Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 51 Table of contents

At the Mori Café, we, Soul Armor Research Association’s members, enjoyed passion fruit smoothies and gelato, preparing to head to our next destination as we drove through southern Okinawa.

“Um, our next destination is… the military’s soul armor research facility.”

Mina’s mood suddenly shifted, announcing our next destination inside the car.

It was quite a contrast from the tropical atmosphere just moments ago.

“Since this is billed as the Soul Armor Research Association’s training camp, we have to include places like this in the schedule. Otherwise, our application won’t be approved. It’s stated in the evaluation criteria that the academy is concerned about such spots and several of them are included in the action plan.”

Kotomi, the student council representative responsible for trip applications, candidly shared about the trip’s dynamics and the school’s internal affairs.

“It was lucky to have Hinoura-san on the evaluation side. It was annoying to have our trip with Yuu-kun interrupted.”

“Kohou-senpai, your plan full of night view spots was completely rejected.”

Mina and Kotomi exchanged smiles, their banter softer than usual.

“Well, I’m not good with paperwork, so it really helped, but…”

“Maybe it suits Kohou-senpai better to have a second-year student as vice president rather than the student council. The student council requires high administrative skills.”

“Yeah. When I first heard about the student council’s duties in the first year, I honestly thought it was impossible. I’m relieved that I talked to Nase.”

Maybe because of the freedom of the trip, Mina confided.

Upon hearing that, Suo-senpai seemed somewhat complicated.

Back then, Suo-senpai seemed to crave positions like student council or class representative.

Now, although it doesn’t seem like he has such ambitions, he might feel a bit sad when he thinks about himself back then.

“Vice President Nase is capable because she’s an heiress.”

“She sure is.”


Mina and Kotomi chuckled.

Vice President Nase is probably sneezing right about now.

“I’m good at that sort of thing, so I think I can be useful to the academy once I enroll next year. Information processing is my strong suit.”

The term “information processing” here sounds different from what I expected. Maybe it’s just my imagination.

“We’ll be counting on you! Oh, but you need to be the top or second in your class to be recruited into the student council.”

“Marin will be fine, she’ll pass as the top next year. She’s also ranked first in the mock exams.”

For some reason, Suo-senpai proudly replied.

“Yeah, yeah, siscon.”

“He’s a siscon indeed.”

“Siscon, huh?”

Suo-senpai promptly cut in on the topic of Marin-chan, and everyone teased him.

For some reason, Marin-chan seems happy that her brother is being teased as a siscon.

“Yes. Regardless of your administrative skills, the report on the Soul Equipment Research Institute we’re going to visit must be submitted to the academy properly.”


Teacher Hayami’s instructor-like warning came.

The car arrived at the front gate of the Soul Equipment Research Institute.


“””””Thank you very much!”””””

“Yes, it’s the members of the Special Soul Armor Academy, Soul Equipment Research Association. Thank you very much as well.”

In the lobby of the Okinawa Soul Armor Research Institute, we greeted the office clerk who brought visitor passes for us to wear around our necks.

This sharp office clerk seemed to be guiding us through the facility.

“Thank you for accommodating our visit despite the short notice.”

Hayami expressed gratitude to the office clerk as if feeling sorry for inconveniencing them.

Suddenly, our trip with Mina turned into a training camp for the Soul Armor Research Association, so we hastily arranged this visit to the Okinawa Soul Armor Research Institute.

“Not at all. It’s a valuable opportunity for the students who will shape the future to learn about our research facility.”

Even in this hot summer, the office clerk in a sharp suit and tie smiled warmly.

I’m sorry…

This visit was just a pose to make it look like a training camp for the research association…

I couldn’t tell him that, so I had to listen to the lecture seriously.

“Well then, let me show you around. However, since our facility deals with soul equipment abilities, there are many areas we cannot show you due to national security.”

Following the guidance of the office clerk, we passed through the gate of the research facility.

Beyond the gate was a monochrome world, clean yet exuding a certain kind of impersonal atmosphere.

For a moment, seeing that scene reminded me of the days I underwent examinations at facilities like this right after conscription.

