The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 362 Table of contents

“It’s been a while.”


Aria Lilias, a short-built wizard with flowing red-brown hair, greeted me with an expressionless face. Using her telekinesis to straighten the books on her bookshelf.


The books on the bookshelf were obsessively neat.


This was the top floor of Hegel’s Magic Tower, Arya’s laboratory. She sent White first and came to visit Aria after a long time.


Her tone was as dry as usual, but I could tell that she was happy on the inside.


“Are you still spying on Professor Fernando these days?”


She asked playfully, taking off her fedora.


“It’s difficult these days because students’ ability to notice has improved.”


“You’re right.”


“Because I’m worried. Anyone who is my disciple. “But what business is it?”


Aria sat down at her lab desk and looked at me.


“It’s not like I have any business to come see you. “I just came to see the faces while I was at the academy.”


“It’s too late to eat together… , Rest in peace.”




Aria lowered her head and read the book in silence.


Although she was small in stature and had a youthful appearance, her age was evident in the way she read a book. Should I say he is quiet and intelligent?


I looked around the bookshelf, picked up anything and read it. It was a professional book. In the middle of the page, pictures were moving like animations to explain the research process.


Suddenly, a new question occurred to me. Are all the books on the bookshelf here magic books?


“Teacher, are all the books here only professional books?”


“That’s right.”


“… “There are some s*xy books too?”


“… ….”


As the saying goes, “If you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest,” Erotic books were naturally placed among the professional books.


No matter how large the library was, it was difficult to avoid my eyes.


“… Someone left it behind and just put it somewhere. “Don’t misunderstand.”




Aria glanced at the book I was holding and then turned her eyes to the side, maintaining her poker face. I knew right away that it was a lie. Perhaps the book would be gone the next time she came to visit.


Of course, it was just fun. She didn’t want to invade Arya’s privacy, so she put the book back in its original place.


In the first place, the title was ‘Three Men, One Woman’ so I didn’t even have the courage to look into it.


It is true that I was curious, but there are some things in this world that it is better not to know…. It was an exercise of self-control.


“Anyway, there’s something I need to tell you now.”


“What is it?”


While she was looking through the bookshelf, Aria spoke to her. He stopped in her tracks and looked at her.


What should I talk about soon?


“Did you forget? What you decided to tell me after everything was done last time. “I haven’t talked about it yet.”


“… “What was it?”


As I asked her with an awkward smile, Aria lifted her head and looked at me.


“Why did you have such a hard time learning the 7-star magic?”




It came to mind.


I decided to answer that question once everything was done. I completely forgot about it.


It was already over, so there was nothing more to hide.


I guess it’s okay if I tell you what I promised.


“I see…. “You haven’t told me yet.”


With a smile on my face without even realizing it, I quietly walked along the bookshelf.


Every time I took a step, I felt as if the steps I had taken in a distraught mood the day I first faced the demons were vaguely overlapping.


For me, life at the academy was not a story of romance and youth, but a period of survival marred by difficulties and despair. It was a tightrope walk that meant death if you missed it.


Because I am.


“I was actually the weakest.”


For a moment, Aria furrowed her eyebrows and then calmed down her expression.


“The weakest… ? You? Based on what?”


“At the Marchen Academy. I was actually weak. That’s why I learned, studied, and trained hard one by one.”


“… “Something I don’t understand.”


“I guess so.”


I felt lighter inside as I told my story without any pretense.


That may be the reason why a smile still flows from my face.


“Instead, I had the ability to become strong conditionally.”


“Conditional? What?”


“The ability to become stronger if you have the will to fight against demons. I could only become stronger when demons were my enemies. And everything I accumulated was helpful when fighting the demons.”


The weakest member of the academy became the demon-limited munchkin.


“Just…” , That’s the story.”


My journey of constantly running to overcome the evil spirit could be titled with that one sentence, which may seem comical in some ways.


Aria closed her eyes and lowered her head. She seemed to be gathering her thoughts.


“It’s an answer full of absurdity and questions, but… “When you think about it that way, it makes sense.”


Aria opened her eyes again and smiled faintly.


“… “Good job, student.”


And she spoke normally.


What is it?


“… “Why aren’t you suddenly using a tone that makes you seem intelligent?”


“You don’t know anything.”


Aria went back to her dull expression and turned her eyes towards the book she was reading.


For some reason, he looked pouty.


“Rather than that, are you going to sleep?”


“That is difficult. “I have a separate place to sleep.”


“Well, you probably still have a fiancee at the academy.”


“Yes, whatever.”


“I’ll give you a review later.”




What review?




White was staying at the princess’s private residence. Although she was different from the other students, she was also treated as she deserved, considering that White was the princess of this country.


She had never thought much about it when playing , But from her perspective as a graduate, the equality of status pursued by Marchen Academy was a contradictory policy.


In a country with a caste system, complete equality of status is impossible. The students are simply complying with the academy’s policies as if it were a given. Otherwise, you will become the target of criticism.


Of course, the academy’s will to at least educate everyone equally was nodded. The person who initially founded Marchen Academy must have had such beliefs.


“Sir Isaac!”




When I arrived at the princess’s residence, White welcomed me.


In addition to her, Merlin and several royal knights were keeping their seats upright. They all saluted me.


“You weren’t sleeping? “Didn’t you say that you tend to go to bed early?”


