Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy
Chapter 74 Table of contents

When I announced that we needed to halt the dungeon raid, Freyr showed clear disappointment, while Vissy, despite claiming she was disappointed, couldn’t hide the smile playing on her lips.

Well, from her perspective, this dungeon raid with me must have been more of a motion-sickness endurance test than anything else.

Next time, try coming with someone who can keep their stomach settled.

The scene outside the dungeon was chaotic.

Professors were controlling access to the entrance, and students were gathered outside, buzzing with curiosity.

Judging by the curious expressions of the onlookers, it seemed that word hadn’t yet spread about Arthur’s disappearance.

Even though Arthur is far from being in line for the throne, he’s still a prince. If it were known that something had happened to him, it would cause an uproar.

Soul Academy must already be dealing with backlash from the incident during the entrance exam. If something were to happen to Arthur, it could shake the academy to its core.

That’s why the professors look so frantic.

Amidst the chaos, I led Carl to the dungeon entrance.

‘Carl...’ “Lowlife, do you remember how to read coordinates?”

“Of course.”

The growing number of students who had heard rumors of something happening caused the professors to be even more distracted.

As a result, they didn’t notice us re-entering the dungeon.

Thanks to that, we managed to slip back in without any interference.

‘Carl...’ “Lowlife, we’re running at full speed. Don’t lag behind like a newbie.”

“Don’t worry about me.”

Earlier, when we were raiding the dungeon, I had adjusted my speed to accommodate Freyr and Vissy.

But now, there’s no need for that.

Carl is still a monster far stronger than I am. We sprinted forward with all our might.

Before long, goblins appeared in our path, but I didn’t stop.

Carl’s sword was faster, decapitating them before they could even react.

We didn’t slow down for the traps, either.

We’re not so weak that something like that would injure us.

We took the shortest path.

At the fastest speed.

Running, and running again, until finally...

“Carl. And Lady Allen?” “Why is a student here?” “Carl! Even if it’s your lady, bringing a student here is...”

It took us only ten minutes to reach the location where Arthur disappeared on the sixth floor.

The professors who had been discussing the situation were shocked to see us.

As I caught my breath and tried to approach the place where the magic tool had been used, one of the professors stepped in front of me.

“Lady Allen.”

It was Professor Anton, the combat instructor.

Despite his stern appearance, he was someone who could be reasoned with.

“What brings you here?”

‘Professor, I have a solution.’ “Useless professor, I came to give a gift to a fool like you who doesn’t even know what the problem is.”

“Are you saying that you have a solution, Lady Allen?”

Despite the harshness of the Mesugaki language, the professor didn’t get angry and instead asked for clarification.

‘Of course.’ “Obviously. Do you think I’m as clueless as you?”

If I didn’t have a solution, I wouldn’t have come here in the first place.

I’m not some fool who can’t assess a situation.

As I spoke confidently, Anton looked at me with skepticism.

It’s understandable. The professors were already doing their best to solve the problem. It’s hard to believe that a mere student would have a solution.

So, to prove my point, I pulled out a scroll from my pocket and showed it to Anton.

“What’s that?”

‘A magic...’ “A scroll of spell recreation.”

A magic tool that reactivates a spell that was previously cast in a specific location.

I had originally purchased this expensive item to help clear the boss on the 80th floor of the academy’s dungeon.

The function attached to the compass Arthur used was, in essence, a teleportation spell that transported people to a specific location.

If I used the scroll of spell recreation, it would allow us to activate the same spell and follow them to the same location.

When I explained this, Anton reached out his hand.

“Thank you. If you would give it to me...”

‘I’m going with you.’ “What nonsense are you talking about? I’m going too.”

The dungeon we’re about to enter is uncharted territory for the professors as well.

No matter how skilled they are, they’re bound to get lost.

Which means they’ll have trouble locating Arthur and his team.

But I’m different.

I’m familiar with every dungeon in the world of Soul Academy, so there’s no such thing as getting lost for me.

“Lady Allen, that place could be full of unknown dangers. As a professor, I can’t take a student like you into such a place...”

‘I have...’ “Useless professor, I have a blessing that allows me to know the layout of dungeons.”

When I interrupted Anton and said this, he looked at me in shock.

If an ordinary person had said that, he would have dismissed it as nonsense.

But I was the one who scored perfect marks on the entrance exam and survived the incident in the dungeon.

Moreover, I had just blitzed through the academy’s dungeon at an unprecedented speed.

I don’t actually have any dungeon-related skills, but that’s not what they think.

‘I’ll be more useful than you.’ “I’ll be much more helpful than a fool like you.”

As I puffed out my chest and put on a show of confidence, Anton glanced at Carl.

