I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha
Chapter 87 Table of contents

"Guild Master!!!"

Lee Soo-ah urgently requested a meeting with the Guild Master. It was an unusual occurrence; she rarely asked for private meetings like this.

"Hunter Lee Soo-ah, what brings you here?"

"I don't understand. Why did you bring Yoo Hana back...?"

"You are well aware that one of our guild’s longstanding goals was to have Hunter Yoo Hana return, correct?"

"Yes, I know that. So, I can understand her return. But why? Why did you place her in Team A? And why in Division 6? On top of that, why is she assigned to assist Baek Ji-hoon? Why?"

Lee Soo-ah’s tone was slightly confrontational. She clearly couldn’t accept the current situation.

"I believe Baek Ji-hoon will become the leading Hunter of our Blue Guild."

The Guild Master’s tone was calm and matter-of-fact.

"What?? Then what about me...?"

Lee Soo-ah’s voice trembled with uncertainty.

"Of course, you are exceptional, Lee Soo-ah. However, considering the future direction of our Blue Guild, I anticipate that Hunter Baek Ji-hoon will play a crucial role."

"But still... What is this situation...?"

The Guild Master remained shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to discern his thoughts.

"Lee Soo-ah, if you continue to act as you see fit, our guild will thrive. That’s all."

With that, the Guild Master disappeared into the shadows.

‘Ha... What is this... Has the Guild Master fallen for Yoo Hana too?’

Yoo Hana hadn’t been like this when she was previously with the Blue Guild. Back then, the Guild Master hadn’t taken sides.

‘Damn... Then I have to...’

She thought about Baek Ji-hoon and Yoo Hana.

‘I can’t lose to them...’

"Hohoho. Baek Ji-hoon."


"Is there anything that’s bothering you?"

Lee Soo-ah suddenly shifted her attitude, becoming more amiable. She was trying to be as kind and gentle as possible.

"No, nothing."

I was working with Yoo Hana, going over the details of becoming an S-rank Hunter.

"Haha... Nothing? Well, if you need anything, just let me know, okay?"


I responded shortly and dryly.

"So, Ji-hoon, if you level up this skill, you’ll be able to..."

"Excuse me, Ji-hoon."

Just as Yoo Hana was explaining something, Lee Soo-ah interrupted.


"I... I can also explain things like that to you..."

She suddenly perched herself on the desk, wearing a skirt, and leaned forward provocatively.

"Alright. But right now, Yoo Hana is in the middle of explaining something."

I turned my attention back to Yoo Hana.

"But Ji-hoon, I think I could explain it better."

She leaned closer, trying to get even nearer.

"I see. But I’ll listen to Yoo Hana’s explanation for now."

"Lee Soo-ah, what are you doing?"

Yoo Hana began to show signs of irritation.

"Yoo Hana, are you getting annoyed with me? And who do you think caused this situation in the first place?"

Lee Soo-ah couldn’t hold back her anger any longer.

"What situation are you talking about? I’m quite happy with it."

Yoo Hana didn’t back down.


"Oh, oh, oh. Let’s not fight, ladies~ Lee Soo-ah, why don’t we have a little chat?"

Chief Cha stepped in to mediate.

"Why are you so angry, Soo-ah?"

"Because! This is Team A. It’s my team. Baek Ji-hoon is mine. So why!! Why does Yoo Hana have to be here!!!"

Lee Soo-ah was visibly agitated, pacing back and forth in front of the vending machine, her heels clacking loudly.

"I don’t understand what’s going on. Suddenly, our Team A is a mess. The order is all mixed up."

"Haha. But it seems like everything is working out well. The Guild Master approved it, and Yoo Hana is back. I think it’s going smoothly."

"Ugh, Chief Cha, you’re so clueless."


Lee Soo-ah bit her lip, as if debating whether she should speak her mind.

"Is there something you want to say?"

"Ha... No, it’s fine. I’ll just drop it."

"Hmm. Come on, don’t be like that. Want me to give you a hint?"

"A hint? About what?"

"About getting Baek Ji-hoon’s attention. Isn’t that what you want?"

"Yes, that’s right."

