The Terminally-Ill Side-Character Inside of a Mar…
Chapter 26 Table of contents

In contrast to the quiet and leisurely preparations, the morning of the wedding day was incredibly hectic. As soon as I opened my eyes and finished my breakfast, Cho Hong and various staff members rushed in.

“Do I have to put on the ceremonial attire from this morning?”

I asked in bewilderment, and Cho Hong calmly shook her head and replied.

“You don’t need to wear the ceremonial attire yet, but we must start with your makeup now.”


Cho Hong smiled faintly and gestured towards a massive trunk the maidservants had brought in. It seemed to have multiple square drawers, likely for storing various items. Tilting my head in wonder about its purpose, Cho Hong took one drawer out and handed it to me.


Inside were neatly arranged cosmetics of all kinds. Although I couldn’t identify what each item was, Cho Hong decisively stated as she pointed at them.

“Today, we’ll be using everything in here.”

“…All of this?”

It seemed like even a single application of each item would take ages… As I glanced at her, my gaze fell on Hyuk Dojin, sitting in a chair behind her and sipping tea.

Since last night, I had thought things would be awkward between us, but Hyuk Dojin had returned to my side as usual, calmly smiling his usual relaxed smile.

It felt like I might have overreacted on my own, but with the situation unfolding before me, I could no longer worry about Hyuk Dojin’s matter.

Hyuk Dojin, sipping his tea from a distance, seemed to sense my gaze. He lowered his cup and turned his head towards me. As our eyes met, I urgently opened my eyes wide. Hyuk Dojin tilted his head quizzically.

Since Cho Hong was right in front of me, unable to speak, I frantically gestured with my eyes towards the box she was holding.

‘Help me…!’

The thought of potentially collapsing from exhaustion assailed me.

Of course, being seated in a chair, I wouldn’t actually collapse, but the prospect of doing makeup for the first time made me uneasy. I hoped Hyuk Dojin would intervene and stop Cho Hong.

Hyuk Dojin rolled his eyes in my direction and studied Cho Hong. Then, he narrowed his eyes and rose from his seat.

As expected, he was a perceptive man.

Thinking he was coming to my rescue, I gazed at him with hopeful eyes, but for the first time, he shattered my expectations.

Hyuk Dojin smiled softly and said:

“It seems I shouldn’t be here, so I’ll step out for a bit. Cho Hong, I leave Sowol in your care.”

“Understood, Young Cult Leader.”


He made eye contact with me one last time, smiled faintly, and lightly waved his hand before opening the door and leaving empty-handedly.

What was that just now…?

As I was dazed by Hyuk Dojin’s actions, Cho Hong’s hand guided me to my seat. She looked at my reflection in the mirror and spoke with a determined expression.

“Today, I will make you, Moyong Sowol, more beautiful than the heavenly maidens and wiser than Yeowa.” (tl/n: the mother goddess of Chinese mythology)

“Oh, will it take a long time?”

Cho Hong stared at me intently in response to my question before smiling slightly.

Was that a no?

“Sometimes sacrifices are necessary.”

As if there was no need for further discussion, she stopped me from opening my mouth again and began working her hands.

“I’ll have you ready before noon!”


For reference, it hadn’t even been a full quarter after breakfast.

* * *


If asked to name the most exhausting, tedious, and arduous task in this world just moments ago, I could have unhesitatingly said ‘makeup’ without any second thoughts.

However, the moment Cho Hong applied the final touch and withdrew her hands, I could only be struck with an astonishment that erased all such thoughts.

I blankly gazed at my reflection in the mirror and lifted my hand.

“Cho Hong…”

“How is it?”

How was it? The only way to express it was ‘perfect.’

My once lackluster complexion now had a fresh, rosy glow, and my formerly gaunt cheeks seemed plump and radiating health. My previously pallid skin was now brimming with vitality.

As I lifted my head with a dazed expression while looking in the mirror, Cho Hong beamed a radiant smile.

“Are you satisfied?”

Unable to find the words to express my feelings, I nodded vigorously. She smiled brightly at my reaction and picked up a hairbrush.

