The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 336 Table of contents

“Stop everything!!”


“No one is allowed inside!!”


Under the red sky, corpses wrapped in dark magic moved toward the second campus of Marchen Academy. It was a grotesque sight.


They are one legion.


Each of them were humans who had their lives and souls stolen by the demon after making a contract with Mephisto of the Contract.


Because he inherited Mephisto’s personality and intelligence, his intelligence was on the very low side.


The fact that they were faithful to their murderous intentions, communicative, and even knew how to use dark magic made them a great threat.


Reproduction of demons.


It was a new army that Mephisto had prepared while hiding his body and using his abilities.


“To turn humans into demons… !”


Magrio, the vice-captain of the Fenrir Knights, the 4th Division of the Imperial Knights, chewed his lips.


The Academy’s combat troops and the Imperial Knights fought a defensive battle against the zombie army, but their strength was far from enough to counter the powerful dark magic.


“Damn it! It’s pierced!”


“Student safety is our top priority! Risk your life to protect the academy!!”


The zombie corps, spreading their wings and flying at speed or wielding dark magic, quickly broke through the academy’s gates.


Faculty and staff worked hard to evacuate the students, but they couldn’t keep up with the speed of the zombie hordes.


As the zombies wielded dark magic, the teaching staff tried to block the approach of the zombie corps by counterattacking or using defensive magic.




But the number of enemies was too many.




“Run quickly!!”


As the students hurriedly ran to evacuate, vice-captain Magrio rushed at the zombies and swung his sword.




Several zombies’ heads were blown off in an instant, but his left arm was consumed by dark magic and lost.




As Magrio’s left arm disappeared, his blood gushed out. However, he only frowned and swung his sword nonstop.


“Damn you bastards! I’m against you guys!!”


Magrio shouted.


Following him, the imperial knights engaged in a fierce battle with a group of zombies.


“Enemies are spreading!”


“Don’t miss a single one!”


The hordes of zombies that invaded the schoolyard in droves spread out in an instant.


Their goal is to massacre all the people in the academy.


Above all, the method required cruelty.


Pooong!! Pew!! Pew!!


A light green wind stirred the campus, and several explosions rang out in succession.


A kick wrapped in wind magic smashes zombies and sends them flying.


The man who raided the zombies was Tristan Humphrey.




A man’s regime sent a shock wave that wrapped around the stone snow, drove away the dark magic, and smashed all the zombies in sight. It was Mateo Jordana.


A storm of flames, a waterfall of water, and a strong rock awl swept away zombies one after another throughout the schoolyard.


Merhen Academy’s top-ranked students in the Faculty of Magic. It was an attack by Kerid, White Clark, Ciel Carnedas, and Lisetta Lionheart.


“Did you think we would be easily defeated without Isaac?! I was bored, but it worked out! Search everything!!”


Coo goo goo!!!


Lizetta laughed and wielded her magical weapon, Lokta, and used powerful rock magic.


Aside from that, all the talented students who had been hidden in Isaac’s shadow joined in.


The time that the best talented students in the kingdom worked hard was replaced by their full strength and poured into the zombie horde without regret.


Most of the strongest forces among the zombie corps prepared by Mephisto were raiding the first campus of Marchen Academy.


In other words, more than half of the zombies that attacked the second campus were at a level that top students could deal with somehow.




The baptism of wind blades in the color of the night sky cut off the zombies.


The zombies who couldn’t even get rid of them were decapitated by Merlin Astreans with a sword.


Snow White, who learned the power of Nyx, the fairy of the night, calmed down and sharpened her fighting spirit.


As a princess, she had no intention of being protected quietly. Like her Isaac, White is also determined to fight to protect her students. Merlin followed her doctor.


“Merlin, go to the Duke House!”




Merlin thought. She said White had grown noticeably.


Merhen Academy became a battlefield.


At that time, high-ranking students, professors, combat mercenaries, and the Imperial Knights were fighting against a horde of zombies who skillfully used dark magic to protect the academy.


A man was shivering while hiding his body in Orfin Hall in the Faculty of Magic class.


“That, that thing….”


It was Marco, an assistant to Professor Fernando Frost and a graduate student in the Faculty of Magic.


He was sitting curled up in the dark lab closet.


I can hear the roar and rupture of all kinds of magic colliding.


I was afraid. Marco couldn’t calm the tremors in his body.


It’s already too late to run away. The escape from here to the shelter was already a battlefield.


Then should we fight?




No one can fight like them, risking their lives to protect others or the academy.


Most people can only hide from the storm of danger and hope that the storm will pass quickly.


Marco himself did the same. He himself was just an ordinary person.


A normal person who is afraid of dying because he is not brave, and who runs away because he is not strong and chooses a stable survival.


I had no intention of facing a futile death by acting out useless jokes.


That’s it, that’s it.


“…… !!”


Outside the closet. I heard the sound of quick footsteps.


Someone entered the lab.


A terrifying spell. Something I’ve never felt before. It’s dark magic.


Marco peered into the lab through a shallow gap in the closet.


Three grotesque zombies caught Marco’s eyes.


“…… !!”


Marco covered his mouth with both of his hands.


