Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 71 Table of contents

"Looks like the kids are really interested in you."

Near the entrance to the dungeon, a large crowd had gathered. While some of them were there to enter the dungeon, most seemed to be here to watch the duel between me and Arthur.

It’s not like the ones entering the dungeon would just stand around empty-handed, right?

‘How many of them do you think are rooting for me?’

<Is there even anyone?>


This is when you’re supposed to say something encouraging.

What kind of hero and paladin makes such pessimistic comments?

Of course, I also doubt anyone’s rooting for me, but you never know, right?

<Ah, I suppose there are some. Among the gamblers, there are always those who bet on the underdog for the big payout.>

I see. So my shoulders carry the hopes of those betting on the underdog.

Alright, I’ll make sure to deliver a spectacle where the favorites lose their money.

It’s a pity there isn’t a large river near Soul Academy. If there were, today would have turned it into a water park.

As I headed toward the dungeon entrance with Carl, I noticed the noble lady fidgeting nervously, and Freyr yawning loudly while holding a single sword.

Well, with that, we’re all set to enter the dungeon. Now we just have to wait for Arthur to show up.

"Lucy Allen."

Speak of the devil; he shows up right on cue.

‘Hello.’ “Greetings, Pathetic Prince.”

I deliberately avoided calling him by his name and instead stuck to calling him “Pathetic Prince.” Even so, the Mesugaki skill insists on using it.

Why does this skill have to be so annoyingly diligent?

Arthur, perhaps accustomed to me calling him “Pathetic Prince,” merely narrowed his eyes slightly without giving any other reaction.

"Are you confident you can win?"

‘I’m not sure, but I’ve prepared thoroughly.’ “I’ve prepared enough to easily defeat you, Pathetic Prince.”

Considering it’s the Mesugaki skill, this felt like a humble statement, but judging by Arthur’s expressionless face, perhaps not.

Fine, who needs humility? If I’m going to explode along with my karma, might as well stack that karma sky-high.

"We’ll see how far that arrogance takes you."

‘It won’t be you who brings it down.’ “You talk about arrogance, but you’re the one who’s overconfident, Pathetic Prince.”


Arthur clicked his tongue loud enough for me to hear and then changed the subject.

"Let’s go over the rules. We enter the dungeon at precisely 10:00 AM. The time to exit is 8:00 PM. You can surrender midway, but doing so will mean defeat. The number of participants is limited to three first-year students per team, and neither other students nor professors accompanying us can interfere. The winner will be determined by whoever ascends to the highest floor within the time limit. Any objections?"

‘Nope, none.’ “None.”

"Then, we’ll start the moment it’s 10 o’clock."

With that, he turned his back and walked toward his party members.

Let’s see.

His team is just as I expected.

Arthur, Jakal, and Matthew.

Arthur and Matthew were reliable characters in Soul Academy, and although Jakal wasn’t as prominent as the top characters, his performance was decent.

With a team like that, they could probably clear the dungeon better than even some seasoned players, not just newbies.

But who are they taking with them?

To raid the dungeon, they have to bring along a current student or a professor, right?

As I wondered about that, someone stepped out from the crowd.

“Am I not too late?”

Professor Luca, the combat instructor.

A madman who, in his obsession with creating a masterpiece, drives his students to death.

Why is he here? Don’t tell me…

Watching him approach Arthur, I realized what was happening.

Did they really decide to bring that lunatic as their guide?!

I thought it was a crazy decision, but the others were nodding, as if Arthur had made the right choice.

Are these people out of their minds?

How could they think it’s a good idea to bring a psychopath like Luca?

Then I realized they didn’t know the truth about Luca’s nature.

Right now, he was just a young teacher with a reputation for producing excellent students.

What should I do? Is there a way to get rid of him?


<Lucy, what’s wrong?>

Grandfather’s voice snapped me back to reality.

Okay, calm down.

He’s a madman, but a madman with some sense.

He wouldn’t cause trouble in such a public setting with so many people watching.

Even if he does something, Arthur’s team is strong enough to handle him.

I don’t need to worry about them.

Yeah, I should be more concerned about myself right now.

‘Freyr...’ “Lowly swordsman, you remember what I said yesterday, right?”

“I’m not stupid.”

Freyr replied while puffing out her chest, but she wasn’t convincing at all.

You’re going to follow my instructions during the raid, right? I’m counting on you.

Meanwhile, the noble lady kept fidgeting, clearly nervous.

‘Lady Noble...’ “Hey, Noble. What was your name again?”

“...You didn’t know?! It’s Vissy. Vissy Bell.”

Vissy, huh?

I nodded, thinking it was an easy name to remember, but Vissy looked at me expectantly.

Is she hoping I’ll call her by her name?

Sorry, but I’m not doing that.

