The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunt…
Chapter 376 Table of contents

The wedding preparations were underway.

I had brought back  wedding dress photos from Earth with Alice’s help and instructed the tailor to make a wedding  dress based on that.

Although the Doppelganger clan had their traditional wedding attire, I thought it would be better to popularize wedding dresses instead.

It was a relief to hear that the tailor would make it easier with an example.

The tailors measured the body sizes of the wives and created the wedding dresses.

“Kk… how is it?”

Dorothy, dressed in a white wedding gown, was the first to ask me. The other wives were all appropriately attired in their wedding dresses as well.

Alice wore a contented smile, Kaya blushed with shyness, and Luce was stoic, though her cheeks were tinged with color.

White was still enrolled in the academy and wasn’t here. I planned to visit the academy soon to try it on her.


Behold that radiance.

I almost went blind.

“Ugh, they’re all so beautiful.”

I couldn’t help but give a thumbs up. It was perfection itself.

“Oh, I want to try one on too…!”

Next to me, the ice dragon Hild—transformed into a female form—wrapped her arms around me from behind and rested her chin on my shoulder, her eyes sparkling.

It seemed I would have to make another dress. Though not a wife, Hild was destined to be by my side for life, my possession. I had to indulge her in everything she liked.

I praised the vassals who had successfully made the wedding dresses and were busy preparing for the ceremony. They wept with gratitude.

‘The invitations… are they too much? No, let’s send them out.’

I sent invitations to all my academy classmates and acquaintances.

Including the One King, King Carlos, the Saintess, and the priestesses of the Eastern Kingdom. I selected those who seemed fitting to invite.

Then, gifts started arriving from all over, congratulating me on my marriage as per diplomatic custom.

News of my wedding spread throughout the world. Given my high position, countries expressed their intentions to attend the ceremony.

White graduated from Merhen Academy.

The graduation ceremony was later. For now, she had returned to Düpendorf for the winter break.

Meaning, the wedding was just around the corner.

“Isaac Neim…”

In my spacious and luxurious room.

I savored the melodious voice as I embraced the cute Kaya in bed.

While receiving gentle strokes through Luce’s soft hair.

I lay with my ear against Dorothy’s slender abdomen.

Alice looked on with a smile, and White, recently under Alice’s care, sat beside her, smiling awkwardly.

“Isaac, it’s almost 10 minutes. You’ll have to hold me next.”

Luce warned me as if reminding me of a promise.

“Did we make such a promise…?”

Lucy’s voice tickled my ear, whispering “This is me” in a low, husky tone, as if emphasizing the words.

A shiver ran down my spine. I was still vulnerable to Lucy’s voice.

I shook my head and replied, “I get it.”

“What’s the news?” Chairman asked.

I had gained a little weight recently, but it wasn’t noticeable. I was still slender.

Chairman was leaning against the headboard of the bed, wearing a nightgown, just like the other wives.

“Nihihi, does it sound like the sound of footsteps? My child… ah, ah!”

At that moment, Alice approached Chairman from the side, breathing softly into her ear. Chairman was startled, covering her ears and turning around to look at Alice.

Alice was smiling meaningfully.

“What’s going on?”

“Because it’s cute. Our Chairman, don’t you know about the fetal development process?”

Alice whispered “Cute” and hugged Chairman’s shoulder, running her fingers through her blonde hair.

Chairman opened her eyes wide, looking displeased, and said “Ugh.”

I see. So that’s it? It seems like you’re showing affection, but subtly ranking yourself?

“It seems like Isaac senior.”

“Why, White?”

White approached me, sitting on the bed, and spoke up. “We’re all getting married now… do you have any thoughts on family names?”

“Family name?”

The other wives all showed interest at this point.

“Right, Chairman. I was thinking of saying something. When our kids are born, we need to give them names. Names are secondary, but the surname is the issue, so… “

Chairman expressed her concerns.

Of course.

I just needed to consider the surname for the name “Isaac”.

What’s the point? I had already thought about this problem.

“I’ve thought about it.”

“What is it?”

I turned my head to look at Chairman, and her eyes, shining with stars, seemed to hold a sense of anticipation.

