I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization
Chapter 55 Table of contents

Inside the lavish mansion, Kishua sipped his black tea, lost in thought.

Trying to connect with the Black Fangs turned out to be far more challenging than he had expected. It was just a stark reminder that this secret organization hadn’t revealed a single member so far.

Then, just then, came the news.

Rumors swirled that the Black Fangs were out there helping people.

He had been fortunate enough to quickly snag these fresh rumors through an information broker.

“This is honestly questionable intel. Please don’t take it too seriously,” was the disclaimer from the informant, who frankly admitted the reliability of this information was rather flimsy.

There were wild claims that the Black Fangs comprised mostly minors and that even the leader, a big shot, was personally running rescue operations.

Strange tales that were almost too bizarre to believe.


“Let’s think about this differently.”

The sheer absurdity of these rumors lent them an unexpected credibility.

Such outrageous stories spreading meant there was a higher chance they might just be true.

Rumors of the Black Fangs saving people could circulate.

But for the claim that most of them were minors, and that even the commander was getting involved in this business, there had to be witnesses.

These outlandish tales wouldn’t simply pop up without a shred of reality behind them.

“Others might find it odd that someone as prominent as the Black Fangs’ commander would engage in such things,” Kishua mused.

But let’s shift our viewpoint.

Just because someone is a monstrous powerhouse doesn’t mean they lack humanity, right?

“Besides, the very act of opposing the Empire suggests that the commander might actually be a pretty good person.”

A person with that kind of power wouldn’t need to stand against the Empire.

Simply cozying up to them would guarantee a life of riches and fame.

Choosing revolution instead of that cushy path only hinted that the Black Fangs were more idealistic and benevolent than one might think.

As Kishua mulled over this, he soon grasped the essence of the situation.

“This is an invitation.”

He couldn’t help but utter in astonishment.

He considered himself to be quite the sharp cookie, but he couldn’t help but admire the messages hidden behind the Black Fangs’ commander’s actions.

It struck him as peculiar. The previous video had made it obvious there was a desire for allies.

Yet, even wanting to cooperate brought no clear way to contact the Black Fangs.

But now, with these spreading rumors, it was clear. This was blatantly an invitation. An official invitation from the commander of the Black Fangs.

If you align with our vision, if you wish to join us, then take part in this.

Show your support by aiding the people in the slums.

Sure, doing this would surely draw the Empire’s ire, but that was part of the plan.

It was like a declaration: either prove your willingness to oppose the Empire no matter the risk, or show off your skills to operate deftly under their radar.

To join us, proving yourself to that level was a must.

“Then everything clicks into place.”

Like a jigsaw puzzle, pieces that once were confusing began to fit together.

The bizarre reason behind these rumors.

The unusual motive for spreading the outlandish claim that the Black Fangs consisted entirely of minors.

Kishua recognized the hidden agenda behind it all.

“So this was also a test.”

By spreading the idea that the Black Fangs weren’t as intimidating as they seemed, they aimed to weed out those who were truly faithful.

Regardless of the actual strength of the Black Fangs.

It was a test to distinguish those willing to risk their lives to topple this rotten Empire.


Others might have struggled to catch on.

How many different plots are hidden behind a single action? The complexity was mind-boggling.

Even Kishua found himself nodding along, feeling outpaced.

But instead, Kishua beamed with a generous grin.

“This is surprisingly good.”

Having a capable boss was good news, not a curse.

He also appreciated the attitude of offering challenges as a way to prove oneself.

Only ordinary folks fear tests.

For those blessed with talents, tests serve as golden opportunities to demonstrate their worth.

And Kishua was someone who never missed such chances that came knocking at his door.


I glanced again at the transformed relief center.

The three knights from last time had surprisingly thrown themselves into work more diligently than I’d anticipated.

Watching them dedicate several sleepless nights made me ponder if they were at risk of collapsing soon.

“How’s the work coming along? Anything uncomfortable?”

Given their hard work, I spoke to them civilly. But the knight, drenched in sweat as he toiled on the shanty repairs, looked frightfully startled.

“P-Please, just feel free to speak casually.”

The desperation in his expression was palpable.

I couldn’t wrap my head around why he was so anxious. But seeing him like that, I felt compelled to stick to my usual tone.

“Why don’t you take a break? If you keep this up, you’ll be out cold.”

With those words, I pointed to the relief center.

Thanks to my recent bump in skills, Siel’s legendary healing magic, and the special potions I whipped up, we had a surplus of sickbeds lying around. I thought they could use some.

I declared this grandly, but…

The guys’ faces went even paler.

“W-Whatever it takes! Please don’t say that. I’m still in my prime! I can work! I want to work! Just let me work!”

Words I couldn’t comprehend.

Even the other two vehemently bobbed their heads in agreement with that odd plea.

It was like they’d collectively lost their marbles.

‘What on earth is up with them? They don’t seem afraid of me; it’s like they’re yearning to be near me.’

They seemed to have a mini panic attack every time they stepped out of my sight.

If they were actually scared, surely, they wouldn’t respond like that.

The only explanation I could think of was… maybe they weren’t keen on being around Siel, Lien, and the other kids.

…Did that even make sense?

Why would those sweet kids bully anyone?

‘Well, I did fill them in on the whole story. They might not be thrilled about it, though.’

I had explained that the knights came to off me.

But I insisted they shouldn’t harm them, declaring that eliminating them would just complicate things more, and everyone was on board with that.

Our kids weren’t known for holding grudges.

Each one was so innocent that I often found myself wondering how I had managed to team up with such fantastic companions, feeling grateful for my overflowing luck with people.

As I pondered their odd behavior… I quickly brushed the thought aside.

It only made sense.

After all, they were here to kill us. Just sparing them was already generous enough.

There was no need to go the extra mile and coddle their mental states.

As long as they put in good work, their eccentric behavior didn’t matter one bit.

‘I don’t have the luxury to worry about that anyway.’

With this thought buzzing in my head, I took in the scenery around me.

Things had indeed changed remarkably.

It was hard to believe that just a short stroll would once have you stumbling upon at least two people starving to death in the streets.

But still…

‘I can’t shake off this nagging disappointment.’

Given our limited manpower, we couldn’t save everyone in the slums.

With fewer than a hundred folks, running relief centers across the Empire was simply not feasible.

We were running out of time to focus on rescue operations indefinitely.

Sure, we’ll save as many as we can, but it was abundantly clear there would be far more places out of reach for my hands.

That gnawed at me.

Was there a way to make this work somehow?

While I was lost in those thoughts, it happened.

-Can you hear me clearly?

It had been a while since I heard that voice. Miss Rubia was using communication magic to contact me.

“Is there a problem?”

I wondered if something had gone awry with the business, so I asked. But Miss Rubia shook her head.

-Just checking… Are you behind what’s been going on lately?

Before I could muster a question about what she meant, a flood of information bombarded me.

And… for a moment, my mind was utterly blank.

‘What on earth is happening?’

Someone was anonymously pouring massive aid into the slums across the Empire.

From food to all sorts of basic necessities.

A sudden wave of donations.

It was bewildering, bordering on bizarre.

I couldn’t fathom how such a strange occurrence had come to pass.


Upon taking a breather to ponder this over, I realized it was actually quite the stroke of luck for me.

It lifted some weight off my shoulders,

and it also helped to distract the Holy Church and the Empire from giving Miss Rubia a hard look.

The more I thought about it, the luckier this situation felt for me.

So after a moment of reflection, I finally spoke up.

“Seems I’m lucky.”

I might not know the intricacies,

but it looked like the world was on my side—for the time being, at least.

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