‘Alright, Vissy.’ “Alright, Noble Lady. I’ll remember.”

The Mesugaki skill rarely lets me use someone’s actual name.

Vissy seemed disappointed that I called her “Noble Lady” again and slumped her shoulders.

Sorry, but at least you’re not as nervous anymore, right?

“It’s time, Lady Allen.”

Carl’s announcement brought an end to our chatter.

‘Got it. Let’s go, everyone.’ “Alright, let’s go, you lowlifes.”

Alright, time to show off my veteran skills.

As we crossed the dungeon’s threshold, the surroundings changed.

We found ourselves in a cave, with glowing stones embedded in the walls.

It took a few months to reach this point.

Back when this was just a game, I used to see this sight every day.

Judging by the glowing stones, I can tell which starting point this is.

Good, I’ve already mapped it out in my head.

‘As I mentioned yesterday, everyone...’ “Lowlifes, as I said yesterday, I’ll say it again. We’re not going to engage in any combat except for the boss room.”

Because this is a speedrun competition, right?

And the key to a successful speedrun is to avoid every event that can be avoided.

When Vissy first heard Lucy Allen’s strategy, she thought Lucy might be crazy.

Avoiding all combat while raiding a dungeon?

How could that possibly work?

Dungeon raiding involves navigating through random monster spawns and traps to find the way forward.

It’s not a place where you can just avoid fights because you don’t feel like it.

But Vissy was convinced by Lucy’s detailed explanation.

‘On the first floor of the dungeon, as soon as you turn the corner, two weak goblins will jump out...’

Lucy had explained the dungeon raid as if she were observing everything from above, like a chessboard.

The first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and eventually the tenth floor.

Lucy had described exactly how to ascend without engaging in a single battle.

Her explanation was so detailed that even Vissy, who had never set foot in the academy’s dungeon, could vividly imagine it.

‘Do you really think everything will happen as you said?’

After hearing the entire plan, Vissy asked Lucy, who responded with a mocking smile.

‘Of course. Unlike lowlifes like you, I’m blessed by the gods.’

Under normal circumstances, Vissy would have found that smile irritating, but for some reason, it seemed reassuring.

If someone else had given such a detailed explanation, Vissy might have dismissed it as delusional.

But Lucy was the person who had confidently taken first place in the academy entrance exam.

If Lucy’s perfect dungeon score wasn’t due to the academy’s favor but rather because of something she possessed…

Reaching that thought, Vissy decided to trust Lucy.

And today, it was time to see if Lucy’s plan was real.

Amazingly, the dungeon raid was unfolding exactly as Lucy had described.

“When you turn the corner, two weak goblins will jump out...”

Two goblins appeared.

Lucy charged forward with her shield, knocking them down and avoiding combat, then sprinted ahead.

“If you go right, there’s a trap set by some idiot...”

Sure enough, there was a trap.

Lucy used it to take out a group of goblins blocking the path and moved forward.

“If you keep going, a stinking pig will appear, but don’t get scared like a lowlife...”

Indeed, there was an orc blocking the way.

However, the orc’s movements were too sluggish to catch up with Lucy and her group as they ran past.

Everything—everything in the dungeon was happening just as Lucy had described.

The dungeon’s paths.

The monsters.

The traps.

All the variables were under Lucy Allen’s control.

“Lowlifes, you’re not tired already, are you?”

It took only ten minutes to clear the first floor of the academy’s dungeon.

And that was with them taking it easy because of Vissy, not sprinting at full speed.

Vissy, panting heavily, looked up at the stairs leading to the next floor.

The relentless pace Lucy had set was grueling for a necromancer like Vissy.

And they had to keep this up until 8:00 PM?

Can I… can I make it?

“Hm. This won’t do.”

Lucy, clearly dissatisfied with something, looked at Vissy and then stepped in front of her.

“Noble.” “Yes?” “Lowlife stamina, lowlife legs. How did you even get into the academy? Are you secretly smart despite looking stupid?”

Vissy lowered her head at Lucy’s harsh words.

It was true that she had been a burden during the first floor.

If these two had gone at their original speed, they could have arrived much faster.

But you’re the one who dragged me into this because you were short on people!

Vissy complained inwardly, but outwardly she just trembled.

It was clear who was in charge in their relationship.

There’s no helping it. I’ll have to push myself until I collapse.

“Get on.”

The unexpected command startled Vissy, and she looked up in confusion.

Lucy stared at her with a pitying look and repeated herself.

“Noble, are your ears lowlife-quality too? Get on.”

“What? But…”


Lucy sighed, walked over to Vissy, grabbed her by the waist, and hoisted her up like a sack of potatoes.

“We’re going like this. Any complaints, Noble?”

“...No, none.”

Not wanting to invite any more sharp words, Vissy simply nodded.

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