“That’s right… , I can’t fall asleep first. That senior Isaac… my… Since you’re going to be my husband, I’m going to sleep with you…. Ah, no, it’s not this… !”


Now that the child I had held in my arms so many times in the past became engaged to me, I began to feel conscious of it in many ways.


I let out a laugh as White seemed confused.


“Let’s go to the room first.”


“Yes, yes…” ! “Is that so?”


White nodded her head quickly.


Me, White, and Merlin walked down the hallway.


I glanced at White. From earlier, she keeps wiggling her fingers.


It was very simple to realize that he was secretly looking forward to spending the night alone with me.


“Where is my room?”


“There is one empty room….”




“I’m a little worried. It might be a little too narrow for senior Isaac to stay there. You may not like the facilities…. Should I say that this is a room where I am very concerned about whether senior Isaac will be able to sleep well? . Or, it might be okay for Isaac to sleep in my room for a good night’s sleep… ?”


The method of induction was cute. She also seemed to have no idea what she was talking about.


She felt the urge to tease him again, but she felt sorry for White to tease him about something like this, so she answered calmly.


“Then shall we sleep in your room?”


“Yes, a very excellent choice… ! … Yes?”


White’s face lit up for a moment, and then she suddenly freaked out.


“Well, you can say it so easily… !? Of course I don’t mind, but Isaac, you could have said that so easily!?”


“What’s the problem? “We’re going to get married anyway.”


“Principal rules, morals…. The truth of this world… ! There isn’t much to consider… !?”


White trembled, her voice trembling as her face flushed. She looked very nervous.


‘Didn’t you want to sleep with me first… ?’


What do you want? ?


Soon, Merlin intervened.


“Don’t worry. There won’t be any problem. The soundproofing design was thoroughly designed during the day, and His Majesty also wished for the two to sleep together and also gave enthusiastic support….”


“What if you say something like that, Merlin!?”


White was startled and shouted.


Before she knew it, tears were forming in the corners of her eyes.


“I’m sorry. But you have nothing to hide, right? “You are engaged to each other.”




These two people became close friends while living at the academy for nearly three years.


“Well, I didn’t think of that at all… ?”


“… Yes, I see. “My thoughts were short.”


Merlin answered as if he had given up.


In no time, we arrived at White’s room.


A small light was weakly illuminating the large room.


As White and I entered the room, Merlin saluted from her side of the hallway.


“Well then, have a good night, you two. Tomorrow is a holiday, and you won’t hear anything outside, so you won’t be able to hear anything and it will feel dead quiet, so don’t worry….”


“Please don’t talk nonsense, Merlin…” !”


When White begged as if he was crying, Merlin chuckled and said, “Yes.” She closed the door.


“… ….”


On the outside, it seemed like a refreshing atmosphere, but….


I hid the magic radiating outside of her and activated [Clairsight] To look outside the door, and saw Merlin leaning against the wall and lowering her head.


Although she pretended to be calm from a while ago, she was feeling uncomfortable. She just didn’t show it.


She is Kaya’s older sister.


As Kaya’s fiancé, I seemed reluctant to support her sleeping with another fiancé.


From Noble mtl dot com


But anyway, my status is such that having multiple women is taken for granted, and all five women, including Kaya, have agreed to marry me.


Merlin seemed to be trying to somehow let go of her uncomfortable feelings.


It was something I was grateful for. This is proof that she values me, Kaya, and White.




She realized too late that an awkward silence had come because she had been lost in thought for a moment.


White didn’t know what to do, so she just twisted the ends of her hair with her fingers.




She spoke first.


“Yes, yes?”


“It’s late, so let’s sleep. “It’s already past your time to sleep.”


“Yes, let’s do it!”


White reacted fussily.


“I’ll wash first.”


“Yes…. Then I, hey… I’ll wait in bed… ! Isaac, senior….”


White is sweating profusely and showing off her nervous expression. Movement became very stiff.


Rational thinking was not functioning properly in White’s mind at the moment. It seemed like a creaking sound could be heard all the way up here.


The reason why she even put the word ‘bed’ in her mouth is clearly visible. She knew very well what she was expecting.


White headed to the large bed, and I headed to the shower room.




After washing her body thoroughly and putting on a shower gown, she came out.






For some reason… White was sleeping soundly, breathing softly.


“… Are you sleeping?”


I tried using [Psychological Insight] Just in case, but it didn’t work. It was clear that she was perfectly asleep.


It seemed like I couldn’t hold back the drowsiness that came over me while I was washing.


‘It was late, though.’


It would have been better for White to take a shower and go to sleep, but she didn’t want to wake up her child who was already fast asleep.


I covered her with a blanket and lay down next to her. The bed was wide and the space was spacious.


She turned her body and looked at White’s sleeping face. I still couldn’t believe that such a lovely person was my woman.


After running her fingers through White’s white hair for a moment, she kissed her forehead.


I immediately closed my eyes, and soon I was fast asleep.


* * *


The chirping of birds announced the morning.


After waking up, White raised her upper body and looked blankly in front of her. Bright sunlight was breaking through the curtains and illuminating the room.


As I turned my head to the side, I saw my fiancé sleeping peacefully next to me.


There was silence for a while.


“aaah…” .”


White covered her face and let out a low, desperate scream.


Her body became drowsy and she only closed her eyes a little….


‘Why is it morning? !’


White cried.


I resented this needless refreshment.



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