It wasn’t like I was subjected to inhumane experiments or anything, but it reminded me of the anxious times when I was separated from my family.

Still, compared to just undergoing examinations at the institute, I realized that being thrown into the battlefield afterward was truly inhumane treatment.

Lost in thought, comparing the research facility I was visiting with my memories, suddenly,

“We’re here! We’re here!”

A researcher clad in a white coat rushed toward us from down the hallway.

In the quiet research facility, someone with a disrupted volume control ran toward us in a flurry, causing us to freeze in place.

“Kamiya-dono! It’s been a while!”

It seemed that the person rushing toward us was someone I knew.

As I saw a female researcher wearing round glasses and tying her ashy-colored semi-long hair with a plain hair tie, I immediately recognized her.

“Dr. Kiri… Kirigaya, isn’t it?”

“Ah, it’s been a while indeed. Since the Euro Third Capital Capture Operation, isn’t it? I’m glad to see you well, Kamiya-dono.”

“Dr. Kirigaya, it’s not just once. At the exchange event with the military’s juvenile school that Tohii was attending, we encountered the military automata you supplied, and it was quite a hassle.”

“A mere toy couldn’t defeat a noble like you.”

Dr. Kirigaya, the disappointing beauty, spoke with a nerdy tone, and everyone else was taken aback.

“Director Kirigaya! Why are you here? Isn’t this time for the internal executive meeting?”

The accompanying office clerk, surprised by Dr. Kirigaya’s appearance, spoke up.

“Eh? Ah, Natori-san. I forgot about it and came here, yes.”

“Without you, Director, the meeting cannot proceed!”

So the office clerk guiding us is called Natori-san.

But is Dr. Kirigaya really the director of this institute?

I didn’t know that.

“Well, meetings are boring, you know. Besides, welcoming guests is an important duty of the director, isn’t it?”

“Even though you usually delegate guest reception to me and lock yourself in your lab.”

“T-That’s… Natori-dono is as strict as ever…”

He completely deflects his issues, but he can’t serve as the head of the department.

I can tell how much trouble Natori-san has to go through.

“Director Kirigaya, are you acquainted with the students from the Soul Armor Academy who are visiting today?”

“Yes, well, on the battlefield… I mean, well, it’s… my nephew!”

Dr. Kirigaya tried to cover up the situation by quickly fabricating lies about my status and other confidential information, but…

“He doesn’t look like her.”

“He doesn’t look like her at all.”

“There’s no resemblance whatsoever.”

Everyone from the group on the trip chimed in.

Although Dr. Kirigaya seems indifferent to her appearance, her facial features are actually well-proportioned.

Wait, am I being indirectly dissed here?

“Director, you mentioned earlier that you were together during the Euro Third Capital Capture Operation.”

“Uhh… Natori-dono is an excellent detective… This is bad…”

Cornered by the office clerk Natori-san, Dr. Kirigaya panicked as her lie was quickly exposed.

Since she immediately brought up a topic that would clearly reveal that I am related to the military, her poor lie was meaningless.

“Well, it’s difficult to call him my nephew. Don’t worry, my situation is somewhat known to everyone to some extent, so it’s fine.”

“Since I’m also affiliated with the military, I’ll keep your secret. It seems like he’s an important guest, so Director Kirigaya, please guide us.”

Saying so, Natori-san tried to step back from the situation, but…

“Uhh… Regardless of Kamiya-dono, I haven’t met the others before, so I’d like Natori-san to accompany us…”

Dr. Kirigaya, who seemed awkward, grabbed the hem of Natori-san’s jacket.

Come to think of it, she’s socially awkward, isn’t she?

“You’re impossible.”

“Thank you, Natori-sama. I hope you’ll stay with me forever and help me.”

“Ah, but staff members are reassigned every three years, so it’s impossible.”


As the director, she should just deal with the situation directly and instruct the office clerk Natori-san, but asking for a favor instead is typical of her.

However, although she has zero dignity as the institute director, is it okay?

“Well then, Director Kirigaya and I, Natori, will guide you.”

Feeling slightly uneasy, we followed Dr. Kirigaya and office clerk Natori-san.

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