I Became a Murderer in the Academy.
Chapter 13 Table of contents

The quantity of my mana was an unprecedentedly low figure in Academy history.

The average mana amount for a first-year Academy student was around 700.

It didn’t even reach 20% of the average.

But is that still the case now?

A person can increase their mana by constantly using it.

The more you empty what’s in your body, the wider the vessel that holds mana becomes.

Then, what would my current mana amount be after training her total mana for a week?

Moreover, although it’s a borrowed ability, I also had an ability for mana regeneration.

I came to Albert’s office to check the results of my training.

“So, you want to measure your mana again?”

Nod nod.

I nodded my head.

“Well… I don’t mind, but don’t expect too much. Mana quantity doesn’t increase that quickly.”

Albert said this while taking out a crystal ball for measurement.

Iria placed her hand on the crystal ball.



There wasn’t as dramatic a change as expected.

“Oh… It’s increased from last time. By about 13.”


I was a bit disappointed.

Recently, I have been very busy.

In the mornings, I attend classes, and during my free time, I visit the library to study the language and search for information.

And, of course, I didn’t forget to train my mana.

I use all of it before going to sleep and when I wake up.

As a result, I’m now quite skilled at drawing out mana and efficiently distributing small amounts of it.

You could say I’m making the most of my given time.

And now,

“Iria! Today’s the day you’re going to spar with me!”

“…I don’t want to.”

I was pondering how to refuse the periodic sparring requests that came once in a while.

The battle for the top spot at the beginning of each school year is like a cultural tradition of the long-established Imperial Academy.

Iria, who took the top spot in such a place, had to bear that weight.

“I told you I’m busy. If you like fighting so much, do it with someone else.”

Rather than forcefully suppressing them with violence, as Albert had suggested before, there was a reason why I didn’t accept the sparring matches.

I could roughly gauge my opponent’s strength by making eye contact.

They were too weak to bother with the annoyance and a waste of time for a sparring match.

There was nothing to gain from sparring, and I might accidentally kill them if I made a mistake.

It seemed better to avoid it until I became skilled at controlling my strength.

If I killed someone here, I wouldn’t be able to continue attending the Academy.

I still had things to do here.

Then someone came looking.

Leading several of her followers, a woman with purple hair fluttering seemed to have business with me.

She pushed aside the crowd blocking her way.

“Why don’t you small fry move aside?”

Lucia Aster.

My eyes sharpened as soon as she saw her.

Didn’t I say there wouldn’t be a second time?

Maybe she really remembers that day as a dream?

Or perhaps she truly believes she can win.

“Hey, look over there. It’s Lucia Aster herself.”

“That recommended student?”

The surroundings were noisy at the unexpected appearance of a big shot.

Lucia seemed used to it and let it slide.

It would have been annoying normally, but now it was good.

Now, they would be witnesses.

Iria glared at Lucia’s eyes, but contrary to her relaxed expression, Lucia was wary of her.

Their gazes crossed without meeting.

“You’re Iria, right?”

Lucia asked again as if to confirm.

Many students surrounded the two confronting each other to watch.

It was a match between big shots.

After all, it was a face-off between Iria, the current top student, and the recommended student who might be stronger than the top.

The purpose was clear.

Of course, it was for a sparring match.

Probably to compete once again for the top position.

“I’ll get straight to the point. Spar with me, Iria.”

Lucia smiled slyly.

With so many eyes watching, it wouldn’t be easy to refuse.

Even without that, rumors about Iria being an undeserving top student weren’t good.

What would happen if she refused in this situation created at such a time?

No one would treat her as the top student anymore.

They would just think of her as a cowardly and ill-mannered person.


“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

Iria wasn’t someone who cared about the gazes around her.

She didn’t even care what people thought of her or what rumors they spread about her.

Of course, Lucia knew Iria would respond like this.

That’s why she pulled at the glove she was wearing.

At this point, some people realized the intention of her action.

Some students covered their mouths in disbelief.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t refuse.”

Lucia took off the glove on her hand and threw it towards Iria.

“This is a ranking match.”


The glove that hit Iria’s body with a thud fell to the ground.

A ranking match is an official duel to determine rankings within the Academy.

A lower-ranked person can challenge a higher-ranked person, and unlike regular sparring matches, it’s compulsory.

This is to prevent mediocre individuals from monopolizing the top position.

Therefore, a ranking match cannot be refused without a special reason.

The moment you refuse, the rankings are reversed, and you have to grant one request from the challenger within reason.

However, that doesn’t mean there are no restrictions on challenges.

A ranking match is not a one-sided duel demanded by one party.

If the lower-ranked person challenges a higher-ranked person and loses, the loser must grant a request from the winner.

If desired, it could be money, an item, or even becoming the winner’s slave.

That’s why there were no ranking match challenges among the sparring requests coming to Iria.

The risk was too high to take lightly.

It could be said that it’s a duel where both parties bear similar risks.

Lucia opened her mouth with a sardonic smile.

“How about it, Iria? Do you feel like sparring now?”


“Or do you still want to refuse? Just say it. I don’t mind either way.”

Either way, it was fine as long as she could take the top position.

But deep down, Lucia was hoping Iria would accept this duel.

She wanted to deny the nightmare she had that day.

The pinnacle of the first year should be her, not Iria.

She wanted to prove that fact in front of many people.

“If you want to refuse, bow your head right now and lick my feet. If you do that, I might turn a blind eye. What do you think?”

That’s why she provoked even more.

She deliberately touched Iria’s pride.

She demanded a humiliating act to make refusal impossible.

Although quite a coercive situation was created, no one here advocated for Iria.

Rather, many were mocking.

They seemed to be saying that the bubble* top student’s game was over now, that it served her right for refusing all duels despite being the top student.

On the surface, it looked like challenging the top student, but in reality, it wasn’t.

No one here expected Iria to win.

After all, Iria’s mana amount was far below even the average person’s level.

On the other hand, Lucia’s mana amount is 4400, the highest among all first-year students.

This is the mana amount possessed by a student from the Swordsmanship Department, not even the Combat Magic Department.

She was the second daughter of the Aster family, renowned for swordsmanship.

She wasn’t the Academy’s recommended student for nothing.

A moment of silence fell like that.

Lucia was waiting for Iria’s answer.


“Do you want to spar with me that badly?”

Finally, Iria, who couldn’t stand it anymore, opened her mouth.

Although she usually felt emotions less intensely than others, she looked noticeably displeased this time.

It was because she had been insulted not once but twice.

By the same person at that.

Was the warning given too lightly that day?

Maybe she had really gone crazy.

But whatever the circumstances, it wasn’t her business.

Lucia had formally challenged her to a ranking match, and if she wanted to refuse, she should kneel and lick her feet.

Being provoked so blatantly, there was a limit to her patience.

The stress that had built up from refusing numerous sparring requests burst out all at once.

“Yes, that’s why I came to find you. What, do you think I have time to spare?”

When Iria frowned, Lucia spoke as if she had expected such a reaction.

“So, are you going to do it or not? Should I take off my shoes to make it easier for you to lick?”

Lucia provoked for the last time and.



“I’ll duel you.”

Iria accepted the duel.

Translator’s Corner

*I think I completely forgot to explain in the last chapter, so I’ll do it here. Bubbles are hollow and easy to pop. It has a form, but it is a fragile existence.

For those who are reading chapters as soon as they get posted, you must be confused. I’m just trying to get rid of my sponsored chapter debt as soon as possible.

To a good night of sleep!

Also fanart.


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