I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization
Chapter 0 Table of contents

You shouldn’t trust just a title when browsing the internet and deciding what to click.

[A Review Right After Watching the Ending (No Spoilers)]

Because there are lazy good-for-nothings hiding enormous tricks behind seemingly ordinary titles all over the internet.

Let your guard down for a moment, and you’ll be done for in an instant.

For example,

[…These guys are the real masterminds, and the only allies who stick with the protagonist until the end are Yuli, Siel, and Lien.

A review? Forget it.

What’s the point of playing the game when you’ve already seen the entire story? Just give up and quit, you idiot LOL]

Just like me, who just got spoiled about the game.

“What kind of pathetic loser does something like that?”

I ground my teeth as I turned off my phone. Does this person really have nothing better to do?

Who’s going to pay them for writing such a crafty bait post just to spoil things?

I couldn’t understand it with any kind of normal thinking.

‘…I was really looking forward to this game.’

A disaster sparked by my complacent thought of checking reviews before playing.

The result was horrific.
The sequel to a game that had been the masterpiece of my life.

I even pre-ordered a version that came with extra perks, only to have it ruined because of one irritating person.

I let out a deep sigh as I filled out the refund reason.

Sure, I would get a little over 100,000 won back, but the disappointment of missing out on a game I had been so excited for loomed even larger.

I had cleared my schedule for two days to play through to the end without stopping.

To add insult to injury, even the reviews I had sneakily checked were all glowing, saying it was a “Game of the Year” candidate, and that not pre-ordering it was akin to missing half of life.

‘…Should I just give it a whirl for an hour?’

That thought eventually darted through my mind.

In hindsight, it wasn’t such a bad option after all.

It was a new release I had been eagerly anticipating, and if it turned out to be terrible midway, I could always request a refund.

As long as I didn’t exceed two hours of playtime, a refund was still on the table.

So, why not just take a taste?

With that light-hearted mindset, I pressed the play button on the game…


I was engulfed in a pitch-black abyss.


-You pathetic loser. Got nothing better to do?

A malicious comment on a baiting spoiler post.
Angry replies began to appear shortly after someone left that comment.

└Just ignore it and play. This is a fake spoiler.
└Both the hero and villain names are mixed up, and the summarized story is a mess. Just play without worrying about it.

Unfortunately, the original commenter would never see these replies.

It was inevitable.

Because he was no longer of this world.

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