Training Addict Magician in a Growth-Focused Story
Chapter 41 Table of contents

"If it's not too much trouble, could you demonstrate your abilities...?"

When Leon nodded, assuming it was natural, the bearded Maxius led him to the backyard of the building.

'For a third-rank...'

Leon flipped his palm and began to speak, pretending to recite a spell incantation that he had memorized.


Water droplets began to gather in Leon's palm. The droplets grew larger, eventually becoming twice the size of a human face.

This was the lowest-level water magic that Peter had taught him when he became a regular student. Since Arpina's summons were too specific, demonstrating this level of magic was enough to prove his abilities as a third-rank magician.

"A water-element magician, I see."

"Ah, I can also use wind and fire."

"A three-element magician..."

Maxius scrutinized Leon. Although he was trying to cover his face as much as possible with his robe, Leon's small frame made it clear he was far from being an adult. His youthful face peeked out from beneath the robe.

Maxius had seen many magicians before. He knew that to reach the third rank at such a young age required a certain level of "talent." He also understood that this talent was often related to elemental affinities.

Although he didn’t know everything, Maxius’s long experience told him that Leon had a different air about him.

‘He seems like a young master from a prestigious faction, out for some field experience.’

Maxius recalled the adventurer magicians he had encountered before. Most were at the first or second apprentice level, and even that was considered a rare talent in this area. Given time, these magicians could hunt down a large number of monsters in an instant, so parties were eager to recruit them.

As a result, their quirks and arrogance grew more pronounced over time. It was as if they were venting frustrations they had kept bottled up elsewhere, acting completely as they pleased. Despite this, parties seeking to recruit them never dwindled.

There were, however, magicians above their level.

Third, fourth, and fifth ranks were rare, but they existed. These magicians were often even more difficult to deal with; their higher rank didn’t necessarily come with a better attitude.

And those magicians of even higher ranks were almost never seen. Even if one appeared every few years, they all had an aura that made them seem untouchable. These magicians weren’t particularly interested in adventuring; they obtained a badge for convenience, completed a mission or two, and then left the city again. Such individuals had no reason to stain themselves with the blood of monsters for a living.

Leon gave off a similar vibe.

Of course, Maxius wasn’t about to speak recklessly just because he had a hunch. Messing with someone favored by the Magic Tower could have unpredictable consequences, even with the kingdom’s protection.

"Your skills are more than sufficient, so I’ll issue you a bronze adventurer badge."

"Thank you."

"May I ask what brought you to adventuring?"

Leon, uncomfortable with Maxius's polite demeanor, responded.

"I'm planning to visit the Forest of Beasts in the west."

"Ah... you’re not selling monster corpses, so it must be for 'experience'...?"

"Well, something like that."

Leon gave a vague answer, and Maxius nodded in understanding.

"Just as I thought."

They had re-entered the building by now, and Maxius handed Leon a bronze badge.

"What is your name?"


To register as an adventurer, Leon needed to provide some personal information, so he decided to use an alias.

Maxius found nothing suspicious and completed the bronze adventurer registration under the name Theo.

"You’re not planning to go alone, are you?"

"Is it difficult to go alone, even just to the entrance?"

"Since magicians need time for incantations... it’s better to have a party with you. Otherwise, I can introduce you to a vetted party."


Leon pondered for a moment.

Claiming to be an apprentice magician had its drawbacks.

‘But if I had said I was a Mystic magician...’

The reaction would have been even more intense, so saying he was an apprentice was the right choice.

"We’ve got a vetted party right here!"

At that moment, someone interrupted the conversation between Leon and Maxius.

A large man, whose leather armor seemed ready to burst from his bulging muscles, stepped forward. A greatsword was strapped to his back.


"I assure you, I can help the magician gain valuable experience!"

"They’re indeed a fairly well-known party among the bronze adventurers."

Maxius didn’t seem too opposed to Daif’s loud voice and even added a comment in support.

Leon observed the brown-haired man and then glanced at the party members standing behind him.

One was a woman with short red hair, holding a dagger. When she met Leon's gaze, she smiled brightly and waved.

The other was a woman with long, yellow hair, carrying a bow. Though she had a stern expression, she nodded respectfully to Leon.

Leon, caught off guard, returned the nod.

It seemed to be a mixed-gender party of three members.

"We specialize in the first zone, so if you’re planning to explore the entrance area, it might be good to go with us."

"Let’s be honest. You want to take the magician to the second zone, don’t you?"

Daif scratched his head as if he had made a mistake.

"Ah... I didn’t mean to deceive you. I was just thinking we could check out the first zone together and then discuss it if you felt comfortable."

"The first zone is near the entrance... and the second zone is deeper inside?"

Leon asked, and Daif nodded.

"Yes, that’s right. The monsters there are mostly gnolls and lizardmen, but..."