Carl quickly understood the unspoken question and nodded.

“My lady possesses a blessing. I stake my honor as a knight on this being true.”

Anton pondered for a moment before finally sighing and speaking.

“Alright. But do not engage in combat. Just guide us.”

I had no intention of fighting on the front lines anyway, so I agreed.

Do you think I’m crazy enough to risk my life fighting in the temple of the old god Kolhiti?

If this were a game, I might have tried to overcome it with skill, but this isn’t a game.

This is my real life on the line.

I don’t have any desire to walk a tightrope over a cliff.

With my agreement, Anton stepped aside, and I unfurled the scroll where Arthur had disappeared.

A magic circle appeared on the ground, glowing brightly.

As the light faded, a new landscape came into view.

A half-ruined stone floor, with earth showing through the cracks.

Walls that had once been adorned with ornate carvings, now replaced by creeping vines.

This was the temple of Kolhiti, one of the forgotten gods.

It’s been a while.

This used to be one of the dungeons I frequented for grinding.

Hmm, we’re in the middle of the third floor of the dungeon.

It’s different from the game.

“Lady Allen, is your blessing working?”

I paused before answering Anton’s question.

If we were here to clear the dungeon, I could guide them easily enough, but our goal isn’t that.

We’re here to find Arthur and his team.

As long as we can rescue them, clearing the dungeon doesn’t matter.

Let’s think this through.

After Arthur’s team landed here, they must have panicked.

No matter how talented they are, they’re still just academy freshmen.

In such a situation, who would they rely on?

It’s obvious.

The academy’s professor.

Their protector.


That insane troublemaker.

Arthur and his team, not knowing what kind of person Luca is, probably asked him what they should do.

And Luca would have said something like this:

‘We don’t know when help will arrive. We need to push forward and clear the dungeon. Don’t worry, with me here, we’ll conquer any dungeon easily.’

Of course, if Luca were involved, they could clear any dungeon with ease.

No matter how rotten his character is, his skills are real.

But Luca has no intention of clearing the dungeon.

His only goal is to orchestrate a trial for Arthur and his team under the guise of chance.

Given Luca’s nature, he would have scouted this dungeon in advance.

He would have identified a suitable location to stage this trial and would be leading Arthur’s team there.

My job is to figure out where that trial is likely to take place.

“Lady Allen?”

‘Just a moment, Professor.’ “Useless professor, can’t you wait? Stay quiet for a bit.”

There must be a reason for setting the coordinates at this location.

Where around here would be suitable for a trial?

A three-on-one battle against minotaurs?

No, that would be impossible to overcome.

Luca doesn’t give trials that are impossible to surpass.

A suitable location.

Somewhere that a skilled player could barely scrape through with perfect control.

I can think of a few possible spots.

Damn it. Since Luca didn’t intervene in this event in the game, I can’t be certain.

In this situation, the best approach is to search each nearby location thoroughly.

I lifted my head to assess our party.

Given that they’re all people involved with dungeons or combat, we have an excess of frontliners.

But that’s fine.

These people have the stats to obliterate this dungeon.

‘Follow me!’ “Follow me! You’re not so useless that you’ll lose track of a freshman, are you?”

“Useless professor! Minotaur ahead! Crush it!”

Anton brought his axe down on the minotaur’s head, following Lucy’s command.

The minotaur, with its tenacious vitality, struggled to survive, but it was futile against Anton’s overwhelming strength.

“Weakling magic professor! Send fireballs, and you, useless, intercept the charging bulls from behind!”

Lucy continued to shout commands without even looking back, her voice rising as she gave more instructions.

At first, the professors had been skeptical of taking orders from an academy freshman, but that had changed.

Lucy Allen’s commands were so precise they seemed to be given by someone who had seen the future.

The professors present were all people who had made names for themselves in their fields.

They knew better than anyone else what constituted a good or bad order.

And Lucy Allen’s orders had never been off the mark.

Once might be considered a coincidence, but repeated success was no accident.

The professors set aside their pride and began focusing on the words coming from the young girl.

They came to believe that Lucy Allen’s orders were the best possible course of action at that moment.

So, this is why she had been clearing the academy’s dungeon at such an astonishing pace.

Even in the midst of this urgency, Anton couldn’t help but admire Lucy.

She’s a monster. A monster beyond imagination.

I’m glad I brought Lucy Allen along.

Without her, we’d have had trouble progressing.

And that would have delayed our efforts to find the missing students.

“Useless professor, are you deaf from old age?! Don’t just stand there, get moving!”


If only it weren’t for the constant insults.

Is it too much to ask to have one thing to complain about?

Anton gritted his teeth and charged forward.

Luca, take good care of the academy’s students. We’re coming to get them soon.

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