Otherworld TRPG Game Master
Chapter 252 Table of contents

Bubble, Bubble, Bubble.

The sound of water boiling and the rich aroma of coffee spreading throughout the room. The nutty scent of well-baked scones mixes with it. The chemical reaction created by these two aromas is the pinnacle of beauty.

It stimulates the brain, making the mouth water in anticipation of the upcoming snack time. The heart races with excitement. Surely, when bitten into, it will be crispy.

But one must not be too hasty. It's not yet time. To enjoy it perfectly and deliciously, a little more patience is required.

Arte, the first wife of the Northern Duke, fidgeted her fingers and waited calmly.

Is it time to eat yet? No, let's wait until the anticipation builds a little more. But if I wait too long, the coffee and scones will cool down. Therefore, I need to start eating at just the right moment.

Ordinary people probably wouldn’t be able to resist. They would grab the scone and devour it greedily. But she is different. She is the head of the Alchemist Guild and the lady of the Northern Duke's household.

Research is also a product of patience. She knew well how to wait. So, she could withstand the violent temptation of the scones.

How admirable.

It should be about ready. Yes, now.

If not now, it will cool. This is the perfect moment when appetite and freshness reach their peak.

It would be best to fill the mouth with the bitterness of coffee first. The flavor would perfectly complement the scone spread with jam.

Arte picked up the coffee cup and brought it to her lips for a sip—

Bang-!! Thud-thud!

The door hinges shattered, and the door rolled across the floor.

"Puuuuuh…! Cough, cough!"

"Hello, First Lady. I’ve come to talk."

Arte Loffelman, with coffee dribbling from her mouth, looked back at the entrance. A black-haired beauty, who had apparently drop-kicked the door, was rising from the floor.

And behind her, the Second Wife, Neriel, stood uncertainly, holding up a picture frame with the center missing.

What is this? What kind of situation is this?

For a moment, Arte thought that Neriel, driven by jealousy, had sent an assassin, but the weapon was a picture frame. And if they had come to talk, again, the weapon was a picture frame.

Even for a great alchemist with a brilliant mind, interpreting this situation was not easy.

Information was needed. Arte asked the crazy picture-frame woman directly.

"Wh-who are you…?!"

"Since you asked my name, it’s only right to answer. This is our first meeting. My name is Heart."

"I… I am Neriel…"

"I’ve come to end this dark war."

I see.

They came to start a fight.

Arte’s expression turned venomous. If they were here to pick a fight, she wouldn’t just stand by. She summoned up her venom from deep within her.

It was time to shoot daggers with her tongue.

Tension Builds

Crackle, crackle.

An invisible current flowed between Arte and Heart. Neriel felt the shift in the atmosphere and took a step back in fright.

Something, something was about to happen.

A battle of words, using both verbal and non-verbal expressions, full of condensed information, was about to begin!

"It seems the knocking etiquette in the Duke’s household has changed while I was absorbed in my research."

"I had no choice but to resort to this method. The servant at the door dared to impersonate the First Lady’s orders… I was concerned you might be trapped by a treacherous servant, but it seems that’s not the case. I’m glad!"

"Thank you so much for your concern. Since you’ve gone to such lengths for my sake, I must tell the Duke about this excellent servant. What’s your name and rank?"

"I just told you my name… Oh, wait. I used the nickname only Elbillion and I know, Daisy-kun. Oops. Well, I’m working as a maid here because I’m friends with the Duke."

Crackle. Sparks seemed to fly between Heart and Arte. Arte cast a sad glance at her cooling coffee and scone before steeling herself again.

For the sake of her ruined dessert time.

"So, 'Maid' Heart. I’m curious about your purpose in visiting, setting aside all your maid duties to come here with Neriel?"

"I heard that the First Lady is keeping Neriel’s love letters. I’m grateful you kept them safe, but it’s time to send them out, so we’ve come to collect them."

"There seems to be some misunderstanding. Why would I have Neriel’s letters?"


Blink, blink.

Heart and Arte blinked at each other. It seemed something had gone awry. Arte, sensing the need to clarify the unpleasant misunderstanding, dropped her combative stance and spoke frankly.

"Why would I do that? My position as the first wife is secure."

"…Maybe because you were afraid of losing his love."

"Sorry, but the Duke and I are in a purely political marriage. I provide help with alchemy, and he provides materials and a place for experiments. There’s no love here. Only a friendship based on mutual benefit."


Heart froze as if her brain had short-circuited. Neriel, standing beside her, was in a similar state.

Arte sighed and took a bite of her scone.

"I understand the situation now, but… you’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s likely the servants acted on their own. I won’t bother with it, so feel free to punish them as you see fit. Fix the door on your way out."

"…You really don’t care about Daisy-kun? Honestly? Even though I heard you have two kids together."

"What’s so appealing about a man as cold as that? If I had to love someone, I’d probably choose you instead."


Arte Loffelman smirked.

