Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 67 Table of contents

As usual, after finishing my early morning training, I was heading back to the dormitory to wash up when I noticed a crowd gathered around the notice board.

If there’s a new announcement today, it must be that one, right?

I turned and headed toward the notice board.

“Could you move, please?” “Hah, losers. Move.”

The people were very polite.

They hurriedly made way for me when they heard my voice, though I might have been more thankful if they hadn’t looked at me like I was some sort of cockroach.

By now, I was used to such situations, so I walked through the crowd and checked the notice.

[Soul Academy Semester Dungeon Announcement]

As expected, it was this.

At Soul Academy, a dungeon opens every semester.

It’s an artificial dungeon created by the academy, with a scale of approximately 100 floors.

The dungeon’s structure is a typical labyrinth design.

There’s a boss every 10 floors,

The difficulty increases the further down you go,

Each level has a different theme, so proper preparation is essential.

However, what sets this dungeon apart from others is its escape function.

If a person exploring the dungeon finds themselves in danger, the magic within the dungeon detects it and allows them to escape.

Because of this, students at the academy can explore the dungeon without any real risk.

Normally, this function should have activated during the entrance exam dungeon, but Agra’s interference caused a disaster.

It’s not mandatory for Soul Academy students to explore this dungeon.

However, it’s beneficial to do so because there are appropriate rewards based on the number of floors conquered.

In particular, there are special rewards for the first three parties to fully conquer the dungeon.

When playing the Soul Academy game, one of the most important goals was to be among those top three parties.

Whether or not you received those rewards could significantly impact your future experience.

While it’s possible to skip the first semester’s rewards, the others were essential.

Of course, I have no intention of giving up the first semester’s rewards.

As a proud veteran player of Soul Academy, there’s no way I’d miss something like this!

As I was reading through the academy’s notice to see if anything had changed in reality, I found something intriguing.

I didn’t expect to see this sentence in the first announcement.

Since there’s no way to acquire Agra’s curse immediately after entering the academy, this was a sentence I’d never seen before.

“In light of the incident during the entrance exam: We have collaborated with the High Church to ensure that no evil deity can interfere. Additionally, we are conducting thorough monitoring to prevent any incidents...”

This was something I could trust.

After Agra interferes with the academy’s dungeon, this sentence appears in the announcement, and from then on, Agra doesn’t interfere again.

So, to obtain items farmed from Agra’s curse, you’d have to head to an external dungeon.

There are exceptions, but...

For the time being, it’s safe to explore the academy’s dungeon.

Is the rest of the content the same?

No, there’s one difference... what?

“For freshmen this year, entry into the dungeon will be restricted unless they are in a four-person party, including at least one upperclassman or professor. If a professor accompanies the group, they will ensure safety but will not assist in clearing the dungeon, so please be aware of this.”

Excuse me? What?

You can’t enter the dungeon unless you’re in a four-person party?


As I glanced down to understand the reason, it was explained below.

The notice was long, but to summarize:

Despite their best efforts to ensure safety, there’s always the possibility of unforeseen variables or accidents.

Upperclassmen who are familiar with dungeon exploration can handle such situations, but freshmen are different.

Many of them have not tackled any dungeons besides the one in the entrance exam, so they may struggle to respond effectively.

Therefore, this measure is being taken for their safety.


This isn’t right.

A four-person party?

I somewhat understand the reasoning, but isn’t this a bit excessive?!

If it’s about safety, a two-person party should be enough.

This means someone like me, who’s ostracized, won’t even be able to enter the dungeon!

Why are they overreacting like this?

The game didn’t impose such restrictions.

Unless you were heading to an external dungeon, they never insisted on a four-person setup!

What’s different now? Huh?

Is it because of the incident during the entrance exam dungeon?

Ugh. Damn it. I don’t know.

I need to explore the dungeon to get the rewards, but what should I do?

Even if I take Carl as the professor, how am I supposed to fill the other two slots?

Who’s going to join me in the dungeon right now?

“Four people? ...This is troublesome.”

Oh. There’s one person.

Unlike me, who was forcibly turned into an outcast, there’s someone who voluntarily isolated themselves from the world.

Frey, who had silently followed me and was now reading the notice next to me, frowned and pouted.

Should I bring her along?

Sigh. I never thought I’d be in a position to consider this.

To think I’d have to include this crazy, nuisance of a person in my party.

I’d rather go alone if I could.

But I can’t go alone, can I? Damn it!

What’s even more frustrating is that even if I take Frey, there’s still one person short.

While the first semester dungeon rewards are something I could technically skip, I don’t really want to...

“Lucy Allen.”

Who is it? My head is already on the verge of splitting open, you know?

If someone’s picking a fight, I’ll be happy to take it out on them.

Thinking that, I turned my head, only to meet a pair of cold blue eyes staring down at me.

“Arthur.” “Pathetic Prince.”

Startled by meeting the person I’d been intentionally avoiding since the entrance ceremony disaster, I involuntarily called him by that name.