“Today, Moyong Sowol will be the most precious woman in the central plains, more beautiful than the heavenly maidens and wiser than Yeowa.”

Just as my mother had done, Cho Hong’s soothing voice filled my ears as she gently brushed my hair. She handled my hair as skillfully as she had applied my makeup, smiling all the while.

With my flowing white hair cascading down, complementing my radiant face, my usual flaw felt like an asset today.

“So smile brightly.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the door opened. The only person who would enter without knocking was Hyuk Dojin. I turned my body and smiled towards the person who had opened the door and entered.

Looking at Hyuk Dojin, who had stiffened upon seeing me, I lifted the corners of my mouth upwards.

I didn’t know exactly how to smile radiantly, but among the people I had seen, he was the most beautiful when he smiled, and I wanted to emulate that smile.

“How is it?”

So I embraced a broad smile, just like his.

To resemble him, even if only slightly.

* * *

The leaders of the Demon Cult gathered in the spacious pavilion, each conversing with others in their own groups. Although their conversation partners differed, the topic was the same.


Not just any marriage, but the marriage of the true successor and Young Cult Leader – the one who would become the next leader of the Demon Cult. Despite being a momentous occasion that should have shaken the Hundred Thousand Daesan Mountains, the Young Cult Leader’s wedding ceremony was remarkably modest.

In the vast pavilion, around a hundred Demon Cult elders were present. Aside from specially invited guests, no one else participated. It was an event that hadn’t been widely announced, to the point where some were unaware that today was the Young Cult Leader’s wedding.

“How can this be? Elder Do Hyul, haven’t you heard anything?”


Do Hyul let out a deep sigh, brushing off the chattering voices beside him like annoying flies.

Whether favorable towards Hyuk Dojin or not, everyone gathered here was dissatisfied with how underwhelming this wedding ceremony was.

Do Hyul felt the same way. He also knew at first glance.

He had vaguely heard about the incidents between Do Seokhwi and Moyong Sowol, which had led to Lee Seonghak and Do Seokhwi being summoned and severely punished by the Young Cult Leader.

Do Hyul was a Protector, the brother of Do Seokhwi, the head of the Southern Manchuria Do clan, and one of the few who could stand beside the Cult Leader.

Regardless of their status as heads of their clans, few could raise their heads defiantly before him.

Yet, the ones even Do Hyul feared were Hyuk Dojin and Hyuk Muhyeol.

Do Hyul thought that Hyuk Dojin cherished Moyong Sowol quite a bit. That’s why, despite the suggestions and dissuasions from those around him, he had proceeded with the marriage.

At the very least, as long as Hyuk Dojin was closely guarding Moyong Sowol, no harm could befall her.

So he had decided to bide his time.

But what was this scene unfolding before his eyes now?

Despite being Hyuk Dojin’s wedding ceremony with Moyong Sowol, the woman he was supposedly interested in, why was it so meager?

Even if adorned with all the finest delicacies and treasures in the world, it would still seem inadequate compared to this underwhelming wedding ceremony. At this point, not just Do Hyul, but others also harbored the same thought.

‘Was it a lie that Hyuk Dojin had taken an interest in that woman from the Righteous Sect?’

Naturally, their thoughts would lean in that direction. Unless, of course, they were unaware of what had happened to Lee Seonghak and Do Seokhwi.

Since the incident ten years ago, Hyuk Dojin had completely concealed his emotions. It wasn’t that he lacked emotional ups and downs; it was more accurate to say he lacked emotions altogether, remaining calm and tranquil.

He might smile, but his eyes never did. He never had a reason to become angry.

However, that composed Hyuk Dojin had rarely shown emotion – because of Moyong Sowol.

‘While the Young Cult Leader is indeed interested in the woman from the Moyong clan, is it mere pity rather than love or affection?’

He had heard rumors that Moyong Sowol’s physical condition wasn’t very good. On the first day they met, he had been told that her hair had turned white due to illness, so it was likely not a lie.

Did her appearance remind him of his late mother, Geum Soso?

Thinking that way, it became easier to understand. Geum Soso had been Hyuk Dojin’s sole refuge, and he had changed after her death.

