The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 330 Table of contents

“Luce has been training hard lately.”


Pure white snowflakes have bloomed on the trees lined up in the schoolyard.


I met Dorothy and sat on the bench and talked.


I have already heard that Luce fought a lot against Dorothy and Alice while I was unconscious.


It seemed that he was still stepping up his training.


“He is one of the best talents in this country. I hope you will become very strong.”


“I guess so.”


Haljjak. Licking.


Dorothy licked the ice cream in her hand with her long tongue.


“But senior, aren’t you cold? What is ice cream in the middle of winter… ?”


“I don’t know what, Chairman. Ice cream tastes best in winter.”


Dorothy explains triumphantly, raising her index finger.


I don’t understand, but if it’s Dorothy, that’s it.


“So, what are you talking about?”


“That… , yes.”


As if Dorothy had been waiting for me to say that, Dorothy looked down at the ice cream and paused with a meaningful look on her face before speaking.


“Can you tell me about your experiences in the underworld?”


As expected.


As expected.


“Actually, a lot of things have been in my head since you came back.”




What do you mean by that?


“Chairman, have you met me?”


Dorothy asked, staring at me.


Under the witch’s hat, her eyes, which had been as playful as a tomboy, had turned serious before she knew it.


I swallowed my breath at the unexpected question.


“Has a lot happened? It would be natural.”


“Yes. I guess it was.”


Come to think of it, did Dorothy tell you not to worry about Dorothy’s runaway in the first playthrough?


I have something to check.


“Senior, let me hold your hand for a moment.”


“Huh? Suddenly?”


Without waiting for an answer, he took Dorothy’s hand and closed her eyes.


Perhaps it was thanks to his experience of gaining the status of a transcendent and handling starlight magic, even though he couldn’t handle starlight magic, he could feel it.


‘It’s calmly refined….’


It was amazing.


I could faintly feel Dorothy’s starlight magic in the first playthrough. I knew that power itself because I had used it.


It acted as a safety belt, holding onto Dorothy’s starlight magic.


‘There really won’t be anything to run out of control.’


She opened her eyes and breathed quietly.


In the first playthrough, the remnants of magical power left by Dorothy flowed into Dorothy in front of her eyes.


I don’t know the principle.


However, since Lucifer of the Commandment once showed the power to reverse everything, I wonder if the remnants of Dorothy’s magic that remained in me have finally returned to where they were supposed to go.


It would have been better to accept that.


I was convinced. This was magic that was no longer in danger of running out of control. The catastrophe that Dorothy feared had been resolved without incident.


“Nihihi, Chairman. Did you want to hold my sister’s hand?”


As I got serious, Dorothy jokingly asked if it was to lighten the mood.


“Senior. I’ll tell you everything.”


“… Huh.”


Everybody talked.


The message Dorothy left for me in the first playthrough, what I experienced in the underworld.


Dorothy also told the story that there would be no runaway.


While she was spouting out her long story, Dorothy listened without asking a single question.


“That was it….”


“Do you understand everything?”


“It’s complicated, but I understand all the important things.”


When I finally finished talking, she pulled her witch hat over my eyes.


“That’s why you had such a hard time, President.”


“I was just worried.”


It’s over now.


There was nothing to do or sleep.




Dorothy didn’t say anything for a moment, then she popped the leftover chunk of ice cream into her mouthful and jumped up from her seat.


Then she passed the ice cream down her throat, grabbed her aching head, moaned in pain for a moment, then drew in her breath and screamed loudly.


“Oh, how sad!!”


“…… !”


I clenched both of my fists, and my roar echoed across the campus like a raging sword.


“Seo, senior?”


Dorothy stood in front of me and looked down at me. She bit her lips and looked like she was about to cry. She looked distressed.


Suddenly, she bent her upper body and hugged my shoulders. Her soft cheek touched my cheek.


“Suddenly why… ?”


My voice trembled involuntarily.


“Do you keep making your sister sad? Do you want to see your sister die in a vase?”


