…”

Cissel only knew the superficial reason.

He seemed unaware that Elaine hoped for his retirement. It appeared he hadn’t heard the political currents either. He was purely focused on the hero selection.


The Yurensto family was a relatively new noble house with a short history, but I had thought they were quite established. Therefore, they should have received some education.

Iride had met the daughter of the Yurensto family at a matchmaking event. She seemed solely focused on climbing the social ladder by mingling with the royal family, so he had treated her accordingly and left the gathering.

Looking back, the purple mage was the same. Was it a difference in educational policy, or… had he not received any education at all?

No, that’s not the important part.

Iride tapped her forehead with her finger. How the Yurensto family operated was not her concern. What mattered was the individual desires of Cissel Yurensto.

The direction of her ambition was clear. Now only one question remained. Iride had grasped the essence.

“Why do you want to become a hero?”

“…Well, you see…”

She could not fully read the fleeting change of emotion that passed through Cissel’s eyes.

Iride was not a monster like a mad wizard. She could not exhibit the observational power of splitting a second into commas. However, a vague feeling was still possible.

She looked at the wilting orchid.

“It’s embarrassing, but I’ve fallen ill. My body is not what it used to be, and the output of my legend is decreasing. I will probably soon lose my qualifications as a knight.”


Life and death. Everyone is born, grows old, becomes ill, and dies. It is a fate that all life must eventually face.

And this harsh fate approaches some people more quickly than others.

“They say my legend is… deformed. It seems my legend consumes my soul. The priest and the wizard both said there’s nothing to be done about the wounds left on the soul.”

“Your sister’s legend also had a self-destruct function. Your sister was only damaged in body, but is there something worse?”


Are there legends that even burn one’s own soul? If so, then Cissel Yurensto’s remarkable achievements could be understood. It is a providence that one grows stronger in proportion to their sacrifices.

Thus, Cissel Yurensto fought and simultaneously died.

Having nearly burned out the wick of life in fierce battles on the Eastern Front, the knight, now with little left, spoke of the last hope.

“But I’ve heard that heroes receive infinite divine power from the goddess. The priests shook their heads, but perhaps if it’s the goddess…”

“…She might be able to heal the soul. That’s what you were thinking. So, you want to become a hero.”

“Yes, you are exactly right, Your Highness.”

Cissel quietly nodded.

It was understandable.

It was a motive that made sense. The desire to reclaim what has been lost is a longing that everyone harbors. However, there is a very important aspect that must not be overlooked.

“Let’s say, by a stroke of luck, the soul is healed. What will you do afterward?”

“I will fight again on the Eastern Front, for the princess.”

“Your soul will be chipped away and die again. However, no matter how divine the goddess’s power is, even if she has the ability to restore the soul, the outcome of something that has been chipped away and restored repeatedly is obvious.”

Nothing is eternal; eventually, it breaks. Even if you glue together the shattered pieces of wood, it will never return to its original state before the damage.

In the end, it is merely life support.

“You don’t seem to show deep signs of illness right now. You could walk and speak just fine. It doesn’t seem to hinder your living. Then why not refrain from using your legend? You are already a trained knight.”

“I am weak without using my legend. Would a weak knight be of any use?”

“Determining someone’s worth is the prerogative of those who wear the crown.”

“The princess will undoubtedly wield even a dull sword with great care, but the sword will long for the days when it was sharp.”

There have always been those who risk their lives for precious values. Irid also understands that nobility. A shining star resides in his heart.

He could risk his life for Centra countless times. Thus, he was able to recognize the fracture of Cisel Yurenshto.

To peer into that fracture, Irid cautiously asked.

“Why risk your life?”

Any answer would suffice. Whether it be a desire to witness Elaine’s reign at the cost of his life, a belief that purifying the Eastern Front is his mission, or a dream of living short but intensely as a knight.

There is no reason to interfere with the noble steps of one who has firmly steadied his heart, nor any desire to do so. But.

The answer that flowed from Cisel was.

“…Because it must be.”


From noble mtl dot come

It was empty.

It is not for a purpose that one risks their life.

It is because they do not know where to spend their life, surrendering their body to inertia and letting it go. Cisel Yurenshto was a broken man, unsure of what to do.


Such loyalty has no place to be used.

Now, Elaine’s request is read differently. The true intention behind her wish that Cisel Yurenshto would fail in the Hero Selection Tournament.

It is not ‘I wish Cisel would retire.’

It is ‘I wish Cisel would live.’


Irid does not know how to mend a person’s heart. However, he knows of a certain eccentric magician who possesses the means.

Irid, who was merely struggling to survive, found a path forward in Crown Hall a hundred years later.

Elaine also changed the fable.

If it is his dimensional magic. This time as well.

“Winning the Hero Selection Tournament is a difficult goal. But I know of a magician who can make it possible… I will ask for his help.”

“A magician… you say?”

“Yes. I hear he is in the Holy City. I’m sorry to ask this after coming such a long way, but pack your things again. We depart immediately.”

We are going to the mad magician.


And that is how it came to be.


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