The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 369 Table of contents

When I went outside the tent, I felt the cool breeze on my skin.

The inside of the tent was extremely hot, so I used my magic to lower the temperature.

Inside, Kaya was sleeping naked, covered with a blanket. I was exhausted, and soon fell asleep.

Kaya’s moans and cries still echoed in my ears. She would sometimes change into her wicked persona and attack me. We had a quite interesting relationship.

Suddenly, the sky was getting lighter. I walked outside naked, feeling the morning breeze, and then washed my body in the nearby stream. After that, I took out an extra set of clothes from my magic pouch and changed.

‘What’s for breakfast?’

I suddenly heard a loud noise.

I transformed my body into a cold one and merged with nature.

After arriving near the Academy, I put on my hood. If I showed my face, the situation would become complicated.

I stopped by the store to buy some food and returned to the campsite.

“Eden, come out.”


A tawny magic rose into the air, and it transformed into a small rock golem.

It was my familiar, Eden.


Eden greeted me with a smile, stretching its short arms up.

“I’m going to prepare breakfast, help me out.”

[Goo, Goo!]

Eden invoked its magic to add rocks to its body, growing to my size.


I crafted a square table and chairs with rock magic, and Eden set up the food.

I already sensed that Kaya would wake up soon, feeling the magic.

She must feel like she’s done hard labor and stayed up all night, but she needed something to soothe her insides.

“Isaac, sir…?”


As expected, Kaya emerged from the tent, her body covered in a blanket. Her legs shuffled, her face half-asleep.

I approached Kaya and kissed her, then tried to hand her the hooded robe I had taken out of my magic pouch earlier.

“Just soothe your stomach and go back to sleep.”



Kaya’s face flushed red, and smoke rose from her. Her eyes and lips trembled.

I didn’t expect such a reaction from just a morning kiss, after all we had done throughout the night.

“We, we, we surely did that thing, right…?”

She seemed incredulous.

“Yes, we did.”

“You and I, Isaac… really…”

“Let’s eat, darling.”


After expressing affection, Kaya suddenly stiffened like a stone and fell backwards.


Isn’t that quite an intense reaction…?


I went to greet my classmates who had been drinking all night. They pressed me about what had happened last night, but I evaded the question, citing issues with my wives.

Now, before leaving the academy.

I met with my fiancée, Snow White.

“Isaac, are you leaving?”

White came with her escort knight, Merlin, to see me off.

Beside me stood the White Dragon, the Ice Dragon-Hild, summoned in full presence.

Kaya and Merlin were having a separate conversation.

“It’s time for me to go. I came because of the reunion.”


White, with her snow-white hair as pure as the driven snow, kept brushing it back for no reason, slightly bowing her head.

Her face was visibly filled with reluctance.

“When will I see you again…?”

“Soon, isn’t it? Your graduation isn’t far off.”

“Time just doesn’t seem to pass…”

“If you live with the same zest as when I was here, it’ll fly by.”

“Hehe, please don’t tease me…!”

As I responded with a bright smile, White took a deep breath and her eyes welled up with tears.

I leaned in slightly to kiss her cheek and looked at her intently.

“I’ll come back. Focus on the academy for now, okay?”

“You still treat me like a child, Isaac…”

White pouted with a whimper, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath to compose herself.

Then she opened her eyes again, looking at me with a longing gaze, and stretched out her arms to either side.

“Hug me, please. So I can endure the remaining time.”

“Of course.”

I embraced White tightly and we spent some time together.

“But Isaac…”


“Why can’t you walk, senior Kaya?”

Kaya was wrapped in wind magic, floating in the air. It seemed to raise questions in his mind.

“There were… some issues.”

I answered with an awkward smile.

After our conversation, Kaya and I climbed onto the back of the Frost Dragon.

I deliberately placed Kaya in front of me, to catch her in case of an emergency. I was worried about her because of the strain she had endured all night.

“Let’s go! See you again!”

White waved his arm vigorously, while Merlin bowed politely.

As the Frost Dragon flapped its wings, a cold wind blew. We ascended and soon crossed the sky.

I spread a light telekinesis in front to minimize the impact of the wind.

We leisurely headed towards Duffendorf.


But somehow… smoke was rising above Kaya’s head.

