The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 328 Table of contents

I had a long dream.


I organized a warrior party with my favorite people and went on a trip.


He defeated many demons and became a hero who finally defeated the demon king and saved the world.


When I came back after a long trip, people worshiped me. My shoulders went up and I enjoyed a very touching feeling.


I returned home in a good mood. I wanted to eat soybean paste stew and stir-fried pork that my mother made, and I wanted to talk about my heroic story to my heart’s content.


When I entered the room with a smile, “Mom!”, My room was a small studio.


Beside the desk, there were piles of thick books, the paper sheets of which had been worn out from reading several times, piled up like a mountain, and a game console was placed in the corner of the room.


It was only then that I realized the reality.


I was alone.


Looking at the calendar, it was the day I entered the Judicial Research and Training Institute. Following the feast of the unconscious called a dream, he entered the training center, finished his rigorous studies, and worked at a law firm before opening a small lawyer’s office.


As we solve the legal disputes of many people visiting the office, flowers bloom, rain falls, roadside trees bring greenery to the dull forest of buildings, autumn leaves fall, it rains again, snows, and flowers bloom again. Bloomed


Just when I completely forgot my days as a warrior, a customer came to the office.


It was a woman with a grotesque impression dressed neatly in a black suit. She couldn’t even finish her welcome greeting, and she just stared blankly at the woman.


She introduced herself as Stella and told me.


Your journey is not over yet.


It’s time to go back to reality.


“… ….”


I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes. A familiar face came into view.


“Isaac? Isaac!”


The woman in front of me burst into tears and wept to the fullest.


“It’s okay… ? Sister… ! Eve… ! I finally woke up….”


It was Yves Lopenheim.


No words came out. The afterglow of wandering around in a long dream remained intact, and my mind was still hazy.


Soon, the memory of reality gradually became clearer.


I remember overdoing it. Due to the excessive use of force, the reaction was extreme.


I can still feel the power of Ozma floating inside me. No, it should be called my strength now.


The contract, which was filled with lies called the status window, is now meaningless. I read the other person’s emotions and psychology in detail, to the extent that I didn’t even need to name the technique [Psychological Perception].


Perhaps I have become the person who has come closest to the level of transcendentalism.


Well, should I call myself a combat weapon for evil credit?


… It’s not a romantic expression.


“President… !”








“Senior Isaac… , Ugh… !”


Familiar faces appeared one after another.


It was not the time to stand still. I tried to move my body with all my might, as if it had been pressed by scissors. Gradually, the cells of the whole body were stretched.


Bulkkeok. I raised my upper body. And smiled awkwardly at them.


“Good morning.”


I belatedly realized that it was nighttime, but it didn’t matter.


I regained consciousness after a month of fainting.




My physical condition was all normal, so I was discharged right away.


I didn’t need any rehabilitation exercises. This body was so unmoving that it had only passed out for a month.


‘The blessing of abundance….’


Everybody heard about what happened after 「 Chapter12, Thousand Wings Subjugation Battle」.


It was as per the contents of the game.


Blessing of abundance. It was a great gift to mankind on the condition that the world would not be destroyed by evil spirits. It will be a bountiful harvest for years to come.


‘It’s all useless if it perishes.’


And compared to the atrocities Vuel was about to commit, it doesn’t pay off. I don’t have any means to track it down.


Professor Daisy also told me that I will be taking the end-of-semester evaluation that I missed, sooner or later.


Considering my performance, it was natural for me to take care of my convenience.


‘Professor Philip is also safe.’


Because Viel’s identity was revealed, the academy personnel followed Professor Philip Meltran’s whereabouts and found him. He was confined to a house, and was said to have been rescued safely.


I was relieved to see that what I knew through game knowledge became a reality.


‘It’s boring.’


It’s been a while since I faced a group of monster phantoms at the training ground, and the enemies’ movements seemed too slow, so I yawned.


Since it was winter vacation, there was no one there, but I didn’t feel particularly satisfied that I had dominated the training ground.


‘What should I do….’


I went to a corner of the butterfly garden and sat down in a lotus position, contemplating the mana flowing through the mana circuit.


‘With the training method I’ve been training up until now, I don’t even get a message.’


It was because of absorbing Ozma’s power.


Of course, if I hadn’t trained up until now, I wouldn’t have been able to beat Ozma, but anyway, I’ve grown too much.


In other words, it was necessary to refresh the training method.


‘It’s still difficult to use power properly.’


I couldn’t fully use Ozma’s power.


First of all, starlight magic didn’t suit me, and other powers didn’t give me the feeling that they perfectly matched my body.


‘Is it natural?’


If I had been able to fully use Ozuma’s power, I would have already attained the status of a transcendental person, just like I was in the underworld.


Then it would have been applied with a 1-second cut by the evil god with the power of killing.


I can’t help it. I had to reach the highest position within the limits of being human.


The ‘status window….’