“Yes? Oh no….”


I don’t know why I’m being scolded.


Dorothy untied her embrace and put her hand on my shoulder, she looked at me with her face that seemed to be weeping but her determination.


Looking at the slanted eyebrows, he seemed angry.


“Today I am quietly with my sister. I have a lot to do! I’ll give you a hug and give you a lot of comfort.”




“Tell me what you want to eat. My sister will buy them all! Do everything you want to do today. I’ll give you anything you want!”


Dorothy begged earnestly.


“Let sister do anything, please… !”


“You don’t have to….”


Somehow Dorothy shut her mouth, then half-opened her eyes and glared at me.


“… President, why are you suddenly thinking dirty thoughts?”


“Don’t read my feelings. You should have chosen your words well.”


Opening her hatchet eye, she argued with Dorothy.


Unbeknownst to me, I had erotic thoughts, perhaps because of the stimulation that Luce gave me at night. It was force majeure.


Psychology is comfortable when you read it, but when you read it, you get very embarrassed.


At the very least, even if you read my mind, I hope you don’t bother talking about it. Wouldn’t that be the least consideration?


Suddenly, Dorothy’s gaze was confused and confused.


“Gwa, it’s okay. I don’t care. Do you think your sister is scared? We are all adults Mmm, what do you want to do first?”


“Let’s stop….”


Dorothy seemed prepared for the wrong direction.




“An interesting thing. Really interesting… !”


As promised, I told Aria Lillias what she had experienced in the underworld at the top of Hegel’s Magic Tower.


She said she had been waiting for that story while I was unconscious.


It was very strange to see Aria’s passionate reaction for the first time. He was also a person who could laugh and be excited like that.


Aria quickly wrote down the story I told her with a book and pen that floated with her telekinesis.


“Myungwang, Ice Lake… ! What a really interesting story! Woohyo! Ok!”


“…… ?”




“Did you just write a written statement?”


“… What do you mean?”


Aria, who had rapidly calmed down, calmly let go of her pretense.


“I said ‘good’. Sir, did you write a written statement?”


“What I heard wrong.”


Coming to think of it, I heard this from an employee at the Hegel Magic Tower the other day.


Arya thinks that ending the ending with ‘thing’ makes her look very rational and intelligent.


Because she got so excited, it seemed like she even forgot about the concept she had been thoroughly following.


She covered the book that she had floated with her telekinesis and put it in a luxurious box.


“By the way, what are you planning now?”


“You’re just getting over it….”


Let’s not ask more.


She pondered for a while before answering with a smile.


“You have to do the same thing. Evil spirits must be subdued.”


Arya stared at me as she used her telekinetic powers to put the luxury in the safe.


The sunlight outside her window illuminated Arya’s emotionless face.






“I am on your side. Talk to me anytime if you need help.”


She slapped her glasses on once and smiled kindly.


“Yes. Thank you sir.”




“From now on, we will hold the graduation ceremony of Merchen Academy.”


From noble mtl dot com


As the winter vacation comes to an end, the spirit of spring has arrived.


As previously informed, the 2nd campus of Merhen Academy was completed under the support of the imperial family, and the faculty and students packed their bags and left. The superficial reason was for the revitalization of the second campus and pilot operation.


Most of the students who left the academy during the vacation could return to the second campus immediately. It was because some of the luggage left at the academy had been well organized and moved by the bachelor in advance.


The 2nd campus was far from the island where the 1st campus was located, and was located in the middle of the continent.


After such a large-scale relocation, the graduation ceremony was held in the plaza of the 2nd campus where petals were flying.


As a representative of the alumni, Dorothy Hartnova, who was a senior in the third year, read the speech.


“…… As members of the Merchen Academy, we swear here that we will contribute to the development of the world.”


The sight of Dorothy in her graduation uniform, wearing her bachelor cap instead of her witch’s hat, seemed to resonate in her heart.


After the graduation ceremony, the square became lively.


At the plaza full of presents and bouquets, families of graduates and seniors and juniors gathered and took pictures.


