I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 226 Table of contents


His partially exposed member fell between his thighs with a dull sound.

It wasn’t fully erect like it had been when I touched it in the bathroom before. To be precise, it was only about halfway there.

After letting him touch my chest so eagerly, the fact that he was only half-hard stung my pride a bit. Did he not find my chest as arousing as he used to?

"Lillis? If you stare at me like that, I feel a little embarrassed..."

"...I'm sorry."

I almost blurted out, "Why is it still like this after you touched my chest?" That would have made the situation twice as awkward.

'...Well, as long as I can get him fully erect, it should be fine.'

I allowed Ethan to touch my chest to give him a sense of security, while I handled his issue to alleviate his sexual frustration. Since he was touching my body as well, there was no particular reason to feel ashamed or guilty.

Besides, I knew better than anyone that once a man releases, his desire quickly diminishes. So getting him erect wasn’t going to be a problem.


I suddenly noticed the familiar, sticky sensation in my hand.

It wasn’t just the tip of his member that was wet—it felt like the whole thing was covered in the sticky substance, probably seeping through his underwear. And now, I could finally catch a faint scent, reminiscent of night-blooming flowers.

I started to realize why his erection had only gotten halfway.



"Did you already... release before I undressed you?"


Ethan averted his gaze with an embarrassed expression, which was enough of an answer, and I realized I had made a grave mistake.

My question was almost like indirectly asking if he had premature ejaculation. As a man, such a question could seriously hurt his pride.

Realizing my blunder, I bowed my head deeply.

"I'm, I'm sorry, Master Ethan. I shouldn't have asked such an inappropriate question..."

"...It's okay, Lillis. I just got too excited, that's all."

Although I apologized, I wasn't sure if his wounded pride would recover. I had created this situation to help him relieve his sexual tension, but instead, I had only embarrassed him.

'...Well, at least he did release, so his sexual tension should be relieved, right?'

Even though my original plan to help him finish with my hands was cut short, he had released, and his sexual desire should have been alleviated along with the sticky fluid.

My goal was to ensure Ethan's sexual frustration was relieved to prevent him from potentially acting out during the night. In that sense, I had effectively achieved my objective without having to do much.

And the misunderstanding that his erection had only been partial despite touching my chest was also naturally cleared up.

'Of course. How could he not get aroused while touching Lillis's chest?'

The fact that he released on his own after such a long period without any relief meant that he still found my body attractive.

With the misunderstanding cleared up, the discomfort I had felt subsided. Now, I could just dress him again, clean up, and go to bed...

'...Wait a minute.'

Going to bed like this would make the situation seem weird.

If I had simply undressed him and helped him release, that would have made sense. But undressing him just to confirm that he had already released, and then dressing him again without doing anything, would make the whole situation seem off.

It would appear as if I had undressed him not to help him relieve his sexual tension but just to look at and touch his body.

That would make my dedication as a personal maid look like nothing more than the perverse behavior of a deviant maid.

'Since it’s come to this, I guess I have to make him release again...'

I hadn’t relieved Ethan’s sexual tension in over half a year, so there was some justification for making him release twice.

In modern times, even an average man in his twenties would relieve himself at least once a week, and sometimes even daily. So helping Ethan release twice after six months wasn’t excessive compared to average.

-Rub, rub.

"Lillis...? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to help you get erect again, Master Ethan."


"While I work on getting you erect, please either wait patiently or feel free to touch my chest again."


I wiped the sticky fluid off Ethan's member with the white gloves I was wearing and began to rub his now-clean member up and down.

Even in its slightly soft state, it was too large to grasp fully with both hands. It would likely grow even larger once fully erect.

Last time, I estimated it was about the size of two and a half of my fists, roughly 20 centimeters. I had measured the length of my palm later to remember its size.

To make him release, I needed to make it even larger and firmer.

"W-wait, Lillis. I'm fine. I'm already satisfied with what happened earlier."

"No, it's not enough yet. The reason you tried to pounce on me was because I hadn’t been helping you with your sexual frustration for the past six months. I need to make sure it’s completely relieved so that no desires remain."

"W-wait... Since I just released, I'm a bit sensitive, so please go slow..."

...Oh, right. I should go slower.

Recalling my memories as a man, I rubbed my hand up and down between Ethan's thighs, slowly increasing the size of his member...

-Rub, rub.



-Stroke, stroke.


"Ah... ah..."

...What? Why isn’t it getting bigger?

Even though I was moving my hand up and down, his member wasn’t growing any larger. It was still thin and soft, not the thick, firm thing it had been. It seemed that he really had released all his pent-up frustration earlier.

'This isn’t good.'

If I had dressed him immediately after realizing he had already released, I could have just dismissed it as a minor mistake. But now, I had been holding and rubbing his member for several minutes, trying to get it erect again.

It would be improper for me as a maid to simply put it back in his pants now, and as a woman who understands a man’s body, it was a blow to my pride.

'I need to make it erect again and make him release one more time.'

If my hand wasn’t enough to get him erect, it might be a psychological issue. In that case, I needed to do something that would satisfy him mentally to make it firm again.