I smiled faintly.

“…I’ll tell you later.”

“Ah, ah, really… It’s too embarrassing.”

Doroshi narrowed her eyes.

“Sister, you just expected something… I’m curious, how are you going to bear it?”

“Can I make it unbearable?”

“What? Huh…!”

I pulled off Doroshi’s pajamas and put my head inside. Doroshi’s smooth skin touched my face.

“Ahah! It’s really itchy…! Huh…!”

I buried my face deeper into Doroshi’s chest, and Doroshi let out a sigh as my breath matched the rhythm of her heartbeat.

“Just a moment, Isaac…!”

“Isaac, it’s me now…! Ugh…!”

Lucy tried to pull my head away, but Kaya hugged me tighter.

The commotion stopped, and Alice’s laughter and White’s startled sounds were heard.

I rolled off Doroshi’s chest and lay on her body.



Kaya brought me to the other side and hugged me tightly, while Lucy carefully pulled my head away and laid it on my body.

“I love you, everyone.”

I whispered softly, and there was a moment of silence.

Lucy smiled quietly and kissed my cheek, while Kaya patted my chest with a soft slap.

Doroshi laughed aloud, pulling my head back into her chest.


A sudden reaction came from the lower half of my body. I raised my head, and Alice, who had climbed up onto my lap, was already there.

She smiled wickedly.

“Can’t you bear it again, our master?”

“Are you going to do it here?”

I responded with a wicked smile.

“Over there…!”

Just then, White carefully opened his mouth.

We all turned our heads towards White simultaneously.

White looked as if it was burdened, and its face turned red as it continued speaking.

“Can I express my opinion?”

“Go ahead.”

Alice smiled and responded.

“If this is the case, even if we all gang up on Isaac-sunbae…?”

Suddenly, an eerie atmosphere filled the air.

“I’m thrilled.”

I replied casually, and everyone looked at me with meaningful faces.

“Nihihi. Are you confident, Chairman?”

“Is it really that exciting?”

“Ah, Isaac, I know that this time I’ll be able to draw out your very soul.”

“Isaac-sunbae, I’ve also become stronger…?”

White burst into the space between my wives, staring at me with a gaze filled with tension.

“Isaac-sunbae… I’m actually still a bit drunk from earlier….”

White declared with a sheepish face, its determination evident.

“I’ll crush you?”

After that, my wives all began to approach me, trying to get close.

I spent the night indulging in desires with them, feeling a sense of excitement.

As the winter sun shone brightly.

In front of the Dödförth Imperial Palace, the courtyard.

I wore a pure white ceremonial  dress, styled my hair elegantly, and put on a show. It was all the work of my attendants.

The area was beautifully decorated with countless flowers and ornaments. Dödförth itself was beautifully set up.

The orchestra played a sweet melody that filled the courtyard. After the wedding ceremony, a week-long festival was planned.

Many people attended as guests. The original king and King Carlos, the priestess Miyako, the saint Bianca, and the following gods all came.

Everyone congratulated me with a bow and then took their seats at the specially prepared VIP area.

‘I didn’t think those people would really show up…’

I was shocked.

I had sent out the invitations without specifying the details, so I didn’t know if they would really come.

I only expected them to send someone reasonably decent. Who would have thought that the top leaders from each country would attend in person?

Among the guests were my classmates from Merhen Academy, familiar faculty members, and even the Hegel Tower Master.

Close friends were all granted access to the waiting room.

“Isaac, congratulations!”


Our protagonist, the SSS-tier fainting expert, Ian Fairytale.

And his fiancée, Amy Holloway, came to visit.

“Ah, should I be formal…?”

Amy hesitated, then carefully asked as she lifted her skirt slightly, greeting him with noble etiquette.

I chuckled.

“It’s okay. It’s just us.”

“I had planned to invite you to our wedding, but who knew you’d get married first?”

Ian said with a laugh.

We chatted for a while.

After defeating the evil deity together, it suddenly felt real that we were both about to have our happy weddings.

Soon, the wedding ceremony was upon us. Access to the waiting room for the guests was restricted.