“Chairman, older sister graduates first!”


Among the people, Dorothy, with her many bouquets floating by starlight magic, gave me a V with her finger, and she laughed happily. She was very hot


I smiled brightly, and Luce next to me made a sullen expression.


“Congratulations, senior. I am now unemployed.”


“Finally leaving. I was annoyed by being together, and let’s never see each other again.”


“Nhehehe. Are these things being cheeky?”


Dorothy looked very happy.


“And friend, this older sister is just graduating first, because she is going to stay in the academy for now? She is not completely leaving.”


“… Tsk.”


“Nyahahahaha! Look at that tongue-in-cheek! Unlucky!”


Dorothy giggled as she turned her head sideways and pointed at Luce, who felt sorry for her.


“Hello, baby.”


“Ah, Alice.”


Alice Carroll, dressed in her graduation uniform, came next to me. She, too, had her many bouquets afloat with her telekinesis.


Dorothy and Luce glared at Alice, but Alice only looked at me with a refreshing smile.


“Take this. It seemed like he was talking to the former student council, so the delivery was delayed.”


“Oh, thank you.”


When I handed the bouquet I was holding to Alice, she accepted it with a grin.


She didn’t float my bouquet with telekinetic power and hugged me dearly.


“It’s pretty…. I am happy thanks to the baby.”


Alice smiled innocently and blushed.


Everywhere is filled with bouquets, so it’s more stuffy than beautiful.


As befits the two most popular people in the academy, they seemed to have received countless bouquets of flowers.


“That’s a clichéd line.”


“Tch, that fox.”


“Can you hear everything, guys?”


When Dorothy and Luce glared at Alice and talked badly about it, Alice laughed and urged.


When will these guys become friends? Can we get to know each other in the first place? I couldn’t get it, so only a bitter smile was put on my lips.


As the four of us got together, the eyes of the students around us were focused in this direction. Dorothy’s friends and the student council who had served Alice did not rush to approach them and only noticed.


“You will graduate after all.”


“Yes, thanks to the baby.”


Alice answered, looking at the flower I gave her with her face still flushed.


I remembered the time when we risked our lives to fight Alice.


She was originally going to commit suicide in “Alice Subjugation”, But somehow managed to survive and wear her graduation uniform.


In the end, the only thing flowing on my lips was a smile.


I really liked the sight of Dorothy and Alice graduating together.


“Oh, baby. Listen for a second.”


Alice put her head in my ear, and she whispered so quietly that even Luce couldn’t hear it.


“Master, will you live with me? I will take care of you for the rest of my life.”


The sticky tones and warm breathing soaked my ears. A pleasant chill ran up her spine.


One flirtation is awesome.


“… I don’t get paid.”


She pushed Alice’s forehead with her finger.


Alice said aww, her head pushed back, but she smiled mischievously as she stroked her forehead.


“What did you hear, Isaac?”


“Just kidding.”


Luce glared at Alice as if on guard and asked me, and she gave a rough answer.


“What did you say, Alice?”


“I didn’t say anything special. Oh, Dorothy.”


Alice smiled and went over to Dorothy and crossed her arms.


“What are you doing?”


Dorothy was startled, but Alice didn’t care.


“Will we live together?”




“You have to stay here anyway, right? I thought it would be okay if we stayed together. I think you’ll be fine.”


Dorothy and Alice decided to stay inside the academy until the end of 「The Final Battle, Subjugating the Evil Gods」. It was because there was still a variable called Mephisto in the contract. There were plenty of places to stay inside the academy, as long as you didn’t use the academic building.


Anyway, Alice’s attitude was very unusual.


‘Come to think of it….’


As a result of what I’ve seen so far, Alice has the feeling that if the girls I like show signs of fighting, she will step in first to mediate and promote their harmony.


How can I say it, how does it feel to be a mother?


In the meantime, I think the relationship between those two is particularly bad….


From time to time, Alice casually approached Dorothy and expressed her closeness. Could it be that he had a bad feeling?




