Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 65 Table of contents

"How can you attack me?!"

"Maybe it's because you're just a loser?♡"

As a being from a game, you wouldn’t understand.

Even though I’m a paladin, I’m still weak right now.

Normally, it wouldn’t make sense for me to deal proper damage to a necromancer with such a significant level difference.

But experienced players know how to exploit the gaps.

The boss of this place, who’s undead, shouldn’t be affected by any physical attacks.

However, the evasion mechanism isn’t immunity—it’s negation.

The difference between these two is significant.

It’s not that he doesn’t take damage at all, but rather that he negates the damage after receiving it.

And that’s where the skill Underdog comes in, which I got after defeating that poor third-year senior a while back.

This skill allows me to deal true damage when there’s a level difference of 20 or more, which means I can actually hurt the undead, even though I normally wouldn’t be able to touch them.

So what if physical attacks are negated?

True damage doesn’t change!


Once again, my mace landed squarely on the necromancer.

Due to his skill that negates physical attacks, his base stats are lower compared to other bosses of a similar level.

Given my current level and the skills I’ve mastered, I can easily overwhelm him.

The necromancer didn’t just stand there passively, though.

As the master of the dungeon, he struggled and fought with all his might.

But I wasn’t the only one participating in this fight.

Carl, with his experience from countless battles as a knight of the Allen family, effectively blocked all of the necromancer’s desperate attacks, creating a favorable environment for me to strike.

He disrupted the necromancer’s spells, dealt with the corpses crawling out of the graves, and even thwarted the necromancer’s fits of rage.

In a way, he was acting more like a tank than a tank.

"I... I will curse you..."

After a one-sided beating, the fight ended, and the necromancer vanished.

But I didn’t relax at all.

I’d been ambushed in a similar situation before.

Fortunately, this time, an exit appeared, and I felt my strength returning.

Thank goodness.

Ah, Aghra’s curse is really annoying.

When this was just a game, I used to cheer whenever Aghra intervened, but now it just scares me.

I want to get stronger quickly.

To the point where I can hope for something good from the curse.

The variables created by Aghra’s curse tend to be above the dungeon’s level, so they often provide great rewards.

But that’s a story for another time.

What reward did I get from this dungeon?

I examined the table that appeared by the door and found a single black orb.

This is the necromancer’s remnant, right?

I checked it, and as I used appraisal magic on it, a message window popped up in front of me.

[Necromancer’s Remnant] [A grudge-filled orb left behind by the necromancer upon death.]

What am I supposed to do with an item that’s only useful if you’re playing as a necromancer?

This thing is completely useless to me.

Even though I wasn’t thrilled, there was no way to exchange the reward.

I put the item into my pocket.


"Lousy knight, let’s go back."

"Yes, my lady."

As I stepped out of the dungeon, where the rain was pouring, I realized that I was completely soaked.

My uniform looked like it had been dipped in water and pulled out, and my hair was so wet that it weighed heavily on my neck.

Ugh, this is gross.

I want to get back to the dorm and clean up as soon as possible.

But first, I need to collect what I came here for.

With the dungeon cleared, the door blocking the way to the room disappeared.

I created light again to illuminate the dark room.

It was some kind of storage room.

Perhaps because the dungeon had blocked access to it, the items inside were old but still in relatively good condition.

"This place..."

"Lousy people who used to live in this old, decrepit mansion stored their things here."

As expected from a storage room in such a large mansion, the items stored here were all quite valuable.

I could easily make ten to fifteen gold coins by selling everything in here.

But wealth wasn’t my objective in this place.

As the sole heir of the count’s family, money was something I could use freely.

I stood at the entrance, scanning the inside of the storage room, and soon found what I was looking for. I walked purposefully into the room.

I could hear Carl’s voice behind me, trying to dissuade me, but I ignored him.

His cowardly advice was worthless in times like this.

If it were truly dangerous, Grandpa would have said something.

I picked up the ribbon, covered in dust, from one corner of the storage room and spoke into the air.

"This is what you wanted, right? Take it."

As soon as I finished speaking, the ribbon turned to ash and disappeared without a trace.

The voice echoed, and several message windows appeared in front of me.

[Quest Clear!] [You have received a reward.] [Skill: No Regrets Left.]

Good. Just like in the game, I completed it successfully.

The skill No Regrets Left is specifically designed for battling undead.

It has various functions, such as reducing damage taken from the undead and increasing damage dealt to them, but its true value lies elsewhere.

It can block curses below a certain level.

