The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 364 Table of contents

“But what about Tristan?”


While drinking, I asked Amy, the reunion organizer. She was timing her timing on when to ask.


Tristan Humphrey, a vain blonde nobleman. I was curious because he was the one I was particularly worried about among my classmates.


He was the first student at Marchen Academy I fought with after I became Isaac, and he was also the one who boasted that he would catch up with me.


Amy, who was shaking her head due to her drunkenness, reacted fussily, “Oh, that guy!?”


Next to her, Ian had already passed out on her table due to her drunkenness.


“Humphrey? He doesn’t know…. What did you say you were training for? ?”


“As for Tristan, I didn’t come here to train. “It seems like he’s gaining a reputation among mercenaries these days.”


Mateo, who was still not drunk, answered instead.




Is this interesting?


Tristan was only a third-rate villain in , So his face was not shown in the ending.


I thought he would be recognized as the next head of the Humphrey family and lead the family. The mercenary didn’t expect that.


“You are a graduate of Marchen Academy, and you have skills. “He seems like he’s worth a lot of money.”


“How did you know that? “You weren’t close with Tristan, were you?”


“Just. “I’m interested in that field.”


Mateo slightly raised the corners of his mouth and looked down at his drink.


Well, this guy later became famous as a mercenary. I remember seeing it at the ending of .


“I live fiercely….”


“That goes for you too. “I’m doing my job for the country.”


“It’s not that intense.”


There was no enemy for me in this world. It’s just an objective power story.


Under the premise of letting go of emotions, it was obvious that even if I were to fight against all of humanity, I would win.


The political games that inevitably took place within the imperial palace did not have much meaning in front of me, who possessed [Psychological insight] And power.


So, I was leading a life that was far from fierce.


When things get hard at work, all you have to do is bury your face in Dorothy’s chest. Does it feel like the genre of your life has changed to something healing?


“Hey. “I want to ask you something.”


Ciel, who was taking a small sip of her drink, looked at me and asked. She was right next to me.


She put her arms on the table, rested her chin, and stared at me with half-open eyes, just like her movements.


“What is it?”


“First of all, if you’re rude, promise me you won’t get angry.”


“I’m not so bad-tempered as to swear like that. “Just say it comfortably, idiot.”


“Bah, well…” ?”


“You fool.”


“…… !”


I laughed and teased him.


I had nothing to hesitate about now. Like during the end-of-semester evaluation in the first semester of the first year, I was in a position where I didn’t have to humiliate Ciel by writing a three-line poem with ‘You fool’.


When this situation happened, I felt like I had succeeded.


Ciel’s head trembled.


“It’s leading to bloodshed…” .”


They just say things like that. In reality, Ciel has never caused bloodshed.


It was like a habit.


“So, what is the question?”


Ciel let out a huffing sound under her breath, covered her mouth with her hand, and whispered softly into my ear.


“The people who will become your wives.”




“Who do you like best among them?”


“…… ?”


Why are you curious about that? ?


It wasn’t even a joke. There was even curiosity in Ciel’s eyes.


As if he heard the whisper, Mateo also secretly showed interest. Of course he knows who my five fiancees are.


“Is it difficult to answer?”


“I guess so.”




Ciel fell away from me with a sad expression on her face.


“If it’s difficult to answer, can’t you at least tell me who you liked best when you attended the academy? At least who your first love was, or something like that.”


“That sounds fun. It’s Isaac’s first love. “Who are you among those five?”


Mateo helped.


Definitely. There is nothing more fun than talking about love at her drinking party.


I don’t plan on telling you honestly who my fiancee liked first, but I’d like to get in the mood.




“hehehehe. “If I’m Isaac’s first love, isn’t it actually me?”


“… What?”


Amy, who was shaking her head due to her drunkenness, suddenly declared, and there was silence for a moment.


Before I knew it, Amy was crossing her arms on the table, looking at me, and smiling brightly like a sunflower.


Everyone at her table, including me, looked at Amy.


“Isaac, you asked me out in first grade, right? He made a very funny comment asking if he could be kidnapped….”


No, wait a minute?


It was a story about the time when I was part of Mateo’s gang and kidnapped Amy.


It seems like they are trying to use it as a fun snack since it is all in the past.


But the timing was bad.






Mateo asked in surprise, and Ciel responded by stroking her chin.


“Amy, wait…” !”


“What should I do? “Didn’t you go through the pain of heartbreak because of me?”




What if I say that here… ?


She urgently adjusted her magic power and activated [Clairvoyance] To look at Ella and Cheshire.


They were listening towards me with a sensory enhancement spell cast on their hearing.


I heard it as expected.


“Hey, you have a boyfriend too, so let’s talk about that…” .”


“Ian has already passed out, and aren’t your wives here anyway? Why? “Are you embarrassed?”


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Amy waved her hand, smiled, and talked without notice. Suddenly she started to sweat.


Really, when I thought about it, it was difficult to firmly deny it because I could see that my first date was Amy.


“Let’s stop talking about this. It doesn’t seem like it was strictly her request for a date. It was similar, but… !”


“Hey, are you a friend? Is it okay to be honest that we both decided to marry different people anyway? I understand everything? Yes, I understand! “I must be pretty!”


Please shut up… !


* * *


When the reunion started.


Ella, a white cat familiar, arrived at Marchen Academy following Dorothy’s instructions. Thanks to the fact that she flew with starlight magic, she was able to reach it quickly.