Zombies smelled of humans and ran through the lab.


It was only a matter of time before they were caught.


“That, uh, uh….”


Tears welled up in the dark circles around her eyes.


My heart was racing like crazy.


Marco wanted to live. She had a lot of unfulfilled life.


Suddenly, countless memories flashed through his mind like a panorama, raising questions.


Unfortunately, the first question that came to my mind was why I had never been in a relationship.


When he was an academy student. The memory of confessing to a girl he liked while stammering at her words came to mind.


The next day, she wrote a reply and gave it to Marco.


It was a time when I felt the greatest excitement in my life. Marco grabbed his pounding chest and read his reply.


‘I’m sorry, but the face isn’t my taste…. To be honest, your face isn’t pretty to look at, is it? And dating a gloomy guy like you is kind of okay. Sorry.’


A few days later. She walked arm in arm with the handsome boy, and Marco just watched her from afar.


The height of the sense of loss that came as a reaction was as far as the depth of the excitement that the adolescent male student felt.


Tumbling, Marco’s steps headed towards the library. He poured out tears and devoted himself to studying magic.


If he had given up on dating, why did he become an academy graduate student instead of being a magician in a castle-level magic tower, which he had once dreamed of?


Because he tried many times and was frustrated. However, it was too much to get a diploma from Merchen Academy to focus on a goal that was not the best.


Unlike other graduate students, he did not have a deep interest in studies. Marco became a graduate student as if he wanted to do something and run away.


It was a life he was in a hurry to run away from.


I got used to this life, and the passion I had during my school days has long since faded.


… Why did you just run away?


It was okay even if he was dumped by the woman he confessed to. Because nothing has changed in Marco’s situation.


It was okay even if the Mage Tower challenge was frustrated. He would not have had any regrets if he had sought a more efficient way to take the exam, put more effort into it, and devoted himself to it. She might have had better results.




The closet door opens.


Zombies that shed dark magic gradually entered Marco’s field of vision.


With his death just around the corner, Marco regained a deep sense of skepticism that he had forgotten by settling for the present.


I regretted it.


I’ll try harder with all my strength.


I should try harder.


“Keep off….”


Marco gasped. Tears trickled down her sunken cheeks.


The difference in mana was clear.


They would be able to defeat Marco like a bug.


[…] ….]


“…… ?”


But why?


The zombies just stared blankly at Marco.


“That’s… ?”


Marco, sobbing, looked at the zombies with a questioning face.


[Human… Is it?]


[Stupid…. I just can’t see… ? This guy is on our side….]


[I see…. Indeed… , This face can’t be human…. The human smell must be because of the clothes….]


[Grrr…. To be lazy in a place like this…. Hurry up and follow Mephisto’s orders…. Torture and massacre humans, as brutally as possible… !]


The zombies clicked their tongues as if they were pathetic and turned their backs and left the lab.


“… How much?”


Marco couldn’t understand the situation.


After he got down from the closet, he stood blankly for a while, staring at the doorway where the zombies had left.


“… ….”


The relief of living… Did not feel


On the contrary, unbearable anger boiled within him.


The two tightly clenched fists trembled.


The source of his anger was the regret of his core life.


“That’s… !”


Marco took his magic tools and went out into the hallway.


The wizard’s robe he wore fluttered.






In the hallway of the Orphin Hall, the three zombies encountered the academy’s fighting forces, including Professor Fernando Frost.


Quaga River!!


They engaged in a fierce battle clashing magic against each other without saying who came first.


The aftermath of the clash between magics shattered the walls and scratched the floor.


[…] … ?]


At that time, a zombie felt a presence from behind.


Turning her head back, she saw a man with a shadow over her face.


It was Marco, the man I saw earlier in the closet.




When Professor Fernando looked surprised, Marco rolled a round magic tool at the zombies.


Chin. The magic tool Marco rolled suddenly spread gas when it hit the zombie’s foot.






A gas made by processing the spores of the Jerome mushroom that inhabits Elt Island.


The effect is a disturbance of the magic circuit.


It was obviously not powerful enough to have a great effect on zombies.


However, in a close-to-close confrontation like now, even the slightest interruption will have a dramatic effect.




The elemental magic poured out by Professor Fernando and the combat troops of the academy drove the zombies in an instant.


At the same time, Marco aimed at the rear and fired elemental lightning magic.




The electric shock that extended like a chain attacked the zombies, followed by dozens of magic bullets fired in succession by Professor Fernando that pierced the zombies’ bodies without mercy.


The zombies collapsed with a [Oops!], And Marco reached them and stretched out his arms with a face full of rage.




The finishing blow was poured out, and the zombies disintegrated into gray particles and were completely annihilated.


“That’s… !!”


Marco let out a roar of victory in a trembling voice.


I’m not a zombie like you guys. He said he wasn’t a coward like you who made a contract with the demons and ran away beyond the line.


From noble mtl dot com


As if he had gone back to a time when he was a child full of hopeful dreams, Marco felt alive.


“Marco… ?”


Even Professor Fernando, who was cold-hearted every moment, was taken aback at that moment.


It was because it was the first time I had seen Marco’s eyes wide open and furious.



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