That’s when it happened.


“Hm? Sister?”

Eve opened the door and came in, then closed it behind her.

She stood still for a moment, hands behind her back, holding the doorknob, looking tense.

She was also fully dressed up, as she was my family.

“Is there something you want to say? I have to go out soon.”

“Sister… I have something to tell you, as your brother.”

I deliberately didn’t read her mind.

But looking into Eve’s determined eyes, I guessed she was about to say something she had long considered.

Eve walked towards the window. Outside in the square, the citizens of Duffendorf and the guests were gathered in abundance.

“It’s the wedding.”



Eve twirled her silver-blue hair around her finger, just like mine.

After a moment of contemplation, she turned to face me.

Then, closing her eyes tightly, she stretched out her arms to either side.



“My little brother, let’s hug one last time!”

Eve’s face was flushed red, a picture of embarrassment.

‘…What am I to say.’

I hugged Eve tightly. She shivered slightly in my arms.

“What do you mean ‘last’? I’ll hug you anytime you want.”



“I’m sorry.”

Eve’s voice trembled in my embrace as she clung to my waist.

“We’ve already apologized for before. That conversation is over.”

“It’s not about that…”

“What is it then?”

Eve looked up at me.

Her eyes, filled with longing, met mine.

I chose not to read Eve’s mind.

It seemed better that way.

“…No, it’s nothing. Congratulations on your wedding, little brother.”

Eve stepped back from my embrace and smiled faintly.



“Let’s never be apart from now on, no matter what happens.”

Eve smiled softly.

“Of course.”

I was determined to make this sister as happy as my wives for the rest of her life.


The commanders of the Düpendorf Legion and the Frost Forces were arrayed in neat order.

Blue light powder made of ice magic and petals of various colors fluttered in the air.

The elderly woman, also known as the Ice Dragoness, Milli, conducted the blessing ritual.

Amidst the blessings, the grand ceremony proceeded with Regent Richard delivering the congratulatory address.

“Second Frost Lord, Sir Isaac Maia, please proceed.”

Regent Richard called out with an amplification spell. ‘Maia’ was the new surname I had created.

I walked down the path prepared in the square.

Thunderous music played, and cheers poured forth. Many petals seemed to bless my path ahead.

Originally, I was to enter the wedding ceremony last, but I had instructed to change the order. Today, I wanted my wives to shine brighter than anyone else.

I had also established a new tradition for the Emperor’s wedding ceremony. A celebration of pure love and blessings.

‘…You came too.’

I distinguished each magical presence.

Among the buildings, in a secluded spot, a blond nobleman was secretly watching me.

It was Tristan Humphrey. His magic had grown quite strong.

Just in case, I read his mind.

Tristan seemed to have come purely to celebrate my wedding, without any particular feelings.

Although we weren’t that close, it seemed he wanted to congratulate me on at least my wedding, which was his goal.

I stopped in front of the dais.

Regent Richard and I bowed our heads to each other.

“Next, may the glorious Empresses please proceed.”

Five women dressed in pristine white gowns, holding bouquets, moved forward amidst the music, petals, and blessings.

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The attendants smoothed the ends of their  wedding dresses, facilitating their graceful steps.






At this moment, they were the brides who shone the brightest and most beautiful.

I turned towards the brides approaching demurely. As they reached me, they bowed their heads modestly.

Regent Richard spoke.

“O Sovereign of Frost, as your power and wisdom have revived and protected this land, so have the Empresses, your beloved, received your love. Even the stars in the heavens shall bless this sacred day.”

Thereafter, my five wives and I completed our marriage declaration, and we were blessed by the beautiful dragoness Milli, through whom the frost magic flowed.

“O Sovereign of Frost, please bestow upon us the token of your love.”

Regent Richard uttered the ceremonial words.

My wives had knelt down.

I slipped the rings we had previously collected onto the ring fingers of their left hands, one by one.

Dorothy wore a distant smile, Luce a faint one, Kaya a smile as if she was overjoyed to death, and Alice a tender smile.


White seemed moved to tears.

She’s crying even here.