Perhaps he sensed the fragrance of Geum Soso in Moyong Sowol… If that were the case, even this wedding ceremony could be understood.

Do Hyul, who had been lost in thought with his chin propped up, slowly opened his eyes and spoke.

“Haven’t I always told you not to make baseless conjectures?”


“The Young Cult Leader must have his reasons for doing this. Don’t try to comprehend too much. Or are you perhaps in a position where you must grasp all of the Young Cult Leader’s intentions?”

The man who had been constantly voicing complaints shut his mouth tightly. Do Hyul stared at him before turning his head away. It seemed he needed to do some cleaning in the cult.

While the man was useful, he had become too talkative from being left unchecked for too long.

Those with loose lips generally met untimely ends. To live longer, he had to ruthlessly cut away those who needed cutting, instead of needlessly getting entangled.

Do Hyul slowly turned his head to look at Joo Jonghak on the opposite side, who was conversing with members of the Blood Soaked Joo clan. Sensing Do Hyul’s gaze, Joo Jonghak turned his head.

Joo Jonghak narrowed his eyes at Do Hyul, grinned slightly, and nodded his head.

Do Hyul nodded back before turning his head away.

“By the way, the elder isn’t attending today either, I see?”

“My elder brother is unable to attend due to other matters.”

“I see? But it’s the Young Cult Leader’s wedding… What a pity.”

Do Hyul inwardly sneered as he glanced at the people around him. The claim that he was too busy to attend was a lie.

No matter how busy one was, nothing should have taken priority over the Young Cult Leader’s wedding ceremony. Yet Do Seokhwi didn’t attend.

In other words, he hadn’t been invited.

It was the Young Cult Leader’s stance that if Do Seokhwi, who had directly or indirectly pressured Moyong Sowol, appeared at the wedding ceremony, it might frighten her.

However, Do Hyul didn’t think so.

Outwardly, it was claimed to be for Moyong Sowol’s sake, but such a trivial reason couldn’t prevent the head of the powerful Southern Manchuria Do clan from attending. There was a deeper tug-of-war at play.

In other words, Do Hyul believed Hyuk Dojin aimed to seize this opportunity to diminish the influential power of the Southern Manchuria Do clan.

Ultimately, the excuse about frightening Moyong Sowol was just a pretext.

‘Either way…’

Now that Do Seokhwi had fallen out of Hyuk Dojin’s favor, the Southern Manchuria Do clan might lose its power when Hyuk Dojin ascended to the Cult Leader position.

Having enjoyed authority for a long time, the Southern Manchuria Do clan naturally wanted to avoid such a situation.


Do Hyul narrowed his eyes.

“Demonic cultivators must be true to their nature. If not cruel and violent, they must at least be destructive.”


“Muk Beon.”

At Do Hyul’s call, a man standing silently behind him took a step forward. Do Hyul glanced at him and spoke in a low voice.

“Do we still have any of the poison we used before? The discontinued strain?”

“A small amount remains. Do you need it?”


Do Hyul briefly studied Muk Beon before looking towards the entrance where the wedding ceremony would soon begin.

The previously noisy interior had fallen silent. Amidst the stillness, the door opened, and two figures appeared.


A collective gasp flowed from the lips of those watching the entrance. It was not a sigh of sorrow, dejection, or anguish, but one of astonishment and rapture.

Like a vision straight out of a heavenly realm, a white-haired woman revealed a beauty that could scarcely be believed to belong to this world. Adorned in a dazzling array of colors, she stood beside Hyuk Dojin.

Her beauty was so captivating that those around forgot Hyuk Dojin’s presence, their gazes fixated solely on her, prompting some to wonder aloud if she was a celestial maiden.

Hyuk Dojin was tightly holding Moyong Sowol’s hand. Despite the need to avoid close physical contact until the end of the wedding ceremony, the two held hands.

A smile graced Hyuk Dojin’s lips, a countenance that had always been composed. It was a smile brimming with joy.

“I need it…”

Do Hyul spoke in a low voice. Muk Beon, who had been watching the entrance, shifted his gaze down towards Do Hyul. Do Hyul’s mouth slowly parted as he quietly observed the entrance.

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