I made the shape of the status window sensibly and tried to reflect it in my field of vision.


The sense of constructing a status window as if loading saved data was engraved into the instinct.


[ Status ]


Name: Isaac


Lv : 200


Gender : Male


Grade: 2


Title: Ice Emperor


mana : 1564000 / 1564300


– Magic recovery speed (S)


– Stamina (S)


– Strength (S)


– Intellect (S)


– Spirit (S)


Potential <>


[ Combat Ability ]


Element Class 1: Ice


– Elemental Firepower (S)


– Elemental Efficiency (S)


– Element Synergy (S)


Element Class 2: Rock


– Elemental Firepower (S)


– Elemental Efficiency (S)


– Element Synergy (S)


“Oh, it works.”


I was able to make it according to the standards Ozma had already established.


The amount of mana was incomparably higher than when I was at the highest level I had imagined in Fictitious Hell. That was a specific number.


‘Because 999,999 was the highest score in the game.’


In my knowledge at the time, that number was the limit.


Anyway, the contract that was a false lie called a status window has now become a perfect status window.


It seemed like I could use [Combat power against races] As I wanted, regardless of whether I recognized a specific race as an enemy.


That ability was the power that Ozma recognized and applied to my hostility.


‘By the way, the EX level hurdles are much higher than I thought.’


[God Strike] It was like this. An ability that gives a 1.5X effect to a specific [Combat power against race].


If I use it, will I be able to take all of my stats to EX level?


‘I think it might be…. I think it will be over after one use.’


It seemed that the effect of [God Strike] Could be operated similarly.


However, it felt like I had to write something that could never be used again.


It felt sensuous. It was something deep within me, at the center of Ozma’s core.


The time to use it was already decided.


‘Evil God….’


I will use that power against the evil spirits.


From noble mtl dot com


It’s a funny expression, but as I said to Thanatos of Death, I had the intention of becoming a true demon-only munchkin.


Munchkin has become a term used in various media to mean the strongest person in the world.


I still have a hard time seeing myself as a munchkin, but when I was fighting evil spirits, I was determined to become the true strongest in this world against the demons.


So, Munchkin limited to demons.


Starting at the weakest point in the academy, it was the end point I would reach when I finished this journey.


‘All that’s left….’


Only Mephisto of the contract and Nephid, the evil god of destruction.


Death Thanatos, Mephisto’s legion of demons, and the abyss have already ended, and Mephisto of the contract has also been robbed and disappeared. It was all like a pass.


‘Mephisto should be subdued separately.’


Thus, the only thing left as a scenario is Act 17 of , That is, “The final act, the battle against the evil spirits.”


However, that is part of the 2nd semester of the 3rd year. There is still time.


The key is how to use the remaining time.


“Here you are.”




I heard the sound of brushing through the grass and turned my head in that direction.


A black-haired male student came up to me, catching his breath after running around for a while.


It was Ian Fairytail.




Bewildered for a moment, I doubted my eyes, so I lifted my glasses and looked again properly.


Ian was right.


“Did you find me?”


At my question, Ian nodded.


“Can I sit next to you?”


“Oh, yes….”


Ian sat next to me and looked up at the sky.


The psychology was read. Ian was deep in her depths.


‘Ah, that’s right.’


Hey, it was time to drop out.


In the second half of , Ian realizes that he was the cause of the demons appearing and causing harm to people, so he drops out of school and leaves the academy.


It was a move worthy of a tragic protagonist in an academy.


Ian, who is wandering around, is visited by Mateo Jordana and Professor Fernando Frost, and they persuade him by saying famous lines that touch men’s hearts.


And Ian’s return to the academy was the game scenario for this winter vacation part.


“There is something I learned recently. He already knew that he was suspected by the Imperial Knights, but he tried to ignore it. Thanks to the Elyos who came to see me the other day and informed me, I’m sure now….”


“What is that?”


I asked pretending not to know.


Ian replied with a sad smile.


“It seems that the demons were aiming for me. Because I am a human born with the light attribute. Because I’m the only one of mixed Elyos and human blood…. So it seems that demons have appeared to kill me.”


That’s normal.


I suddenly had a question. Was Ian’s birth planned in this world?


I don’t know, and I didn’t want to know.


What is certain is that this guy has a strong sense of justice and has the temperament of a hero who knows how to risk his life for others.


The fact that so many people have been put in danger because of him must have become a guilt that tore his heart apart and strangled him.


“Isaac, you said my powers would help the world.”


Ah, I did.


I said that when I called Dupendorf’s minions to train Ian and pitted them against each other.


So he didn’t drop out and was waiting for me to wake up.


“So I’m here to ask for advice. I don’t know what to do now. You are a wizard I wish I could give practical advice on what I should do for people….”


Ian smiles sadly.


He was ready to run away at any moment.


I tried to wrap it up well by joking around and laughing. Seeing Ian’s serious attitude, I decided that it shouldn’t be humanly possible.