Given that I’ll have to deal with Aghra and all sorts of curses in the future, this skill will be crucial.

Without it, I might end up dying somewhere without warning.

Feeling satisfied with obtaining the skill I wanted, I turned to leave, only to see Carl’s face, which had turned pale.

"M-My lady. Just now... in that room... a voice..."

He’s really easily frightened.

The next day, after barely managing to walk back to Soul Academy with Carl, whose legs had gone weak from fear, I went looking for the noble lady as soon as classes ended.

Why do I call her the noble lady just like that NPC? Because I don’t know her name.

And even if I asked, I doubt she would tell me.

So I decided to just call her the noble lady, just like the Mesugaki skill does.

There’s no point in learning the name of an NPC unrelated to the favorability system.

The noble lady pretended to be asleep the moment she saw my face.

Her fingers, hidden under her arm, were fidgeting nervously, clearly wishing I would just go away.

Her wish wasn’t granted.

I came here specifically to meet the noble lady.

When I sat down at the table opposite her, the noble lady’s shoulders twitched.

Did she really think I would believe she was sleeping?

"Excuse me."

"Noble lady."

There was no response.

Hmm. So that’s how she wants to play?

Let’s see how long she can keep it up.

"Hey, wake up."

"Noble lady, wake up."

This time, her shoulders flinched slightly.

But she still didn’t raise her head.

"Noble lady♡ Are you deaf instead of lacking presence?♡ Wake up♡"

Finally, the noble lady raised her head.

Her face was flushed, clearly angry from the taunting.

"What do you want?"

Even so, the fact that she couldn’t lash out showed just how infamous Lucy was.

She knew that if she provoked me, she’d be the one to suffer, so she was holding back her anger.

She’ll probably talk badly about me behind my back as soon as I leave.

She was doing that when she met Carl, calling me the “spoiled lady,” so it’s obvious.

"Lady Allen?"


"I came to give you this, noble lady."

I pulled out the item the noble lady had asked Carl to find and the mansion key from my pocket.

The noble lady stared at the two items, then frowned and looked at my face.

"...These were supposed to be for Mr. Carl."

"It’s an errand."

"Isn’t it obvious, noble lady? I’m just running an errand."

The truth was, I came to confront her personally.

"How do you know Mr. Carl?"

She seemed curious about a lot of things, but I didn’t answer her question.

Instead, I said what I needed to say.

"Take care, necromancer. And stop talking behind people’s backs."

"Take care, noble necromancer. You know what will happen if you keep gossiping, right?"

Her expression changed dramatically.

She went from angry to confused and then to pale.

Her face could almost be used as a traffic light, with how many colors it went through.

The noble lady stammered, trying to make excuses, but I didn’t listen and stood up.

I had already warned her by pointing out her weakness as a necromancer, so she probably wouldn’t gossip anymore.

That evening at Soul Academy.

During the time when students were allowed to roam freely, Vissy Bell stepped into the mansion in the back alley.

The mansion, known for being haunted, was quiet as always.

As Vissy Bell opened the door and entered, the wooden floor creaked.

A voice called out from behind her.

It would have been surprising to hear a voice in such a deserted place, but Vissy Bell remained calm.

"Why don’t you just greet me normally?"

"It’s because you’re not good at scaring me."

Vissy replied, and then something translucent descended from the ceiling.

It was a little girl in tattered pajamas.

"Really? That’s very reassuring, Adrie."

The ghost, Adrie, who lived in the mansion and had once been one of its residents, puffed out her cheeks in protest.

"Whoever it was must have been a huge coward..."

Yesterday? That’s when that bratty lady came by, isn’t it?

"Hey, was it a girl with obnoxious bright pink hair?"

Aha. So even that arrogant brat is still just a girl?

She’s afraid of ghosts, huh?

A blond knight…

Was it Mr. Carl?

So he came here after my request.

As Vissy imagined Carl trembling in fear because of Adrie, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Even someone as impressive as him has a weakness.

"You mean the pink-haired girl?"

So those two came to this mansion together yesterday.

What’s their relationship?

Considering they came to such a secluded place together, they must be close.

Well, since she’s found out I’m a necromancer, I wouldn’t be able to say anything even if I knew their relationship.

"Adrie, did you tell that girl anything about me?"

Of course.

There’s no way someone who isn’t a necromancer could talk to a ghost like Adrie.

Then how on earth did she find out I’m a necromancer?

"Adrie, can you tell me what happened here yesterday?"

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