Seoul Object Story
Chapter 73 Table of contents

A researcher from the Sehee Research Lab arrived at the underground clearing.

It was a tall man and a woman with a ponytail.

The female researcher from Sehee Research Lab approached the Gray Reaper, who was being hugged tightly by Junior 1, and without hesitation, she grabbed one of its arms.

Junior 1, reluctant to let go, held onto the Gray Reaper, refusing to release it.

As a result, the sleepy-looking Gray Reaper was left dangling in mid-air, held by both of its arms.

I gave Junior 1 a look, and with a very disappointed expression, he finally let go.

Even after letting go, Junior 1 stood there, staring wistfully as the researcher walked away with the Gray Reaper in her arms, heading out of the clearing.

"Senior, why am I not part of the Sehee Research Lab?"

I heard him mutter in a sad voice.

As the Gray Reaper disappeared, the Golden Reapers began to vanish one by one, and it seemed like they would all be gone soon.

Junior 1 tried to console himself by hugging the few remaining Golden Reapers.

In fact, the male researcher from Sehee Research Lab had tried to take the Golden Reapers as well.

However, some of the Golden Reapers clung so tightly to Junior 1 that they refused to let go, forcing the researcher to give up. These were the ones now nestled in Junior 1’s arms.

The man did issue a few warnings, though. But since no harm had ever been attributed to these Objects, there wasn’t much to worry about.

More concerning were the instructions from the association staff.

They strongly urged us not to take the Golden Reapers outside the camp.

"Looks like I can only trust you guys."

"You won’t disappear, right?"

Junior 1 kept talking to the Golden Reapers, who clearly couldn’t understand him.

If he keeps this up, I might have to recommend a mental health check.

What surprised me was how quiet Junior 2 had become, despite showing an even stronger attachment to the Golden Reapers than Junior 1 earlier.

Now, Junior 2 seemed stiff, constantly looking around as if something was bothering him.

A secret research facility owned by the association.

Deep within the facility, there was a peculiar isolation chamber.

It wasn’t made of the usual steel or metal, nor was it a standard brick or concrete structure.

The chamber was constructed from a transparent material that barely reflected light.

It was so transparent that it created the illusion that the subject within was floating in mid-air.

Inside this invisible boundary of a prison was a man who had once been the head of the Central Research Lab.

The man, also known as the Maker, lay in the chamber as a mutilated corpse.

Surrounding this transparent prison were numerous sophisticated surveillance devices.

Beyond mere human observation, the man was monitored by various instruments, including CCTV and a wide array of sensors measuring infrared, vibration, temperature, and more.

In addition to the staff overseeing visual surveillance and monitoring the equipment, soldiers were always on standby.

Within this impenetrable fortress, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

As he scanned his surroundings, he quickly realized the situation he was in.

Having lost all his Objects and waking up in confinement, his face twisted in frustration.

The only thing left on him was his infinitely regenerating lab coat.


He stood up and banged on the transparent wall of the chamber.


Thud, thud, thud.

There was no corner to hide in, no shadows to escape into.

He couldn’t evade the watchful eyes of his captors.

The sophisticated surveillance equipment recorded every blink and breath, while the constantly focusing lenses captured every detail of his movements.

"I still have work to do! I… I have something I must do for humanity!"

He pounded on the transparent wall that left no trace of his fingerprints, shouting desperately.

But the observers remained impassive, showing no reaction.

The silent watchers, their faces obscured by dim lighting, simply stared at the screens with obsessive focus.

"I’ve succeeded in manifesting the Object! Just a little more, and the Object will be in humanity’s hands!"

"I will erase the Nameless, destroy the Iron Tower!"

"Yes, the Gray Reaper! The Gray Reaper must die! The one who obstructed me, the enemy of humanity!"

The man screamed at the top of his lungs, attempting to secretly summon a researcher beneath his feet…


But a single gunshot from above pierced his forehead, and he collapsed as a lifeless corpse.

Thus ended the first day of the man’s imprisonment.

And unless a special "incident" occurs, it would continue like this indefinitely.

Finally, we returned to the Sehee Research Lab’s isolation room.

In the middle of the cozy room, bathed in soft amber light, I lay on a plush bed, relishing the comfort.

The blue sheets, always meticulously maintained, rippled with soft folds like gentle waves on a calm sea.

On this sea of comfort, the ghost cat lounged lazily, yawning.

It seemed to be enjoying the coziness after a long and fulfilling adventure.

Around the room, soft cushions and rugs added to the cozy atmosphere.

The green-leaved plants that Yerin had arranged, along with the newly placed vanilla-scented air freshener, matched the room’s ambiance perfectly, making me feel at ease.

The TV next to the bed was broadcasting news about the recent incident.

"How can it make sense that a cult from China managed to cross the sea and reach Incheon, massacring citizens, without the government knowing anything?"

"This was a massacre that the government deliberately allowed to happen!"

"Just a few days before the attack by those black-clad figures, the government had pulled back police forces and abandoned administrative oversight. It’s clear that they knew and did nothing."

The TV panelist waved a government-issued directive, raising his voice.

They were discussing the massacre at the temporary camp on Gyeyang Mountain in Incheon.

The shocking news of the camp residents being slaughtered overnight.

And the revelation that the perpetrators were a mysterious cult!

That cult, which worshipped a massive golden flame as a deity, was actually a well-known terrorist group in China, infamous for destroying various Objects across the country.

They were terrorists who not only destroyed Objects but also attacked people and staff trying to prevent their destructive acts.

I listened closely to the news about the cult, which had piqued the interest of the ninjas, but it didn’t provide the information I was hoping for.

Why do they carry pudding?
Why do they worship me?
And most importantly, where do they get that pudding?

It was a frustratingly incomplete news report.

Crunch, crunch.

I grabbed a chestnut and nibbled on it as I flipped through the TV channels, looking for something interesting.

As I was scrolling through the channels, a curious story caught my attention.

A jet-black Emperor Penguin, as dark as a shadow!

The picture showed a lively penguin dancing.

It was a fascinating Object that would come to life and dance in photos taken with a Polaroid camera.

Oh, this looks fun.

If I keep watching, Yerin might notice and get one for me.

The Golden Reapers that had clung to the detective and Hammer Senior dissolved into the air, finally allowing us to prepare to leave the camp.


A deep breath.

Carefully, without drawing attention.

The detective has sharp eyes, so I need to be as natural as possible.

I was secretly trying to move a Golden Reaper hidden under my clothes.

It was the only place I could keep it hidden while still feeling its warmth.

Luckily, the Golden Reaper remained quiet inside my clothes.

Just a little longer, and we’ll be out of the camp.

Once we’re out and I part ways with the seniors, I’ll have successfully smuggled the Golden Reaper!

Thanks to the detective’s connections, the final check before leaving the camp was just a simple questionnaire.

"So, the request is complete. Should we part ways here, or would you like a ride back to the detective agency?"

"I… I’ll go on my own. I have somewhere to be!"

"Alright then."

Ugh, the detective’s gaze felt sharp.

Had he noticed something?

"Senior! Why are you staring at Hyejin’s chest so intensely?"

Hammer Senior smacked the detective on the back.

Wow, that sounded painful. The noise was loud enough to make me wince.

It felt like I was about to be caught by the detective, but Hammer Senior came through at the right moment!

Now I just needed to leave the camp, grab a taxi, and head home to successfully smuggle the Golden Reaper.

But maybe I was too relieved too soon.

The Golden Reaper suddenly started squirming.

I quickly covered its head with my hand and looked around, relieved to see that no one seemed to have noticed.

Phew, that was close.

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