[Faith is important in love…. If you feel anxious because you sent Isaac alone, how will you live from now on? .]


On the roof of the building. Ella clicked her tongue and watched her Isaac quietly.


He came to watch over Isaac under orders from his owner, Dorothy. Dorothy had sent Ella because she thought she was too conspicuous. He seemed overly self-conscious, but in some ways it was true.


Anyway, Isaac would notice that Ella was here. In other words, Ella’s presence was Dorothy’s cute warning to Isaac, ‘Don’t do anything foolish.’


[Haam…. Why did you make me do this…. If this continues, I’ll have to take care of my children later….]


That was when Ella yawned and grumbled.






The dull crying sound created a strong sense of tension in the cat’s relaxed senses.


Ella whipped her head behind her where she heard her crying.


As expected.


Cheshire, a fat cat with a small fedora on his head, was approaching him.


[Nioong, Nyong, Nyong~.]


Dum chit dum chit, Cheshire approaches, shaking his back to the rhythm.


Her steps were overflowing with confidence, as if revealing to the world that she was attractive.


What’s more, it’s so fun that you’re even humming a sweet song.


All of that was her act of courtship toward Ella.


[What is that voice….]


Ella showed disgust on her face.


Cheshire, who understood those words to mean admiration, let out a lively laugh.


[Long time no see, Ella! You can see it all here!]




[Is this fate!?]


[It must be a curse.]


Cheshire stood next to Ella.


Ella opened her eyes and responded bluntly.


[Did Alice send you this?]


[Of course! She entrusted me with an important mission to look after her husband? How trustworthy is this Cheshire that she would take on such a mission?]


[I probably sent it to you because you are useless there.]


[As expected, Ella’s cold tone of voice is attractive!]


Frown. Cheshire winks.




There was no way I could communicate with this bastard.


Ella sighed and turned her head back towards Isaac.


Cheshire sat on the roof like Ella. He was more focused on capturing Ella’s beautiful profile in her eyes than on the mission given to him by Alice. But Ella didn’t pay Cheshire any attention.


[Ella. You are still pretty.]


[You are still ugly.]


[No star in the night sky is as pretty as you. I’m happy to be able to hold you in my eyes!]


[If you don’t want to check the existence of the afterlife with those two eyes, it would be better to keep your mouth shut.]


[That arrogance! You have the perfect qualities to become the wife of this charming Cheshire!]


[I would rather die.]


The two cats were engaged in a fierce battle.


[…] Wait for a sec.]


Ella sensed the strange conversation from Isaac’s side and focused on it, strengthening her hearing with her magic.


[…] ….]


It was the same in Cheshire.


[Did you just hear that?]


[I heard you, Ella.]


A woman I had never heard of claimed that she was ‘Isaac’s first love.’


I thought it was nonsense, but the following statement surprised the two cats.


[Isaac asks for a date… ?]


[The pain of broken heart… ? Isaac… ?]


The two cats’ eyes widened.


[First grade was when you and Dorothy were at their best?]


[This is a fact that Alice didn’t know… ?]


That white short-haired woman with a black rabbit ear ribbon.


While her lover was unconscious, in her drunken state she was doing the fox thing to Isaac, wagging her tail.


Isn’t this a sign of infidelity…? !


It didn’t matter whether she did it consciously or unconsciously. She said this was a big deal for her.


Pabbat! Ella and Cheshire looked at each other and quickly dispersed.


Ella used communication magic.


[Dorothy, fly to Marchen Academy right away! Full speed ahead! It’s important!]


Meanwhile, Cheshire arrived near the other world gate created in Josena Forest. It was a gate leading to a strange country, or ‘Wonderland’.


After that, she immediately used communication magic.


[Alice, now is not the time for you to work! A woman appears claiming to be Isaac’s first love! He also went on her first date! Isaac didn’t deny it either!]


On the other hand, inside the Düfendorf Empire.


“Ugh… ? First love… ?”


Dorothy, who received Ella’s communication magic, could not hide her embarrassment.


So did she and Isaac’s lover in the other room.


[Shock! The situation we were worried about occurred! Isaac’s past that even the owner didn’t know, the truth!?]


Inside the lab.


Belo, a small killer whale familiar, was swimming in the air and shaking. It was because of the story that Luce had heard through the watchman she had secretly attached to Isaac.


“… ….”


Luce, who was next to Bello, couldn’t say anything.


She stopped what she was doing and stood still. With a cold shadow cast over her face.


Tsuzu! Soon, a purple lightning flashed outside her window and the Thunder God Joe was summoned.


[Master, sortie! Keep the enemy in check!]


Bello shouted excitedly.


On the other hand.


A few hours ago, the Duke of Astrean.


Kaya packed lightly, dressed appropriately and pretty, and left her mansion.


“Miss Kaya, I hope you have a great vacation for all your hard work.”


“Yes, I will come back!”


Isaac sent me a letter the other day asking if he could come to the reunion.


She wrote back that she would most likely not be able to make it because of training, but she somehow managed to make time. She devoted herself to training tirelessly and achieved her goal early.


‘Isaac, I’m coming…’ !’


Just thinking about Isaac brought heat to her face. Kaya covered her flushed cheeks with both hands and smiled happily.


She flew through the sky, engulfed in her wind magic.


There would be no Isaac’s other fiancée at the current reunion. In other words, now would be an opportunity to have Isaac all to himself.


I can’t believe I can spend time alone with Isaac, bypassing other fiancees.


Kaya quickly decided to fly away.



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