I opened my mouth as I sat on the ground and corrected my comfortable posture.


“The expression ‘realistic’ is wrong. No matter how big a risk you take, no matter what happens, it’s all reality in the end.”


“More than that, you can foresee the future to some extent…. I’m sure he’ll give you some sensible advice….”


“Did you know that the 2nd campus of Märchen Academy was completed? The fact that faculty and students will be moved there for a pilot run next year.”


“Huh? Uh…. You know that It was said to revitalize the campus.”


“The kingdom plans to pack all the residents of this island and leave within a few months.”




Ian opened his eyes wide as if he had heard the news for the first time.


“You heard of it? It’s information known only to those of a certain level, including me.”


To be exact, it was decided the other day while I was exchanging letters with the Emperor through Dupendorf’s servants.


It was information that should not be known to students. There was a high risk of causing confusion or spreading fear.


It’s Ian. Well, there are plenty of ways to silence him, so it didn’t really matter if he revealed a secret like this here.


“Why, why does that happen… ?”


“I’ll let you know when the time is right. All you need to know is that the purpose of the plan is to protect people. And because of you, a disaster that is incomparable to the time when I was attacked by demons will come. At that time, I will need your strength.”


I gave Ian a kind smile.


“On the contrary, it was to my advantage that the enemies came beforehand thanks to you. Because only the enemy forces are weakened. Anyway, so what… , Let’s do well until we graduate.”


As I held out my fist, Ian looked at my fist with mixed emotions.


The emotions he harbored eventually turned into a resolution. With a determined face, he reached out his fist and pressed it against mine.


“Yes. Thank you, Isaac.”


A smile crept across Ian’s lips.


He decided to stand up as a being who would save this world, not a being who only harmed this world.






Deep in the night. The top-tier dormitory, Charles Hall.


I fell asleep while reading a book.


Darkness came to the room when the lamp was covered with a light shade. I could hear the crackling of a fire in the fireplace. The dim light of the bonfire warmed my senses, and the warmth warmed the room.


It was time to throw myself on the bed and lie down comfortably to fall asleep.


Koo Goo Goo!


Suddenly, a powerful restraining tool was activated and I was tied to the bed.


“… Ah.”


I wasn’t embarrassed. I just feel like what I expected has now arrived.


It seemed that he had used a restraining tool with good performance. Did you save it with your family’s ingenuity? It was at a level that most people couldn’t even move.


Sorry, though, these things were just toys to me. It can be easily crushed like a cookie at any time.


Sue. I heard a rustle of cloth somewhere. A woman approaching me soon.


Blue eyes bathed in the moonlight and the soft light of the campfire turned toward me.


She stood by the bed and looked down at me like her ghost.


“I think I said I hate things like this.”


I was like playing hide-and-seek with a child, asking when it would come out.


I narrowed her eyes in her bewilderment and as she spoke, she thrust her head at me. Her curly hair tickled my cheek.


Her graceful beauty filled her field of vision.


“Isaac was wrong. You, who worried me so much, are bad.”


Luce El Tania whispered, narrowing her eyes. It was an ecstatic tone that drained her whole body of strength.


I’m sorry for worrying you, but I had no other options. The reason I left for the underworld was to get what I needed.


But what? Luce didn’t have the ability to suppress me.


He let out a sigh.


“So? Did you think this would work for me?”


“No, not at all. There is nothing to control you.”


“So what?”


Suddenly, Luce took off her clothes.


She instinctively tried to open her eyes wide, wanting to see her underwear for a moment, but what was revealed was a thin nightgown.


She climbed onto the bed, lay down next to me, and hugged me like a teddy bear.


“… ….”


“… ….”


What is this situation?


Luce still had a cold expression, but I could feel her rising body temperature.


Somehow, when the strange air flowed, I swallowed my dry saliva without realizing it.


“… What are you doing?”


“Exuding affection.”


It was so shameless.




“I was very worried.”


“I’m sorry about that.”


“… ….”


“… ….”


“… Isaac, you know what?”




“We became adults today.”


“Oh, yes.”


From the third year of the academy, you are 19 years old, that is, the adult age.


To be precise, it is the year of transitioning into the third grade, and today was the first day we celebrated the year.


Luce put her hand gently on my cheek. Suddenly, I remembered how she had confessed to me, and I felt awkward.


Luce put her lips to my ear with her determined face. Naturally, she was very aware that her voice was her weakness.


Perhaps in order to overwhelm my eardrums, Luce brought the shade of her hand to her mouth and whispered sweetly as if tempting.


“Do you want to take my first?”


Luce pulled her head behind her and averted her eyes.


A bonfire crackling in the dark added a faint light to Luce’s pretty face. She smiled softly, urging me to make love and her shimmering gaze in her eyes.


Since he had made up his mind, he left the choice to me.


“… ….”


I was at a loss for words.



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