What Ethan probably wanted most was to have a physical relationship with me. But that was something I absolutely couldn’t allow.

Maybe if I transferred my Saintess powers to Serista or dealt with McHart, I might consider it. But at this point, preserving my status as the Saintess was crucial.

'While I can't lose my virginity, I need to do something more stimulating than using my hand, something that will make him feel closer to me...'

As I thought about it, one idea naturally came to mind. I made up my mind and slowly moved my face closer to Ethan's lower body.


"Lillis? What are you doing...?"




I opened my mouth wide, tucking my teeth behind my lips, and took the tip of his member into my mouth.

After a handjob comes oral. That was the basic progression I had seen in adult videos and erotic comics in my past life.

And after this, naturally, comes sex, but that was something I absolutely couldn’t allow. Still, oral was barely within acceptable limits, so I could justify going this far. Technically, as long as I didn’t lose my virginity, the other acts didn’t affect my status as the Saintess.

Honestly, putting a man’s member in my mouth felt repulsive, and I still disliked the idea of even seeing or touching another man’s member, let alone putting it in my mouth.

But right now, getting Ethan’s member erect again was important, and if this was what it took, I could handle it.

Besides, since I had already seen it before, I didn’t feel particularly disgusted or repulsed by it.

-Suckle, suckle.

"Huff, huff."


-Suckle, suckle.

"Huff, huff."

"If you do it so suddenly... ah, huff...!"

Fortunately, my efforts seemed to be working, as Ethan’s member started growing in size as soon as I took it into my mouth. As I thought, he was still susceptible to such stimulation as a man.

Just a little more, and once it’s fully grown, I can make him release with my hand...

-Suckle, suckle.

"Huff, huff."




As I was about to pull away after getting his member back to its original size, I felt a hand on the back of my head. Something felt wrong, and I tried to pull away, but it was too late.

-Suckle, suckle.

"Ugh?! Hmph, hmpf!"

"Huff, huff! Lillis! Lillis!"

-Suckle, suckle!

"Hmph...! Hmph, hmpf!"

"Lillis! This feels so good, Lillis!"

Ethan, overwhelmed by the intense sensations of his first oral experience, gripped the back of my head and forced it down onto his member.

I hadn’t intended to continue this act, but Ethan’s strength, honed from wielding heavy dual swords in battle, was too much for my neck muscles to resist.

My attempts to pull away only resulted in my head moving up and down in a piston-like motion, combining with Ethan’s thrusts.

"Lillis! Lillis!"

"Ugh! Hmph, hmph!"

"Lillis, I love you!"


Confessing love while forcing someone's head between your thighs—there are certainly better ways to express feelings. I couldn't understand why he would confess love like this, especially while forcing me to continue the oral act.

'...Damn it, there's no other choice.'

Since it didn’t seem like Ethan was going to let me go anytime soon, the only option was to make him release again.

I hadn't planned on taking his release in my mouth, but considering the situation, I felt some responsibility for how things had escalated.

-Lick, lick.

"Huff, Lillis!"

-Lick, lick.

"Huff, ha, huff...!!"

...It’s okay, I’m just letting him release in my mouth. As long as I don’t swallow it, I can immediately use a cleansing spell to get rid of any unpleasantness.

That was my plan: to hold it in my mouth without swallowing and then pretend to swallow before using a cleansing spell. But Ethan’s unexpected action completely shattered that plan.

"Lillis, I'm coming!"


"...Hmph, what?!"

As he climaxed, Ethan pushed my head down with all his strength, forcing his entire member into my mouth and down my throat. His member suddenly filled my throat, and I felt the sticky substance surge into my mouth, filling it completely.

"Hmph! Hmph! Ugh, ugh!"

-Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Hmph, Lillis! Swallow it all, Lillis!!"

Panicked by the sensation of the sticky fluid sliding down my throat, I repeatedly hit Ethan’s thigh with my fists, but he didn’t seem to notice in his euphoria. He kept the pressure on my head, ensuring I swallowed everything.

In the end, I had to endure several waves of his release, swallowing it all down my throat over the course of several long seconds, feeling the hot liquid travel down inside me.

"Hmph, ugh!! Ugh!"

-Thump! Thump! Thump!


It was only after I desperately pounded his thigh with my fist that Ethan seemed to realize what he had done. His grip on my head loosened as he called out in a panicked voice.

"Ugh, cough! Ugh, cough...! Cough, cough..."

Finally freed after he finished releasing inside me, I pulled away, coughing and gasping for air. Ethan, seeing my distress, looked at me with a worried expression.

"I'm so sorry, Lillis! Are you okay?! Your mouth felt so good that I lost control..."

"Huff, huff, huff..."

"I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to force it! I just lost my senses for a moment..."

A nobleman bowing his head to his maid repeatedly like this—how many times had he done it already?

Seeing him apologize so humbly, I found it hard to stay angry. It was probably just a momentary lapse of judgment on his part, so I decided to let it go.

'I’m never doing oral again.'

If I did, who knows what he might do next time.

If I ever put that thing back in my mouth, I wouldn't be a person anymore—just a female animal.

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