And, as always, my Mesugaki skill worked its magic at the worst possible moment.

Does it really have to work so diligently, every single time?

“...Even after a week, that filthy mouth of yours remains unchanged. Then again, I suppose it won’t change after a lifetime of living that way.”

Arthur smirked, one corner of his mouth curling up after hearing himself called ‘Pathetic Prince.’

I can’t see the favorability score right now, but I can guess what Arthur’s favorability towards me is.

It’s probably in the negatives.

“Blasphemous Lucy Allen. I have a proposal for you.”

“...What is it?” “What is it?”

“Normally, I would have you answer for your blasphemy, but this is the academy, isn’t it? I may be a prince, but I am not a prince here, and you are a lady, but not a lady here.”

Arthur spread his arms wide as he spoke, drawing the attention of everyone around us.

The warmth of their gazes was starkly different. The looks directed at Arthur were soft, while those aimed at me were as cold and heavy as could be.

Those hundreds of gazes were so oppressive that, even though they were intangible, I felt like I might suffocate under their weight.

If not for my Mesugaki skill forcibly maintaining my composure, I might have collapsed right there.

<Should I call this cunning, or just plain shrewd?> “What do you mean?” <He’s deliberately creating this scene.>

Arthur knows that public opinion favors him and is cold toward me.

That’s why he chose to speak to me in a crowded place.

<The intent is obvious. He’s trying to pressure you into accepting whatever proposal he’s about to make.> “What’s he trying to say?” <I’m not sure, but it won’t be anything positive.>

Gramps, I already know that, okay?

There’s no way Arthur, who probably despises me, is going to say anything good.

“So, I have a proposal for you. Will you hear it?” “Go ahead.” “Go ahead, Pathetic Prince.”

Creating a situation where refusing to listen would make me seem cowardly, and then pretending to be considerate? How noble of you.

Hearing my response, Arthur raised an eyebrow and continued slowly.

“You are impressive. To have crushed me and spat out words of pity for me. Some even say a genius of the century has appeared.”

What nonsense is this?

A genius?

I’ve never heard anyone say that about me.

I’ve heard people mutter ‘bratty lady’ as they passed by, but that’s it.

<He’s inflating your worth on purpose.> “Why?” <So he can knock you down even harder later.>

“When I heard those words, I felt a sense of competition. I may not compare to you, but I too was raised hearing that I was a genius.”

Arthur paused after saying this, as if to cue the people around us to focus on what he was about to say.

“Shall we have a contest?”

“A contest?” “A contest?”

“Yes, a contest. To see who can delve deeper into the dungeon within a day. If you win, I will gladly forgive your blasphemy. I’m a generous person, after all. Even if you lose, you won’t lose anything—just bear the guilt of your blasphemy. How about it? Isn’t it a risk-free proposal?”


As soon as Arthur finished speaking, Gramps shouted firmly.

<At first glance, it seems like he’s offering you a chance for forgiveness, but it’s different. This is just a ploy to humiliate you legally.>

Typically, people like him wouldn’t propose something like this unless they were sure they would win.

He’ll use every trick to ensure you lose.

Gramps said that even considering the proposal was a waste of time.

<The most insidious part is that nothing is clearly defined.>

If you win, you get forgiveness.

But what does that mean?

Arthur might act generous on the surface, but he won’t actually forgive me, and my reputation won’t change at all.

So what happens if I lose?

What price will I have to pay?

In short, what Arthur offered was a blank contract.

A blank contract that only benefits Arthur.

<Public opinion might call you a coward or a weakling if you refuse, but who cares? You’ve already hit rock bottom. Where else can you fall?>

Of course, I’m confident I can beat Arthur no matter what tricks he tries, but there’s no reason to accept a proposal where I have nothing to gain.


I’m already at rock bottom; it’s not like I can fall any further.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to refuse, I heard a familiar sound.


A message window appeared in front of me.

[Contest with Arthur] [Arthur has challenged you to a contest! Win the contest!] [Reward: Special Ticket from Stophe]

You sadistic pervert of a lousy god.

You’re watching me right now, aren’t you?

And you want me to accept this contest.


If you were trying to tempt me, you’ve hit the mark perfectly.

A ticket that instantly increases the favorability of the dumb noble girl.

Normally, you’d have to clear an annoyingly difficult quest to get that, but you’re offering me a chance to get it for free?

Damn it.

I don’t know what your exact intentions are.

Whether you, as a god, see something I can’t, or if you’re just a perverted deity who wants to see me humiliated.

Considering your usual behavior, the latter seems more likely.

But whatever. It doesn’t matter.

I’m confident I can win against whatever tricks an NPC in this game tries to pull.

“Alright...” “Alright, Pathetic Prince. I’ll accept your proposal.” <Girl?!>

As I nodded, Gramps urgently shouted, while Arthur’s lips curled into a long smile.

“You must be confident.”

“Of course.” “Of course, Pathetic Prince. There’s no way I could lose to you, right?”

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