Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 45 Table of contents

Title: Important Notice for New Players Entering Snow Castle

Listen up, because what I’m about to say is crucial.

Snow Castle is an insanely difficult game, and because of the high entry barrier at the beginning, it’s a game that people either love or hate.

However, if you follow the guidelines I’m about to explain, no matter how hard the game gets, you’ll find a way to manage.

First of all, even though the Paladin route, Mystic route, and others might seem easier, in the end, choosing the pure Hunter route will give you far better damage and agility. So, pick that one.

Once you arrive in Bandre Village, you’ll find a slaver there. Purchase the young girl named ‘Astie’ as a slave. This is the reason I told you to choose the Hunter route.

No matter what strange things happen, don’t doubt it and keep her with you. Without her, you’ll have to grind a lot to clear the boss battle later on.

That’s all.


I unlocked the padlock hanging from the slaver’s pocket, and as I opened the door, the children inside rushed out, clinging to my legs and crying before, following the lead of a girl who seemed to be their leader, they headed off somewhere.

As I watched the girl who still hadn’t moved and was staring blankly, I recalled the post I had seen on the community board.

The comments on that strategy post were strange, but since it was pinned as an important notice, I couldn’t help but believe it.

Could there really be a lie in a post titled “Must-Read for New Players”?

Surely, the admins wouldn’t all team up to trick newbies, right?

So, before starting the game, I searched for the name ‘Astie’ and memorized her appearance.

Half-closed eyes, brown hair, a gaze that seemed to belong in another dimension, and doll-like features.

This girl looked exactly like how I remembered, so she must be Astie.

As I approached Astie, who wasn’t moving at all, she looked up at me with an expressionless face.

“What’s your name?”


As I thought.

At that moment, my suspicion turned into certainty.

“Why aren’t you going with the others?”

“I have nowhere to go.”

I needed to approach this carefully.

As much as I wanted to take her with me immediately, what would she think if I just told her to follow me after being taken as a slave? You have to be gentle in situations like this.

Life is all about building up. You have to gradually let things sink in; rushing will get you nowhere.

“Why don’t you go ask the knights for help? I’m sure they’ll help you, and you can figure out what you want to do.”

Especially with a child like this, who must be quite wary. And if I use the rather dashing appearance of ‘Leydan Tanton,’ it would be even better.

But Astie only tilted her head, looking puzzled.

“What kind of help should I ask from a knight?”


“I was taught from a young age to satisfy my master as a slave. What kind of help should I ask for?”


Just hearing that left me at a loss for words.

Astie lowered her head as if confirming that what she said was true.

Her every action seemed indifferent, but all I could feel was how pitiful she looked.

No place to go, no hope.

Humans can have hope because they have somewhere to go, and with hope, they can take action.

But this girl had no motivation to move at all.

At this rate, building up to anything was pointless. If I just left her, I’d be the bad guy.

「I think it’s better to leave her.」

At that moment, I heard the Gardener’s voice.

「This girl, although she seems human, she doesn’t feel entirely human.」

But people passing by seem to react to her just fine.

The Gardener’s words made me a bit uneasy, but still, when it came to judging people, I might be better than the Gardener.

It’s like us distinguishing between 101 types of grasshoppers.

「To be precise, she is human. But…」

But what?

「…Never mind. Rushed judgment leads to trouble. Do as you think best.」

Why be so vague, then?

Making me anxious for no reason.

But this time, I couldn’t agree with the Gardener’s opinion.

This was advice straight from a game strategy guide.

Wouldn’t it be strange to leave her here?

It would probably benefit me to take her with me, no matter what.

Yes, I should see it as an opportunity.

“Then, do you want to come with me?”


“No, not like that….”

“I see. So you’re taking me to be disposed of.”


I was stunned by her sudden extreme statement.

But Astie, who had said this, remained completely calm.


“If you’re not my master, then I’m useless as a maid. That means I’m no different from scrap metal.”

“No, wait, that’s not what I…!”

“Still, it’s a shame to end like this. Or could you perhaps recycle me somehow?”

Astie’s dry and horrific words were giving me a headache.

But since she wasn’t joking and looked completely serious, I was even more flustered.

“Do I really have to take you with me as your ‘master’?”

“If not, then I’m useless.”

“You’re being too extreme!”

I tried to refute her, but Astie seemed to have no intention of budging, and now she even looked like she had resigned herself to everything.

Haa, seriously.

I’m already dealing with the labels of being a lunatic, attempted Outsider rapist… all sorts of tags are following me around. Is this really the right thing to do?

But if I didn’t take her now, I feared I might find her dead somewhere soon!

After thinking it over for a while, there was only one conclusion: I had to take Astie with me.

Fine, just say it and be done with it.

I’ll just ask her to change how she addresses me later; that should be no big deal.

“Alright, Astie! From now on, I’m your master!”


I declared this with all my resolve, but suddenly, I heard the sound of something plastic falling behind me.

Feeling a chill down my spine, I turned around to see White Mask and Muyun standing there.

When had they arrived?

Muyun, with a vacant expression, had even dropped her toy axe.


“No, it’s not what you think! I mean, this girl….”

“Then, Master, please place this around my neck.”

As I was desperately trying to come up with an excuse, Astie handed me something as if completely oblivious.

It was a collar with a chain attached.

“Th-This is…?”

“It’s the symbol of your slave.”


It’s like she’s deliberately choosing words to make things worse!

Feeling dizzy, I glanced at White Mask and Muyun.

Muyun was already slack-jawed in shock, and White Mask, crossing her arms, spoke up.

“I hate to interrupt your fun, but keeping slaves is illegal for a knight, subordinate.”

“That’s not what this is about!”

…It took a long time to convince them.

In the end, I had to swallow my tears and place the collar around Astie’s neck because if I didn’t, she would start saying something extreme like “I knew I was useless….”

Because of that, I thought White Mask and Muyun would still be looking at me strangely, but White Mask even chuckled lightly.

“To think we’d stumble upon another incident after coming all this way. At this point, it seems like you’re creating situations just to solve them.”

“Haha, you’re right….”

It was indeed an event I couldn’t ignore, but at least I got a good image in front of my superior, so I suppose that’s a win.

The world wasn’t bright to begin with, but I could see the subtle change as time passed and the world grew darker.

The sight of the light disappearing from the clouds was something I wanted to capture if only I had a camera.

“Heh, you seem to find bleak scenes beautiful.”


White Mask had been with me when we escaped the underground prison.

“This is the place. Where we’ll be staying tonight.”

Following White Mask’s words, I passed through the door of a fairly decent lodging.

There was no one to greet us, likely because the reservation had already been made.

We went up to the second floor, and White Mask pointed to another room as she spoke.

“That’s your room. It’s quite spacious for just one person.”

“Ah, yes. Understood.”

White Mask then looked at Astie once and then back at me.

What is it?

“This girl will sleep with us. Don’t feel bad about it.”

“…I don’t feel bad!”

Right, I knew it was too easy!

The thought of being teased endlessly over this made me feel despondent as I walked into the room and glanced at Astie.

Astie, following White Mask into the room, briefly looked my way and her eyes sparkled.

…Those who show too much interest in others often end up betraying them.

…That strategy guide, it better be legit.

After lying in bed and falling asleep for a few hours…


Lia shook me awake frantically, her eyes filled with fear.

That expression wasn’t just hers—my own face had turned pale as I reached out my arms in resistance.

Standing before me was Astie.

But now, she was holding knives in both hands, getting ready to swing them down at me.

“...Astie, what are you doing?!”

It was at that moment I realized.

I’d been tricked by another one of those terrible community pranks!

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