I Accidentally Created a Villainous Organization
Chapter 136 Table of contents

The Second Prince’s unexpected announcement sent everyone’s faces, including the Division Commander, pale as a ghost.

“This… this is basically a death sentence!”

After over 50 years of hard work to reach this position, everything was about to go down the drain, and now he had to bow to a kid who just joined the Imperial Army today?

This was like social murder—no, it was worse.

The Second Prince had explicitly insisted on swearing absolute loyalty on their mana, giving a completely vague guideline.

Yet, the consequence of breaking this oath was death.

The oath was irrational and utterly perilous; the feelings he had while thinking of that kid named Sian were topsy-turvy.

If resentment for the collapsed peaceful routine was deemed an infraction against the absolute loyalty standard…

He could very well find himself dead.

The harrowing agony and fading consciousness.

Meeting a dreadful end without even being able to scream. He’d only seen the fates of oath-breakers once, but that memory was etched in his mind, terrifying and horrific.

“But… do I even have a choice?”

This wasn’t a suggestion—it was a command.

A suggestion happens in an equal relationship.

The person before him was the Prince of the Empire—likely the next Emperor. Power like that could easily bend the world to his will.

Refusing the command? Sure, he could do that.

But come on, this is taking it too far!

Finding someone who wouldn’t partake in this level of corruption was nearly impossible; why did it have to be him facing this hassle?

Sure, shouting defiance was an option.

But they would lose their head for even uttering a word against royalty!

It was literally a life-or-death dilemma.

No matter the choice, only horrific endings awaited him. Despair washed over the Division Commander’s face.

“Guess I have no choice but to go all in.”

He could cut and run from here.

Using those eight dolts or any other underlings, he’d escape and start a new life as a vagabond.

Sure, the only ones who had survived evading the Empire’s hounds were those monsters known as the Black Fangs…

Yet, that might be a better option than the previous two.

Just as he was mulling things over, trying to swallow his nervousness, a fleeting thought zipped through his mind.

“Why is the Second Prince making such demands?”

Was it about realizing the principle of right and wrong?

A reward for his subordinates?

But that reasoning just didn’t add up.

A nation powerful enough to consider unifying the world if they desired.

One of their armies, the thirty divisions.

Bestowing this power upon a subordinate just because of some talent? Utterly incomprehensible behavior.

But if he applied one intriguing theory…

All the contradictions could finally be laid to rest.

Why had this young boy achieved abnormal feats? It was clear why the Second Prince cared for him so much, and why he could make such a decision.

“This boy is… the Second Prince’s blood!”

The illegitimate child of the royal family!

That would explain everything.

Why would such a young boy pull off such absurd achievements?

Because he had the talent of royalty and the backing of the Second Prince.

Why did the Prince care so much for a mere commoner?

Because he’s his son.

Why would he so casually offer a private army?

Because he considered him an heir and thought some support was warranted.

“The golden hair isn’t visible, but…”

That boy Sian’s eyes were a deep blue.

Matching the royal family’s features perfectly.

His hair color could also be a camouflage spell to hide his identity.

The more he thought about it, the more it clicked into place.

Not only that, but the Second Prince’s peculiar behavior also couldn’t be explained without this theory.

And if this theory was true…

“Everything changes.”

The life-or-death dilemma he thought he faced flipped entirely.

This boy named Sian wasn’t just some orphan picked up by the prince out of talent; he was the likely heir to the throne.

He was a rising sun!

“Why the worry? You’ve said you’d accept any punishment. Has your mind changed?”

The prince spoke with a deadly aura.

Seeing that, the Division Commander steeled himself.

“No, that can’t be. I will promptly gather my subordinates to swear loyalty to Sian.”

With this statement, the Division Commander showed no sign of his earlier unease. Only resolute conviction marked his presence.

He understood now which choice was correct.

He knew what thread to grab to survive; there was no more room for hesitation or retreat.

In this opportunity, he wouldn’t just redeem his past bad impressions… no, he would make a grand impression!

“But before that, forgive my presumption, but may I say a word?”

…It was time to turn a crisis into an opportunity.


What in the world is this fool babbling about?

Renyah couldn’t comprehend what was unfolding before him.

“I just realized, seeing Sian’s demeanor, that the Second Prince’s choice of him was no accident.”

What a nonsensical preamble.

Along with that came…

“That discernment! Even recognizing my shortcomings and scolding me with an incredibly sharp gaze!”

Five minutes passed.

“Looking back, he must have seen through my greed and vile intentions from the very beginning!”

Now, it was beyond ten minutes.

“Look at these fools repenting. To have someone so genuinely regret and transform, it’s almost unbelievable…”

It was almost comical how he was now praising someone he had just cursed moments prior.

His head was spinning from the absurdity of it all, but the most ridiculous part was what followed.

“I believe Sian will revitalize the corrupted Imperial Army. After all, he’s the chosen one of the Second Prince!”

Renyah’s expression soured.

He didn’t mind praise, but the situation was much too different now.

He had a strong inkling of what was likely to follow.

“The 38th, 45th, 48th, and 49th Divisions. The same kind of thing is probably happening in the Mana Engineering Weapons Research HQ, too.”

He felt a powerful urge to twist this guy’s mouth right off his face.

But that oblivious jerk dared to say it out loud.

“I think Sian should manage them!”

Five entire divisions.

Even the agency researching cutting-edge technology was better off under that kid’s strict management, they claimed.

Did this guy have any brains to adorn with fancy decorations?

There was a level of absurdity to opinions, after all.

Getting to command one division was already a bold enough gift!

The might of the Empire’s military didn’t come from thin air. One division could conquer even the smallest of nations.

And yet, they were handing such power over to an individual!

After making an impactful decision, he was now pushed to the edge of madness.

But Sian was looking at him.

That gaze was brimming with palpable expectation.

If he said no now, it would surely plant doubts in the prince’s mind regarding his loyalty.

This was already a precarious situation.

And that suspicious genius was someone he couldn’t afford to overlook.

Someone who was likely to reach levels beyond Swordmaster, perhaps even surpass his father?

The moment of choice arrived.

Would he pick this dangerous and abnormal option, or betray the trust of that boy?

And this decision… it didn’t take long to come to mind.

“Not a bad proposal.”

This was definitely a risky choice.

But here’s the catch!

That kid had risked his life for him.

Knowing full well how dangerous it was, he had trusted him enough to succeed in assassinating the First Prince.

“This boy is my right hand now. He deserves at least this much power.”

Anyone unable to trust someone who had risked their life for them couldn’t claim to lead!

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