“O Sovereign of Frost, companions more beautiful than any stars will follow you for life. O Empresses, I believe you will lovingly embrace the lord of Duffendorf for life. No one else could ever replace that role. No matter what challenges may come, you will surely overcome them together.”

Regent Richard said.

“For eternal love and prosperity, let the march of blessings begin.”

Lavish music filled the plaza.

My wives all rose from their seats, either linking arms with me or standing shoulder to shoulder.

Sleung! The forces of Duffendorf simultaneously raised their silver swords, and the citizens and guests sent forth their applause.

My wives and I crossed the brilliant sunlight.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a man caught my eye.

It was the diminutive boy with silver-blue hair, who had leaned against a tree and sighed on the day when rain poured and pelted the cobblestones.

His journey to subdue the evil god flashed before my eyes like a panorama, etching itself into my vision.

Then, a young girl with lavender hair stopped in my sight.

─ ‘Please, become my Wizard of Oz.’

First Dorothy. She smiled at me.

I swallowed a deep breath and smiled back.

There would surely be days ahead filled with sadness, anger, and misfortune. But inevitably, my wives and I would be happy.

That is my story.

The story of Isaac.

* * *

“…Aren’t you sleepy?”

At the campsite, the children were sound asleep.

Alice’s daughter, Kaya’s son, Luce’s son, and White’s daughter had come out for a rare camping trip. They played joyfully together until, exhausted, they all fell asleep.

Luce and Kaya gently stroked their sons’ heads as they lay beside them, while White made a pillow of her arm for her daughter, and they slept side by side.

The other young children were being cared for by the maids in the royal palace.

Meanwhile, a little girl with lavender hair sat atop Dorothy’s legs, giggling to herself.

She threw her head back and laughed heartily, her eyes sparkling like stars as they captured Dorothy’s face.

“Hey, Mom. I’m not sleepy! I want to stay with you longer! I won’t get sleepy!”

Dorothy’s daughter declared her resolve with twinkling eyes.

“You sound just like your mother.”

Isaac, who had been watching the children fondly, chuckled and said.

Isaac was seated in front of the crackling campfire, while Alice stood quietly behind him, embracing him as they both watched Dorothy.

Dorothy looked at Isaac with a shocked expression.

“Me, talk like that…?”

“Yes! I’m just like Mom! Nyahah!”

“No, that’s not it! Let’s start with fixing that laugh. Mom can’t help it because it’s a habit, but…”

“I don’t wanna!”

Dorothy’s daughter stubbornly refused.

“Just the same.”

“Exactly the same.”

Isaac and Alice chuckled, saying the same thing.

Dorothy let out a hollow laugh.


“What is it, my daughter?”

“Can’t you tell me more stories?”

“The fairy tale is already over… Mom’s sleepy too, you little rascal. Let’s get some sleep.”

“No, I want to stay with you more…!”

The daughter flailed her little legs in protest.

“Huh? Uh-uh? No? Nooo? You’re not saying my charm won’t work on you, are you!?”

“At least it worked on Dad.”

Isaac approached Dorothy’s daughter and kissed her cheek. The daughter giggled, “Daddy!”

“Alright, alright… Shall we stay up a little longer then?”

“I like it!”

“Well… that’s enough fairy tales for now.”

Dorothy closed the storybook she had been reading to her daughter.

And looked up at the sky.

The stars were embedded in the night sky like grains of salt.

“Come to think of it, it’s been seven years since I graduated from the academy… Ah.”

The academy.

Mentioning the word, Dorothy thought of something and looked down at her daughter.

“This story might be good too. With a little adaptation.”

“What is it, Dorothy?”

“Ahem. You’ll know if you listen.”

Dorothy smiled at Isaac.

Before long, Alice had come over and squatted next to Isaac, gently stroking the hair of Dorothy’s daughter.

“Anything’s fine, as long as it’s a story from mom. What’s it about?”

The lamp’s light spread softly.

A tranquil night.

Dorothy began to tell the story gently while stroking her daughter’s hair.

“The story of a student from the academy your mother attended, who was the weakest of them all.”

The weakest at the academy became a demon-specific powerhouse – The End


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