Even from behind, I could tell her neck was flushed red.

“Kaya, are you okay?”


As I leaned forward to ask in her ear, she let out a strange sound and was startled.

“Yes, yes…!?”

Kaya quickly turned to look at me, then immediately averted her eyes. Her round eyes with green irises spun around.

“I’m, I’m fine, what do you mean…?”

“You’ve been acting strange for a while.”

“I’m sorry… It’s hard to look at your face, Mr. Isaac.”

It seemed the aftermath was hitting her hard.


In that case, drastic measures were needed.

“How about this?”


I wrapped my arms around Kaya’s waist and propped my chin on her shoulder.

Bound completely, Kaya let out a bizarre moan and stiffened.

“Ah, Mr. Isaac…! If you do this…!

It didn’t seem like I would die, no matter how bad it was.

“Don’t die. I won’t give up.”


I held Kaya tightly, as if I was going to faint.

[You guys!]

At that moment, Lucifer’s dissatisfied voice echoed loudly.

“What the hell are you doing?! This is not the place for such nonsense!”]

“I’ll hold you tight and cuddle you like this.”

[Then, there’s no dissatisfaction.]

Lucifer easily backed off.

From then on, until we arrived at the Backdoor, Kaya remained stiff and rigid.

After arriving, she collapsed like a soulless person.

It was too intense.



Ah, ah.

As soon as I saw Dorothy, I buried my face in her large chest. It was like being in heaven, a soft and comfortable place. This was where I was.

Dorothy also seemed to know what I was thinking, and she wrapped her arms around my back.

“A, ah…!”

As I shifted my weight forward, Dorothy was startled and pushed me back, falling onto the bed.

Her long, curly hair spilled onto the bed.

I lay on top of Dorothy, my head buried in her chest, breathing deeply.

“Nihihi, it seems like we’re still having fun, right? Your breasts are really great.”

Dorothy laughed, playing with my hair.

As I lightly touched her armpits and arms, she let out a “Heh-heh” and laughed.


“She came with me. I felt a bit hesitant, but I brought you here and you’re fine.”

“Did you overdo it? You were quite tough at first, right?”

“It’s… unavoidable. Lucy?”

“Were you waiting for me to come first? It seems like you’re a bit flustered.”

I was going to think that.

“So, I waited for you in the president’s room on purpose!”

Doroshi replied with a carefree tone.

“What’s going on…?”

She whispered with a slightly flirtatious tone.

I raised my head and looked down at Doroshi. She was blushing and making a silly face.

I took a deep breath and felt my heart racing. She seemed to be getting excited too.

I thought it was okay to ignore it, but…


I was staring at Doroshi’s sparkling eyes.

She looked puzzled and suddenly remembered something, avoiding my gaze. She couldn’t meet my eyes.

Her eyes darted away, and her lips trembled.

Doroshi seemed to be thinking of something, but it wasn’t related to her excitement.

“What’s going on?”


“What is it?”

“Ahah… I think ice breaking is enough, don’t you?”

Doroshi let out a small “ehem” and cleared her throat awkwardly.

“There is. I’ve been feeling a bit strange lately, and I think it’s true. I was thinking about how to say it…”


Doroshi looked at me carefully and said, her eyes avoiding mine.

“Sister… I think I might be pregnant.”

My eyes widened in shock.

My mind went blank for a while.

A complex and inexpressible emotion swept over me.

Doroshi turned her eyes away, looking at me with caution.

“President…? Why, why is that!? Was I too sudden!? “

Doroshi was shocked.

“No, it’s just… I was too sudden, and I’m worried.”

Dorothy’s death came to mind.

Even after losing everything, she had survived.

Having barely built up a reason to live, she had to sacrifice it all again.

In the end, the woman before me, who had to accept death with a bright smile,

became my fiancée, and would now be the mother of my child.

As I thought this, my vision blurred.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Thank you.

I love you.


With only those words on my lips, I showered Dorothy, whom I loved endlessly, with ceaseless kisses.

Life is too short for love alone.

So, I will love this woman diligently for the rest of my life.

For a while, there was a festival in Duffendorf.

Every day, I imagined and talked about life after having a child with Dorothy, and we laughed a lot.

Really a lot.


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