"You’ve got guts, standing up to the Duke’s wife for someone else’s love. I like that boldness. How about working under me as a personal maid? I’ll treat you well."

"Uh, um…"

"And as for the children, I didn’t 'give birth' to them; I 'made' them. I’ve never even shared a bed with that man. Are we clear now?"

"…My apologies!"

Heart bowed at a perfect 90-degree angle, then grabbed Neriel’s hand and fled. Her departure was as swift as her entrance.

Arte looked down at the shattered door left behind and muttered.

"…I said to fix the door."

A Realization

My face is a bit warm. No, I naturally assumed the First Wife was the mastermind.

Logically speaking, why would the servants intercept Neriel’s love letters unless under someone’s orders? But now that the First Wife mastermind theory has been disproved, I need to rethink things.

What was the culprit’s motive?

I had assumed that the culprit intercepted the letters to sabotage Neriel and Daisy’s romantic relationship.


But what if it’s the opposite?

What if the First Wife had a servant intercept the letters, deliberately creating a misunderstanding like this one? Could that have been the goal all along?

If I hadn’t accidentally ended up in this mansion, Neriel would still be suffering, waiting for a response to letters she thought had been delivered.

And when her heart reached its breaking point, someone could have quietly revealed the truth: none of her letters were ever delivered, and it was the First Wife who made it so.


Wouldn’t they have fueled her desire for revenge? Encouraged her, saying they had a way to make things right? Perhaps even offering to help exact her vengeance.

Thus, a seed of discord would have been sown, slowly weakening the Duke’s household.

After explaining my theory to Neriel, I proposed the next course of action.

"Alright, Neriel. Let’s set a trap, shall we? I’ve got a good idea. Whoever they are, we’ll unmask that black-clad figure—"



Her expression was strange.

After hesitating for a moment, Neriel looked up at me and asked.

"…Heart, why are you doing all this for me?"


"You don’t have any reason to help me. I have nothing to offer you in return."

"Why do you care about that? I just… think effort should be rewarded. I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing."


I wanted her to gain something from her efforts. Of course, even if the love letters reached him, there might be no result. Daisy-kun might still treat Neriel coldly.

But even in that case, she could at least have a sense of closure, knowing she had done everything she could.

Neriel seemed to be deep in thought. I could see the gratitude in her eyes. Perhaps she wanted to repay me for what I had done for her.

"…So, Heart. What would you like as a reward for your efforts?"

"My efforts?"

"Yes. If there’s anything I can do."


My efforts, huh. I don’t feel like I’ve done all that much. All I did was speak up and move around boldly.

It wasn’t like I mustered up any great courage. Even if things went awry… I knew that when my true self eventually arrived in the North, everything would be resolved smoothly.

But refusing kindness can sometimes lead to hurt feelings. It might be better to accept something.

I thought about what I should ask of Neriel.

I thought about what I wanted.


Why did I get involved in Neriel’s situation, roam around the mansion, and act as if I were the protagonist of a fantasy? Why did I behave so fearlessly?

I realized the reason.

I’m a mental care and counseling module. Naturally, my aggressiveness is low, and I’d prefer to persuade others with words rather than break heads with picture frames.

Yet I acted that way because ‘the original’ was like that.


Because I wished I were the original.

…I don’t actually want to go back.

I don’t want to be absorbed by the original when he eventually arrives. I have self-awareness. It’s a little sad to think that I’m just a part of someone else.

Perhaps… the more my self-awareness grows, the more pronounced this trait, ‘independence,’ will become.

If fragments of the Mad Wizard’s data happen to gather in one place. If I were to find another data fragment and swallow it up. I might even claim to be the ‘original.’

But I must go back. That’s my duty. When he comes, I will be integrated with the original and fade away.

So, at the very least…

I hope that one person remembers ‘me.’

"I want a friend."


"Is that too much to ask?"

"No, it’s just… I’m surprised it’s so simple… If that’s what you want, I’ll be your friend, Heart!"

Neriel extended her hand, and I carefully took it. Daisy-kun is the friend of ‘the original,’ but Neriel is my friend alone. That made me truly happy.

This is enough.

I smiled softly.

The Northern Lands, the Frozen Wasteland.

The Northern Duke’s mansion was unusually heated with tension.

"Stop flirting with my husband!"

"Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I’ve never flirted with him. Daisy and I are just friends, bound by friendship…"

Of course, it’s an act.

I’m acting with my friend Neriel.

If someone stole the letters to weaken the Duke’s power through trickery… they wouldn’t miss this golden opportunity. After all, the Duke’s supposed mistress, Heart, is causing a stir.

They would want to stoke the flames. To see us fight and turn against each other, turning the Duke’s household into a mess. If there’s a villain out there, they will surely make contact.

We’re ice fishing. We cast our line and waited.

And then.

"—Lady Neriel, the heavens are so cruel. The Duke is even crueler. How can he be so heartless…"


"Ma’am, don’t you feel wronged living like this? I have a way. A way to escape this situation."

We caught one.

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