Gnolls and lizardmen.

They might be common monsters here, but Leon had never encountered them in person.

‘It seems I really did spend all my time in the training room...’

As Leon lost himself in thought, Daif, noticing Leon’s hesitation, cautiously spoke up.

"You can enter the second zone as a bronze adventurer, so it shouldn’t be a problem."

"Is there a contract to sign for the party?"

"No, there’s not!"

Sensing Leon’s willingness to join the party, Daif broke into a wide smile.

"When we accept a mission, we just write our names in the log as a party, and that’s it!"

"What mission are you planning to take?"

"How about we first explore the first zone, as I mentioned earlier? It’ll help us synchronize as a party."

"And if we sync well, we’ll head to the second zone?"

"I’ll leave that entirely up to you, magician."

"Sounds good."

Pressed for time, Leon decided to spend only a couple of days with them, scouting the entrance to the Forest of Beasts.

"What mission..."

Just as Leon was about to ask where to accept a mission, Daif quickly pulled out a crumpled piece of paper he had hidden behind him.

The crumpled paper detailed a mission to collect monster corpses from the first zone. Apparently, these corpses contained mana stones, which were sold at high prices among adventurers. They seemed to have a system similar to mana stones. The corpses could also be used to craft armor.

"Is there anything else I need to prepare?"

"We were originally planning to go as a group of three, so just bring yourself. Unless, of course, you need some time, in which case we’ll wait."

"No, I’m ready."

Leon wrote his name on the mission log and joined Daif's party.

"Nice to meet you! I’m Karin!"

"I’m Linne."


After they finished introducing themselves, the four headed straight to the Forest of Beasts.

As they walked, the red-haired woman, who introduced herself as Karin, kept glancing at Leon.

Leon, who was preoccupied with Kito squirming inside his robe, suddenly felt her gaze and turned his head.

"Do you have something you want to say?"

"No! It’s just that this is my second time seeing a magician, and I’ve never seen one so young..."


Daif warned her, and Karin dramatically covered her mouth.

"Oh! Did I make a mistake? Are you perhaps older than you look..."

"Hey, knock it off!"

Daif, who had been walking at the front, approached Karin and grabbed her by the back of the neck.

"Sorry about that. She’s quite the troublemaker..."

"...You all seem close."

"We’re from the same village. By the way, is this your first time in Crest, magician?"


There was no faking the awkwardness that came with experiencing something for the first time. Even though he wanted to keep his identity hidden, Leon decided not to lie about something that would be easily discovered.

"Would you like me to show you around?"

Karin, still dangling from Daif’s hand, brightened up.

"We’ll finish the mission today, so we can tour the city afterward, and if you get tired, we could have a drink together... ow!"

Daif smacked the back of Karin’s head.

"What drink? Stop it. Be serious."

Daif didn’t want to offend the magician, who was joining their party for the first time in a while.

When Daif first came to Crest and became an adventurer, he had once formed a party with a magician. Back then, he didn’t realize it was beginner’s luck, but he soon parted ways, fed up with the magician’s unreasonable attitude.

Now, three years later, he was finally bringing a magician into the party again, but this reckless Karin couldn’t contain her curiosity.

‘Save that stuff for after you’ve gotten to know them better...!’

Daif had become seasoned enough to realize how rare it was to partner with a magician who was as calm and thoughtful as this one.

"...There’s no need to be so formal."

See that?

How considerate this magician was.

Soon after, as Karin chattered excitedly, they arrived at the Forest of Beasts.

"This is the first zone."

Daif put Karin down and took the lead again.

Leon turned his head from side to side, scanning the surroundings.

The name "Forest of Beasts" didn’t quite match the scene before him. The green forest didn’t seem much different from any other forest.

They had walked for about an hour after Daif tensed up.

"There aren’t many monsters."

"That’s probably because other adventurers have already dealt with them. But if we go a bit further..."

Before Daif could finish his sentence, seven green figures appeared before them.


"You know them."

They were goblins, holding crude weapons.

Like gnolls, they were monsters classified as F-rank in terms of essence.

‘So these goblins are considered F-rank?’

By that logic, they would be equivalent to first or second-rank apprentices.

Leon shook his head.

‘It doesn’t make sense to equate the skill of a single magician with that of a single monster.’

Even for an apprentice, Leon knew how much power a well-prepared magician could wield.

Could a warrior who could easily hunt F-rank monsters stand a chance against a first-rank apprentice magician?

Leon was confident that, assuming the magician had learned common spells, they would never lose. After all, with mana infusion techniques, they would far exceed the movements of a bronze adventurer.

‘Then again, considering it takes hundreds of F-rank potions to advance in rank, maybe it’s not so strange?’

It seemed like a good opportunity to test it out.

Would these goblins really have the F-rank skills that matched their classification?

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