Dorothy looked at Alice with a carefree smile.


“Did I turn? I don’t know what you’re talking about with such bullsh*t. When did you say you liked me so much?”


“Oh, unfortunately…. Our lovely Dorothy, to put it mildly, can’t you understand that she’s a deaf?”


Ah. Mephisto might attack, so maybe he was talking about staying together just in case.


No matter how it is, I can’t imagine a picture of two people living together.


“No! Why me! Go away!”


“That’s a cute reaction. Hi-Hi.”


Dorothy tried to untie Alice’s arms, displaying her alertness as her cat meowed, but Alice did not let go of her arms easily.


On a fine day like this, they seemed to be using only their strength, as if they didn’t want to fight while using magic.


It was like a bickering between ordinary women, whose reputation as once the greatest strength of Märchen Academy and the two major mountain ranges was overshadowed.


“What are you two going to do now?”


I asked and Dorothy and Alice stopped fighting and looked at me.


“Well…. I never thought about anything other than living with a baby.”


Alice opened her eyes and lost her thoughts. At those words, Luce let out her bloody aura and she stared at Alice.


“I have something in mind!”


Our eyes turned to her as Dorothy put her hands on her hips, spread her breasts, and boasted of her triumph.


She said nihihi and smiled.


* * *




Yves Lopenheim. 20 Years old.


Dressed in her graduation uniform, she sighed heavily as she crouched down in a dark alley between the buildings next to the plaza.


Her bachelor cap was worn dangerously as if it would spill at any moment, but she felt so sad that even that didn’t bother her.


When I turned my head, in the middle of the plaza, I saw people who caught the attention of many people. They were shining very brightly under the brilliant sunlight.


The brightest of them all was, by far, her own younger brother, Isaac.




My friend left first because his family came.


Isaac was shining so bright that Eve couldn’t even approach it, and he was surrounded by powerful geniuses who could not be surpassed by himself. I just felt inferior.


Even though she had the surname Lopenheim, no one in the family welcomed Eve, so there was no family to congratulate Eve on her graduation.


‘I’m sure this is right?’


Eve buried her head in her lap.


Undeniably, she wanted Isaac to remember that he was also graduating and to come to him.


Eve thought there was an unbridgeable gap between Isaac and herself. Especially on a day like this, it was because of the inevitable psychological distance that I couldn’t approach Isaac easily.


She just thought she was taking care of her on duty. Even if she was herself, she wouldn’t have looked at an older sister like this.


There is no bouquet. She would rather be in a dingy corner. Eve thought so.


“Sister, what are you doing here?”


“…… !”


It wasn’t long before Eve heard the voice she wanted to hear, and she raised her head in surprise.


In the sunlight, Isaac was looking at him with a puzzled look on his face.


“What are you doing on a day like this? Is it okay?”


“Isaac… ? Aww!”


Isaac took her Eve’s hand and pulled her into her sunlight.


The bright sunlight illuminated Eve’s white face, and she could see Isaac’s radiant, lovely face closer.


Isaac knew that Eve had been through her painful days.


She couldn’t fathom how much guilt she had to feel for leaving him for her beloved brother, but it didn’t matter anymore.


“You worked hard, congratulations on graduating.”


Isaac gave Eve a large bouquet.


She took her bouquet carefully and looked bewildered for a while.


“I’ll follow you next year too. Let’s live together then.”


“Uh… ?”


Eve’s eyes widened.


Isaac knew that she had nowhere to go right away.


She was determined to be kind to herself, just as she had promised to take responsibility for herself.


“That’s fine… ? You can stay with someone like me… ?”


Eve trembled in her body, soaked in her joy. She was so happy that even tears welled up in her eyes.


“What is like me…. Isn’t it obvious anyway? They are family.”


When Isaac replied with a dumbfounded expression, Eve smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes.


“If that’s the reason…. Lol. I need to prepare to move.”


The two laughed heartily.


That day, they took many pictures.


In all the photos, Eve was smiling very happily.



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