Lee Soo-ah’s posture softened a bit, showing interest in what Chief Cha had to say.

"Think about it. If you want to get Baek Ji-hoon’s attention, you need to give him what he wants. Acting on your own whims won’t get you anywhere."

Chief Cha sipped his coffee and offered his advice.

"Being too forward can actually backfire. I think you’ve been too used to getting all the love you want, but that’s not how you win someone’s heart."

"Then... what should I do?"

"What else? You need to devote yourself to him. Give him everything you’ve got. If he says jump, you ask how high."

Chief Cha’s eyes gleamed mischievously.

‘Devote myself? Me? Lee Soo-ah, an S-rank Hunter?’

Lee Soo-ah’s expression turned deeply conflicted.

"I used to be the number one S-rank Hunter..."

"So what? What does that do for you now?"


She was at a loss for words.

"Alright. I’ll try..."

Lee Soo-ah walked away, her heels clacking as she went. Chief Cha watched her go with a sly smile.

"So, this is roughly how you should approach it."

I had a general outline in mind for the path to becoming an S-rank Hunter. It required investing in several skills and balancing stats to a certain extent.

"Uh... but..."

Yoo Hana suddenly changed her expression slightly.

"There’s something I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

She leaned in closer to my ear and whispered.

"Ji-hoon, is it true you have over a billion points?"

‘Huh? How did she know?’

I was surprised. I hadn’t told anyone about it.

‘What’s going on? How did she find out? Does she have some special ability? But she didn’t seem to know before.’

"I’m just curious."

She was careful to ensure no one else could hear.

"Yes, it’s true."


Yoo Hana’s eyes widened in shock.

"But Ji-hoon, why are you living like this?"

She looked utterly bewildered.

"Ha... It’s a long story."

I sighed.

"Can’t you tell me? I’m really curious..."

"I can’t."

I couldn’t tell her about Chae Soo-hyun. It was a deeply embarrassing past, not something I was proud of. My expression hardened slightly.

"Then just one more question."

"What is it?"

"Is this related to Hunter Chae Soo-hyun?"

It was a sharp, probing question. Yoo Hana’s expression turned keen.

‘What? Did she notice?’

"Yes, it is."

"Aha... I think I understand... Alright."

She nodded knowingly.

"But please, don’t tell anyone else. I don’t like that kind of thing."

"Of course! Hohoho."

Yoo Hana laughed softly.

"Hey, Hana... Waaaaahhh!"

In the lobby of the Blue Guild, Yoo Hana’s manager was sprawled on the floor, crying his eyes out.

"Ha. Oppa, why are you acting like this? It’s so pathetic."

"How can you just leave like this? What did I do wrong? I worked so hard, and now you’re just leaving me like this. Waaaahhh!"

He was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oppa, I’m not quitting. I just moved my schedule to the evening."

"But you’re going back to being a Hunter! What is this? You’re supposed to be an actress, not a Hunter."

"I’m sorry, but I’ve found being a Hunter exciting again. There’s something I want to do. Something that makes my heart race."

"What is it? What could it possibly be?"

"It’s a secret from you, oppa."


The manager couldn’t contain his grief.

"Look, I’m not quitting acting, so stop it. I’ll just be busy with both. Just be ready when I call."

With that, Yoo Hana coldly dismissed him and turned away.

"That... Baek Ji-hoon... How did he manage to steal Hana from me in just a week? Ha... Maybe I should have been nicer to him?"

Yoo Hana’s manager couldn’t understand what was happening. She had suddenly decided to return to the Blue Guild, despite continuing her acting career. He was filled with unease.

"Ha... What kind of magic did Ji-hoon use..."

In the elevator heading up to the floor where Team A was located.

‘So, the rumors were true, then?’

The rumors circulating among S-rank Hunters. About a man who had amassed an enormous number of points. And it turned out to be Baek Ji-hoon.

‘What is this... My heart is racing... I’ve never heard of a Hunter with that many points...’

Yoo Hana felt an inexplicable excitement.

‘Ha... What is this... Why do I feel so thrilled...’

She stared intently at her reflection in the elevator’s mirror, her face betraying her growing anticipation.

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